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Feb 6, 2022
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Inflate or die is the feds problem. Also, follow the money. The Fed and insiders(politicians and the 1%) to “the club” have all gotten fantastically rich from stocks and real estate this past decade and especially since March 2020. Therefore, inflation flat out DOES NOT affect them at all. There is no living expense concerns in even a hyper-inflationary environment. The markets falling on the other hand will have real and harmful effects. Imagine you’ve just placed an order for your latest super-yacht and the market crashes and sends your paper net worth down 30%+, you might feel some pain. So the Fed being in “the club” with you, and even running insider trades ahead of you, don’t want to upset their own and your balance sheet long-term. So inflate - or die? It’s inflation every time. It only affects the poor and the rest of the 99% and they can be placated with heart felt platitudes and idiotic polices like price controls for a long while. In the meantime, the super-yachts get finished and the foreign mansions get built with high walls and tight security. And when the plebs start to jostle and agitate for your head, you escape. With your millions and billions. The Feds got their backs, and we should expect inflation and lots of it. A couple of rate rises this year will see the markets wobble, before reversing course. The QE printing press is fired up and inflation is set free to bring markets back up and steal purchasing power from the masses. Prepare accordingly.

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