I think the world in general does NOT understand “how close” they are to WW3. I think the US Military understands. That is why they are preparing. WW3 will be like Ukraine. Missiles & Drones. Inflicting sheer terror on populations of ordinary people.
The question is how will that change the economic landscape. Will gold become valuable. Valuable compared to what? A worthless US Dollar? Of course it will worth 1 million US Dollars. But what will 1 million US Dollars be worth?
One thing is sure when the smoke settles. The U.S. Dollar will be relics of the past.
SL: NO, No, NO. You can blame all you want, but you are totally wrong. I would blame the Republicans for putting up with all the stupid thing that Trump does. How can anyone with half a brain believe all his lies; plus I don't think he's that smart. You Republicans will believe anything he does or says..how sad. Get a better candidate.
I’m not so sure about fewer workers, as 7 million illegals are now either trying to get legal status, for a license and democrat voting card, or just enjoying living for free, adding to our national debt by 100s of billions a year. As far as pay increases, all civil servants and union members are getting huge increases. Unfortunately, we the people in the private sector are not, yet paying for those increases through taxes and inflation. Where does that leave us 🤔 let me know your thoughts 🤔
SL: Over the years and including now, the unions have received Large increases. When you inquire about what the various salaries are...it never seems to remember. My parents worked for a union and when I found out what their salaries were, I was shocked. They were both making twice or three times more than other un-union companies doing the same job. Why don't the Unions tell us what the salaries are...Dud.
You are starting to sound like a Republican Dorothy 😳 when you research Unions, you see who started them, and the communist involvement behind them. It was all part of the game for socialism, and a very interesting read. More companies have been put out of business, and it’s a huge factor to the bankruptcy of America, as all government is now unionized 🤔 created to break the back of capitalism. I give the communist lots of credit, and the same amount of shame for our government.
SL: Well, not all companies are unionized. So far the Banks are not unionized, at least to my knowledge and, of course, restaurants and small mom and pop stores; but I get your message. I still don't feel the communist get a lot of credit for this...just Greedy people who are never satisfied.
It seems the market multiple is coinciding with the overdraft in the federal checkbook. One wonders if riding the wave and timing the market, barbelled with 30-60 day treasuries isn’t a valid way to ride this tragedy out. Of course this takes a lot of maneuvering and diligence(potentially for years). Geopolitics aside for the moment. Sigh
If the world goes to hell you're supposed to use a piece of sandpaper to scrape some dust off you gold bar to purchase your next meal? I still don't understand the not so precious metals which did nothing forever in terms of return. Recently there are the inflation hedge. Gold has no particular industrial use and is actually losing favor as jewelry. Not seeing it's a bad investment obviously. I just prefer to own everything. And by the way if you need gold for any kind of real world transaction. You're going to need guns and first for protection. Pretty sure that won't happen.
Yes Bill, would we expect anything else from our banana republic?
We only have ourselves to blame...and of course China, the communist party and the democrats....
Oh. That’s pretty f-g cheerful.🫤
Everything is correct, but the timing.
Crash in 26-27. Not yet.
I know. But there’s still more wiggle room.
And these establishment newts know how to wiggle better than Annette Funicello on a beach.
The good news is that there’s still time before the next big crash.
Where are we in the Inflate or Die story?
For me at least it was a matter of which inflation we were talking about??
When interest rates were on the decline we were inflating ‘asset’ prices. We were too bloated to die.
Now that interest rates are rising we are inflating ‘consumer’ prices while asset prices are falling (albeit slower than expected).
We are on life support and I don’t like the people in control of the switch.
For what it's worth, they don't like you either Mr. Nick.
But fret not. They don't like any of us...
Very true... but they need us in the private sector to make. We on the other hand don’t them at all ... to simply take.
I think the world in general does NOT understand “how close” they are to WW3. I think the US Military understands. That is why they are preparing. WW3 will be like Ukraine. Missiles & Drones. Inflicting sheer terror on populations of ordinary people.
The question is how will that change the economic landscape. Will gold become valuable. Valuable compared to what? A worthless US Dollar? Of course it will worth 1 million US Dollars. But what will 1 million US Dollars be worth?
One thing is sure when the smoke settles. The U.S. Dollar will be relics of the past.
There WILL have to be a New Currancy.
It leaves us in the dust forking over over our blood & treasure. Until we are “on the ropes” and mad as hell.
The problem is the Democrat Voter.
