The definition of capitalism and especially American capitalism was created by an elementary school teacher, I suppose. The definition changes color and form depending on what works for those that run the show, meaning the president and congress. The corporations are not in power unless you draw the curtain. Everything in America has been designed by corporations and never in the best interest of the people. How about slogans that determined American taste for sugar, cigarettes, bread that can be use as brick mortar, banking, voting, keeping the mob as dumb as possible. American leaders decided a long time ago that Napoleons strategy to divide and conquer is the way to go. They antagonize people by creating ideas about racism, ways to teach our children and to make them believe we are better than others by pumping slogans like “we are number one”. In a country where we fight wars for no reason and pay with human life and billion dollars education is so expensive that only Chinese students can afford. Yes, America has vacated the number one position. Education is expensive but bullets are no problem. We can afford billions to support Ukraine without reason what is in it for us but American youngsters cannot afford education. They are our future the slogans say. Keep the masses dumb and manipulate them to vote the way our demo-rats want is what our government is about. America, stop looking at your toes and start looking in front of you. Your future is not where the toes are.

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Yes Isaac, it's Good to see another astute student of BPR in the room! Unfortunately, many American's, and most democrats can't see their toes from inside their assholes...

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I may not agree with all your points but I do agree with most of what you said. Thank you.

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Yes Bill, "All Western economies are now facing the consequences of two decades of fundamental economic mistakes. Interest rates are the warning sign. They are far too low for a free market economy."

I think we all agree that this well executed demolition of all Western nations is anything but a "Mistake"...

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Steve-L All by design, my friend, all by design.

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A trillion in credit card debt at 24%, “carbage” loans going into default, commercial real estate keeling over….tic-tok. Why is my mental picture of our “elites” that of a bunch of monkeys pulling levers? I’ve always had a pessimistic streak, but I want to thank the BPR team for justifying it. Seriously though, thanks for the warnings. You’ve given me ample time to prepare.

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Yes Bill, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Capitalism. The uncomfortable truth is these colossal economic mistakes emanate from Central Planning. America ditched Capitalism decades ago. Now ask yourself this question; who benefits from Central Planning? I can tell you from decades of personal experience; it sure as hell isn't this irredeemable deplorable :-) Slippery slope, meet the ditch!

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True analysis and easy understand. The real question is what to do with unreliable data? You said it! Land the potential victim of eminent domain, gold to government confiscation, stocks very short term, digital coins are speculative. All this so Soros can short the dollar.

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Fred C. Lane,

Thank you for your response. I’ll glad you don’t agree with everything. Sometimes I change my mind about things I was almost certain are true. I react to observations. One think for sure, there is something wrong with our country and that something can be easily defined. The fix most likely will never be accomplished because politicians who run this country are in positions they should have never been in It is like calling a plumbing to deal with a urological problem of an individual.

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When the nation votes for stupid you get stupid. Men who put on a dress and believe they are women. Women who believe they are men . Financial gurus that can’t follow simple mathematics. Generals that believes soldier’s feelings are more important than being prepared for combat. More importantly a President than can’t put together a cognitive thought. Complacency, ignorance of reality result in total corruption of all systems that form Capitalism. The basis for survival and upward mobility.

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Capitalism, it’s transactional wealth accumulation consequences and any subsequent reductions, are often if not always linked to ‘conserve-ism.’

When there is no longer faith, belief or respect for conserving and saving for one’s tomorrow, capitalism as a model becomes bastardised and then a plaything and toolset for the elite and powerbrokers.

QED the likes of tyrannical leaders are ‘conserve-atives’ by default, using capitalism for their own personal purposes and outcomes.

Proof positive samples, private palaces, super yachts, enslaved factory workers, pyramids old and new.

Societies and nations created in the names of Shared Socialism for All Citizens etc, are the highest of Oxymoronic hypocrisy.

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