Bill, enjoy the humor and the information you provide which our Elite Owned Media chooses to not report.If the media had to provide blank space in their newspapers or silence on their news channels for all the important news they don't report,it would be worth watching the news and reading the newspapers. Richard

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It is a shame 95% of Americans are illiterate of Mr. Bonner's missive.

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Well, Bill, I see you have started naming names, even though you begin with the smallest fish, no matter how bloated and belly-up. I'll go get the popcorn.

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Ukraine was the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation and Chelsea is it CEO . Definitely worth a look.

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Love you Bill, but if you direct us to take a closer look at any Clinton, I will have to leave this room after losing my lunch......

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Mr. Bonner, it will be interesting to see who appears in your elite name of names. Just curious if your name will pop up. It seems you make a decent living off of preaching about and preying on them. We all know the elite and incompetent people will never disappear so give up, don't exploit them. Find something constructive to write about.

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Did you mean to write, Chelsea Hubbell ?? 😁

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I was interested in your teaser about naming names on Friday. Chelsea Clinton? Is she the Anti-Christ? Or maybe just Klaus Schwab on speed dial? Or is she on Zoom when Kissinger and Putin have lunch?

I’m dying to know.

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Yes, I watch all those I despise in the media, clawing at Putin for his execution, while creating a saintly status of Zelenski(another piece of dog waste puppet playing a part)and ask myself, who’s side am I on? Sorry, I am unable to agree with those I despise, due to their utter contempt for America….There are always two sides to a story….maybe three here 🤔

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having escaped war torn and decimated Europe once I'd never had the desire to return and yet my heartaches for what innocent men women and particularly children now have to suffer for, from and by whom can such an edict can be made. After Hitler Stalin Mao why/how can humanity not recognise the worlds aspiring tyrants and remove them before they can grow into malignant cancers .. MacArthur Patton and Ike (eventually) saw the dangers of leaving the tasks of WW2 war undone and now confronting another generation .. were there are no leaders (not tyrants) the people perish ..

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where/when humanity's individual and collective mind is solely fixed on the materiel aspects of existence then ethic's, morals and equality are just meaningless terms that obstruct greed power, and corruption .. so it was, so it is, and perhaps it always will be but the authors of the Declaration of Independence and Freedom dreamed otherwise .. perhaps imperceptibly we inch closer and then fall away only to come back and fight the same battle another day ..

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…. What a jerk!

Millions of Ukrainians have or are fleeing; tens of thousands have been slaughtered or are being starved and all he comes up with is “ Chelsea Clinton “ grotesque!

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I'm a paid subscriber but I can't access your gold report and I don't have a password. How do I contact you?

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Paper Money, Paper Democracy, Paper Energy, Paper Military, Paper Empire. China wants freedom from Paper Money. Energy coutries wants freedom from Paper Energy. Russia wants Freedom from Paper Military. Americans also want freedom from Paper Democracy. Paper Empire cannot giveup Paper so easily.

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for all our sake I hope you're right .. yes imperfection and perfection are two sides of the freedom coin so as least we have the chance to change, were tyranny never changes just takes on different colors/shades .. sadly America needs to find it's way as the entire free world depends on it ..

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