We can’t get hold of it down here in Kangaroo country unfortunately.

Oh well!

Just have to make do with infamous Penfold Grange or various other ‘wannabe’ Aussie counterfeits...

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Hello to a fellow Aussie, living the dream in the socialist state of dystopia. I feel as if I am living in a strange reality, things appear sort of normal, until you look more closely around and about. A few people have a bit of awarenes but most are in a trance. Could be the effect of all the potions a lot of people have taken. I am not a believer in such things.

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Socialist Dystopia in Oz?


Just we ‘Orrible Lot’, must now expect to march to the call of - “Left!, ‘eft!, …on you go now!, .’eft!, ‘eft!, ‘eft!, etc…” as per ‘The Bridge over the River Albo’ (and Andrew’s etc)

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Just drink a little more of that great Argentinian beer!

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A few days ago I used my credit card to renew my subscription at the price offered of $150/year. It appeared to go through, but I have not received a confirmation. Please confirm my subscription is renewed or that it is not. I do not want to charge my credit card a second time. Please let me know?

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As a Uk subscriber can I get this wine as I know it is primarily, if not solely, aimed at your USA subscribers

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