The statistical principle of mean reversion is simple: extreme values return to their long-term average eventually. In stock markets, they call that a crash or a ‘draw down.’
Already enriched with the win that will continue. Meanwhile both the debt and deficit will increase within the next year and continue until end of term...and then again continue after that.
Let's check back in 12 months to see how those two numbers compare to current numbers.
Arguing the ins and outs of a forecast may be a waste of time so lets see who sees an increase or decrease in either or both...
Lyndon, I understand your cynicism, given our years of watching politics. But I'm encouraged that he has been working on a team of very powerful, right thinking leaders who may be able to help him gradually take some of the steps you propose.
He has a three seat margin in the Senate. If the economy deteriorates in the next two years, the Democrats may take the Senate, and progress will grinned to a halt.
Thanks for a stimulating read Dan. The debt iceberg is something to behold. I was convinced Trump could not win due to vote rigging so the result was a real positive shakeup for my mindset. Democracy is not dead. But the debt now remains and could Trump have a plan that will deal with it. A balanced budget is a possibility. Elon Musk may actually cause this to happen, along with the fact that Trump has no 2nd term imperative, so he may support what needs to be done, and it can be achieved concurrently with the retribution that he would enjoy giving the double crossers and enemies from the 45th term. I have just seen his announcement re gender policy, its positive for the US in every way.
Drill baby drill. Lower oil prices should have a positive effect on inflation, I still feel that it was Biden's oil policy that really kicked off the inflationary period of the Biden term. The result of Trumps return, lower inflation and interest rates due to the downward pressure of a negative oil price shock and the cut in government spending. Trump also appears to want to take a serious look at big pharma, if he does there will massive cuts to the cost of health care as cheap drugs are opened up for use to cure a myriad of illnesses - another unforeseen benefit of the Covid scam - as many of us ordinary citizens reviewed and discarded the MSM indoctrination and discovered the miraculous power of Ivermectin and other drugs to cure many different ills even up to and including cancer.
So taken all together, a massive cut in government spending overall, massive reinvigoration of American industry through tariffs and deregulation and a return to intelligent policy could result in a way better outcome than seemed possible just a few days ago. As the inflationary impact of tariffs is countered by the cut in spending and lower oil prices. The USA is the place to be right now, funds will flow in that direction potentially allowing rates to fall despite the size of the debt.
Tariffs are aimed at China, its better to fight China with tariffs then in a hot war. Meanwhile the
American middle class will be rejuvenated, what's not to like?
It will take far more than a balanced budget. Dismantling the bureaucracy requires elimination of whole departments starting with the education, energy and epa. If Trump can accomplish that it will take decades to rebuild the bloat.
Charles, I like everything about your post. Re your one point on tariffs - tariffs, sanction, bans, and outright confiscation of a country's assets have not worked as good economic policy or foreign policy - a quick example of this. We put sanctions on China preventing them from getting our semi conductor technology. What did they do? For sure these people don't sit around wringing their hands, so they got those thousands of stem graduates from the 50 universities (no gender studies taught there) in and around Qingdao Providence working on the problem. 17 months after the ban went into effect (2022), they were turning out 7 nanometer micro chips that we thought would take years to catch up. They make their own now for their own use and being the world's largest customer of chips (about 85- 90 % of all electronic equipment is produce in Shenzhen, a city of 30,000,000 people that essentially are in engaged in one industry), they don’t buy from us now and that has sent our own microchip industry into a downward spiral. Its not just the chip business, they recently cancelled all wheat purchases from us. zero as far as I can tell. Imagine what that will do our ag exports? Ans: our trade deficit with them will worsen- ergo: they have the leverage not us.
You seem like a smart guy like many of the subscribers, can you or anyone else on this thread come up with a way to deal with the problem of jobs that doesn't involve putting tariffs on China, which I think Trump is inclined to do.
I agree with you, gRichard. Tariffs have always been used as a weapon, and generally backfire, in my opinion. We shouldn't punish one of our largest trading partners to pay for the obscene policies our government has followed, by creating overspending not seen since fish crawled out of the sea (pardon the Trumpism).
Thanks gRichard for the thoughtful and sensible reply. Its nice to have an intelligent exchange if ideas. I should also say that I suffer with chronic optimism, so I generally look for the positive in any situation. Re the tariffs I agree totally with your point and I am an Australian - we have the freest markets in the world I suspect - we don't tariff or disadvantage anyone who wants to send us stuff, (although we are a bit protective of our disease free status). Consequently we destroyed almost all our low tech manufacturing years ago, but we are thriving as free market policies really do work, when it comes to earning export income, we mostly only do what we are good at - mining and agriculture - where we can eliminate wage costs through automation and get advantages through abundant natural capital, technology and scale. It's also relevant that we have a small population and a lot of natural resources per capita, we are pretty uniquely blessed in that regard. (China) CCP also placed heavy tariffs on many of our agricultural exports at the end of the last government as payback for our governments firm stance re Taiwan and support of the U.S. in general. That's the trouble or the thing about the CCP, they are different. Our producers found new markets as a result - no other option - and also learned that China is an unreliable trading partner - it was painful but now as the trade with China reopens our producers are much better educated in this aspect of the China trade. We are better off for the experience - but it was painful and costly. I was interested to read of the chip maker experience that you mentioned, but I tend to think that it was always going to happen, that was the CCP plan. Companies like Tesla make a strategic error perhaps when they engage with the CCP. We have these wonderful China built electric cars hitting the road here in Australia and the starting price is about half the cost of a Tesla. So its the CCP thing that makes tariffs on China potentially practicable from the viewpoint of the United States. The CCP might have (ironically) created something that is the closest thing we have ever seen to a perfect corporation in the nation state we know as China. The workers and entrepreneurs are free to use capitalist/free market forces to motivate and reward one another, the board of directors is positioned and sustained without a great deal of drama or waste of resources on the process, they can adjust their exchange rate at will and control the thinking and actions of the populace (shareholders) by both overwhelming force and persuasion. And they also just happen to have a populace who have been raised for generations in the confucian tradition, which encourages discipline, accepts hardship and generally places the ideal of community benefit above individualism. So in CCP China Corp. you have a very efficient allocation of resources all across the business. But the success of the CCP business model is very strongly correlated with the stripping of industry from the established economies. Strategically that has to be very dangerous long term for western economies and nations. So tariffs come into play if directed at the CCP. Although Trump says a lot about tariffs generally one might expect that like last time they will be focused on the CCP. If that remains the case then tariffs have some merit perhaps, simply because of the natural advantage that the CCP have in operating the worlds most perfect corporation and the strategic imperative for the west in keeping pace with them. Targeted tariffs may do little enough harm to be beneficial overall in the long term. President Xi of CCP has recently required that the state church in the land, replace crosses with his image, at the front of the church. This gives a deep insight into his thinking, personality and ambitions and it's not pretty or positive for the future of either his nation or the rest of us. So again, perhaps tariffs have a limited application at this time and for specific reasons related more to strategic necessity than trade. Though its worrying to hear Trump talk about tariffs in such an all encompassing way recently, but hopefully this is just pre term bluster.
