Recall in 2011 when the IBM supercomputer Watson beat the top 2 Jeopardy champions. This was AI come of age, we were told. I must admit that at the time I was a bit stunned, in a way that Deep Blue’s defeat of Garry Kasparov in 1997 failed to elicit. A computer winning at Chess was mostly number crunching, I told myself. But Jeopardy? Now that was truly impressive. The toughest Jeopardy questions require non-linear “thinking”, the ability to connect disparate dots and see similarities in dissimilar things. A top notch information store and the ability to solve a complex thought puzzle in seconds is the ticket. Few people have the ability. Computers? Forget about it! It had been long said that a computer could never win at Jeopardy because a computer could, never ever really simulate and best a human brain at precisely the thing that human brains were best at. And then it happened.

Or did it?

In 2011 it never would have occurred to me that maybe, just maybe, Watson had the answers ahead of time. I am not making that claim here. I am simply saying that what I know about the world we live in now and what I knew about it 12 years ago has undergone a kind of Bayesian inference transformation. I was never a Conspiracy theorist. In 2021 I claimed my honorary degree and went straight to Conspiracy Analyst.

AI may be many things. Among them may be the greatest PsyOps tool ever imagined by the imaginers.

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While everyone is pre-occupied with AI, the debt ceiling, and the NBA/Hockey championships, as a retired nuclear engineer I focus on the impending catastrophe at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This is my "black swan". Since being captured by the Russians, more than half its staff have left, equipment is degrading due to lack of proper maintenance, the idiot Russian military violate safety protocols all the time, shelling occurs nearby, and there is only a single source of outside power to cool its reactors. Sooner or later luck will run out, and the world will be faced with a nuclear accident and the release of radioactivity into the environment. How bad will it be? Don't know, but it could be very bad! I don't see any evidence that Biden and his NATO are doing anything to address this concern. As for the Russians, I would not be surprised if they sabotaged the plant should they have to retreat in the upcoming Ukrainian offensive. Not really a BPR issue, but thanks anyway for letting me vent on this....

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The fastest growing industry in the world today is the breeding of Black Swans ... and everyone is on the act ... governments, corporations, media, education, science and the voters. Foolproof investment ... now how do we profit from it?

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I had hoped that AI would intersect with your real world stuff, and be used for sorting our recycling bins into useful and profitable materials.

Developing automated annoying call centres and programmed purveyors of the official narrative hardly seems like a great leap forward.

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It was dish for old Caesar, also King Henry the Third,

But Columbus was smart; he said, "You can't fool Me: A chicken ain't nothing but a BIRD!" (1940)

Cab Calloway, The Hi-De-Ho Man (from Baltimore (aka Bawlamer), MD 1907-1994

Who would say..."AI ain't nothing but a scam." Best always. PM

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And who, wouldn’t have wanted to buy Nvidia in October 2022?

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So many opinions on AI. Both cons and pros from top investors, analyst and CEOs. It’s best to listen to all the opinions and tentatively get involved or stay in the sidelines and speculate. Either way it’s coming.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

We'll soon learn Joe Biden is the father of AI. Who knows quite possibly AI could replace the President, maybe the entire government. Not too worry they'd all still get their pension, and graft payments, the harm not done by these folks would outweigh the wasted salaries and pension.

The only thing dumber than investing in the NVIDIA run up is Shorting the stock.

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If NVIDIA makes or gets it's AI chips from Taiwan, what will be their stock value, when China takes Taiwan? Hasn't Taiwan stated that if China attacks, they will destroy the chip factories???? If true, a $10,000 option short of NVIDIA or the Nasdac could make someone very rich. Just a thought!!!!!! Ken D

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The debt limit debate has nothing to do with default by the USA on its debts.

The 14th Amendment (clauses 4 and 5) actually require the debt of the US to be honored and the president to see they are paid from current income even if it requires cutting current services. That is the law which Biden has sworn to uphold and enforce. All of the default talk is political crap.

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Hi Mr. Lewis -

Except that TraitorJoe and crew have shown they have no problem with ignoring the laws and parts of our Constitution that they don't like whenever it is convenient or beneficial for them to do so.

And with all Federal "Law Enforcement" organizations currently captured by the left, they do so with impunity...

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Hey brother Starboard, don’t forget the words of a great man we both know and love… “We Americans still have a living Constitution of about 7,500 words handwritten on 4-5 pieces of parchment. It is, literally, that simple.”🤔

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Mr. Bonner...or some mortal [not what to me is your worthless 'support' e mail form]. What the hell, people want to solve problems and it is a robot, that can't read. My bank card was compromised [get this when I paid for the blue check on Twitter...argh]. My bank cancelled the card, b4 I could change my billing info...my newsletters were cut off [btw: changing billing info is a total hassle also].

Would you please remedy the disruption of my newsletters. Thank you for your time. Bill S.

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Where do I find the A.I. Investment recommendation you mention at the beginning of your post?


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As a RIA and CFP, are you seriously thinking about investing in this "investment"? It looked like a scam to me, but maybe I'm missing something.

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