They were the Bad Guys. The Communists of North Vietnam, Sadam and his merry band of butchers, The Taliban. We went in and kicked ass and won the wars and the gave the victory to the enemy by unilaterally surrendering......after the victory. But what about Russia, sure they are Bad Guys but don't they, even Bad Guys have legitimate national security interests? Libya, Brother Muammar was a Bad Guy but he switched sides after he saw what W did to Sadam and he became our Bad Guy. But then Sidney Blumenthal (Google Clinton hatchet man) came up with a money making scheme that required Brother Muammar's departure. Form Sydney's lips to Madam Secretary Clinton's ear and war was on.

The only lesson we seem to have taught the Bad Guys over the last 60 or so years, if you don't want the 82nd Airborne knocking on your door in the middle of the night, you best develop nuclear weapons, lessons not lost on Pakistan, The People's Republic of Korea, The Islamic Republic or Iran. And Ukraine, if they had only kept the nukes........ So what have we to show for extravagant and bloody uses of force over the last several decades? Not much. A very dangerous and unstable world and not much more than that.

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Right on Mr. Allen.

I would only add that the 82nd is not, generally, a fan of "knocking" on the door...

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I've been reading John Keegan's *The First World War* over an extended period as I need breaks from the detailed account of almost unimaginable slaughter. Fifty thousand killed here, seventy-five thousand casualties there, on and on and on.

All for naught.

And to think that we are still afflicted with the same breed of warmongering chickenhawk mountebanks propagandizing and inciting the benighted rabble today as we did then and all the way down to the beginning of recorded history, and likely before.

We need a new paradigm. Soon.

"America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these `isms’ wouldn’t today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government – and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives."

~ Winston Churchill, August 1936 interview, the New York Enquirer

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Is this "Monday morning quarterbacking" by Churchill? Would he have had the same opinion in 1917 when the British and French were praying that America enter the war on their side?

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Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty during WWI, and he pursued victory without equivocation, and with his characteristic grandiosity and patrician vigor.

On the other hand, given that time can bring the reflection and wisdom of hindsight, and that in 1936 another war was arguably visible on the horizon, I think it more likely that he had achieved a level of clarity and understanding absent in his youth.

After all, what he said is correct.

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USA entered the war to protect the invested dollars by American financiers who bet on England winning the war. Wilson wanted into the war for one purpose to successfully invade and gain control of every European nation. Wilson's second in command Roosevelt was given charge of drafting a plan wherein America conquered Europe. Europe was bankrupt, the Pound was replaced with the USD as the World's reserve currency.

He who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation. -James Garfield

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deletedMar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023
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First cousins, as Queen Victoria was their grandmother.

Worst episode of Family Feud ever.

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I concur. I recently asked the same question, rhetorically of course, 'Are we the bad guys?'. I'm reading Robert A. Caro's "The Years Of Lyndon Johnson". Joe Biden, in my mind, is LBJ. And I'm only on book 1 of 4. What did LBJ do? LBJ put "military advisors" in Vietnam and then escalated it into a major war. The pattern of amorality, corruption, idealism, and naked ambition is all there. We in 2023 have historical amnesia.

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"The United States of Amnesia"

~Gore Vidal

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The advisors were there well before LBJ's tenure in office.

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You’re right. I stand corrected. Thank you.

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PVG is gonna have a fit. I wish we had an ignore feature on the comments.

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Who is "PVG"?

I have noticed a "PG V", and I enjoy his comments!

Use the "Collapse" feature to shield your eyes from stuff you don't like.

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Joel, loved the comedy sketch! I hope Substack doesn't ban BPR for "Nazi" content on its forum!

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Thanks for pseudo-history lesson. There is an 'OL SAW' about believing x% of what you hear, x% of what you read, and x% of what you see. I am sorry, but at this age I can't remember the quantities and don't have the time to research them. What I want to know is, what does all this BS have to do with stock market and WHAT IS HAPPENING AT THE RANCH? Just Saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Wilson also made the mortal sin of selling America’s soul to the banking cartel…a really bad guy…

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Steve. That pig gave us WW1, Fed and income tax. Disgusting.

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USA loves wars approximately one every 4 years. Wars are handy, WW1 ended was the beginning gof the end of the Republic. WW2 would have never happened, Vietnam, Korean war, the our of control Federal government will in fact be the cause of WW3. Alas Russia will be the bad guy, Democracy will finally prevail in the history books. USA will emerge as shining Feudal system on a hill.

Humans as a single race never learn the Persians, Greeks, Rome, the holy Roman empire, Islam, WW1, WW2 are proof positive human life is of little value to the elites. We fight and die on for no purpose. The bad guy is never vanquished because the bad guy is winner 100% of the time. The victor is the author of history not the good guy.

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Bill's post gives the impression (at least to me) that Wilson was anxious to enter WW1 and attack the "the bad guys". I think is 𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗦𝗘.

