Housing prices will crash just like after the dot com fiasco. That's what we do. Inflate and destroy. The slicks will be around to sell houses to people who can't afford them and they will default so the government will bail them out and start the cycle all over again. Got caught up in one myself. But, I did learn that there will be opportunities to buy on the cheap and move on up the ladder. Whatever that means. As Will Rogers said, "history may not repeat itself, but it sure rhymes a lot". Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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"Refinancing is history. So is, we predict, the bull market in house prices.

Stay tuned..."

Perhaps true, but the taxes on those over valued homes will stay elevated. And our fixed incomes, which never went up enough to compensate for them, hasn't. Us "senior" citizens, still thinking in terms of a dollar with some value, get shocked on a regular basis. At the gas pumps, the grocery stores, the hardware store and our city services statements.

We see how it's going but not how our turtle shells will protect or provide for us. And the kids keep screaming for "more!"

L. Mike

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Thank God I sold my house last year at the height of the seller's market! Sitting on an empty house, even with no mortgage, is expensive with taxes, maintenance, and insurance (flood at $ 4000/yr. and vacant home at $ 2000/yr.). Since I have zero debt, raising interest rates only affects me indirectly, so I hope Powell continues on the present path, but realize the pressure may become too great.

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Negative Ghost-rider!

The best is yet to come, we are at the tail end of the bear, a new bull is about to be born.

Gas prices have significantly dropped, interest rates on the rise, signaling a strong economic shift.

Employers and companies are increasing pay and giving new fiscal pay raises, 10% plus over the next year, sign on bonuses on the rise. The β€œEverybody Deserves a Pay Raise” movement is about to launch.

Stocks are increasing dividend payouts. Buy backs in the billions will green stock the markets Jack.

Missing out on the dip will be the only tragedy to report. Social security benefit enhancement additions to be announced. Federal assistance programs are getting a trillion dollar makeover.

The opening of new import export docks in progress. The unveiling of a new mercantile trading ship commerce on the horizon.

Pensions are getting a new life line from the feds. A global gold inventory audit report to be released will boost and elevate the US dollar to new highs, like the likes never before seen.

The Golden Trumpet will announce his bid for the White House and elevate the world into an eternal euphoric state of power.

Oh, what a beautiful time to be alive, let’s all hold hands and sing β€œWe are the world”. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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The top inflationary issue is the price of fuel. Everything takes fuel, including β€œgreen initiatives.” Yes the Feds have screwed with the natural course of financial house cleaning, but the immediate impact on prices is the cost of fuel, because the production of everything that everyone uses takes fuel.

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Bonner Crew,

Your point was most excellently explained and everyone reading it will

understand. "Perceived wealth" will vaporize for many. Lending practices

caused this as did risky careless borrowers.

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I do agree with Bill on the houses price they will come down , I am expecting a top around 2026 and 4 years down ( I believe in the housing cycle of around 18 years ) I have follow it since 1990 and it works pretty well . Last top of the cycle was 2008 if I am correct the next top 2026 and then 4 years of correction . But we should not forget that every peak of the cycle is higher was true in 1990 and 2008 and now in 2026 .

Don’t sell land ... buy in the 4 years correction .

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