On the even more positive side there was a great little editorial/article by Larry Fink in the WSJ. In it he lays out the potential route for the greatest democracy in the world to overcome the debt mountain via productivity gains through the adoption of AI. As a sufferer of chronic optimism I found the article an enjoyable form of medication. Its worth a read and does not take long. One can hope, without to much unbridled optimism perhaps, that Larry Fink might get the ear of the 47th President at some time as well, then things could turn out much better then expected. In the article is the answer to your question posed as to how to build a bigger future for middle America without tariffs, it is in productivity improvements and regulatory relief, and the United States has the ball at its feet so to speak, just gotta pick it up and run, that's something the U.S. has been very good at over the years, maybe it can happen again.
Drill baby drill will not help. Why? Because the oil companies need to find the best yielding and most cost productive wells to be efficient. That takes planning and time. They are not going to start drilling less efficient wells because of "Drill baby drill". It is not a workable corporate plan.
Even better news for America and Americans brother, “Nearly 54% of Harris voters want to move to a different state or country following Trump's win on Tuesday”🙏 Let’s just hope these useful idiots make good on their promises and make America the Greatest Ever🙏🙏
You know Starboard, I read an article in the WSJ once about why people use buzzwords. in this case, political buzzwords like "Lefttarde" and some of the rest of the crap that comes out of you mouth and the finding was that the more a person relied upon the buzzwords, the less they actually knew. The buzzwords were just a substitute for lack of actual knowledge. Does the shoe fit?
No, I think your comment is just more woke drivel. This is 2 Exxon CEO's, Tillerson and Woods, Republicans, who said that we should stay in, have said so for a variety of reasons: It's better to have a voice there than not/the energy companies need consistent Gov policy to formulate effective energy policies-I mean really Worm, do you want to pay $10/gallon for gas? Because that is where this is headed without clearcut consistent policies-given their size and required lead time for big projects, these companies can't turn on a dime/lastly, the industry is looking for legislative help to promote things like carbon capture, etc. Call it Deep State or whatever you want that's where we stand right now. I don't really get the problem with the Paris Climate Accords, it's non binding anyway.
Thanks to an interview Dan had a week or so ago, I learned about an actually powerful arm of AI that is being applied to cleaner, more precise planning for oil drilling in Colorado.
May I suggest deporting ALL illegals. Even by your standard, they ARE all criminals. Render an interpretation of "birthright citizenship" that nullifies all those born here to parents that are not American.
On taxes, use tariffis and a sales tax, not a flat tax. A flat tax still requires the same amount of accounting effort and doesn't deconstruct the hydra of the IRS and the "tax industrial complex" of accountants and lawyers.
One of the most disturbing comments by a US president was the one by obama when a reporter pointed out one of his policies was against the U.S. Constitution and obama said "the Constitution was just a piece of paper". The reporter or someone informed him that the U.S. Constitution was the law of the land. I realized just how dangerous obama was to our freedoms.
That was an excellent article you sent a few weeks ago brother Mark. Even educated me! I have sent it out to dozens, who have sent it out to hundreds and so on and so on:) America is coming back, and I’m so excited to see the great majority on board against this corruption 🙏. As always, thank you for all your good work 🇺🇸
I can only imagine the bureaucratic monster it would take to track down all the illegal aliens, especially under the jurisdiction of the same leaders that have made the legal process for naturalization so onerous for generations. Perhaps there's a job here for Super AI Man to prioritize the country's values, not just to make them shills for the next election.
Not being a great fan of massive federal programs to punish folks randomly, I'm thinking of the completely, mostly illegal, incarceration of all Japanese in California after the outbreak of WW II. What am I missing? How do we find leadership that won't take the ham handed approach that seems to be endemic in our society?
I don't think the horrible unconstitutional rounding up of American citizens of Japanese descent bt Dem President Roosevelt compares. These people are illegal invading the U.S.. Our country just like most western countries needs immigrants since our birth rates are so low and we are a country of legal immigrants. Agreed we need a better process than Harris/Biden admin's just inviting anyone in and looking the other way. ALong with the good people alot of people intent in harming the USA come in too. It seems like the American people are so hopelessly divided mostly by the unprofessional media we have in this country. You can trac ethis division back to the obama admin who did all it could to divide the American people and et race relations back decades.
Well we are celebrating the great Republican win and rejoicing at the progressive (Democrat) loss, after being tortured by their nonsense for so many years. I mean we had climate change, vaccinations forced upon us that kill, (Fauci retiring with the highest salary in the gov and a few million in bonuses with a secret service force to protect him) also the guaranteed payments to their friends with no liability (pharma), our children losing body parts and their sexuality without asking parents, men competing in women sports, every psychological punishment you can conceive of, taking away freedom of speech, the more absurd and in violation of the Constitution the better, Janet selling short term bills creating the "blue iceberg" to purposely increase the debt bomb Dan refers to and now it all goes quiet. AND there will be a smooth transition to Trump. I think you can be assured of that! It's all about democracy now! I suspect Hilary, Biden, Janet, Kamala, Fauci, Pfizer, MSMedia,... are throwing a big secret party and laughing all the way to the bank while we celebrate that Kamala didn't win because,... (all the reasons).
BUT considering Dan's analysis above it seems pretty much guaranteed that the Democrats (communists I've been calling them) may have wanted Kamala to run and lose. Maybe that's why they insured there was no primary and why they will transition smoothly to Trump gladly because "that's what is done in democracy". Now Kamala lectures all the young Howard students to fight for the US Constitution. Because nothing could be better than watching Donald and the American people fail to the point where the public clamors for communism. We don't even have to put up with Antifa now, for some strange reason. Isn't it amazing how quiet it is. If this transition is quiet that is a certain tell of the evolving globalist plan to psychological torture us to take our minds off of the spending and debt driven to high heaven which will cause financial collapse. Now Trump with run the apparent incompetent government. They could be pretty sure the collapse wouldn't come during the spending spree. It always comes when the people try to approach sanity, of spending. I'm probably sounding a bit like Bill, with a very healthy skepticism of everything, but I do think it is
I agree that there's a set up here for Trump and capitalism to fail. It's part of the Cloward-Piven strategy that Obama & Co. were fed at Columbia. My hope for Trump is that he succeeds in pulling the country away from the abyss just in time to burn the far left, one more time.
