Yes Mark Rowley is a piece of work, that's for sure. Chairman Starmer is also a vile tyrant who repeatedly does toxic, divisive speeches riddled with lies. They rule by deception in a fake world perpetuated by the media. The outlook is bleak in the UK.

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They are spineless cowards deliberately destroying the UK, mainly by importing countless low-IQ third world savages many of which rape, pillage, and engage in general mayhem.

Hey Rowley - come and get me, I dare you.

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Absolutely, 2 tier Keir isn't my Prime Minister, he takes his orders from Davos.

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Two tier Keir a liar and a scoundrel.

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Couldn't agree more mate

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Economics is about how goods and services are produced. Politics is about how goods and services are distributed. The rules for distribution heavily impact the quantity and quality of goods and services produced, so Political Economy is the subject matter needing the closest attention. But anthropology is the foundation for all of these, and the toughest subject of all, because it involves a level of introspection that is very difficult to achieve for easily self-deceived creatures like humans. It's fun to try, though, and Bill Bonner et al are stimulating influences for making the attempt and keeping the household economy solvent for the journey. Ever since encountering "Family Fortunes" I've found BB's story telling helpful in rethinking my filters on reality.

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This is clearly the smartest explanation I’ve encountered on the situation!

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Apparently, as Bill indicates, many investors can't see the forest because of the trees. It might even apply to Crypto buyers and those "smart" investors that have converted to billions in cash. If the Brics members (their nbrs seem to keep growing) announce in Sept or Oct their new "world currency", which is a monertery system backed by gold, those Crypto and smart billionaires in cash may cash out of dollars very quickly. This is only a guess by an old man, but two of their options appear to be , conversion to the Bric's currency or buy some form of gold, be it physical, miners or gold royalty companies. History shows that when the crap hits the fan, the only real money is gold and not paper backed by nothing or the new thing Crypto (imaginary coins, somewhere in the clouds). Some of you young guys may think that history rymes and it's no different this time. What makes this time different? It's pretty simple $35,000,000,000.00 in debt to be serviced. Hope I have used enough zeroes. Like Bill keeps telling "you'll", you can pay now or pay later but "we" are going to pay.

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There’s three zeros missing on your debt figure. Common mistake when dealing with astronomical numbers.

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I have read for years that big banks like JP Morgan have with the governments okay have artificially kept gold and silver low using futures. It explains why the huge discrepancy between retail and spot prices.

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If you were creating money out thin air, you’d want the price of gold to stay relatively low. Makes your currency look better. And all the other currencies that might revolve around it would look better, too.

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Absolutely, Mark1. Unfortunately, that path eventually ends drastically. For a variety of reasons including the U.S. becoming the big bully in the world (akin to a mafia) along with rapidly growing debt, the others in the World are beginning to flee the US$. For those with foresight, the manipulation of gold/silver to support the value of fiat currencies provides a road to protecting your wealth. Sadly - as Bill pointed out - "But not many people want to think about it." Going to be the BIG UGLY and hopefully not a nuclear war. Desperate politicians and governments do desperate things.

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As we seen with both past world wars after world depressions. This next one will be fought in the States and Europe. Time to move to the Southern Hemisphere or at least find your bolthole down south as most of the elites have already done 🤔

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I understand your sentiment, but the USA is my country and my home, and I'll not abandon her for any reason. Where I live, we still care about our liberty and freedoms, and God help anyone who tries pushing us too far.

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Don't be in too much of a hurry Steve L, apart from living (very badly) a few more weeks/months if they do go full nuclear, our political elite and the direction they're trying to take us, isn't too different down here. Most places the currency is still fiat, still getting printed endlessly and there's way too much wokeness.

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Steve L - could not agree more. Frankly, my vote is Costa Rica. While not in the southern hemisphere it has a multi-language culture with English spoken essentially everywhere. And, most importantly, it has NO ARMY. None, Ziltch, Zero. To me that is "muy importante" since the army forces are what keeps governments in power.

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I have thought about it a lot.

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Once again - ouch! Touché Bill......the uncomfortable and ugly truth. Reminds me of Thoreau from Walden - "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things."

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Wonder if Kamala or Don have any thoughts about gold, as a measurement yardstick to be relevant to economics, or more likely that it’s “No big deal” as it’s only used for jewelry, plating Olympic medals and decorating etc.

My guess is that it is totally off their radar as it’s just a plaything of a couple of hundred billionaires, a few nuts on Wall Street and a few other weirdos.

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There is NO talk or discussion of reducing spending. Both Trump and Harris are going to continue with the acceleration of US Debt. No fun cutting programs and reducing spending. No matter who is elected, the debt explosion will continue. Don't whine - focus on protecting yourself the best you can.

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Also, a great friend wisely suggested once about creating a wine cellar… been working on it but keep on having to raid it for liquid gold…

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In reference to yesterday's read on increased defense spending ... the Deagal Report 2025 shows a massive decrease in western defense spending after 2025 ... along with a substantial reduction in populations also.

I know Doug Casey has commented several times on this now deleted from the Interweb report. Thus, some of the readers were wondering where Mr. Bonner's thoughts may lie in regards to this subject.

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Wtf is that report? Us population 99 million down from 316 million? Must be a joke? And China and Russia not on the first page.


Interesting site


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In the opening quote, the slaves are on either political party. They love the parties! Thank goodness there are some that see thru the feces.

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It is interesting how often 1984 is referenced lately to describe what is happening in today's world.

"The nice thing about Mr. Trump is that we already know what a big dope he is."

Ms. Harris’s dopiness, on the other hand, has yet to be weighed...........................................................

The deeper story is that it probably doesn’t matter. The insiders ( The cabal ) made her. They can break her too... t

This election may be the last opportunity for "we the people" to avoid the BIG BROTHER takeover. Then, we get four years of opportunity to begin to break its back. With the addition of Kennedy and Gabbard, who knows what could happen? As late as it is, the fight could be starting. But we have one big step: Don't forget to vote!

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"I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive."

- Barbara Lerner Spectre

They've never hidden their intentions; as such, you best take what they say at face value.

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The utter arrogance of such figures ia striking.

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Superb guys!

The nice thing about this woke environment is you don't have to look at all the data or listen to the Fedspeak you only need to follow the primary trend i.e. what gold buys. Like JP Morgan said "Only gold is money, everything else is credit".

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It highlights an issue I'm struggling with since several criminal schemes have surfaced and been brought to Attention of the Public.

Rigging Libor, Fibor, Gold fixing (JPM Traderdesk etc.) and although some figures were prosecuted it seems unimaginable that such lucrative opportunities aren't exploited since.

Big Question:

What does the official Spot prize really reflect?

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deletedAug 29
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Hi ,

If it will get as bad as predicted on this letter and their readers gold and silver will only bring for what it is accepted for. No matter what the oficial price is .If we go into black market dealings you will pay for what you want (like food) with what the seller wants or you will starve.

I know I was 6 years old when the 2nd world war ended. All we can do is prepare and hope for the


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