Wilson narrowly won reelection in Nov. 1916 against Charles Evan Hughes based on the slogan "He kept us out of war." The majority of Americans, and Wilson, wanted to stay out of WW1. Shortly thereafter, with the help of the Zimmerman telegram, which the British used to great effect to anger America to get us into the war, and Germany beginning unrestricted submarine warfare against American shipping, I believe that Wilson was forced by circumstances to enter the war.

By the way, Wilson was a terrible President!

However, the rest of Bill's description of Wilson is true -- Wilson had zero foreign policy experience (he was governor of New Jersey) and a fantasy view that he could make world peace. My two cents...

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Wilson was prodded into the war by JP Morgan, who was owed money by France and England. Afraid he wouldn't get his money he convinced Wilson to get into it with the ruse of the Lusitania. Sold as a cruise ship instead of the armament ship it truly was, as even Germany warned, it was sent to England and once Churchill called back the protection it was to have, was sunk by Germany. This of course was reason enough to be called an act of war against the US and we jumped in. But, not before issuing checks to France and England, who then paid off Morgan. Luckily, Morgan also had ties to most of the companies responsible for gearing our boys up for war. From guns and ammunition to boots and coats to ships and other war accessories Morgan had it all. For a better explanation with footnotes see the Creature of Jekyll Island. Truly amazing the history we aren't taught.

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Joel, you should know that stuff is all propaganda. Even if it’s true, it shouldn’t be believed.

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I see what you did there Mark. :)

No Country is perfect and I would argue that with greater responsibility comes a greater magnification and impact of actions taken, both Good and Bad.

Have we (as a Country) made mistakes, some even terrible and some even, ahem, maybe Evil? Sure we have - without doubt and undeniable. But I refuse to focus on only one side of the coin.

The other side shows America's success and positive influence in SO many areas. Advancing Civilization for more people around the globe than any Country before her, helping lift more people out of poverty, providing an example of Freedom and Liberty worthy of emulation, innovating and discovering/instituting more beneficial activities and products than any other Country, and on and on. And on. Lots of Bad involved in the American Experiment? Yes - but lots of Good, INHERENT.

Sadly, I must add a caveat. The America I'm referring to seems to have disappeared a bit over 20 years ago. Since the turn of the century, our "leadership" (and thus our impression left around the world) has become a perverted, rotting facade of something that used to be a benefit for all mankind. Both political parties are to blame, but, IMO, the dims & leftism in general deserves well over 90% of the responsibility for getting us where we are today. Argue away - the facts and evidence of past actions and policies 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 support that conclusion.

Sadder still, there are so many of us (millions and millions) who are still good, want to see good and honor good. Yet can't seem to find an effective direction to throw off the Horrible, and become Great once again...

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What we are enduring today is the predictable and predicted culmination of a century of the uniquely American flavor of collectivist cancer absurdly known as "progressivism", which has metastasized to the point where it is very likely terminal.

This particularly virulent permutation of leftism combines a toxic brew of Leninist, Stalinist and Maoist international socialist ideology and rhetoric with Mussollini-style economic corporatism and a topper of authoritarianism, contempt of rights, and propaganda reminiscent of the Third Reich, the latter of which would have no doubt sent Herr Goebbels into paroxysms of joy.

Leftists of one sort or another have destroyed every economy, polity and society they've ever seized control of, from the Jamestown colony to the current carcass of South Africa and it is rather clear that our time cometh, and that right soon.

There is, however, always hope:

"The best thing about socialists is they eventually start shooting each other."

~ Yuri Maltsev

Requiescat in pace.

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Indeed once upon a time we were quite generous in lifting the unwashed up to our "standard" and then upon further consideration decided might was more right - and applied it with total disregard for the consequences. It's pretty hard not to draw parallels to today's China - buying benefit with their belt and road debtor strategy and later on resorting to military, cyber and space warfare to "hegemon" their bets. I'm afraid we will be nothing more than a lesson in how the "bad guys" lose over the next 30 years. War is the health of ALL states.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Which version of 'All Quiet on the Western Front'...1930 or 2022?

I remember watching 'Saving Private Ryan' and thinking this movie should be ample reason for avoiding wars much to my naiveté ...there are enough war movies through out history...I'll pass on the newer version of AQotWF.

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Two failings in Bill's otherwise powerfully written article.

First, the obvious: there is a difference between attacking and defending.

Current case in point: Ukraine. They did not seek war; their president even had to be persuaded that Russia was days away from invading Ukraine. Since the Russians are killing Ukrainians, the Ukrainians perforce are defending themselves

Second, the most compelling: Our species is inherently vicious. Our history is revealed foremost as a series of events in which our forebears killed each other. Today, at any given point, there are twenty wars underway, often more.

And now, with our improved capacity to kill, we are the only species in the history of this planet that has the ability to eradicate all other species at will. Case in point: Hunters don't need to hunt defenseless animals to survive; they just enjoy the kill.

I don't foresee peace among men, ever

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"Hunters don't need to hunt defenseless animals to survive; they just enjoy the kill."

Some do, some don't. But I would wager that your knowledge of hunting and hunters is somewhere between extremely limited and non-existent.

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You are right: I have zero knowledge of hunting and hunters.