My suggestion is that any government employee, working or retired, with a wealth of over $2 million loses government supplied security and can choose to hire security paid for by themselves. If they have gained this much wealth on a government salary, then they stole it. This would include spouses, children , siblings, parents out 2 generations (if the son of the 'big guy' was supporting him thru graft, grift and corruption, then he can resume support.) This would apply to past elected officials too. I don't think a politician has been as poor as Truman when he left office, so they won't suffer the loss of this perk. Should help the economy by the increase in employment of security/protection services. Wow, win-win! (if they need help...they could ask Pelosi for stock picking tips)
Problem is we have never had this much debt before and reducing that debt slows the economy. Trump is smart enough to enlist a bunch of brilliant leaders, RFK, Elon, Tulsi. My take is if we get the country headed in the right direction then we always have a chance, there are some great problems to solve. If the country accepts those problems and is motivated to fight them then humans always have a chance.
It's interesting. In 2008, when the banking system was on the verge of collapse and we turned the country over to a brother, they were saying the same thing. I realize the debt is a big problem, but how did "They" know who was going to win the election?
The War Party (almost) always wins. This time around, however, everyone had to know a failed VP in a failed administration, with a lower favorability rating than Congress, and never went through a primary, had no chance. Even against a polarizing person like Trump.
PS: Who the hell is the "War" party? Be careful how you answer that. It wasn't too long ago that Donald Rumsfeld and the Republicans couldn't wait to blow someone off the face of the earth.
"who is the "war" party? I'd say they were Blue and Red as wars are started by both parties. Too much money involved for the congressional grifters not to want a piece of the action. Same with Big Pharma, BTW. Term limits would help, perhaps, as Democrats and Republicans (the narcissists in office, not the populace) love a good war. Kinda like the guy with a small pencil behind his zipper has to have that Corvette...
Correct Mackinac, and to answer Harry directly, the parties and candidate really don't matter. The War Party (aka Deep State) sticks around for generations in the Pentagon and they're the ones making the consequential decisions in Washington. For once in my lifetime, 2016, the War Party lost because the people put an outsider in the White House. He's back again and will be in real danger if he takes on the Deep State this time.
Got it. Yeah, a war-at least for a long time, was great to get someone reelected and unite the country behind the incumbent. Don't know if it's the Pentagon though. I always got the impression maybe the intel community or the guys in DC on the take with the big contracts. Who knows?
Maybe, but there were a number of demographic changes this election. It was the first election where more Independents voted than Democrats, and more Gen X than Boomers. Trumps support among white women went down by 1/2 to a 5% lead. I'll give you Harris' inability to connect with people, but I have been following elections a long time, and can't imagine how the rest is predictable, or that the Dems would deliberately take themselves out of it completely-they are about to loose the House. I'm not into conspiracy theories like most on the right. More likely Biden's refusal to step down and allow an open primary after he told the American people 4 years ago he would doomed the party.
I don't get why a lot of very smart people are missing the obvious: Joe Biden consciously and intentionally sabotaged the Marxists/Leftists/Democrats this cycle because he was jilted about them executing a coup to take him out.
How do I know this to be true? Because Nancy Pelosi said as much. The Marxists/Leftists/Democrats' "Plan A" was to conduct an "open mini-primary" after The Demented One stepped down. He obliterated that strategy when he endorsed Harris within an hour of suspending his campaign. He knew she would be a loser and he was dead right about that.
This put the Marxists/Leftists/Democrats into a tailspin and Harris being Harris (meaning she put herself ahead of the country and certainly before the party) immediately set about garnering Delegates to secure the nomination. The Demented One loved it. He was playing chess and the intellectually challenged VP (and her hastily thrown together staff) were playing checkers . . . poorly.
There is little question that the vapid Marxists/Leftists/Democrats will do everything in their power to throw banana peels in Trump's path (that's really all they're good at). However, there is no doubt that the average American citizen won a huge victory on Tuesday, even though about 70 million Harris voters don't know it yet.
All that about Biden MAY be true, but it does not negate my point that Biden said he intended to be a one term "Transitional" president. Our former Gov, Chris Christie, brought that up on election night.
Mr. Mackinac, It's scary to admit this, but you might be right about the possibility that the Globalist Elite, as I call them, ensured that Donald Trump returned to the W.H. (I got the idea for the Globalist Elite moniker from the 2011 Jason Statham/Clive Owen movie “Killer Elite” about former SAS soldiers paid by a secretive Illuminati-like group to kill folks around the world they wanted eliminated for various reasons.)
I think it was one of the regular commenters on these threads who pointed to a ZeroHedge page showing how strange it was for Pres. Biden to receive 81M votes in 2020. ZeroHedge listed the various vote totals of Democrat presidential candidates back to Barack Obama, who received 69.5M votes in a BLOWOUT in 2008, so talk about an aberration in 2020!!! How do you receive 11.5M more votes in just 12 years?
So I looked at the 2020 presidential election in some detail, and noticed that in the Bay Area, Southern CA, metro Chicago, metro Boston, & metro NYC (includes Northern NJ), Joe Biden received about 5.5M more votes in these areas than Kamala Harris received in these areas in 2024. (I extrapolated CA to 100% because only 75% of the so-slow vote was in today.) You might ask: “Okay, so what? Pres. Trump didn’t need CA, IL, MA, NY, & NJ to win either in 2020 or 2024.” But Pres. Trump (75.5M) will probably beat VP Harris (72.5M) by 3M votes once all CA votes are counted, down from 4M presently. She might get 73M. But that would still be 8M less than Biden (81M) in 2020. So that leaves about 2.5M votes (8M – 5.5M) total fewer for her than him, mostly in several key states, such as PA, MI, WI, NC, GA, AZ, NV, TX, & FL.
So I wonder if the Globalist Elite held back millions of votes on purpose to give Pres. Trump the win. And not only an Electoral College win, but an outright majority win. The 8M votes were not fabricated in 2024 as they were in 2020. In other words, rather than adding phony votes to the total this time, the Globalist Elite DID NOT add them? I realize this can be looked at as Tin Foil Hat conspiracy stuff, but you have to wonder. Now that Pres. Trump has not only won, but won a strong majority of the vote, as well as helping the GOP control Congress (also because the phony votes were NOT added in the congressional races); and, thus his Dem congressional opposition and MSM attacks are greatly weakened. So if he fails via a weakened economy, the Dems can tell the folks they had very little legislative power to prevent it. So they can’t be blamed.
There is always some "logic" as to why they can't be blamed. And if the MSM shouts it out enough and reinforces it Dems will follow, just like climate change, wokism, boys in girls sports, covid vax etc. Come on men in women's sports, you've got to be kidding.
Yes the globalist elites are in control by the Globo list man of evil himself. Think spiritual. The spiritual need flesh and blood to accomplish their goals . Good thing that " Good " overcomes evil! Just what I see as a mere mortal!
Diddy like Epstein is no longer useful in his role of compromising powerful people who will now do what they are told to support the elite. Let’s hope Trump releases that list too which would accomplish both reducing the blackmail value to the puppeteers and expose much of the sordid world of sleaze, corruption and global grifters.
From a group (BPR) that consistently publishes outstanding and incisive economic / financial analyses, editorials and market observations… this report was over-the-top excellent!! I wish BPR could meet with Trump/Vance and their champions of liberty: Gabbard, Ramaswami, Kennedy, Musk, Carlson et al, and present this analysis.
