I'm building more raised beds and expanding the garden.

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Inflation and the transfer of wealth, people are doing some real stupid things with their money.

So let’s say you are debt free, you don’t owe anyone a dog gone penny, nothing, zero, zilch, nada! You have a some helicopter money to invest, why on Earth would you buy bonds? 😂You don’t have any debt, so why the heck would you buy a debt security in the form of a loan? Hahaha, that’s dumb!

Why would you invest in the stock market? It’s rigged, the stock market is a ginmick. Even if you own dividend paying stocks, you’re going to take a loss on the value of the stock. The markets are manipulated.

T-Bills, why buy more debt if you don’t have any. Another gimmick.

CD’s, Index Funds, ETF’s (more gimmicks, ARKK, poyfect example.)

Gold, Real Estate, (real real estate, not gimmick REIT’s) and Land. Yes yes, the little guy can be successful. Bill Gates is a very evil man. Buffet and all them hot shots pay around 1% (yes, one percent) in taxes. Their stocks don’t pay out dividends for a reason. Everybody knows that right? It’s funny how they all tell you how to invest your money, and the best way to secure it. Nothing more than hogwash, hot air, and horse dung. 😂

What’s the point of this? Nothing. 🤣

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If I was in charge, any productive person would pay a 10% flat tax with no exemptions. Those who work for large corporations would pay 25% flat tax. The poor would be required to work as possible, single mothers would not be available for welfare for one year after applying for welfare. After the first child all other children would result in a 30% deduction of their present welfare payment. After the third child all benefits would be cut off forever.

Insider trading by any member or extended family member of anyone in government would result in 10 years in Federal prison. Banks would pay 4 fold damages to the victims of their scams, the CEO would be locked in a stockage in the lobby of the bank.

Every 50 years all debts would be forgiven all slaves freed, and all properties offered back to the original owners family at fair market value. Generational wealth would be eliminated, all lawyers would be required to learn a trade and work that trade 4 years on an off between practicing law.

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Oh I forgot crypto! Please don’t ever mention cryptocurrencies as a form of investment. The mother of all hoaxes. Hey, I have some number codes that are worth a million, (whatever that means) but only if you believe they are worth that much, and I’ll sell them to you, and you can sell them to the next genius, and everyone can partake in this pyramid scheme at the same time. Yeah, that sounds like fun. Puff, it’s gone Mister!

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You understand the $303 Trillion debt is completely unsecured digital debt? What is the difference between a US dollar and a digital Bitcoin? Besides one is now worth $30k? Ten years ago a pizza was purchased by a college student for 10,000 bitcoins. The market said 10k in bitcoin was a pizza. Today that amount of bitcoins can be traded for $300 million dollars and $10 in US dollars can't buy a decent pizza.

No matter what happens short of a EMP in the atmosphere sending us back into the stone age, Bitcoin will have a greater value than the USD because there can only ever be 21 million in existence. There's really no difference to the Indians selling Manhattan for a few sea shells. The shells had a great value to the seller, more value than the island they got for free.

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Its a very bizarre circumstance where the answer to the record amount of paper currency is for the dollar to strengthen and the precious metals to get crushed. The one feature very few are talking about is how we are in a command economy where the government and Fed manipulate all assets with their printing press power to make day be night and deserts be oceans.

We all know about them printing money to control treasuries but all of the other stuff seems to be a secret.

Its no wonder that there is no asset which allows a person to profit from increased taxes, increased food prices and all else. Because this might fix the system despite what central bankers do!!


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Yep, yep and yep!

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Did he destroy American with a ' hurricane gun '.....

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Nope, nope and dope!

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I remember when I was first introduced to cryptocurrency. I read the book American Kingpin. And I highly recommend it to the detailed reader. The application of bitcoin here was foundational. Because of this book, I never felt any strong pull to buy bitcoin. Plus, I have a lot of algorithmic crypto knowledge so the idea of someone (man in the middle) having my signed private keys alarmed me. Back to the book, they used bitcoin as a ledger so the blockchain was most important. They would transfer real currency later and were always decoupled from bitcoin. Which is one reason why their criminal activities went undetected.

No one to this day can explain to me how to replace trust with a digital cryptocurrency. After all, in its current form, transactions aren't reversible. And Ethereum, with its smart contract, doesn't fill that void either.

So, what if the thing you were buying was a used car? Does the crypto get transferred first, or do you sign over the car's title first? What if someone in the transaction was unfaithful?

