That was some inspired writing. Thank you. I'll tune in on Monday.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

While we're simplifying and cramming the world into a nutshell. Let it be noted, each and every time mankind banded together in the bible God destroyed these cities. From the Tower of Babel to the destruction of Sodom.

God is actually a conservative. We are instructed to work 6 days this is inclusive of the poor. The farmer is instructed don't harvest the corners, don't glean the fields so the poor can do so.

Don't create intergenerational wealth, don't be idle, don't make a habit of 7 other antisocial behaviors. Every 50 years all debts are forgiven, all slaves are freed, and given wages from your profit they created.

If one steals there was not prison no court. Simply look to the instructions and guidance and do what is required. A thief pays back 4 fold or dies by stoning at the hands of the wronged family.

Mankind sure made a mess of God's instructions. There are elites in every age, they exist to game the system under the guise of fairness, and they create government and loopholes until no one knows what is expected.

The man who does not cast the first stone in fact enables the zombie elites their time in the sun.

Of interest and related to the sentence above, the story of Jesus telling the group of men poised to stone a prostitute "Those of you without sin cast the first stone" in fact was added to the bible in the 8th century by the Roman catholic church. I'm sure the elites of Rome did not want their prostitutes stoned. If Jesus had said such he'd have committed a sin, God instructed His family to stone prostitutes.

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OMG What bible are you reading? Don't want to know; thanks anyway

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It's called the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms and now you know, even if you don't want to know.

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Thanks! Have a nice day.

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Apparently you forgot something. God is love. Love forgives all. What you just wrote is a bunch of bull-pucky.

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God is also a fire....it is a terrible thing to get cross wise with Him.

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God knows we're stupid and might call Her "fire." That comes with free will. That's why God is Love and Love is all forgiving. Some of us are going to have to learn that lesson after a number of tries.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

You're getting church history mixed with God's witness.

Something I have come to know, Hebrew has a lot going on. Bible publishers tend to ignore the grammar when it suits them.

Much the same as when there's profit to be made among men some of the important stuff is left out.

I'm not a doctor but over the last 5 years of dealing with health issues have come to learn the religion of profit in the marketplace tends to outweigh the cure.

Eat McDonalds every day and you'll probably have health issues. Yet instead of suggesting one's diet change we are told to take medicine.

I just know treating the symptoms while ignoring the underlying condition gets the doctor paid to a higher degree than finding the cause.

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wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principles so that we might dwell within thy creation in peace and harmony with all the forces of matter and the life they enable ..

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God is love to those He calls family, the rest of the world lives and dies to no concern of God. What you believe has little in common with reality. In the final moments of the world of men as the inspired Prophets recount the love of God for His family will result in the eradication of most souls on the planet. Every time the world of men threatened the family of God, it did not go well for the world of men. The same will be true on the next to the last day.

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So you're telling me that all the "souls," which were creations of God, that are not falling all over themselves worshipping God, will perish to who knows where?

If you accept the premise that God is perfect, then nothing can die. If you accept the premise that God is everlasting, then nothing will perish.

Who, then, made our bodies if they can die?

Who, then, made the earth if it will implode into a black hole or blow up in a magnificent gaseous cloud? Both were created by the collective consciousness of a sick mind that, for a singularly mad moment, thought they could be God. Flesh reality has been living with the consequences (the "sin", if you will) since then.

Since love is all there is, sin in the sight of the Holy Spirit is a mistake to be corrected, rather than an evil to be punished. Our sense of inadequacy, weakness and incompletion comes from the strong investment in the "scarcity principle" that governs this whole world. From that point of view, we seek in others what we feel is wanting in ourselves. We "love" another in order to get something ourselves. That is what passes for love in a world of illusions and mistakes, for love is incapable of asking for anything.

I think what you fail to understand is that God is not threatened by anything or anyone. God will wait in infinite patience, love, and forgiveness for all who left "The Family" to return, no matter who they are or how many times they try and fail.