Good article. I admire Trump because when he was elected in 2016 the media immediately said they would do everything to destroy his presidency and they did with 24/7 gaslighting (the media is now propagandist and not journalists). He had the guts to take them on again and won. The press will do anything out of spite to take him down again even if it hurts the American people. Yellen having all that huge debt due at one time is gross incompetence and she should be put on trial.
Dan, I have always maintained that a very good way (maybe one of several) to clean up voting is to require all voting to be in person on Election Day and for the Federal Government to make Election Day a Federal Holiday (they like making more holidays) and strongly encourage all businesses, including retail to close for the day so everyone can vote in person. By having a Holiday no one has the excuse they can't vote because they had to work. Of course, many political operatives will fight the proposal it will cut into their revenue since they can't manipulate the vote as easily.
Yes Dan, agree with your list and a few other things that will make America Great Again! I hope many of your readers bought Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana when we had discussions about crypto back in 19. Many millionaires are now with us if they did! Trump will make Bitcoin a reserve and the world will follow. My prediction back in 19 was bitcoin 50,000 by 2023. Not too far off. My prediction after Trumps next term is bitcoin $500,000. Buy these three crypto in the next dip and cost average for the next few years. As always, best wishes and good luck 🙏
BTC since 2014 and ADA since 2017, yes. Have not sold any and I count it towards the 40% precious metals BPR portfolio allocation. (because it's better than Gold on the scarcity spectrum).
A poisoned chalice? The West is too far down the road for a soft landing, and we have avoided the necessary corrections for too long. A great reset, depression or worse? Tariffs are not a good long term strategy, but the East can't be allowed to dominate. It will need resolve and old fashioned perseverance to remove the 'commie' infiltration that Hoover showing remarkable prescience, warned us of in the 60s & 70s; but the new enemy is even more diversified.
Fauci is basically a nerdy scientist. To suggest that he somehow engineered a major covid-related wealth transfer to himself is nutty, Big Pharma -- yes. Fauci --no.
Jack's right. Apparently he was the highest paid bureaucrat in DC, and now that he has finally retired from "public service" probably sits on the board of at least one major pharmaceutical giant. The fact that his partner in crime, Francis Collins, quietly retired from the NIH on a Saturday outside of the 24-hour news cycle, makes me wonder what boxes of papers and hard drives that would've/should've/could've landed both of them in prison, disappeared into the morning mist.
I was one of the first folks that got Covid on the Diamond Princess in late Jan -Feb 2020 & quarantined in both Tokyo and Travis Air Force Base in CA. My source of news when in Tokyo was the BBC. I became absolutely convinced (as well as others, even possibly Trump himself) that Fauci was a totally corrupt extremely greedy SOB. Why? Because it has been reported that he apparently had not only worked with these types of weaponized air born viruses for at least 10 years (after Obama outlawed this type of "prof of function" research in the USA) BUT he also held many many patents on the "CURES" for those pathogens that he created. Smart? Well everyone knows how the Big Pharm "capitalized" on Covid.
So, you are blaming Fauci because you got covid? I am truly sorry that you had to go through that;; I have had it twice now and I can testify that it can be horrendous. But I'm just not buying it that Fauci orchestrated the whole thing.
He's a criminal. He and Francis Collins funded illegal gain of function research in China after it had been outlawed by Congress. They did so through nonprofits, so the funding was off the book and indirect. they didn't create the lab leak, but they enabled it. Rand Paul started to shine some light on this ugly business in some of the Congressional hearings, but it still went away. Probably at the orders of the CIA. I'm convinced that the virus and shutdown response were a test run for the great reset still to come.
Let's not forget his favored Covid vax was one he held a patent on and was previously a failed Ebola drug. But he's just an innocent scientist...Give me a break. Read his history...
No, I'm not blaming anyone except my own stupidity & bad luck for taking this cruise. As it turns outs there was a Chinese man who left Wuhan, flew to Tokyo & boarded the Diamond Princess for a 3 day cruise to Hong Kong to "visit his family," & he then spread the virus to not only the 3,000 people on the ship but all of HK as well. So I realized that the ship was like a Greyhound bus...picking up any passenger who had a dime in his pocket and then dropping him/her off 5 or 10 miles down the road! It was and is a bad business model imho!~
James, I am sorry for what you went through, but don't be too hard on yourself. People in the US were getting sick from late November on, while the experts were telling us it was not in the States yet. I do find it a bit dubious that one person gave it to the entire ship (maybe) then to all of Hong Kong (highly doubtful). It simply spread faster and farther than anyone realized.
I could go on & tell you how the US State Dept lied to us who chose to leave the ship earlier on an "evacuation" plane.
They said that the only passengers on the plane would be from the ship and that they all would have tested negative. As it turned out there were people from PRC on that plane and there were also 10-12 very sick people from the ship who were also on the plane in an area that was separate from the other 230 people only by plastic sheeting! I have pics of this!
Those 10-12 passengers did not disembark @ Travis AFB but flew on to Des Moines Iowa so they could be "studied" in an early effort to determine what we all were up against! ps My wife and I were the FIRST passengers to get off of the chartered Greek freight jet where 3 of the 4 porta potties were closed with yellow tape.
Can you imagine a 10-11 hour flight for 230 people with one porta potty? Yeah, "I'm from the government and we're here to help!" LOL
ps: I was also evacuated from Saigon in April 26, 1975 on a US AF jet to Clark AFB in the Philippines. It was a much better coordinated & efficient effort under more difficult conditions than from HND in Tokyo 2020.
Best research BPR has ever published. Make sure it gets onto Trump's and Vance's desks!
I think they will follow their own plan William.
Already enriched with the win that will continue. Meanwhile both the debt and deficit will increase within the next year and continue until end of term...and then again continue after that.
Let's check back in 12 months to see how those two numbers compare to current numbers.
Arguing the ins and outs of a forecast may be a waste of time so lets see who sees an increase or decrease in either or both...
Lyndon, I understand your cynicism, given our years of watching politics. But I'm encouraged that he has been working on a team of very powerful, right thinking leaders who may be able to help him gradually take some of the steps you propose.
He has a three seat margin in the Senate. If the economy deteriorates in the next two years, the Democrats may take the Senate, and progress will grinned to a halt.
Great article Dan, I take it you and Bill don't discuss politics much.
Thanks for a stimulating read Dan. The debt iceberg is something to behold. I was convinced Trump could not win due to vote rigging so the result was a real positive shakeup for my mindset. Democracy is not dead. But the debt now remains and could Trump have a plan that will deal with it. A balanced budget is a possibility. Elon Musk may actually cause this to happen, along with the fact that Trump has no 2nd term imperative, so he may support what needs to be done, and it can be achieved concurrently with the retribution that he would enjoy giving the double crossers and enemies from the 45th term. I have just seen his announcement re gender policy, its positive for the US in every way.
