Blue Collar Blues
How the working man is being left behind by his college-indoctrinated 'betters'
(Source: Getty Images)
Bill Bonner, reckoning today from Youghal, Ireland...
Raise your glass to the hard working people
Let's drink to the uncounted heads
Let's think of the wavering millions
Who needs leading, but get gamblers instead
Spare a thought for the stay-at-home voter
His empty eyes gaze at strange beauty shows
And a parade of the gray suited grafters
A choice of cancer or polio
~ The Rolling Stones
Today, we continue our salute to the common man. We give thanks to truck drivers who deliver the goods… roughnecks who work on drill rigs… bar keeps who serve a glass of whiskey when we need it… and all the other drawers of water and hewers of wood who make life tolerable.
But wait, first we should raise a glass to our leaders… to the people who rule us. We thought they were corrupt and incompetent. But it’s thanks to them that we now have a Baby Food Airlift. Bless their hearts; here’s The Daily Beast:
The first shipment of baby formula under President Joe Biden’s “Operation Fly Formula” initiative landed in the U.S. on Sunday; the airlift totals 78,000 pounds and will provide enough food to fill more than half a million baby bottles. The delivery of Nestlé formula—which was trucked from Switzerland to Germany and then flown to Indianapolis—is the first of multiple flights expected this weekend, which will import three different types of formula from Europe.
Operation Fly Formula! Thank God! It makes us all tingly with patriotic pride. We see the Stars and Stripes flapping in the breeze. And our soldiers snap to attention as the first liters (this is from Switzerland… it’s the metric system...) come down the ramp. In a real crisis, we can still count on our government to come through for us.
But let’s not get distracted….
The Biggest Rip-off of All
We introduced Mr. Charles Stallworth last week; he’s a ‘blue collar’ worker with a chip on his shoulder. He thinks the suits show him no respect. He complains, for example, about the Biden Team’s plan to forgive college loans. He and his fellow laborers didn’t get any college loans. And now they will be expected to pay for the college educations of those who despise them – including 30 members of the Biden administration.
And what about all those working class kids who played the game fair and square… who worked nights and weekends in order to pay their college expenses? And what about those who skipped college but learned a valuable trade, on the job? They contributed to the wealth and happiness of others – parking their cars, serving their hamburgers, stocking their shelves; why should they have to pay for college for those who earn more than they do?
But Mr. Stallworth seems unaware of the biggest rip-off of all.
Today, he and other ordinary citizens are paying nearly 10% of their incomes—the ‘inflation tax.’ It’s just the beginning of the huge bill they will have to pay for the expensive shenanigans… and wealth transfer programs… of the last 20 years.
The ‘system,’ put in place by suited up, college educated politicians and policymakers – and largely administered by an unelected group of bankers and economists at the Fed – has been catnip for the upper 10%. In the stock market alone, they gained some $30 trillion from the Fed’s rate rigging. But now working class incomes are being tapped to pay for it.
“What is the end game of this contempt?” asks Mr. Stallworth. “How much longer can you continue to rely on the labor of skilled tradesfolk while looking down your nose at them, explicitly or implicitly?”
The poor man just doesn’t ‘get it.’ Disrespecting the deplorables is an essential part of the program.
Sliding College Doors
Had he gone to college, and been properly indoctrinated, he would see things differently. He would know, for example, that ‘climate change’ is not just a hypothesis; The Science is ‘settled,’ whatever that means. Had he the benefit of higher education, he would know too that babies are not born either male or female; gender is a ‘social construct’… or something like that. Had he sat through the coursework in politics and government, he could take more of an interest in the affairs of The Ukraine… he would know that a 2% inflation rate is idea… and of course, it would have been revealed to him that the problems of the Black community are all his fault.
And now… without the four years of heavy drinking, and occasional drugs – a real ‘college experience!’ – his head might be clear enough to notice that his ‘betters’ start wars that can never be won. They ‘stimulate’ the economy… and it runs more slowly. They promote ‘equality’… and the rich get richer than ever.
He may have had a hunch too, that the incompetence of the elite is of a very special sort; it comes as a punishment to the working man, but it has always been a boon to the policymakers themselves.
Working class kids came back from the Middle East missing arms or legs. But the suits in Northern Virginia’s ‘defense’ industries built bigger and bigger houses.
Four million ordinary households lost their homes in the mortgage finance crisis of ’08-’09. But Wall Street honchos, who brought their companies to the edge of bankruptcy, still got million-dollar bonuses.
And who struck it rich in the Covid Panic? The millions of people who were locked in their homes, counting on handouts from the feds? Or the big pharma companies—Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna? Or how about Novavax, whose shares rose more than 1,000% in the 12 months following March 2020?
What to make of it?
What we make of it is that Charles Stallworth is almost right. The government is no longer run “for the people” or “by the people.” It’s run by an elite… who scorn them.
But not everybody with a white collar is a ‘gray-suited grafter.’ More to come…
Bill Bonner
Joel’s Note: As some of you have already noticed, there’s an updated version of Bill’s founder’s essay over at our Substack page. See here…
Sometimes right. Sometimes wrong. Always in doubt.
In it, Bill describes the short history of this Bonner Private Research project… and underscores why, in this age of elitist narratives and ubiquitous disinformation (usually from those very same insiders), independent financial research is now more important than ever. If you have a moment, cruise over and take a look.
Like this post, Bill’s founder’s essay is also public, so if you know someone who could do with a little nudge toward independent, critical analysis… and away from the talking heads on the MSM… feel free to share it with them, too. Cheers!
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As a college professor - working very hard to transition back into industry - who came from a 21+ year military career before taking a single college class - I am constantly reminding my students that ditch digger is an honorable profession. And that if they learn how to operate a back-hoe or some piece of heavy equipment they will make more than any starting college professor. For many more years. And with better benefits and time off.
I also remind my students, many of whom are actually taking classes to advance their knowledge in their current professions, that in the technical world of today, it is certifications and not degrees that matter. A welding certificate. A certification as a master electrical/plumber/carpenter will all do much better than any college degree will get them. Same goes for cyber security certificates.
The problem I face is that with years of teaching others to do these jobs, I don't have the recent work experience to compete with the younger folks as I try to move back to a working world.
Maybe that job down at the slaughter house would get me in the door?
Victor David Hanson just reported that it took about 100 years to collapse Rome. We will probably do it quicker. My college visit lasted 6 weeks. After i had paid all my tuition and bought my books, my zoology professor gave me a "0" for a lab class because i did not return the microscope to low power when i put it on the shelf. I went by to tell hiim that i was not on scholarship and my parents did not pay for my schooling. Some years later i gave my children a $5 million dollar business to run and i came up by my own bootstraps. By the way, my children have grown the business so I will not be getting waylaid by poor management. I have learned that in the US, if you succeed, it is not because of the government, it is in spite of it. They are ever ready to pass a new tax to steal your money and give it to some guy on welfare to buy a few votes. Just a few notes from a working man. Yes, by the Grace of God, I did build that!!!
Don Harrell