Terminology matters (in other words, selecting words matters in getting the point across).

The “Powers that be” are not “reverse engineering “ the Industrial Revolution. They’re DECONSTRUCTING it. I’m an engineer. Reverse engineering is making the same thing by other means. Deconstructing is DESTROYING the original. Period.

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Devolution of the human race by the stupid people in positions of power. As a species it is a wonder we got this far.

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Indeed, as others have commented; the dirty little secret of biology is that Darwinian evolution is dead. The biologists know it's not possible, and some have developed their own ideas on evolution...which are also demonstrably falsifiable. (There is adaptation, of course, but not a change from one type to another.) I know you are using it as an example of industrial progress, but I think you would have been better off not using Darwin as a springboard.

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Darwinian Evolution is true, there is zero evidence of animal being created or falling from heaven as in religious stories, everything in nature is bottom up, without centralized coordination, read some Richard Dawkins.

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Darwinian evolution is based on pre-existing life forms... Darwin never addressed origin of life issues and the science to explore those issues had not been invented yet. Were Darwin alive today he would never write Origin of Species because it would be soundly dismissed. What we now know about the complexity of life today points to an intelligent designer. Explain, if you can, how the longest word in the world, the DNA code (over 3 billion letters) could have developed by evolution. The universe is simply not old enough.

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A few quotes from "The God Delusion"


Brilliant book!

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“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”

― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

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I don't believe in the same god you don't believe in.

I do believe in the true and only God, though, the Father, from whom the Son was begotten, who then created all we see and cannot see. Please, read my short booklet, Discourse On Agape, which you can read and download for free on www.discourseonagape.org. All the gods of this world are false, except for the one true God. You may as well know something about the true one, so you can better recognize the false. If you think it's crap after the first couple pages, at least you will have checked it out.

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There is zero evidence of Darwinian Evolution.

In fact, modern science has debunked that theory.

Don't be too disappointed, Darwin didn't have access to molecular biology.

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“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”

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You got religion pal. The funniest religious folks are the cult of atheists. Closely followed by Gaia worshippers.

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A Tour de Force.

Thank You Both.

Small Scale Nuclear is, in my mind, the Energy Density that could/will deliver our next chance from practical extinction.

But the catalyst to gain a new consensus to move this way is shrouded in the distant mists.

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Hopefully you guys know by now that Darwin's theory of evolution is total BS, but if not, please read Darwin's Doubt by Stephen Meyer. Even most current evolutionists don't believe in it anymore.

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He’s an advocate of intelligent design Which has an axe to grind against evolution. Not an unbiased source of information

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Is there such a thing?

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Where there is any design there is a designer Man copies many of the original designs of animals, birds, insects etc…which are beyond amazing when one studies their various features. I have been studying the gastric brooding frog’s reproductive system Consider this : if that system evolved, that frog would have had to make vast changes to both its physical makeup and its behaviour ALL AT ONCE “It is inconceivable to contemplate a slow and progressive change in its reproductive biology” wrote scientist and evolutionist Michael J Tyler “The habit is totally effective OR it fails completely…the only plausible explanation, Tyler says, is “a single, huge, quantum step”

Myself? I would call that quantum step …Creation Don’t get me started on how DNA is packed into the nucleus! I’m surprised at you, Bill , not recognising or acknowledging that such a feat of engineering could have arisen by chance…? Please, give credit where it is due…there exists a breathtaking intelligent designer in the universe…

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Probably not but there are degrees.

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DNA is a self contained brilliant intelligence. It is both a self executing program and associated data. Put in the proper environment it replicates into an unimaginable complexity of constructs resulting in life/lives in all its forms. And we, 'the constructs' have yet to understand it. Life is merely a product of a micro intelligence which is much smarter than the life it builds.

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Most probably the real intelligence is the universe itself.

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In biology, evolution is an unproven theory. There is no physical evidence of continuously improving

life forms which are progressively more fit and adapted. The theory of evolution might be true in

populations of bacteria which have become progressively more antibiotic resistant after the introduction of antibiotics. But otherwise, there is no proof.

Outside of my area of expertise would be the extension of the theory of evolution into the areas of human intelligence and economics. Evolution has not done away with socialism or stupid people, has it? Brian

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The starting point of life on planet earth, was most probably initiated by a much greater intelligence, than we can understand. Possibly the universal intelligence is pure energy, and is eternal. Some may choose to call this God.

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Not even in bacteria. That's called adaptation.

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"About the Time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition."

Sir Isaac Newton-

May the Lord be praised!

