And the "Bonner Boys" are only focusing on the government at this point. Let us not forget record corporate debt and record Consumer debt, both of which are still on the rise. Need I mention the savings rate is dropping like a rock, or is that 'salt in the wound'?

Hope everyone has started their own 'independent resilience' program...Build Back Barter, as I like to say!

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Yes, Peter.

And are you gentlemen ever going to comment on what Ed Dowd has found, plus his book just this week making the scene? Surely the insurance world is going to be (or has been) mightily disrupted, and those TRUTHs will also rock the financial world.

I have read, elsewhere, that funeral home stocks are currently a good investment...

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Agree on funeral stocks, people are dying to get in on that investment! 😂

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Hey Gypt -

Same reason they put fences around cemeteries...

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Easy to open the fences, if you have a “skeleton” key!

(All night long folks, make sure to tip your waiters) 😂

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You finally said something truly intelligent and funny--Bravo!

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- What did I tell you? 88 miles per hour! - The temporal displacement occurred exactly 1:20 a.m. and zero seconds! - Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, Doc!

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It would be interesting to see what the Treasury Department’s chart looked like 10, 20, 30 years ago. As I see the chart,I don’t see how the deficit can be reduced without killing off a whole lot of old people.

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Careful there LOL!

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We may soon see a double correction based on projected data from the BEA.

A Digital Economy with 10.3% increase in the GDP and worth 3.70 trillion in fiscal year 2022 when compared to a running deficit budget of over 1 trillion per year is not something to applaud, but actually puts you in the red.

Look at the bright side though, with inflation settling at 6% and normalizing the new standard, that will give The Feds plenty of new ammo and put the money printing press machine on auto pilot for the next 2 years.

They will be able to justify fluctuations of 18% and upwards as means to control the second wave of inflation. The soft landing creates a trampoline bounce effect that will put the national inflation rate above the roof until the motor burns out and inflation settles back down to the new 6-7% rate. Not bad for 247 years of history. 😃😹

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Unfortunately, you are right! There is more gloom and doom ahead.

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Nothing to see here!

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I had to laugh at your mention of "pet porcupines". Back in my early high school days a cousin and I were hunting elk with our fathers when we came across a couple of baby porks hanging around mom who had apparently been shot out of a tree by some trigger-happy dipwad. We begged and pleaded to be allowed to take the two little ones home and finally prevailed.

We raised both of them to adulthood (Jibber and Jabber) and got along just fine with them. They both loved to be scratched under the chin and on the belly and would make sort of a purring sound when they were content. Of course we had to be pretty careful when we picked them up, and both of us learned the hard way what we could and couldn't get away with.

But eventually neighbors started complaining to our parents about having to keep their toddlers from petting the nice kitty, vet bills for Fido, damage to fruit trees, etc., and we knew it was only a matter of time before we'd have to give them up. Fortunately (sort of) the separation occurred without us having to make the hard decisions. My cousin's was hit and killed by a tractor, and mine simply turned up missing one day. I had my suspicions, but no one ever confessed and things were ultimately forgotten.

Anyway, you CAN make a pet of a porcupine, but like you said, they're hard for most people to get comfortable with.

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Pet Porcupine,I like that comparison to the Fed.Bill.Thanks for the chart Joel,a simple example makes sense.

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Bill, as President, I would like to see your first budget presented to Congress. Please! I'm serious.

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