Drill baby drill. Lower oil prices should have a positive effect on inflation, I still feel that it was Biden's oil policy that really kicked off the inflationary period of the Biden term. The result of Trumps return, lower inflation and interest rates due to the downward pressure of a negative oil price shock and the cut in government spending. Trump also appears to want to take a serious look at big pharma, if he does there will massive cuts to the cost of health care as cheap drugs are opened up for use to cure a myriad of illnesses - another unforeseen benefit of the Covid scam - as many of us ordinary citizens reviewed and discarded the MSM indoctrination and discovered the miraculous power of Ivermectin and other drugs to cure many different ills even up to and including cancer.
So taken all together, a massive cut in government spending overall, massive reinvigoration of American industry through tariffs and deregulation and a return to intelligent policy could result in a way better outcome than seemed possible just a few days ago. As the inflationary impact of tariffs is countered by the cut in spending and lower oil prices. The USA is the place to be right now, funds will flow in that direction potentially allowing rates to fall despite the size of the debt.
Tariffs are aimed at China, its better to fight China with tariffs then in a hot war. Meanwhile the
American middle class will be rejuvenated, what's not to like?
God Bless America.
It will take far more than a balanced budget. Dismantling the bureaucracy requires elimination of whole departments starting with the education, energy and epa. If Trump can accomplish that it will take decades to rebuild the bloat.
I would add the Department of Homeland Security to the redundancy list. How may security agencies do we need? Less than half of them?
Yes decades to change course. Unfortunately the voters do not usually wait that long. Maybe 2 terms and then things change.
Charles, I like everything about your post. Re your one point on tariffs - tariffs, sanction, bans, and outright confiscation of a country's assets have not worked as good economic policy or foreign policy - a quick example of this. We put sanctions on China preventing them from getting our semi conductor technology. What did they do? For sure these people don't sit around wringing their hands, so they got those thousands of stem graduates from the 50 universities (no gender studies taught there) in and around Qingdao Providence working on the problem. 17 months after the ban went into effect (2022), they were turning out 7 nanometer micro chips that we thought would take years to catch up. They make their own now for their own use and being the world's largest customer of chips (about 85- 90 % of all electronic equipment is produce in Shenzhen, a city of 30,000,000 people that essentially are in engaged in one industry), they don’t buy from us now and that has sent our own microchip industry into a downward spiral. Its not just the chip business, they recently cancelled all wheat purchases from us. zero as far as I can tell. Imagine what that will do our ag exports? Ans: our trade deficit with them will worsen- ergo: they have the leverage not us.
You seem like a smart guy like many of the subscribers, can you or anyone else on this thread come up with a way to deal with the problem of jobs that doesn't involve putting tariffs on China, which I think Trump is inclined to do.
I agree with you, gRichard. Tariffs have always been used as a weapon, and generally backfire, in my opinion. We shouldn't punish one of our largest trading partners to pay for the obscene policies our government has followed, by creating overspending not seen since fish crawled out of the sea (pardon the Trumpism).
Thanks gRichard for the thoughtful and sensible reply. Its nice to have an intelligent exchange if ideas. I should also say that I suffer with chronic optimism, so I generally look for the positive in any situation. Re the tariffs I agree totally with your point and I am an Australian - we have the freest markets in the world I suspect - we don't tariff or disadvantage anyone who wants to send us stuff, (although we are a bit protective of our disease free status). Consequently we destroyed almost all our low tech manufacturing years ago, but we are thriving as free market policies really do work, when it comes to earning export income, we mostly only do what we are good at - mining and agriculture - where we can eliminate wage costs through automation and get advantages through abundant natural capital, technology and scale. It's also relevant that we have a small population and a lot of natural resources per capita, we are pretty uniquely blessed in that regard. (China) CCP also placed heavy tariffs on many of our agricultural exports at the end of the last government as payback for our governments firm stance re Taiwan and support of the U.S. in general. That's the trouble or the thing about the CCP, they are different. Our producers found new markets as a result - no other option - and also learned that China is an unreliable trading partner - it was painful but now as the trade with China reopens our producers are much better educated in this aspect of the China trade. We are better off for the experience - but it was painful and costly. I was interested to read of the chip maker experience that you mentioned, but I tend to think that it was always going to happen, that was the CCP plan. Companies like Tesla make a strategic error perhaps when they engage with the CCP. We have these wonderful China built electric cars hitting the road here in Australia and the starting price is about half the cost of a Tesla. So its the CCP thing that makes tariffs on China potentially practicable from the viewpoint of the United States. The CCP might have (ironically) created something that is the closest thing we have ever seen to a perfect corporation in the nation state we know as China. The workers and entrepreneurs are free to use capitalist/free market forces to motivate and reward one another, the board of directors is positioned and sustained without a great deal of drama or waste of resources on the process, they can adjust their exchange rate at will and control the thinking and actions of the populace (shareholders) by both overwhelming force and persuasion. And they also just happen to have a populace who have been raised for generations in the confucian tradition, which encourages discipline, accepts hardship and generally places the ideal of community benefit above individualism. So in CCP China Corp. you have a very efficient allocation of resources all across the business. But the success of the CCP business model is very strongly correlated with the stripping of industry from the established economies. Strategically that has to be very dangerous long term for western economies and nations. So tariffs come into play if directed at the CCP. Although Trump says a lot about tariffs generally one might expect that like last time they will be focused on the CCP. If that remains the case then tariffs have some merit perhaps, simply because of the natural advantage that the CCP have in operating the worlds most perfect corporation and the strategic imperative for the west in keeping pace with them. Targeted tariffs may do little enough harm to be beneficial overall in the long term. President Xi of CCP has recently required that the state church in the land, replace crosses with his image, at the front of the church. This gives a deep insight into his thinking, personality and ambitions and it's not pretty or positive for the future of either his nation or the rest of us. So again, perhaps tariffs have a limited application at this time and for specific reasons related more to strategic necessity than trade. Though its worrying to hear Trump talk about tariffs in such an all encompassing way recently, but hopefully this is just pre term bluster.
On the even more positive side there was a great little editorial/article by Larry Fink in the WSJ. In it he lays out the potential route for the greatest democracy in the world to overcome the debt mountain via productivity gains through the adoption of AI. As a sufferer of chronic optimism I found the article an enjoyable form of medication. Its worth a read and does not take long. One can hope, without to much unbridled optimism perhaps, that Larry Fink might get the ear of the 47th President at some time as well, then things could turn out much better then expected. In the article is the answer to your question posed as to how to build a bigger future for middle America without tariffs, it is in productivity improvements and regulatory relief, and the United States has the ball at its feet so to speak, just gotta pick it up and run, that's something the U.S. has been very good at over the years, maybe it can happen again.
God bless America and all the best to you g.