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Darwin was undone by the discovery of DNA. He was ahead of his time, if academia did not have a political agenda, Darwin's writings might be found in the fictional comedy section, or be forgotten altogether.

Piltdown man later identified not as a leg bone of a long ago forgotten human transition form, but a broken section of a Cricket bat. Lol.

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Darwinian Evolution is true, there is zero evidence of animal being created or falling from heaven as in religious stories, everything in nature is bottom up, without centralized coordination, read some Richard Dawkins.

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Keep preaching mate....it’s what religious atheists do 🤣

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Darwin was a philosopher, not a scientist. Here is an example of his philosophy:

There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent & omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.

-Charles Darwin

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

Micro evolution is true. However, DNA precludes the possibility of macroevolution. Moreover, no transitional fossils have ever been found.

Take the time to learn the truth, the Cambrian Explosion is a fact, all animal life sprung into being within a very tight window of time. The fossil record actually confirms the Genesis account, plants came to be before animals and mankind appears much later.

The story of Adam in the garden does not include Adam being created in the garden, but being placed there by God. Chawah (not Eve) was created as a mate for Adam, the account does not state Adam or Chawah were the first humans only that Adam was the first man with the breath of life given by God. Hebrew accounts for two states of life the nepesh or soul and the nashamah or conscience. Adam was endowed with a conscience allowing him to know right from wrong that was something special.

Later accounts speak of the female off spring of Adam being seen as more valuable than other females existing on the planet. The men existing outside of the garden before Adam was cast out, took these women as mates.

I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, I'm posting information that you are free to discard. My only hope would be for the one in a million person that might take the time to confirm what they have heard.

The idea all life came to be via macroevolution was proposed by Darwin, science until the last 50 years or so, believe the universe was both eternal and infinite. This would account for trillions of years of time for humans to evolve from a single cell life form or even an ape. However, science has confirmed the Big Bang theory to be true, not only is the universe expanding all matter is traveling at 60 million miles per hour. Science understanding this to be a fact had to conclude if the clock was turned back reversing this massive expansion alll things in our universe would reach a starting point. The explosive force to launch matter this far away from the beginning point would have required a massive release of photon energy beyond our imagination or what we know as an explosion. God described this massive release of energy as "Let there be light"....The Big Bang.

Running the clock back science has learned the univese is approximately 14.8 billion years old and alas there was simply not enough time for man to have evolved from an ape, putting another nail into the coffin of macroevolution theory. However, academia is not one to change tje curriculum until a new theory can be found to explain how we got here and for what purpose.

You are welcome to remain in the box you've constructed, me, I'm going where the words lead, not matter where they lead.

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And, when Cain was banished to the Land of Nod, and he married a woman in the Land of Nod. Who were, and where did the People of Nod come from?

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Bruce, you are asking the right question. Just Saying Florida Jimmy.!

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The great flood is one of the most poorly translated stories in Towrah. The Hebrew word erets does not mean whole earth, in the context of the Noach account erets means region, area, earth in the sense of the land. The Hebrew word for earth in the sense of the planet is 'tebel' . The flood was a regional event, brought on by an asteroid strike off the coast of Madagascar. The Burckle crater was formed by the asteroid. The resulting water blasted. into the Stratosphere was the storm, the water described as gushing up from below the surface of the earth was the pressurization of underground water sources draining into the sea being drive back into the outlest on land.

Basic logic escaped the translators: If all life on the planet dies, how did the genetically different races and their cultures spring up seemingly uninterrupted by the flood?

Christian apologist will point to historical writings describing the flood while ignoring the fact these witnesses would have drowned if the entire earth had been flooded.

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Stop misleading people. There are no "races," and all came from Adam and Eve. All the people groups can interbreed with one another. They may look different, but genetically they are the same, and all came from the eight people on the ark, after the flood.

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Lol, stop misleading, coming from one who has been mislead probably most of their life.

When you learn the truth it leads to understanding just about everything most of the world believes is in fact untrue. You probably think the Russians are loosing in Ukraine. It's not your fault, I'm not faulting you or anyone except to the extent the truth is so easy to find in our age of information. 10 years go translating Hebrew was very time consuming. Today I can highlight a word and search the entire internet for the definition. The link to my sources, asks the reader not to rely upon the translations but to confirm for themselves.

