It's not hard to see why we're obsessing over Roman history these days. But looking backward just means we still won't see the cliff we're getting closer and closer to. Time to suck it up, grow a pair or whatever passes for being a real adult these days and not listening to the Sirens of marketing luring us to our destruction. The only semi sane thing I was able to hear over the children arguing with each other on the debates was the idea that "gasp" social media isn't good for our kids (at a minimum) and shouldn't be part of their childhoods. Haven't watched news on TV for weeks and am still alive and well.

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America The Bully sends weapons and money to Ukraine, and they call it aid, but if China and North Korea send weapons and money to Russia, America The Bully will call them State Sponsors of Terrorism.

Two face Jack crouching filibuster encroached poached Bidenmentia economy destroying global war monger squirt wench devil horn tooth muck Joe.

It’s all fun and games until the cookie crumbles.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Nice work Gents - Today's report was worth a years subscription in itself - hilarious and right on the money!! Best wishes from the Permian Basin -

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The Washington Post described Elon Musk's tweet as "sophomoric" when he suggested a year ago that to end the war, I quote;

“Redo elections of annexed regions under UN supervision. Russia leaves if that is will of the people.”

Ultimately a peace plan will be have to be worked out. In my humble opinion Musk's suggestion makes a lot of sense. The alternative is only further destruction of lives and material. The US however feels good as it is helping Ukraine kick Putin's butt and deters China from doing the same to Taiwan.. How infantile? Where are our statesmen able to recognise realpolitik?

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"Where are our statesmen able to recognize realpolitik?"

When your "campaign contributions" and "gifts" depend on you shutting-up, not noticing/seeing nothing and consistently voting for business as usual - the question is moot...

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I am always fascinated by the musings over what people still regard as news in the ¨New York Times¨ Do folks still take that rag seriously? I still receive (perhaps not for long) the Sunday version and immediately throw out 90% of it as socialized trash. IMO the only print coming out of New York that´s fit to read is the New Yorker¨. Even the NY´er has moved in odd directions. Some of their stories are such an abstract of the human condition, one wonders the purpose for them. Others are well written and ¨potentially¨ worth the hefty cover fee. We´ll see how long it lasts.

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.... “degrading Russia helps deter China” .... from what buying US bonds! These guys are all clowns.

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There's winners and losers in every war, the wealth of a nation is transferred from those who built the nation, to those who will in the end own the nation. The sad part the citizens willingly hand over wealth to the elite banking cartel. We wave the flag in patriotic zeal, bleeding for a good cause. Americans actually believe their coin and blood spilt all over the world was to promote Democracy and freedom. The mission of the Founding Fathers was to create a system where democracy could never take hold.

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Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

Excellent from Bill about Donbas and Kosovo pertaining to independence.

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True, Russia did not conquer Ukraine. They did try, though. I guess they'll have to settle for Donbas, and the other eastern Ukraine territory they invaded. Current map here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine#/media/File:2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine.svg

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Thanks for the link, very informative.

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Read an article from David Stockman the other day where he labeled Mitch McConnell a Sick Fuck. Couldn't agree more! For that matter, David's moniker applies equally to the Neocon Denizens.

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When Costco starts selling out of gold a few hours after advertising the 1oz bars, it tells us something, maybe those good citizens robbing liquor stores are breaking the wrong windows...America is no longer interested in equality. We want Equity! We want Justice achieved not simply according to the strict letter of the law but in accordance with principles of substantial justice and the unique facts of the case.

We care not about laws, nor who makes those laws, only how we gonna get our free stuff.

The law says we should work for our stuff, but according to equity, it's ok to bend the laws a little bit, and just take it, of course with the principles taught to us by our brilliant parent and educators.

Yes, the unique facts of life are we each are unique in by ourselves, and we are all given the precious gift of choice. What changes our uniqueness, is our choice of choices...

So yes, empires, like humans are all created equal, until they are not, and demand equity, and eventually abolish those same laws that made them powerful and human, and follow the Principles of the demented, the weak and the corrupt. So here we are in the West, the New World Order, in our new America...

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Where have you gone Mr. Robinson?

The nation turns its lonely eyes to you...

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I was very pleased when I started reading your column when you mentioned Brooks Robinson. I was a dye hard Yankee fan at the time, but you had to respect Brooks. It brought a tear to my eye when I read the news of his death. I have fond memories of that baseball Era. Thank you

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DOWN TO KOSOVO- Your comment regarding Russia's support for the "humanitarian actions" in Kosovo is incorrect. Russia was against the use of force in Kosov, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina along with Montenegro. See the article mentioned below.


26 March 1999

Press Release SC/6659


19990326 Russian Federation, Sponsor of Resolution, Says Those Voting against Text Place Themselves in Situation of Lawlessness

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I learned today that the Ukrainian 98 year old former Nazi Waffen SS soldier accidentally recognized by standing room applause by Canada’s Parliament went to war not to conquer Western Europe but to push the Russians out of Ukraine

However the current conflict is resolved what will endure for a long, long time is the enmity that these two Slavic tribes — Russians and Ukrainians — have for each other

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Hiya Jimm -

Gonna need you to define "accidentally"...

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I heard he got 12 standing ovations from the Canadian parliament The irony in it all, Russia was an ally during the war to defeat the Nazi's. There always appears to be a boogeyman somewhere, sometime, someplace.

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Tom D. Any concern about narrow shipping lanes and, uh torpedoes, from below or alongside?

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Come on Bill! If Russia or China ever tried to cheat in War, and torpedo one of our ships or tankers, our gay/woke military will scratch their eyes out...

A better investment for your future, are ones that will probably end it, LMT, RTX and NOC:)

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Accompanied by much stompy-foot...

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