Regarding the covid story getting lost: I guess you have probably heard that Vladimir Putin has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine for singlehandedly removing the concern for covid as the most dangerous threat to world health

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Russia invaded Ukraine so we sanction them causing millions to starve in Africa. That’ll teach them Russians!

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Sanctions? You know who they hurt and who they do not hurt and indeed profit from the sanctions.

I will believe that sanction do work when Castro (the Fidel one) concedes defeat due to the sanctions on Cuba. Unfortunately he has outlived many presidents before death caught up with him. So I guess my belief stands...and will continue to stand.

Sanctions enrich the rich and wars enrich the rich. On all sides.

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1) It's hard to know if the food supply disruption is a planned or unplanned consequence of the WEF overpopulation agenda.

2) In the previous incarnation of this publication, Bill Bonner's Diary, there was often reference to "The Deep State." Today on Dr. Paul Alexander's Substack there is a very detailed essay on the function of the DC swamp.

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can you provide a link?

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A couple corrections. 1 nobody ever died from a fictional disease or non-existent viruses, virology is 100% fraud. 2 The US EU Canada UK have all been paying farmers 1.5x the value of their crop to BURN it, then we have them slaughtering food animals and BURNING them as well because.. a fraud medical scam called covid and another fraud called climate change. The war in Russia has very little to do with food shortages or supply lines that were already destroyed by the Covid claim. It's all intentional and they told you in UN Agendas 21 and 2030. More people died where ever they were hospitalized and put on closed system ventilators or vaccinated because they were are being killed, not because they were fat, most athletes are not fat but are dropping liked flies because they are vaccinated/poisoned.

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How's the KoolAid?

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You tell me, you are the one drinking it.

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I just when to google and found out that the average per capita income of Bangladesh was $ 2,064 versus $ 47,675 for the U.S. All that extra money in America helped us become quite obese. One wonders why we have only Bonner Private Research to tell us about the fact that here in America, we have the highest death rates from COVID versus such a poor country like Bangladesh. Health information like the ones above should be publicized frequently in our newspapers and media outlets.

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I wrote a 4-page article comparing the death rates in the US, the UK, and India and then the entire continent of Africa. Did that in October, however I'm still trying to get an internet location where I can really say what I want. If anybody has an interest, ask Bill or Don if I can put it here as a comment. Or if I can put my email and I will email you back a copy.

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I think people who be interested in your article; I certainly would be myself.

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Ok will wait a couple more days to see if any more interest. Otherwise I will put my secret email.

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Sanctions have there place in the scheme of things. But only in the most extreme settings; that is, when it's a nation with which the US is at war or nearly so (e. g., Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, current N Korea, Putin's Russia).

Otherwise, I contend the best way to effect change by letting the flag follow trade (with Iran, Cuba, Syria). The residents in every country want the same things we want.

And when there is conflict between nations, it's not one between our bakers and candlestick makers; it's between our Deep State apparatchiks and theirs.

Perversely, few of these insiders are ever injured or lose their lives when they opt for armed conflict to get their way; it's always the bakers and candlestick makers.

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Who said, "Politicians are happy to send YOUR children to war for THEIR country."

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There will be no shortage of food supplies. There is a shortage of ideas, common sense, and leadership.

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Good article about which I wrote a detailed article 8 months ago. See my reply to John Maniec below. And since I'm irritated at this stupidity by smart persons (Bill, Dan and Tom etc.) here's my short article so everybody can get this right. If we take the number 200 (that is the base #) and say 10% of that, the result is 20. (yeah we all agree). The per cent (in English) is 10, and the PERCENTAGE is 20. They do not mean the same thing. Stop saying one when you mean the other. A simple example is this: (#s are phony) In the US in 1960 the population was 200million. 5% of those persons were poor (whatever that means). In 2000 the population was 300million and 4% of those persons were poor. So, the per cent went down from 5 to 4, but the percentage went up from 10 million to 12 million. So if you didn't have the full facts somebody writing that the percentage went up would be misleading you even though it did go up. Etc. so from on get these 2 words used correctly. You don't know how many times I seen "educated" persons who have degrees in Economics and Accounting use them incorrectly. (Don't remember anybody in mathematics doing that but you don't normally read anything they write). You may use my example to educate others. Thank you.

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Old Russian Saying: ”Назло бабушке отморожу себе уши!”

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Hey Bill - come on! You keep belittling Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine by a paranoid dictator. And now you say, "Foreign policy 'experts' explain what a great and glorious war it is." Where did you dig that claptrap up from? Get real or go into retirement.

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When I first became aware of Bonner and started reading his sermons, I thought it was interesting reading. Now I think he is just a more educated Tucker Carlson. So Bonner says:

" And now, the fat countries congratulate themselves on their tough sanctions against Russia. Foreign policy ‘experts’ explain what a great and glorious war it is. America’s defense industry jefes look for lavish vacation homes in Aspen or North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Politicians look forward to more campaign contributions.

And skinny people tighten their belts."

It's true every country, society and culture in the world has people of greed and self interest. It is irresponsible on your part to make a statement like this that so far from the truth about what is happening.

Done with you Bonner. Hope you find a place on earth where you can make wine and find internal happiness.

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Good luck on your journey Michael, but before you travel, please enlighten us all to "the truth about what is happening"?

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The Fed took care of the Tribe.

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Time to drop all the back chatter nonsense on covid and move on Bill.

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They seem to be hyping covid again and pushing boosters hard. Hard to call it benign yet "vax" campaign was a scam. About that chart at the bottom, what is the way out of that?!

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Yes Michael, Covid will be fully brought back from the dead towards the last days of summer, to ensure the polls will be closed to real voters, and the mail will be open to all the dead voters.

The following banana republic election will truly be just another night of the living dead...

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Hope we’re not there.

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