Drill baby drill will not help. Why? Because the oil companies need to find the best yielding and most cost productive wells to be efficient. That takes planning and time. They are not going to start drilling less efficient wells because of "Drill baby drill". It is not a workable corporate plan.
I agree.
American consumers pay the global price for the mix of oil oil they consume and that will not change.
'Drill baby, drill' is just a catchy slogan and nothing more.
Lyndon, thanks. Actually, I was passing on what Exxon CEO Darren Woods actually said this week, but try telling the rest of them that.
Yea for Harry! You have a new clueless, idiot leftarde to play with...
Even better news for America and Americans brother, “Nearly 54% of Harris voters want to move to a different state or country following Trump's win on Tuesday”🙏 Let’s just hope these useful idiots make good on their promises and make America the Greatest Ever🙏🙏
You know Starboard, I read an article in the WSJ once about why people use buzzwords. in this case, political buzzwords like "Lefttarde" and some of the rest of the crap that comes out of you mouth and the finding was that the more a person relied upon the buzzwords, the less they actually knew. The buzzwords were just a substitute for lack of actual knowledge. Does the shoe fit?
Sure Harry. Buzzwords are like stereotypes and cliches.
They're there for a reason...
Hey harry. I believe that CEO also said last week That Donald trump should stay in the Paris climate accords. That is just more insane woke drivel.
No, I think your comment is just more woke drivel. This is 2 Exxon CEO's, Tillerson and Woods, Republicans, who said that we should stay in, have said so for a variety of reasons: It's better to have a voice there than not/the energy companies need consistent Gov policy to formulate effective energy policies-I mean really Worm, do you want to pay $10/gallon for gas? Because that is where this is headed without clearcut consistent policies-given their size and required lead time for big projects, these companies can't turn on a dime/lastly, the industry is looking for legislative help to promote things like carbon capture, etc. Call it Deep State or whatever you want that's where we stand right now. I don't really get the problem with the Paris Climate Accords, it's non binding anyway.
Thanks to an interview Dan had a week or so ago, I learned about an actually powerful arm of AI that is being applied to cleaner, more precise planning for oil drilling in Colorado.
On your list:
May I suggest deporting ALL illegals. Even by your standard, they ARE all criminals. Render an interpretation of "birthright citizenship" that nullifies all those born here to parents that are not American.
On taxes, use tariffis and a sales tax, not a flat tax. A flat tax still requires the same amount of accounting effort and doesn't deconstruct the hydra of the IRS and the "tax industrial complex" of accountants and lawyers.
According to the US Constitution they are illegal aliens so they are committing a felony.
One of the most disturbing comments by a US president was the one by obama when a reporter pointed out one of his policies was against the U.S. Constitution and obama said "the Constitution was just a piece of paper". The reporter or someone informed him that the U.S. Constitution was the law of the land. I realized just how dangerous obama was to our freedoms.
That is so true Mr Gmitter. Your comment is greatly appreciated.
Something known as the “Council” a.k.a. CIGIE considers itself L. Sui generis; a Latin phrase “in a class of its own;” or “one of a kind.”
Its raison d'être for CIGIE is State capture. Gregory Stenstrom wrote a CIGIE expose here
Stenstrom also co-authored Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception.
That was an excellent article you sent a few weeks ago brother Mark. Even educated me! I have sent it out to dozens, who have sent it out to hundreds and so on and so on:) America is coming back, and I’m so excited to see the great majority on board against this corruption 🙏. As always, thank you for all your good work 🇺🇸
I can only imagine the bureaucratic monster it would take to track down all the illegal aliens, especially under the jurisdiction of the same leaders that have made the legal process for naturalization so onerous for generations. Perhaps there's a job here for Super AI Man to prioritize the country's values, not just to make them shills for the next election.
Not being a great fan of massive federal programs to punish folks randomly, I'm thinking of the completely, mostly illegal, incarceration of all Japanese in California after the outbreak of WW II. What am I missing? How do we find leadership that won't take the ham handed approach that seems to be endemic in our society?
I don't think the horrible unconstitutional rounding up of American citizens of Japanese descent bt Dem President Roosevelt compares. These people are illegal invading the U.S.. Our country just like most western countries needs immigrants since our birth rates are so low and we are a country of legal immigrants. Agreed we need a better process than Harris/Biden admin's just inviting anyone in and looking the other way. ALong with the good people alot of people intent in harming the USA come in too. It seems like the American people are so hopelessly divided mostly by the unprofessional media we have in this country. You can trac ethis division back to the obama admin who did all it could to divide the American people and et race relations back decades.
Well we are celebrating the great Republican win and rejoicing at the progressive (Democrat) loss, after being tortured by their nonsense for so many years. I mean we had climate change, vaccinations forced upon us that kill, (Fauci retiring with the highest salary in the gov and a few million in bonuses with a secret service force to protect him) also the guaranteed payments to their friends with no liability (pharma), our children losing body parts and their sexuality without asking parents, men competing in women sports, every psychological punishment you can conceive of, taking away freedom of speech, the more absurd and in violation of the Constitution the better, Janet selling short term bills creating the "blue iceberg" to purposely increase the debt bomb Dan refers to and now it all goes quiet. AND there will be a smooth transition to Trump. I think you can be assured of that! It's all about democracy now! I suspect Hilary, Biden, Janet, Kamala, Fauci, Pfizer, MSMedia,... are throwing a big secret party and laughing all the way to the bank while we celebrate that Kamala didn't win because,... (all the reasons).
BUT considering Dan's analysis above it seems pretty much guaranteed that the Democrats (communists I've been calling them) may have wanted Kamala to run and lose. Maybe that's why they insured there was no primary and why they will transition smoothly to Trump gladly because "that's what is done in democracy". Now Kamala lectures all the young Howard students to fight for the US Constitution. Because nothing could be better than watching Donald and the American people fail to the point where the public clamors for communism. We don't even have to put up with Antifa now, for some strange reason. Isn't it amazing how quiet it is. If this transition is quiet that is a certain tell of the evolving globalist plan to psychological torture us to take our minds off of the spending and debt driven to high heaven which will cause financial collapse. Now Trump with run the apparent incompetent government. They could be pretty sure the collapse wouldn't come during the spending spree. It always comes when the people try to approach sanity, of spending. I'm probably sounding a bit like Bill, with a very healthy skepticism of everything, but I do think it is
I agree that there's a set up here for Trump and capitalism to fail. It's part of the Cloward-Piven strategy that Obama & Co. were fed at Columbia. My hope for Trump is that he succeeds in pulling the country away from the abyss just in time to burn the far left, one more time.