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Do you love everyone, how about those who desire to destroy your family? I know this is going to be hard for a lot of folks to understand. God or more properly Yahowah (the name given Moseh to tell the people). Created the entire universe for one purpose; To build a family, while His family listened and acted rightly none of their enemies had a chance, the crops flourished they grew in stature and lived in peace. When the elites among the family led the people to desire the human system the system they controlled. Things did not go so well. God does not in fact forgive all, has no tolerance for the religious. I suggest a through reading of the prophet Ezekiel and understand all of the prophets spoke God's words not their own. God is not going to show much love for the elites, or the religious.

You're allowed an opinion but not your own facts. If this is all a fairytale there's no need for a pretense of a loving or otherwise god, because such a god is created by mankind.

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God did not "create the universe." That is the stupidity of one mad moment of free will and we have been living with the consequences ever since. And when Christ was on the cross (to quote from the bible you apparently take every word from literally) He said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." And, no, I will pass on reading passages from Ezekiel and the rest of the crazed rabbis roaming the desert spouting rules and misinterpreted incantations to suit their own pathetic lives.

"God is not going to show much love for the elites, or the religious." What a mis-guided and self-serving troll of hypocrisy and self-righteousness! Are there "degrees of sin?" Is it like being "a little bit pregnant?"

And, yes, I love everyone -even you - because my Family can never be destroyed

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

I'm not going to argue for God. However perfect order cannot come from random events. The universe right down to the bacteria existing on the fingers you typed the reply have a coded in purpose and DNA. All life is built of the very same elements simply ordered in a differing sequence. What you're proposing is akin to a tornado tearing through a forrest with the aftermath of the event resulting in the building of a modern subdivision. Impossible, improbable, yes but none the less science has confirmed the existence of a creator. My charge through live is not to pray or worship but to come to know the creator. He did not make it easy to do so, and 4000 years of scribal editing by religious elites of His witness have made the journey a challenge most have no interest in taking on.

The Torah was not written by crazed rabbis there's not a single word in Tanakh that was not spoken under the inspiration of the creator or directly by Him.

Albert Einstein knew there was a creator, he simply believed such a massive intellect could not be known on a personal level. Yet the creator approached Abraham on a personal level for the purpose of creating a family of children.

It's the religious who paint the creator as an intolerant, destructive, with a penchant for torturing humans in hell for eternity for the slightest infraction.

According to His witness and doing the math thousands will be counted among His children. Mathematically a thousand is one in a million. The rest of humanity will live and perish body and soul just as most believe will be the end of life. Sadly Christians and other flavors of religion don't understand if you're not in His family, and not attacking His family you have nothing to worry about from God, it's man most need to be worrying about.

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One of my favorite religious scientists and published author makes for a fascinating read. His conclusions are a fascinating read, based on the Genesis account an equation wherein 6, 24 hour days of the creation account is not only true but from our perspective relative to the speed of light would be measured as 14.8 to 15 billion year in our time. Time is relative to the speed of light. From the perspective of the Creator at the moment of the Big Bang (massive release of Photon energy "let there be light") creation took 6 days. Moesh also got the order of creation spot on, not too shabby for a goat herder, but as a scribe for the creator...

If you label yourself as a social secular humanist you're going to hate his incontrovertible scientific proof there is a creator.

Every word of Genesis jives perfectly with scientific discovery in our time. In the past science claimed the universe was eternal and infinite, today they know it had a beginning and know approximately when this even occurred. Just so Moesh also got the timing spot on. Science might have saved a lot of time if they had used Moseh's account as their basis.

Gerald L Schroeder, PhD is the author and scientist. Genesis and the Big Bang, The Science of God, and God According to God, are a few of his books. There is no need of faith, faith is in fact counterproductive to knowing.

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God is love to those how listen and act on His teaching, instructions, and guidance. Those who in turn who show hate do so even to corrupting their children to the third and forth generation. This is not my opinion but was etched into the first tablet given Moseh. I came to the conclusion it is best to go where the words lead, especially if from God.

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Await your daily missive eagerly. Feeding my confirmation bias? Probably.

However I take exception to your recent description of Tucker Carlson as a right wing fanatic. For example he is challenging the deep state reaction to US involvement in the Russian-Ukranian conflict. Please listen to him before casting aspersions. He is a voice of reason in a world bereft of honest journalism.


Richmond BC

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total absolute bull**** ! he's the best propaganda mouthpiece Putin could have .!

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022

You know PG V, you and I probably agree on most political issues, but calling TC a "closet fascist" is just plain asinine. You sound like one of the blue check Twitter warriors who call anyone they disagree with "racist". You need to lighten up before you destroy your credibility.

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Words actually have meaning, PG V, and the word "fascist" doesn't describe TC, regardless of your feelings about him. The words "fascist" and "racist" have been so corrupted by leftist loons that they no longer bare any resemblance to their original meaning. It doesn't help when our side joins their adulterated language parade.

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Then certainly, let's dismiss the "word police" and pretend that words can mean anything we wish them to mean. Under those rules, and based on some of the things you've said previously, you're a bloodthirsty, murdering warmonger.

See how that works.

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‘We’ aren’t fighting – on either side of geopolitical issues – in the sense that ‘we the people’ don’t have anything against the people on the other side. By this I mean that the average Canadian, Icelander, Tongan, or American, has nothing against the average Russian, Ukrainian, Iranian, Chinese, etc. ‘We’ however – again on either side – are doing the dying and paying for all the fighting. It is in all cases the megalomaniacal sociopaths that are drawn to government and such organizations of the elite as the World Economic Forum, that are the cause of all the troubles – troubles that the average person dies and pays for. To illustrate the basis for saying this, I am attaching a link to an interesting essay by Frank Giustra - https://frankgiustra.com/posts/the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-a-global-chess-match/?utm_source=Frank+Giustra+Blog+Subscribers&utm_campaign=33a3629596-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_566bd50819-33a3629596-369218500.

The cure would seem to be to do away with those megalomaniacal sociopaths in such a salutary manner that it would slow down the next lot of such creatures, even if only temporarily. It seems rather unfortunate that the guillotine has fallen out of favour, as I can’t think of anything else that would be quite as effective.

Al. R.

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Bill, I have read your musings for many years, and found myself agreeing with you many times.

You are very wrong on Ukraine: the people living there obviously think they are a nation (with some exceptions in Crimea and Donbas). Who are you to tell them they are not?

Besides, even if they were not a nation, invading and bombarding them would be horrific, and would justify that the US and other liberal democracies try to stop the carnage.

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I agree with you, Bernardo,, PHN

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The carnage seems the objective. The US a “liberal democracy”?

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"an honest elite is so important. [monarchy, aristocracy, politeia] It is supposed to be wise… the ‘voice of reason,’ of calm deliberation and patient reflection. It is supposed to know we are all fools, in other words, and do its best to restrain us."

Hence Aristotle's names for the 3 good forms of popularly elected government: monarchy, aristocracy, politeia. Rule by the best people for the benefit of all the people.

He contrasted each with it's "perversion:" tyranny, oligarchy, and democrateia/democracy.

Funny how the vast majority of us never heard about politeia at all, and grew up thinking that politics is just dirty. Mais non! Democracy is just dirty, my dema (neighborhood) stealing from your dema, legitimized civil war, a perversion. When government is defined as rich against poor, who wins?

What we want is politeia and real politicians, which by definition are "statesmen" (statespersons).

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Don't know who PG V is, but he tracks with all I believe about all the above. Wish i were young enough to go out and "kill them all" but, alas I am old and pray hard for all the "good guys", but it gets harder and harder to tell one from the other. And I don't pray to kill, I would would just like the "bad guys" removed and ask for help from providence.

Don Harrell

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

History, as far as I can see, shows that when you pick up the sword or gun to bring down evil government, the result is pretty much everywhere the same: the Terrors.

There are 3 ways to change government under free systems: education, the ballot box, and the courtroom. All 3 are wildly expensive - you have to get a lot of people on your side to win. But bring out the weapons of war against your own people and expect an extended period of terror. Ask the descendants of the United Empire Loyalists. Look at the American south for decades after the Civil War. And then there are France, Russia, China, Cambodia, the list goes on. Terrors. Not the solution.

Sorry for my rants here today. My hot buttons. Best wishes to all.

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Please , tell Don and me your full name ..

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Yes, old Bill is an excellent writer. But this is just another rehashed, rehash of the hash. As for Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine, old Bill has this to say: "The US could have perfectly well sat this one out." Well, upwards of 43 million people could have their freedom taken away and a country left in ruins. Old Bill would just have us sit back and observe this battle from a safe distance. Should we just turn our backs on Ukraine and ignore this Russian invasion? No way José!

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The only REAL statesman in the room is gentleman named Lavrov.

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Well done, Bill...it's not 'what' we are fightin' for its 'who'..The EEE. I do not think any good soul, who see's the "war crimes happening" in [The] Ukraine - can not be affected; and want to help. In the u.s. that means: call upon D.C. to "do something"; but with nukes being threatened, it is a most delicate and perilous balance. The answer: I don't know. Seems to me 'they' have to do what they can for suffering souls; and, we will all have to ride the horse in the direction in which it is going regarding the EEE.

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Your basis starts out from a false premise. I did not say any such thing. From there you start with a true statement God is perfect, then spring board into a series of false premises. Everything in fact dies, and everything perishes except God who is eternal. Who made the entire universe which in itself will pass away, but God will remain, as He is eternal and infinite.

The sick mind is in fact religion of which God hates with a passion.

Again a false premise love is not all there is. Love cannot exist without hate. In order for love to exist there has to be a means to hate. Love cannot be compelled or it is not love. Free will must exist to reject or even hate or we are all simply love robots.

You're approaching God from the perspective of religious doctrines. Sin is from God's definition falling short of His teaching, instructions, and guidance or Torah. The 10 commandments are in fact not 10 nor are these commandments. They were taught by Moseh in the book titled Dabarym. Dabar is the Hebrew word for Word, adding a ym to a Hebrew word renders it plural. Hence Words or Statements not laws or commandments. As such the first 3 statements are regarding our interaction with God. The following 7 are all written in the imperfect tense, or an ongoing action. As such not Thou shalt not but more accurately 'Don't make a habit of..."

Stop making a habit of these 7 key sins and as far as God is concerned you're good to go, If you're living within His covenant relationship.

What passes for love in this world has no bearing on Yahowah's family.

There's a separation between the world of man and the world of God. You're attempting to equate the two when in fact they are infinitely divided from each other.

Your final thought is again a false premise in fact God does not have infinite patience, love , or forgiveness for all who left the family. He is according to His own witness going to return only when those children cry out in the personal name of Yahowah. He will return to save the remnant of His family. According to His witness or future history 2/3rds will in fact perish.

I know this might not fit into your faith journey but that is not Yahowah's problem. There are no secrets the last prophet spoke in 400 BCE, God has said all He's going too. I had suggested you read Ezekiel you replied no thanks. Pretty much what most religious people say to God in general, no thanks I have my faith don't need your facts.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022

Proof of God in 5 minutes using only scientific logic, and from a PhD in the sciences.


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What am I missing? I did not receive the below referenced Tom Syson note and I don't see any article with this title on the website. Would really like to make the most of this subscription, but feel I am a little out of the loop... Ed. Note: Yesterday our investment director, Tom Dyson, sent an urgent message to dear readers: “How to Prepare for the Bear.”

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Hi Barbara. This refers to something Tom wrote in his note last Wednesday (Defaults, Bankruptcies, and Margin Calls). You can find that at the link below.


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Tysm for your response!

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No problem! And if you're prompted to enter your password but don't recall setting one up or have forgotten it, check the link below. That should help you re-set your password so you can login to read the subscriber content (all of which is listed by category at the top of the home page at bonnerprivateresearch.substack.com).


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You're making it way too complicated. There is only one thing to know: God is. The rest is easy.

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Bill, Again you put things in perspective.I truly believe 9/11 wasn't what it appeared to be on the surface of the media,too many unanswered questions. And it did set the stage for the new century.Who is in control,the 1% as you have stated.Maybe the Ukranian War will break the back of Putin and the 1% in the world,and the sun will shine on the people of Planet Earth. Scott

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Depressing subject beautifully written

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