But I am a marksman. My government even awarded me medals for pistol and rifle marksmanship (P38, M1, M16). My point: I know how use guns to kill.

My penultimate point: My lack of knowledge of hunters and hunting doesn't change my contention, which is hunters don't need to kill animals to survive. They kill because they enjoy the experience.

All of which lead me to my conclusion: we are a vicious species; killing is part of our nature. Any newspaper any where any day will feature stories affirming this fact

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"we are a vicious species; killing is part of our nature. Any newspaper any where any day will feature stories affirming this fact "

This is precisely one of the reasons I did away with cable television 20 years ago. I refused to have my kids subject to clap trap, brainwashed in a constant intervenous drip on the human psychi.

As long as we have the idea of government involved in all manner of human affairs including "currency" then, yes your correct. Vicious men will continue to reign long after you and I are gone.

And we both know, its a profitable business as theft can be a profitable business. The result is always the same and a five year old can see that!

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"My lack of knowledge of hunters and hunting doesn't change my contention..."

Maybe not, but it certainly invalidates it.

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Cute response but totally nonsensical. I simply conveyed my opinion. Your right to disagree with it of course, but doing so doesn't make it disappear. After all, I'm not trying to persuade you; I'm just expostulating my view about our species' proclivity to kill defenseless animals for pleasure

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Hunting is built into the psyche of the naked ape. It’s not because we like to kill, most ancient hunters offered thanksgiving to what they were allowed to eat.

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Opinions are normally prefaced with "in my opinion".

But instead, you wrote it as if it was a statement of fact, which it most certainly isn't.

I'll say again, you know nothing about hunters so maybe stop with the psychoanalysis.

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Let's do each other a favor: you resist responding to whatever I write and I'll extend the same courtesy to you

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Yeah, but what we have got here is failure to communicate. Its not that men are necessarily evil. If you give people the power to rule over you, you should'nt be surprised that they would use that power against you. Elementary my dear Watson. What we have here, are financial oligarchs, ok, the deep state or the power to print endless amounts of "fiat", NO. not fix it again Tony. FIAT ! get it ! Got it ! Good ! Sorry, I loath all politicians. Infact, I know of no politician who disapproves of philanthropy. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Thought JP Morgan prodded Wilson into WW1 as great financial losses would have been incurred

if the wrong side lost.

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deletedMar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023
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deletedMar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023
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Yes Mark, thanks for the info 👍…I was one of the early investors is SI, and made a decent killing in it. I jumped in at a few different prices and average about $30 in, sold half at $100 and watched it go over $200 and rode it down to here at $5…will start cost averaging next week because I believe it will recover. Will take the gamble with the money I made from it….

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We should wait and see how this plays out…”Silvergate Capital announced on Wednesday that it will wind down operations and liquidate Silvergate Bank. The company's stock is down more than 25% in after-hours trading “😳

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Hey Mark, I was speaking with my broker Friday and was considering getting in at $5, and cost averaging. We decided to wait until today to see what would happen with the information they withheld. Was supposed to come to light today, but your news is very concerning. I believe that things will be negotiated and they will not let them fail, as it could effect all banks. I originally started buying SI in the twenties and as high as forty five. Took a nice profit around one hundred and let the rest ride. I’m ready to jump back in with my profits and take the chances. Wish me luck 🍀 thanks for the info and best of luck to you my friend 🙏

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deletedMar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023
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Hey Bill, what about your dead cows? And other ranch (farm?)

goings on?

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Bill your historical recollections are correct and yes Woodrow was an idiot and US Congress forever lost it's power *balls* so wars could be engaged simply by order of the commander in chief but sadly the world became dependent upon 'power' of them Yanks to keep the bastard's in line and so Europe accepted the 'FREE' offer to maintain the 'peace' and provide an umbrella of sorts to keep the Eurasian tribes from each others throats. All those tribal jealousies and wars of convenience have diminished over these past 78 years but the 'victors' forgot to take control of the spoils and allowed the tribal children (Europeans) to continue to bicker and moan about their petty boarder issues and how one tribe was trying to screw the other. But most importantly the USofA ALLOWED the Stalinist's to enslave eastern Europe after WW2 and then 'gave' them the means to destroy us/world with nuclear bombs and now the puney Putin sits on top of his mafia crime heap and pontificates that he wants to reestablish the USSR boarders and their tyranny which he/putin grew up with and how much better everyone was off under the USSR .. right ..

sure now it would have been nice if St Woodrow had not subverted the US constitution but sadly he did and Americans don't know how to get the military/industrial/media/drug companies/cartels back into the genie's bottle .. so how would you suggest that happens now ? today when we are to old and weak to fight for our freedoms in a country focused on LGBTQ and individual retribution issues against anyone who's ever done any wrong to anyone else .. instead of waiting for the heavenly forces to repay you for your sins, now we do it in REAL TIME baby so look out brother because there are no UN guilty amongst us we are all guilty and therefore deserve retribution right ? never mind waiting for heaven or hell, lets just create that here and now by training our grandkids in how to exterminate each other .. just watch them wonderful video games they are playing from Beijing to Alaska ..

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