My suggestion is that any government employee, working or retired, with a wealth of over $2 million loses government supplied security and can choose to hire security paid for by themselves. If they have gained this much wealth on a government salary, then they stole it. This would include spouses, children , siblings, parents out 2 generations (if the son of the 'big guy' was supporting him thru graft, grift and corruption, then he can resume support.) This would apply to past elected officials too. I don't think a politician has been as poor as Truman when he left office, so they won't suffer the loss of this perk. Should help the economy by the increase in employment of security/protection services. Wow, win-win! (if they need help...they could ask Pelosi for stock picking tips)
Problem is we have never had this much debt before and reducing that debt slows the economy. Trump is smart enough to enlist a bunch of brilliant leaders, RFK, Elon, Tulsi. My take is if we get the country headed in the right direction then we always have a chance, there are some great problems to solve. If the country accepts those problems and is motivated to fight them then humans always have a chance.
It's interesting. In 2008, when the banking system was on the verge of collapse and we turned the country over to a brother, they were saying the same thing. I realize the debt is a big problem, but how did "They" know who was going to win the election?
The War Party (almost) always wins. This time around, however, everyone had to know a failed VP in a failed administration, with a lower favorability rating than Congress, and never went through a primary, had no chance. Even against a polarizing person like Trump.
PS: Who the hell is the "War" party? Be careful how you answer that. It wasn't too long ago that Donald Rumsfeld and the Republicans couldn't wait to blow someone off the face of the earth.
"who is the "war" party? I'd say they were Blue and Red as wars are started by both parties. Too much money involved for the congressional grifters not to want a piece of the action. Same with Big Pharma, BTW. Term limits would help, perhaps, as Democrats and Republicans (the narcissists in office, not the populace) love a good war. Kinda like the guy with a small pencil behind his zipper has to have that Corvette...
Absolutely GREAT analogy about the zipper, Peter? May I please have your permission to use it in the future?
The war party is whoever thinks they can keep power, at least in this case and in W and Cheney's case.
Correct Mackinac, and to answer Harry directly, the parties and candidate really don't matter. The War Party (aka Deep State) sticks around for generations in the Pentagon and they're the ones making the consequential decisions in Washington. For once in my lifetime, 2016, the War Party lost because the people put an outsider in the White House. He's back again and will be in real danger if he takes on the Deep State this time.
Got it. Yeah, a war-at least for a long time, was great to get someone reelected and unite the country behind the incumbent. Don't know if it's the Pentagon though. I always got the impression maybe the intel community or the guys in DC on the take with the big contracts. Who knows?
Maybe, but there were a number of demographic changes this election. It was the first election where more Independents voted than Democrats, and more Gen X than Boomers. Trumps support among white women went down by 1/2 to a 5% lead. I'll give you Harris' inability to connect with people, but I have been following elections a long time, and can't imagine how the rest is predictable, or that the Dems would deliberately take themselves out of it completely-they are about to loose the House. I'm not into conspiracy theories like most on the right. More likely Biden's refusal to step down and allow an open primary after he told the American people 4 years ago he would doomed the party.
I don't get why a lot of very smart people are missing the obvious: Joe Biden consciously and intentionally sabotaged the Marxists/Leftists/Democrats this cycle because he was jilted about them executing a coup to take him out.
How do I know this to be true? Because Nancy Pelosi said as much. The Marxists/Leftists/Democrats' "Plan A" was to conduct an "open mini-primary" after The Demented One stepped down. He obliterated that strategy when he endorsed Harris within an hour of suspending his campaign. He knew she would be a loser and he was dead right about that.
This put the Marxists/Leftists/Democrats into a tailspin and Harris being Harris (meaning she put herself ahead of the country and certainly before the party) immediately set about garnering Delegates to secure the nomination. The Demented One loved it. He was playing chess and the intellectually challenged VP (and her hastily thrown together staff) were playing checkers . . . poorly.
There is little question that the vapid Marxists/Leftists/Democrats will do everything in their power to throw banana peels in Trump's path (that's really all they're good at). However, there is no doubt that the average American citizen won a huge victory on Tuesday, even though about 70 million Harris voters don't know it yet.
Good points, agree, except my guess is the demented one's wife called the shots...right Dr. Jill?
All that about Biden MAY be true, but it does not negate my point that Biden said he intended to be a one term "Transitional" president. Our former Gov, Chris Christie, brought that up on election night.
Mr. Mackinac, It's scary to admit this, but you might be right about the possibility that the Globalist Elite, as I call them, ensured that Donald Trump returned to the W.H. (I got the idea for the Globalist Elite moniker from the 2011 Jason Statham/Clive Owen movie “Killer Elite” about former SAS soldiers paid by a secretive Illuminati-like group to kill folks around the world they wanted eliminated for various reasons.)
I think it was one of the regular commenters on these threads who pointed to a ZeroHedge page showing how strange it was for Pres. Biden to receive 81M votes in 2020. ZeroHedge listed the various vote totals of Democrat presidential candidates back to Barack Obama, who received 69.5M votes in a BLOWOUT in 2008, so talk about an aberration in 2020!!! How do you receive 11.5M more votes in just 12 years?
So I looked at the 2020 presidential election in some detail, and noticed that in the Bay Area, Southern CA, metro Chicago, metro Boston, & metro NYC (includes Northern NJ), Joe Biden received about 5.5M more votes in these areas than Kamala Harris received in these areas in 2024. (I extrapolated CA to 100% because only 75% of the so-slow vote was in today.) You might ask: “Okay, so what? Pres. Trump didn’t need CA, IL, MA, NY, & NJ to win either in 2020 or 2024.” But Pres. Trump (75.5M) will probably beat VP Harris (72.5M) by 3M votes once all CA votes are counted, down from 4M presently. She might get 73M. But that would still be 8M less than Biden (81M) in 2020. So that leaves about 2.5M votes (8M – 5.5M) total fewer for her than him, mostly in several key states, such as PA, MI, WI, NC, GA, AZ, NV, TX, & FL.
So I wonder if the Globalist Elite held back millions of votes on purpose to give Pres. Trump the win. And not only an Electoral College win, but an outright majority win. The 8M votes were not fabricated in 2024 as they were in 2020. In other words, rather than adding phony votes to the total this time, the Globalist Elite DID NOT add them? I realize this can be looked at as Tin Foil Hat conspiracy stuff, but you have to wonder. Now that Pres. Trump has not only won, but won a strong majority of the vote, as well as helping the GOP control Congress (also because the phony votes were NOT added in the congressional races); and, thus his Dem congressional opposition and MSM attacks are greatly weakened. So if he fails via a weakened economy, the Dems can tell the folks they had very little legislative power to prevent it. So they can’t be blamed.
There is always some "logic" as to why they can't be blamed. And if the MSM shouts it out enough and reinforces it Dems will follow, just like climate change, wokism, boys in girls sports, covid vax etc. Come on men in women's sports, you've got to be kidding.
Yes the globalist elites are in control by the Globo list man of evil himself. Think spiritual. The spiritual need flesh and blood to accomplish their goals . Good thing that " Good " overcomes evil! Just what I see as a mere mortal!
Yikes!! What a refreshing column. I think you totally nailed it.