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

In Crypto there's a saying if you don't have control of the keys, you don't have control of the crypto. I have a hardware wallet where the keys are held outside of the exchange.

Thankfully I had sold off a large portion of my crypto alt coins and bought the stable coin USDC. It was USDT the stable coin to Luna that was forced off peg. Peg being one USDT was equal to one US dollar. USDT was kept on peg through an algorithm. To me this smacks of the need for faith in the TerraLuna Foundation. No thanks, I'm not a guy who believes in faith in human institutions. I lost about $50 while others I know of lost 6 and 7 figures in the course of 24 hours. As with any bear market those who buy low will be rewarded on the way up. There were a lot of people entering the crypto space at the all time highs for every asset. The current interest rate for farming USDCe/USDC on Trader Joe (a decentralized exchange) is 31% APR both are stable coins. The high APR is to attract liquidity back into the platform.

Crypto is not all risk, I'm invested in a master node, like the guy selling picks and shovels to the Yukon gold rush miners. I get on the average 2% return per month I've elected 100% interest compounding. The Masternode is valued in Euros to BTC, $500 Euros should be north of $9000 in a year return. I'll have $10k in Euros masternoded which in turn should be north of $100k in a year. A masternode receives a percentage fee for running transaction within the blockchain.

Could this go to zero sure but masternodes as a shared investment vehicle have been around since 2019. If I had entered the space then I'd have allowed the total to compound 100%. $10k is $100k in a year, a year later a million, a year later $19 million by 2023.

This latest drop is not going to kill off crypto. However gold might be heading up as a result. The stock market is heading down, big tech is not going to save the world, and now crypto is a lifeboat with a hole in it. Not that it will sink, but with gold there's not much need to bail out the water.

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Have to admit what you wrote is interesting from an engineering and computer science level. I geek out when I think about crypto because mining is where the technologists make their money. I honestly am not familiar with half of what you wrote there. But you seem to know what you're talking about, and I respect that. What do you use crypto for? No one buys groceries using it. The lack of practical use and bifurcation is why I constantly hear it said that it's a store of value. But hasn't that statement about 'store of value' been debunked just this week?

And my point about trust is that it's not a choice. It's a characteristic of the transaction since not all transactions are 100% digital.

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Spending crypto is actually very simple. Sell and move the funds from a centralized exchange like Coinbase to a bank account. Funding crypto is done in the reverse manner. However there's no need to use a Centralized Exchange (CEX) with Defi there are many Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). On a DEX one's identity is hidden. With my masternode account in Euros, I can withdraw to Bitcoin or Etherium, or through a Sapphire card.

Currently Paypal, as well as many large banks are entering the crypto world I believe Elon Musk has invested a few billion. Who would have thought anyone would by a Tesla or other EV? Especially in the light of EV being such a poor excuse for a means of travel.

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The stock market is not so manipulated? I believe Nancy Pelosi made most of her fortune doing just the same. The best career move if one is ok selling their soul is in fact entering into Congress. They go in as hillbillies or unemployable for the most part and come out millionaires. The Big Guy is proof eternal.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Warren Buffett is probably not invested in any stock currently held in your portfolio and yet...

Few understand any tech in the market, I invested in FB when it was $32 when it went to $45 I sold out thinking as you do... how will a bunch of teenagers using the platform generate a profit? How will Amazon make a buck losing millions every year?

As to fraud, tax evasion, criminal activity... I'm pretty sure those bodies popping out of Lake Meade are a testament to the USD and crime. Last I saw the Cartels were not sending blocks of crypto back to Mexico. Tax evasion, Ponzi schemes these are all present even if the medium of exchange is sea shells.

Crypto is the hope besides hunkering down in gold and farm land to save one's nest egg and even then you can't eat gold or crypto.

If the USD was not relegated to fiat status along with the money supply of the world, crypto would have come to exist. The only reason government wants to control crypto is the same as anything they want to regulate. Government simply demands the middleman position between all humans and their productivity. You birth certificate has value, your name is in all caps for a reason the very same every business entity is written in all caps.

The value of a modern nation is based on sum total of its citizens for international banking purposes. Much the same as Europe's kings valued their productive citizens. The purpose of a census, is to audit the books of a nation or city. The number is going down that's bad, maybe a tax break or a stymie to move back?

