
As a college professor - working very hard to transition back into industry - who came from a 21+ year military career before taking a single college class - I am constantly reminding my students that ditch digger is an honorable profession. And that if they learn how to operate a back-hoe or some piece of heavy equipment they will make more than any starting college professor. For many more years. And with better benefits and time off.

I also remind my students, many of whom are actually taking classes to advance their knowledge in their current professions, that in the technical world of today, it is certifications and not degrees that matter. A welding certificate. A certification as a master electrical/plumber/carpenter will all do much better than any college degree will get them. Same goes for cyber security certificates.

The problem I face is that with years of teaching others to do these jobs, I don't have the recent work experience to compete with the younger folks as I try to move back to a working world.

Maybe that job down at the slaughter house would get me in the door?

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Victor David Hanson just reported that it took about 100 years to collapse Rome. We will probably do it quicker. My college visit lasted 6 weeks. After i had paid all my tuition and bought my books, my zoology professor gave me a "0" for a lab class because i did not return the microscope to low power when i put it on the shelf. I went by to tell hiim that i was not on scholarship and my parents did not pay for my schooling. Some years later i gave my children a $5 million dollar business to run and i came up by my own bootstraps. By the way, my children have grown the business so I will not be getting waylaid by poor management. I have learned that in the US, if you succeed, it is not because of the government, it is in spite of it. They are ever ready to pass a new tax to steal your money and give it to some guy on welfare to buy a few votes. Just a few notes from a working man. Yes, by the Grace of God, I did build that!!!

Don Harrell

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I can hardly wait for the time when American tradesmen disappear, to be replaced by third world construction practices. Lack of unions, with their journeyman/apprentice training model, will surely be a boon to the ambulance-chasing barristers, as our infrastructure crumbles before our eyes.

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Better watch yourself, Bill . . . You're sounding more and more like a "Communist" every day!

I come from a union family. My father was the Secretary-Treasurer of his union for many, many years. I worked at union jobs for forty years. When we said the things that you just said in this blog post, we were denounced as "Communists" and "Socialists." Many of your Dear Readers would have been the very ones hurling those insults. Yet, when you sing the praises of the "working man" and the "blue-collar worker" they lap it up! Interesting, no?

How is what you are saying any different from the complaints of the common folk against the aristocracy prior to the French Revolution? Or, for that matter, how does it differ from what the Bolsheviks were saying leading up to their revolution in 1917?

We working stiffs have ALWAYS railed and complained about the "upper classes" looking down their noses at us and put up with their abuse and contempt while the majority of the American people -- ESPECIALLY the Republicans -- hated us and screamed at us, "America! Love it or leave it!" "If you don't like it here, move to another country, you Communist pinko fag!" But, when Bill Bonner says the same things we've been saying for decades . . . suddenly it's "A-OK."

Why is that, Bill? Care to explain? Why is it when a filthy-rich white man of the wealthy elite praises the unappreciated labors of the blue-collar worker, everyone sings HIS praises? But, when we "little people" complain, we're called "Commie pinko faggots" and we're ordered to leave America because we don't love the abuse and neglect and contempt we're getting from the ruling class? Verrry interesting . . .

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And as Bill types the global elite are putting their heads together in Davos to see how they can leverage crises to advance their one world govt agenda.

You’ll own nothing, & you’ll be happy.

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Bill, your view is spot on, maybe could be stronger, maybe include some elite aircraft crashes. Ralph Wood

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I aver that anthropogenic 'climate change' is not even worthy of being called an 'hypothesis', for it is not a testable proposition, but rather a 'just so' story. But I guess my view is just a deplorable dabble into thinking above my pay grade.

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FYI, the CIA is running a background check on each and every one of you here. Knock knock, it’s 3am. Good luck with that folks! J/K 😂 Lots of interesting points and perspectives. 😃

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022

Inflation picks a man's pocket, we are supposed the believe a 2% hole in our wallet is preferable to a 10% hole. Factor in the middleman in every transaction Uncle Sam's cut our pockets are picked 60% of every dollar earned.

College, don't get me started my tenants paid a $140,000 tuition bill and my daughter was unable to parley her dual master's degrees into a job. Her husband spend near the same and garnered a MBA that paper and a lot of hard work gained him a $20 an hour position.

The bright ray of sunshine came when my son in law conceded his degree was a waste of money and they'd both rather have the $280k they both wasted. I felt so good about their conclusion, I sold them one of my rental houses for $155k. Deeded the place over them free and clear, and directed them to refinance in 6 months and pay the loot back. I figured the house owed me nothing, I paid $18k for it 20 years ago.

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Like a man going to church, I can't hear enough of this sermon! Its true beyond belief and hearing a man write with a wicked rapier like wit about my enemies makes me chuckle with delight! Keep i going!

Jamie Dimon came out and promised the economy was going strong as well as bunch of Wall Street fund managers. I'm supposed to be happy but I know they're usually lying to me. On Bloomberg for the last two weeks I've been told that we should expect much more dollar strength. I used this wisdom to sell against UUP. Just like when they told me two years ago that oil was a thing of the past and oil stocks were a terrible investment. Marija Vietmane of State Street global warned me not to buy oil stocks! But I listened to Rick Rule instead and it has been a joyous two years indeed!!

I must say, I am a retired salt of the earther!! Lets drink to me!

Before its over I'm going to party while I still can!


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message to mr. william bonner : hallo mr. Bonner, is there any way in which i can get in touch with you privately to invite you to speak at one of our business events in nyc? (remotely will also do). i can get contacted at my email address: vdepedys@yahoo.it . best regards. vittorio de pedys, professor of finance

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Bill . . .you may appreciate the work of these fine researchers/historians:


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