Let's use basic logic, for this purpose; Noach was a pure bred black man, as was his wife and children. The whole earth is flooded all life on the surface of the planet perished. How many generations would it take produce a white person from Norway? How many more generations to produce a Asian, Indian, Australian Aboriginal, Korean, or Japanese? Simple answer, in the whole of time no black couple has ever produced a white, or asian child, on rare occasions genetic defects produce anomalies. However we do know if these anomalies are based on previous racial intermixing. These anomalies in most all cases result in a degraded version of the original species.

Christians for the most part reject Darwinism because it flies in the face of God creating all complex life forms on the planet.

I suggest you read the Noach account again; Two of every animal on the planet was not possible. Noach was instructed additionally take 7 of every clean animal on to the ark. A clean animal is one that can be sacrificed and consumed safely. We know the dimension of a cubit, there's a fellow who built an exact replica of the ark, do the research the animals living in American wouldn't fit on that boat. Australia is an island containing species that do not exist on any other continent and yet they all survived.

Religion requires faith for a reason, you're being fed a crock of bul, when questioned the cleric apologist will default to warning against losing one's faith and going to hell. With questioning all religions fall to pieces. Christianity has been kept afloat by the propensity of humans to need to belong to a larger group of similar thinking individuals. These same seek a loop of positive faith feedback. Dad, Mom, Granny, or good old Bob down the lane are in heaven waiting their arrival.

No amount of evidence, logic, or reasoning provided a religious person will have any effect, they are rendered incapable of forming an informed rational decision. The same is true of those who support the military, and politics. Trump supporters would vote for the man no matter what he might say. The same is true for Democrats who vote the party line no matter who is on the ballot. I have a family member who pulls straight Democrat every election cycle. When asked if the choice was Stalin or Trump would you vote for Stalin? Remarkably he said yes, adding "Stalin would go along with the flow, Democrats are reliable they keep their promises."

There's a reason Yahowah created Satan without the adversarial position free will to choose cannot exist. Simply put His way or the way of the world, choose. I have chosen His way, an extreme minority position, taking the side of Yahowah against all religions.

Why do I bother? Yahowah instructs His children to recite His words, His words will go out in the world and be draw those He is calling to be reconciled. If a person responds they loose nothing of value, while gaining entire universe. In my book that's a pretty good offer.

Knowing Yahowah to the level I do presently, The religious would hate spending eternity in the company of the Creator. Eternity will not be at all like they've been told or envisioned.

King Dowd said he committed more sins than hairs on his head, his actions and inactions caused the death of 70,000 of his own people. He loved the ladies having 8 wives and a score of concubines. How could such a man be so loved by Yahowah? Simple answer; He spent most of his life working for the same end, incorporating the same mindset as the Creator. The religious attempt to be good or even perfect apart from God's instructions. My advice for the religious eat, drink and be merry, this will be your one existence in all of eternity.

Religions have always been created and supported by the elites to control and fleece the masses. Kings claim authority to rule by divine right and yet the God of Abraham did not anoint any of these men. As long as the church keeps up the ruse these men stay in power.

My favorite movie line: Peasant: "Why should we listen to you?" Arthur: "I'm your king!" Peasant; "I didn't vote for you."

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There is also another explanation, in that Adam & Eve's time was possibly around 37,000 years ago. There was no reason to keep track of time, and Adam had everlasting life, i.e., Immortality! AFTER the Fall from Grace in the Garden, the time of life of Adam started counting away. Adam lived about 950 years after the Fall.

So, thereby, I also believe that the Earth & the Universes have been here for Billions of years, in Man's time. NOT God's, because His time table is totally different!

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The "evening and morning" of Genesis are the same "evening and morning" as today. I'm still amazed that people can't take the literal story of Genesis literally, and have to modify it to agree with the fanciful stories of atheistic scientists.

There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.

-Mark Twain

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Adam is recorded as leaving the garden almost 6000 years ago according to the genealogy in the Towrah. How long he might have been in the garden is impossible to know. To be with God requires one to be of the same substance of God. Yahowah said He is like light. With light there is no beginning or end time simply is. One at the speed of light would be able to witness the past and present and future as one time. Adam and Chawah might have been in the garden billions of years. Each day of creation took no time from one existing at the speed of light, but from out space and time would be witnessed as possibly billions of years. Contrary to some wacko Christians the world is not 6000-12,000 years old, but billions. Time is relative to one's position approaching the speed of light.

On another note Chawah not Eve means the lady had an opinion and free will. God and Adam had a one on one relationship. In effect Adam had no choice but to rely upon his creator.