The old adage "Money goes where it is treated best". Try to take your nest egg out of the USA. Now put that same money into the most ancient crypto of the elites that of art and see how a paint splashed on a canvas can be used to move 5 million anywhere in the world without so much as a fuss. Crypto is the art of the modern age allowing billions to flow from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world. Not undetected but unknown as to who owns the asset. That alone is worth a 20% haircut in the price of Bitcoin in a day.

Money goes where it is treated best but also leaves where it is treated as it is in USA.

I have two friends now residing paradise lost known as Puerto Rico. Money earned passively while in PR is free of all capital gains taxes, from the USA. How much do you think PR elites paid for this stymie?

PR is attracting billionaires while USA is attracting the third world poor. Take a census the USA is being devalued while PR is going to the moon. You have to look at the bigger picture outside of 2 sq ft you occupy each day.

A side note: Yahowah forbid the taking of a census, the people were His possession as these were His family. The creators of the Christian religion or Rome made a habit of auditing their possessions via census. If the story of Jesus as told by Eusebius (Roman fiction writer) has any merit Mary and Joesph were traveling to Jerusalem to be counted in the census. That part of the story makes no sense due to Yahowah Towrah prescriptions against participating in a census but Christians believe it and they're 2.5 billion of the population and a claimed majority in USA.

Funny I never thought about it, but religion is the ultimate bad investment. The narrative of the Tanakh is, all religions are bad. There are more religions on the planet than crypto coins while all claim their religion true and worth dying for. All are based on faith in a system backed by a god they do not know, and yet trillions are shoveled into the coffers of clerics.

A line from 'The Thing' with Kurt Russel: Dr. Blair : I don't know who to trust.

MacReady : [swallows, sighs] I know what you mean, Blair. Trust's a tough thing to come by these days. Tell you what - why don't you just trust in the Lord?

Let is be known the definition of the word LORD from any Hebrew dictionary: A title, LORD= Ba'al, master, owner. All the things Yahowah is not, ba'al is in fact the title give by God to Satan. Fancy that when next you're calling on the LORD...

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deletedMay 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022
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You're making my point. Your faith is misplaced. The Jesus story so differs from the Christian religion it literally makes no sense to be Christian because Jesus was not. Paul was the first one to coin the term Christian, claiming his followers where so named in Antioch. Note Antioch was not Jerusalem, there is no mention of Jesus traveling to Antioch and his last instruction fo the 12 was in fact not to throw pearls to the gentile swine. To teach or preach to Israel only. Yahowah is quite clear in His instructions evangelism is not allowed, those who are drawn to the His witness, those who closely examine and carefully consider His instructions and take action are those who will be separated and brought to His home (mountain).

It matters not what you believe, what your faith is based upon. Read the instructions on the first tablet instead of listening to your priest who tells you there are 10 commandments to memorize. In fact there are no commandments Towrah does not mean law, nor are these written in a book named second law in Greek. The Hebrew book the tablets appear is called Dabarym. Dabar in Hebrew means Word, the ym makes it plural hence Words or Statements. 10 Statements to live by, not take your pick, Sunday instead of Shabat, not Easter instead of Passover, not Jesus as the savior when his Hebrew name Yahowsha means 'Yahowah is savior, liberator.'

Worshipping God or Jesus about as counterproductive to a human as is possible. Yahowah comes to humanity as a Father. When's the last time you knelt in prayer to your earthly father? He's be embarrassed if you did so, unless he's a monster.

Through out Tanakh Yahowah states He's the savior, who would send a lamb. Giving thanks to the lamb is like thanking the turkey instead of the host who served up the meal.

But hey if the emperor now Pope (father) tells you a story backed up by the very same church worth trillions of dollar over the course of 1500 years it must be true.

Who is the weirdo here? All men are granted free will, the choice is simply Yahowah or the world, one leads to life the other to destruction. Not hell or there is really no choice too make but Yahowah and really do you believe He'd want to inflict the world of men on His family or exist with those who had no mind to know His person?

A hundred years ago I would have been murdered for having such an opinion. Today in a majority Islam nation I'd loose my head, I dare say most of the other world religions would do the same. The great awakening in Europe was the first time men collectively questioned the church their story came up lacking.

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deletedMay 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022
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Who owns the $303 trillion of debt and repayment schedule that must be repaid?! Some folks say it doesn't matter, we can keep borrowing until there's no more lending, while others think bankruptcy faces us all; either way, the debt gets wiped out. If that happens, who suffers, who bears the loss, the public's pension funds or the billionaires?!

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