Diddy like Epstein is no longer useful in his role of compromising powerful people who will now do what they are told to support the elite. Let’s hope Trump releases that list too which would accomplish both reducing the blackmail value to the puppeteers and expose much of the sordid world of sleaze, corruption and global grifters.
I approve of your 10 things you'd love to see Trump do. Please see that Trump, Vance, Vivek, Elon, et al, get a copy.
.... when he’d come to visit Bill and I from his home in Cannes....
It should read, "when he'd come to visit Bill and me from his home in Cannes"...
From a group (BPR) that consistently publishes outstanding and incisive economic / financial analyses, editorials and market observations… this report was over-the-top excellent!! I wish BPR could meet with Trump/Vance and their champions of liberty: Gabbard, Ramaswami, Kennedy, Musk, Carlson et al, and present this analysis.
Good article. I admire Trump because when he was elected in 2016 the media immediately said they would do everything to destroy his presidency and they did with 24/7 gaslighting (the media is now propagandist and not journalists). He had the guts to take them on again and won. The press will do anything out of spite to take him down again even if it hurts the American people. Yellen having all that huge debt due at one time is gross incompetence and she should be put on trial.
And then hung by the neck until dead. Leave the fat bones on display for a decade...
Dan, I have always maintained that a very good way (maybe one of several) to clean up voting is to require all voting to be in person on Election Day and for the Federal Government to make Election Day a Federal Holiday (they like making more holidays) and strongly encourage all businesses, including retail to close for the day so everyone can vote in person. By having a Holiday no one has the excuse they can't vote because they had to work. Of course, many political operatives will fight the proposal it will cut into their revenue since they can't manipulate the vote as easily.
Too bad it will never happen.
Yes Dan, agree with your list and a few other things that will make America Great Again! I hope many of your readers bought Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana when we had discussions about crypto back in 19. Many millionaires are now with us if they did! Trump will make Bitcoin a reserve and the world will follow. My prediction back in 19 was bitcoin 50,000 by 2023. Not too far off. My prediction after Trumps next term is bitcoin $500,000. Buy these three crypto in the next dip and cost average for the next few years. As always, best wishes and good luck 🙏
BTC since 2014 and ADA since 2017, yes. Have not sold any and I count it towards the 40% precious metals BPR portfolio allocation. (because it's better than Gold on the scarcity spectrum).
Very smart man Mark!
Love your writing . A solution to the U.S. national debt can be found with an explanation by Martin Armstrong from ARMSTRONG ECONOMICS . I’d like to know your thoughts please, Tks. Neil from COLOMBIA .
A poisoned chalice? The West is too far down the road for a soft landing, and we have avoided the necessary corrections for too long. A great reset, depression or worse? Tariffs are not a good long term strategy, but the East can't be allowed to dominate. It will need resolve and old fashioned perseverance to remove the 'commie' infiltration that Hoover showing remarkable prescience, warned us of in the 60s & 70s; but the new enemy is even more diversified.
Xlnt article!
Fauci is basically a nerdy scientist. To suggest that he somehow engineered a major covid-related wealth transfer to himself is nutty, Big Pharma -- yes. Fauci --no.
You need to research more about Fauci, he is far more than a nerdy scientist.
Jack's right. Apparently he was the highest paid bureaucrat in DC, and now that he has finally retired from "public service" probably sits on the board of at least one major pharmaceutical giant. The fact that his partner in crime, Francis Collins, quietly retired from the NIH on a Saturday outside of the 24-hour news cycle, makes me wonder what boxes of papers and hard drives that would've/should've/could've landed both of them in prison, disappeared into the morning mist.
I was one of the first folks that got Covid on the Diamond Princess in late Jan -Feb 2020 & quarantined in both Tokyo and Travis Air Force Base in CA. My source of news when in Tokyo was the BBC. I became absolutely convinced (as well as others, even possibly Trump himself) that Fauci was a totally corrupt extremely greedy SOB. Why? Because it has been reported that he apparently had not only worked with these types of weaponized air born viruses for at least 10 years (after Obama outlawed this type of "prof of function" research in the USA) BUT he also held many many patents on the "CURES" for those pathogens that he created. Smart? Well everyone knows how the Big Pharm "capitalized" on Covid.
So, you are blaming Fauci because you got covid? I am truly sorry that you had to go through that;; I have had it twice now and I can testify that it can be horrendous. But I'm just not buying it that Fauci orchestrated the whole thing.
He's a criminal. He and Francis Collins funded illegal gain of function research in China after it had been outlawed by Congress. They did so through nonprofits, so the funding was off the book and indirect. they didn't create the lab leak, but they enabled it. Rand Paul started to shine some light on this ugly business in some of the Congressional hearings, but it still went away. Probably at the orders of the CIA. I'm convinced that the virus and shutdown response were a test run for the great reset still to come.
Let's not forget his favored Covid vax was one he held a patent on and was previously a failed Ebola drug. But he's just an innocent scientist...Give me a break. Read his history...
No, I'm not blaming anyone except my own stupidity & bad luck for taking this cruise. As it turns outs there was a Chinese man who left Wuhan, flew to Tokyo & boarded the Diamond Princess for a 3 day cruise to Hong Kong to "visit his family," & he then spread the virus to not only the 3,000 people on the ship but all of HK as well. So I realized that the ship was like a Greyhound bus...picking up any passenger who had a dime in his pocket and then dropping him/her off 5 or 10 miles down the road! It was and is a bad business model imho!~
James, I am sorry for what you went through, but don't be too hard on yourself. People in the US were getting sick from late November on, while the experts were telling us it was not in the States yet. I do find it a bit dubious that one person gave it to the entire ship (maybe) then to all of Hong Kong (highly doubtful). It simply spread faster and farther than anyone realized.
"There was a Chinese man..."
Seriously? Do you have a photo? A name? Surely you would find his name on the passenger list James...
Never mind, I have heard it all. LOL "heard it" I lived it.
I could go on & tell you how the US State Dept lied to us who chose to leave the ship earlier on an "evacuation" plane.
They said that the only passengers on the plane would be from the ship and that they all would have tested negative. As it turned out there were people from PRC on that plane and there were also 10-12 very sick people from the ship who were also on the plane in an area that was separate from the other 230 people only by plastic sheeting! I have pics of this!
Those 10-12 passengers did not disembark @ Travis AFB but flew on to Des Moines Iowa so they could be "studied" in an early effort to determine what we all were up against! ps My wife and I were the FIRST passengers to get off of the chartered Greek freight jet where 3 of the 4 porta potties were closed with yellow tape.
Can you imagine a 10-11 hour flight for 230 people with one porta potty? Yeah, "I'm from the government and we're here to help!" LOL
ps: I was also evacuated from Saigon in April 26, 1975 on a US AF jet to Clark AFB in the Philippines. It was a much better coordinated & efficient effort under more difficult conditions than from HND in Tokyo 2020.
Read this meticulously researched book to see what a scumbag the guy truly is and what he has been an integral part of for decades: