Here is a question for the “free stuff”. Isn’t giving various groups, or the whole, in reality buying votes? Too bad that couldn’t be decided the Supreme Court. Unfortunately I think it’s too late. The graft is now imbedded.

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Perhaps it is a bit unfair to say that Lincoln didn’t care about slavery or slaves. It would be accurate to say that he cared more about saving the Union than he did about either preserving or ending slavery. That is the literal interpretation of his own words. When you are hired to do a job, you must demonstrate that you are more concerned about accomplishing the job you believe you were hired to do than some other job. Lincoln was laser focused on not letting the country disintegrate on his watch.

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Hey Brian. Many others see Lincoln as a pig who ran out of control government. He was heavy-handed in the extreme. Many Americans are not a fan of Lincoln.

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“I’m from the government and I’m here to help” are the most frightening words ever spoken in English. An IRS audit letter is actually less frightening.

Present day government is about maintaining the status quo at all costs. Inflation. Wealth destruction and usurpation. Lies, damn lies, and political lies. A bifurcated justice system that mets out punishment based entirely on who you are related to and the potential political power they can throw at you.

It certainly isn’t a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. “The People” are just a means to an end for politicians.

Bill, you are right. More than you can know.

Abe Lincoln didn’t free any slaves. Everybody forgets that. His Emancipation Proclamation only applied to slaves in states in rebellion to the Union. And the parts of those states that came under Union Army control were no longer in rebellion. It wasn’t until after Lincoln’s death and the end of the war that the Constitution was amended to free the slaves and prohibit slavery (except of the incarcerated).

Yep - those government folks north of Richmond know how to play the game to ensure their power cannot be challenged nor diminished.

If their lips are moving.....

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You are almost right, my friend. Except, I don't believe that the government (which is to say, the elite) is happy with the status quo. I believe that it wants more money and more control. Think "climate" change, think new regulations every week, think the increasingly insulative layer surrounding the elite. The sad part is that there is an unthinking depdendent, possibly majority, who are actually fearful of the governement "shutdowns" we have had. I think a good start with government reform would be no new regulations for 2 years. Maybe people would see that we actually don't 'need" so much intervention.

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A 2 year cessation of new regulations will never ever happen. Too much is vested in doing whatever it takes to maintain the status quo of them on top and us not able to get there.

A better idea is to promote the complete elimination of all regulations. Tell Congress that instead of passing unintelligible laws that require apparatchiks to write the regulations, the laws must stand alone and require no interpretation or regulation - simply be directly enforced.

That would take a constitutional amendment and national ratification. Which the apparatchiks and their best buddies (lobbyists) would fight against with every power at their current fingertips.

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Too bad the southern leadership (and their religious institutions) didn't get the memo that owning, housing, feeding and caring for people was more expensive than simply hiring them for slave wages

The ensuing slaughter and destruction of the South was as bad as Putin believing he had a divine right to destroy Ukraine.

Putin probably could have bought significant chunks of Ukraine, especially the areas with a lot of Russian speakers, for far less than he's spending to destroy a generation of Russian men and Ukrainian men, women and children their homes and cities.

Pity the Ukrainians. They invaded no one. But nearly every one of their neighbors invaded them.

Philatelists today buy German, Polish and Russian stamps for their collections commemorating the invasions and occupations of Ukraine by these countries during various times in the 20th century.

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Slavery was already on it's way out in the 1800's. England had already outlawed it. I believe it would have dissipated in a few years in the US, and finally disappeared, if Lincoln had not started his war, at a cost of over 1.5 million dead.

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Hey Jim. I see you pity the Ukrainians. Did you also pity the Vietnamese, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. etc. etc. Putin does not want missiles on his border the same way John Kennedy did not want missiles in Cuba in 1962. Jim, do you think America would allow missiles on the Mexico and Canadian borders? This is a serious question. Thanking you in advance.

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The proximity of missiles is a strawman argument. Think about it: In Europe as in Cuba, a missile will be airborne seconds before it strikes a target. So, it really doesn't matter where they are parked. What matters is how genuine the threat that they may be used.

Since NATO is a defensive alliance -- not an amalgam of erstwhile invaders -- its planning and preparations are predicated on Second Strike; not First Strike. Putin and his military establishment know that but the vast majority of mankind doesn't. This permits Putin to invoke a non-existent threat as justification to seize territory he believes belongs to Russia

And his border justification is specious on its face. After all, if he succeeded in annexing Ukraine, then he'd share a border with Poland, a NATO country. As it is, his invasion pushed Finland off the fence and into NATO. Russia now shares the longest border any country has with NATO.

His Ukraine Belongs to Russia justification is also phony. Putin is simply a murderous thief writ large. And stupid beyond belief. The better way was to make Ukraine want a union with Russia. Instead, what Putin has wrought is Ukrainians treating Russia as a pariah for generations to come.

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Jim, I hear what you’re saying. But my question was, would America allow missiles on Mexico’s border or Canada‘s border? Russian or Chinese missiles. Let me know what you think.

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You know the answer

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yer getting damn near poetic.

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The government is not your friend. It doesn’t work for you, as Joe Biden in a rare moment of honesty admitted years ago to a hard hat wearing fellow. The Argentine libertarian candidate looks like Wolverine and talks like Mises. Let’s see. Once in a while the universe flips the ubermenschen the bird.

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Slavery is sinful; God doesn't like it. However, this requires some explanation to prove.

God made a promise to Abraham (Genesis 15:4,5), which Abraham believed, verse 6. The word translated believe is the Hebrew word 'aman,' which literally means, 'let it be so.' Not so Abraham's descendants. When God affirmed His promise, in Exodus 19:4-6, they answered in verse 8, 'All that the Lord has spoken, we will do.' Quite a contrast to what their father Abraham said. This is the old covenant, a 'do it yourself' works program. What could God do? He had to ratify the covenant His people had made; in due course, they would see they couldn't keep it. (See James 1:23-25; I cover all this in my little booklet, The Two Covenants, which you can read for free on my website, www.discourseonagape.org). Since they chose to be under the old covenant, He gave them laws that would mitigate their inevitable misbehavior. For instance, the punishment must fit the crime. 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' For instance, if someone steals from you, you can't kill him. Likewise, they could have slaves, but they were not to mistreat them, Leviticus 25:53,, and their slaves must be released after 6 years, or on the Jubilee, for gentile slaves. Pretty good, though incomplete, article here: https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-slavery.html Abraham, and others, never had any of this. They had the law in their hearts, and kept it. Genesis 26:5.

The ancient Israelites failed at fulfilling God's promise to them, but the 144,000 will succeed. Stay tuned.

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I'm sympathetic to the anarcho-capitalism that I believe Mr. Bonner would prefer to our present system. I just don't know how it would be imposed on the entire world, the only way it would work. Perhaps an Old Testament God could help impose such a system?

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Folks, we are living in some of the best economic times in history! Gas just broke under $3.00 per gallon (You can fill your tank with $20 bucks), grab quick burger, fries, and a pop for $5. Yes indeed, hard working people are enjoying their golden years in retirement with outstanding pensions that are inflation proof. No need to readjust your income or spending habits because it is paradise on Earth folks. Things are finally back to the average norm. Oh yeah! Hahahaha!!!

😂🤣 (jerk) 😂🤣

As the Alaskan Frontier warps into the caverns of time, the ice ping stretches the bounds of reality.

The pitch fork became the crown and the scythe opened Pandora’s box . The gateway portal illuminates the secrets of the sandman with the scepter that holds the falcon key. Flying above the trench, the hat stays fixed with the powers of the Talisman.

After 5,000 years, the Warlock has finally unified the stones of darkness and the image is now complete. Unified in nature, the best is yet to come on Earth, the fulfillment cup overflows with wine and the prince of darkness shines like a star at night.

Find your sanctuary and raise your shield up high when you see the crow, perhaps their is a way to escape the wrath of reflection. The roar of Wenvazyder can be heard.


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By now, politics has become more about preserving who's in charge vs who has to follow the rules of who's in charge.

This is true regardless of which society is being eviscerated.

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“Gossamer thread” by David gray

Thanks for the readings.. 🙏

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Hi Interesting thoughts Depends what sort of ‘fear’ you mean ? (For example should we ‘fear’ the wrath of God? )

I like to meditate on these sorts of thoughts, from God’s word, when trying to deal with life !

“ There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts fear out, because fear restrains us . Indeed, the one who is fearful has not been made perfect in love “

Yes.. Fear restrains us from showing perfect love I’ve found this to be so true

Ah well, dear fellow reader, we can but try in spite of all our imperfections , I’m sure you’ll agree? ps Cheer up … Your best days are yet to come! Lol

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That wasn't God's original plan. He wanted them to be a kingdom of priests, and evangelize the world. Exodus 19:6. God would drive off the inhabitants on the land He gave them, so they could do this work, with hornets. Exodus 23:28. But the people said, no, we'll go up and fight! (Remember, they were under the old covenant.) So God said, 'fine, then kill them all.' (I'm paraphrasing, of course.) But they couldn't even do that. Old covenant thinking led to the downfall of God's people, and the murder of the Son of God.

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Hey Mr. fission. I am 71 but do not feel like my best days are behind me. I eat right and worked out six days a week. I am bound and determined to see my people through this current. Fourth Turning. I just left church as I am writing this and those fearful people need to look up to God. He is still in charge and always will be.

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God bless you too, my friend!

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