To be fair, Bill nor anyone else has a working crystal ball. There are so many moving parts to the economy, the financial markets, commodity markets, precious metals, etc. that anyone doing what Bill, Tom and Dan do should eschew making time-specific prognostications.

They have been great with the "primary trends" and in my book that is as good as it gets. I'll take my well over 100% gain on Bill's Trade of the Decade for well over $100K of gain. Not a bad return on my $100.00 subscription investment.

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Glad to hear you are ahead of the game!!

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deletedNov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022
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Actually, I've kept what I inherited segregated in a separate trust and let my parents' financial advisor manage everything in it. (She just talked me into a nibble of Devon Energy and a couple dividend kings.) Nothing I've done with XOP was done with inherited money. (I actually accumulated more from creating and operating my businesses over 40 years than I inherited--no brag just fact.)

You are absolutely spot on with what will happen even if we "win BIG tomorrow". McCarthy is feckless, but I think McConnell is worse. He is a weasel of the highest order and doesn't give a rat's ass about this country or the destruction the Dems have wrought. The Republicans will tread water and prevent Biden from getting the really dangerous stuff he wants to implement, he'll start signing EO's as though they are running out of ink for pens. Then in 2024 the Republicans will pound their chests and tell us how many debacles they saved us from.

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It is epic

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As rough as some feel Bill is on Jaypow and the rest of the Fed apparatchiks, he's tame compared to the late great Murray Rothbard. Nobody could take the Keynesian's to the woodshed like Murray. Here's a prescient quote from him:

"It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a dismal science. But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance."

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Just heard from a local timber guy that the bottom is about to fall out on timber and new housing is going down the tubes. He walks in and says, "where the fakawe". Coined from the great now extinct Fakawe tribe of long ago. So I say to him, bend over and kiss your *ss goodbye. The news is here and it aint good!! Used car prices have dumped and new cars going up. So, what is new? Powell says paddle your own canoe. Mine is full of water and you are on your own. Any gamblers out there? Ride the whirl wind and see what shakes out. Think of what would have happened if Jesus had just said come forth!! He would have emptied the graveyard. May happen again. Just sayin

Don Harrell

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Eloquent, succinct, and insightful. Thank you.

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Great to have you back sir.

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Ladies and gents, Mr Bill Bonner!

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Ryan McMaken of the Mises Institute recently published a very good article on how the USSR attempted to fix their inflation problem. The article is titled "How the Soviets "Fixed" Inflation, but Ruined the Economy." Here's the link: https://mises.org/wire/how-soviets-fixed-inflation-ruined-economy

As I read the article I kept thinking to myself, "good thing those apparatchiks didn't have a CBDC."

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Lol !

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It seems like we have started down the “Slope of Hope” that Elliottwave Theory predicts is common in a 5 wave down movement. A third wave down from a huge top should start out like this and last a while. 🤷🏼‍♂️ March 2020 would be wave 1 down, the past top would be wave 2, and we’d be in the beginning of the 3rd wave down now.

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How long is that 3rd wave?

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Depends on the magnitude of the overall wave pattern. This wave pattern is very large so could be 1-3 years. I haven’t looked at the current wave analysis is a while. The official guys to check out are here: www.Elliottwave.com. I quit my membership after I exited trading crypto. There are plenty of wannabes out there on YouTube and the web. I’d try a trial membership to see the info from the experts before I’d just trust anybody else’s analysis.

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I’m glad Lazarus as risen , I also wonder why Bill Bonner nor Tom Or Dan or anyone else waiting the news letter as said a word on what’s coming or when or how ? They have talked around in cricles..

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In a hurry? That will hurt you.

Fill the bottom of your freezer with meat and butter, a cool, dark place in your residence with a couple dozen plastic buckets of dry beans, rice, salt and sugar, several metal cans of quality cooking oil and your favorite spices - then step back and take a few deep breaths.

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Trump should get what he deserves. I wouldn't shed any tears over him..it's a waste. Move on and find a candidate that deserves to be President. So far it's slim-pickens for both parties.

Violence is NEVER the answer.

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deletedNov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022
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You are 100% wrong; it was a very bad cop who is being punished for his crime. It should never have happened. But you have tunnel vision. I guess you think Jan 6 was okay. Your wonderful favorite President ( only kidding) Trump will not be President in the future... he has too many past and current problems; the main one Mar-A-Lago document steal. We all want to save our nation, but Trump is not it and starting a riot is not it either. It will only end in sadness and destruction of our nation. Your description of scumocrats and hypocrite liars and disingenuous scumbags really describes you to a "T".

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AGAIN with the Truth & Reality thing PG. *eyeroll* /s

Ya gotta stop dosing the progtardes man...

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Yeah, she's a lost cause. It's impossible to fix stupid. That's the problem we face, there are simply so many that are either brainwashed, ill-educated and/or incapable of critical thinking the country might very well be lost.

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No DJ. I am not a lost cause and I'm certainly not stupid. You and your friends seem to think that Everyone is Stupid if they don't think like you and them. What a disappointment you all are. Hope you all lose. Unfortunately, you'll probably have to wait a day or two before we all know the outcome.

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God I hope not. Can't he wait until Wednesday when the voting is over?

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I'm not sure that will work with this bunch at DOJ. It's a witch hunt (again), but if they're bound and determined they won't be stopped, they'll just change the rules. I feel sorry for the guy, I really do. It goes to show that there are forces in our government that are truly evil.

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We have to hope and prey Zeldin pulls it off tomorrow. The governor race in PA is pretty important as well because the brain dead Dem Senatorial candidate isn't going to be able to serve if he wins. If he does win the Repubs should make him pay for his teleprompter, stenographer, and any other "special needs" he has. The taxpayers should not have to expend one penny and the Dem party shouldn't be allowed to subsidize any of that nonsense either. Make it so expensive it's not worth it to him. Then again, his wealthy family will probably pay for it all just to say he has a job.

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deletedNov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022
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Yes, Bill is Back. As to "what's coming", my guess it isn't going to be good! Hoping the Republicans win big so we at least have a fighting chance.

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