Add in the opinion of a wife and free will is granted Adam, rely on God, or listen to one he loves. The Adversary also created by Yahowah to allow mankind a free will choice. Knew Adam could not be beguiled, and really the whole affair was Adam's fault for not debriefing his wife concerning Yahowah's instructions. It was much easier to beguile Chawah who in turn had the ear of Adam.

Much of what people believe about this story is wrong, a product of mistranslation of the Hebrew. Adam was not to rule over his wife, the verse is quite clear they were to rule over the family as equals. The belief God tells Chawah she'd be burdened with horrible pain in bearing children is counter to the Hebrew. Yahowah simply stated the obvious, raising children is hard work a very difficult job that would fall upon her. No, more easy life in the Garden.

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You better study some more. Keep in mind the Torah was rewritten by the Hebrew Leaders while the Hebrews were captive in Babylon. Just Saying! FJ

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Towrah was copied into a new script from the original ancient Hebrew letters. The Towrah was not rewritten in the sense the accounts were altered. Yahowah instructs nothing is to added or subtracted from His Towrah. More proof adding a New Testament while calling God's only witness the Old is in complete error. Especially in the light all the characters who lived and witnessed the events were Hebrews and spoke Hebrew as the common tongue not Latin or Greek. Aramaic is a dialect of Hebrew sharing most all words and meanings of words.

Hebrew is the oldest written language in existence. To note Arabic is Hebrew drawn with different script, the Arab language did not exist in written form until 900 CE.

The oldest extant manuscripts of Tanakh are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating to 250 BCE. The Masoretic text dated to 1100 CE has a 14% variance in words shared with the DSS.

Using the DSS to correct the Masoretic translation results in a 99% authentic Tanakh.

I don't know about you but that's pretty good for a book from 4000 years ago.

What is important, is the general teaching of God found in the books has no changed. Furthermore we know Tanakh is historically accurate (when translated correctly). Moreover, all of the Prophecies that have come to pass have been 100% accurate. These are continuing to unfold in our time.

What other people have endured over time as the children of Abraham? Carried away in captivity by Persia with Jerusalem and the first temple destroyed. Nehemiah laments to Nebuchadnezzar, the home of his ancestors is laid waste. He's given leave by the king and resources to rebuild Jerusalem just in time for the Dowd to fulfill Passover and the Spring feast days as promised Abraham by Yahowah.

Greece, Rome, and finally Hadrian destroys Jerusalem, salts the earth, puts the clerics to the sword and carries the lot of Israel off to Europe as slaves. Then in the late 1800's Jews start back to the Promised land, by 1948 they are recognized as a Nation. Just in time for the fulfillment of the Fall feasts of Taruwah (Jews reading this will ask "Taruwah?") I highly suggest these leave the Talmud and run to Tanakh. Followed by Yowm Kippurym and finally Sukah all will be fulfilled by 2033 CE just as Yahowah revealed through His prophets.

Call me wrong, but write yourself a note and open it in 2026 or 7 years prior to 2033 and look at the state of the world. It's only going to get worse.

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Each time the elite think they know better, economics for example, they have ended up defaulting on their money. See "It's Different this Time" Reinhard and Rogoff showing centuries of economic failures and all efforts failed in some but different ways according to Reinhard and Rogoff's studies.

The elite are trying to get something for nothing.

But I feel compelled to bring up one similar point. In the Origin of Species Darwin talks of farmers selecting the best cows or best vegetables and hence improving the results over time. This is certainly different than deciding there is Climate Change and we must save the earth and life because it cannot be seen as better to avoid the use of energy, oil, at this time. This seems different than Bill's point which I deemed to mean someone designed a better cow or a bigger vegetable. Maybe we could choose a more powerful energy source and that would better match Darwin's point. So far renewables much like ethanol are not as powerful an energy source and require more energy to build than is being produced in the end and at higher cost. The elite may want everyone to buy into their idea but they are Designing the future when they don't know the result. Which is what we are seeing in the energy space.

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I think the "elite" see a future of their design, but only for their benefit.

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Yes I think there is no doubt they are using their design to benefit themselves at the expense of society. Look at Larry Fink, with ESG he gets higher fees for the same business, garners some new business, he plays along with the elite which will allow him more leeway in making more money like buying up homes across the country. If you look at the make up of the ESG funds they are completely dominated by his fellow elite's companies i.e. the top holdings are APPL, GOOG, META, NVDA, AMZN, TSLA etc. So they have nothing to do with ESG except TSLA and government through their censorship efforts. I believe this is a complete facade to make more money, which is fine to make money, but to dominate the investment environment for society is corrupt and antitrust. What happens if the bull market becomes a severe bear market, which it should considering the lies and games being played and over valuation of tech stocks and the political situation and excessive credit which I believe is created due to excessive credit (look at China's collapsing)? What happens to pension funds? It's a huge ponzi scheme, and seems illegal from an antitrust perspective because of all the collusion of many player, but society doesn't see that because they've been brainwashed in this climate change nonsense. I'm an engineer / statistician and it is OBVIOUS to me that this whole climate change is nothing but a huge facade "supported" by warping the statistics. See Steve Koonin's ( was the head of American Physics society and Obama's undersecretary of Science) "Unsettled" or the "Great Global Warming Blunder" by DR. Roy Spencer of NASA who put a spaceship up to study climate. Now there 1600 scientists and physicists objecting to the Climate Change narrative.

As a practiced statistician / engineer of many years I can see right through this whole narrative which has a terrible statistical foundation. It's all twisted data as Koonin shows and lies from the same dudes that put together the covid vaccine narrative. I find it very frustrating that these elite which already have billions, flying around in their jets, want to steal with lies and misrepresentations from society. The ultimate disgrace. But that is what we face.

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Darwin lived, worked, and wrote in the 1800s. While his ideas were groundbreaking (whether you agree with them or not), much has been learned since. In any event, my quibble with your column is not with your comments on evolution itself, but on your application of evolution (that is, it's apparent randomness) to economics. You write as follows:

"People do things. They build their own houses. They choose their own music. They invent. They innovate. They find their own mates, often with no conscious awareness of what they are doing…or why they are doing it. And by combination and recombination things come together, not by any design…but by happenstance. Some things survive. Some don’t."

Really? You make it sound like progress is random, that we are all somewhat like drunken sailors just throwing things together by pure chance. I beg to differ. While progress may be made in many instances by some people tinkering or building upon what others have invented or achieved, it is not a mindless process. Even building a house is not a mindless process. One needs to know what materials are required and how to put them together so the house will be viable. What makes humans different from other species is that we can pass down substantial knowledge to one another which then can be improved upon. Some of this improvement might be from tinkering and luck, but even that requires some amount of mental effort on an individual's part. Other advancements are made by topnotch intellects using the sciences to come up with advancements and inventions. Whether their inventions stand the test of time is irrelevant to the process. It is only from a 50,000-foot perspective that this all seems random. That is, one sees progress without understanding what actually brings it about on a fundamental level. Progress is made by individuals, or individuals cooperatively working together, each of whom is applying his rational mind to understand the facts of reality in order to either solve a problem and/or create new products, services, and solutions to fulfill human needs. It only seems random to someone who chooses not to focus his mind on what is actually going on. Of course, as Ayn Rand would say, there are the "second handers", those who choose not to deal with reality directly, but instead see other people being productive and decide to loot or mooch off of them or otherwise control them. These people are attracted to power - the government - so they can control other people's lives, or if not in government, influence those in government to make laws and regulations to stifle their competition. This, of course, is a different issue altogether and has nothing to do with what brings progress about.

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Pretty much the same as before The people who designed the “current system” don’t know how to fix it. Or lack the political support to change it.

Some argue that we need to return to classical thought. Just laughable!

Try something that worked in the past. Or just listen to smart people.

They don’t get it and never will!

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He is VERY unbiased, VERY evidence oriented, VERY intelligent, VERY highly educated, VERY ETC!!! Evolution religionists will never be convinced no matter what!!!

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I was not going to comment today. I have a ton of work to get through. I played and nattered Monday through Wednesday. Now I have to "pay the fiddler".

Bill, I think you have Socialist leanings: not Communist leanings. That's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own "leanings" as long as they allow others to have their "leanings" and points of view. Wouldn't it be HELL if everyone believed the same. We would die from boredom.

I believe Darwin admitted he could be wrong about the Origin of the Species on his deathbed. Life did not spring from some meteor with a germ of Life landing on Earth or any other world. As for me, I believe in the Big Bang Theory. The Spirit rested on the face of the DEEP. God said, "Let there be Light". That is the BIG BANG. The Universe was created by Design. You cannot take some chemicals and put them in some special water and create, by evolution all the Flora and Fauna that exist in the Universe. To begin with, where did the chemicals and special water come from? Life can and does Adapt, A sea creature does not become a mammal or turn into Flora. A Sea creature is a Sea creature, a Mammal is a Mammal, A Bird is a Bird, A Reptile is a Reptile, a Crustacean is a Crustacean, and an Insectoid is an Insectoid. God, your god or mine, is the Creator and Designer. Who knows how much of our time was in the first three "days" It was Eternal Time. It could have been Quadrillions of our years, because it was before our Time was created. Now we have Aliens from Outer Space showing up again. I will be 85 in a couple months. I was 8 in 1947 when something other than a weather balloon crashed in New Mexico. I remember it well. Way too much Hoopla for a crashed weather balloon.

Like Billy Graham said, when he was asked if he believed if there was other life in the Universe, "I don't know. But if there is GOD created it."

Albert Einstein created the Theory of Relativity. It only holds up completely in a space not affected by

Gravity. My belief is that you cannot find a space in this Universe that is completely devoid of some gravity. It is the "glue" that holds things together. The Theory of MC2 works. We proved that in 1945.

Gosh, I am sorry to hear that floppy discs are obsolete. I had a mainframe IBM Computer until 1998. I sold the computer but kept the Floppy Discs. I guess they are valuable antiques now. At the time I sold the IBM Mainframe, there were only two "operating" IBM Mainframes in the US: mine and one in Texas.

Next thing I'll be hearing is that 8-track Tapes and Cassettes are obsolete, and I'll be stuck with three boxes of 8-track Tapes and five boxes of Cassettes.

Lastly, checking my email this morning. I find that our benevolent Library of Congress has prepared a list of Investments that we should or could invest in around the World. The link is below.

https://www.loc.gov/item/2023555922/?loclr=eallr. Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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“It's a big con,” writes Dan. “Reverse engineering the industrial revolution and the use of fossil fuels means a lower quality of life for everyone on the planet.", Except for the “rich men north of Richmond”...

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If we came from monkeys, then why are monkeys still around? Hahaha, I love simple childish like arguments that hold water.

Within the realms of the dimensional mind, the brain powers the universal perspectives of reality.

Like a moist bowl of ramen noodles, the brain feels mushy and slimy between your fingers.

Hold on to that thought, the leaping crane snaps the horizontal twig bone. Five swords unmasks the demon of time as it enters the earth through the linear portal, where the raven befriends the crow.

Sabotage oil pipes again, so that the scarce slippy substance up-levels the resource barrel that spin weaves aboard the Mayhem.

It is time for phase II of the operation. An operation that will require precision and power, deep sea level maritime coordination and air support. Toucan Sam will win The Golden Globe Award.

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Darwinian Evolution is true, there is zero evidence of animal being created or falling from heaven as in religious stories, everything in nature is bottom up, without centralized coordination, read some Richard Dawkins.

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Yes, evolution or change over time is true But a monkey evolving from a rock is pure horse-hockey! To this day a dog & cat cannot procreate a Dat.

Just doesn’t happen.

And your millions of years and carbon dating are educated guesses that are wildly inaccurate

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Evolution never says humans evolve from monkeys, it just shows how poorly read you are. Read any evolutionary biology textbooks. This is in fact a very common misconception about evolution.

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Evolution might not say it. People say it, because, face it, some people do look like monkeys. Some people look like birds: Senator Byrd for example. Some people look like Swine. Some people look Equine. So, what. I read something, somewhere that people who live alone with a pet begin to look like the pet. I've

never seen or heard of the pet taking on the appearance of the person. If you have time on your hands, search BONOBO APE. You will never see them outside of KENYA, Africa. It may not be Kenya, but it is near it. You will never see them in a Zoo. They walk upright, are about four feet tall. Come to think of it, it may not be the Bonobo. The Bonobos have no anger tendencies. They do not fight each other. If there is an argument in the tribe, they have group sex. Just Saying! FJ.

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IMO, there are a lot of people who like the opposite end of the horse!

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Maybe just one more cut and paste will solidify your argument and everyone will concede.

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Intelligent design points to the intelligent designer. I believe the true Almighty God of heaven created the whole universe just as his Holy Word the Bible and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ says is so. Right now even Charles Darwin is convinced the same! Giving any credibility to Darwin’s fantasies is a very dangerous thing. It’s one of the biggest and most influential lies the devil ever sold to man. It can be boiled down to man seeking truth on his own. The arrogance and pride that man can explain life and it’s source leaving Almighty God out of the picture. Although any belief takes a certain amount of faith the scientific discoveries thus far and any yet to come will also point to God and Jesus Christ as creator. I’ll put my faith in the easiest to believe Jesus Christ ,because only He can carrie me on after this earthly death I soon will face. May I ask you o man what power you will have in the hour your death?

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