They act like they care, but they really don’t care. They have TDS!
And they comprise 38% of the total vote. They must change or the country never will. This 2024 election will be decided by the Independent Voter.
And I suspect it will be RFKJr.
But the Democrats will eliminate any Kennedy President.
"The problem is the Democrat Voter." Yes Don, always has been, and always will be.
"They act like they care, but they really don’t care. They have TDS!" No Don, it's just plain ignorance, stupidity, mental illness or pure evil.
SL: NO, No, NO. You can blame all you want, but you are totally wrong. I would blame the Republicans for putting up with all the stupid thing that Trump does. How can anyone with half a brain believe all his lies; plus I don't think he's that smart. You Republicans will believe anything he does or says..how sad. Get a better candidate.
Yall funny...... until folks realize the Ds and Rs are just 2 sides of the same coin, we’re all screwed.
Your point is well taken, but the rare, outlier politicians are virtually all R's.
So true, my friend. Ron Paul comes to mind.
Until yall understand that Ds and Rs are just 2 sides of the same coin, we’re all screwed.
Optimism abounds! Yes!
I'm optimistic that the world may see deflation in its future. The only issue is whether I'll still be alive when the results turn favorable for me.
Hang in there , Mr. Beck! We need ya...
I have news for the Fed. A “Tight Labor Market” is here to stay for decades.
Reason:There are fewer workers.
Normally this would lead to an increase in pay & benefits.
And that IS NOT happening.
They have stinking thinking.
I’m not so sure about fewer workers, as 7 million illegals are now either trying to get legal status, for a license and democrat voting card, or just enjoying living for free, adding to our national debt by 100s of billions a year. As far as pay increases, all civil servants and union members are getting huge increases. Unfortunately, we the people in the private sector are not, yet paying for those increases through taxes and inflation. Where does that leave us 🤔 let me know your thoughts 🤔
Screwed and un-kissed...
The illegals mostly are low skill workers. So they’ll probably be hired as Harvard professors, Congressmen, or TV pundits.
Or President 🤔
SL: Over the years and including now, the unions have received Large increases. When you inquire about what the various salaries are...it never seems to remember. My parents worked for a union and when I found out what their salaries were, I was shocked. They were both making twice or three times more than other un-union companies doing the same job. Why don't the Unions tell us what the salaries are...Dud.
You are starting to sound like a Republican Dorothy 😳 when you research Unions, you see who started them, and the communist involvement behind them. It was all part of the game for socialism, and a very interesting read. More companies have been put out of business, and it’s a huge factor to the bankruptcy of America, as all government is now unionized 🤔 created to break the back of capitalism. I give the communist lots of credit, and the same amount of shame for our government.
Hey Steve. Yes, she really is starting to make sense. Puzzling indeed.
🤔 yes brother, as most intelligent democrats are waking up to the reality that we are screwed and both parties are responsible
SL: Well, not all companies are unionized. So far the Banks are not unionized, at least to my knowledge and, of course, restaurants and small mom and pop stores; but I get your message. I still don't feel the communist get a lot of credit for this...just Greedy people who are never satisfied.
Hi Don -
They'll also have about 7 million NEW illegal invaders to sweeten the deal for employers by the end of 2024.
Thanks TraitorJoe...
It seems the market multiple is coinciding with the overdraft in the federal checkbook. One wonders if riding the wave and timing the market, barbelled with 30-60 day treasuries isn’t a valid way to ride this tragedy out. Of course this takes a lot of maneuvering and diligence(potentially for years). Geopolitics aside for the moment. Sigh
With our government making major miscalculations on money spent or saved.
One has to wonder just how competent these government stooges are in this environment.
If numbers are off a little that is understandable.
But off by 50% or more is just plain stupid.
We would be better off if they just let markets settle the numbers.
Hey Dan. In 08 they should’ve left any business that could not support self to bankrupt. Plus that and end Federal Reserve.
Yeah, I agree. I knew we were in trouble when they started throwing around “too big to fail”.
That implies System issues.
Bottom line: The Federal Government is corrupt to the core
I think that’s why you are seeing other countries heading for the exits. Ex. BRICS.
Corruption needs to be fixed.
Genuinely Love BB and his Truly Extraordinary Colleagues and Family Contributors.
Where is gold and silver going?
Still buy both on a quarterly basis, but do the same with Bitcoin and Ethereum…always best to hedge your bets…
SL: I keep hearing that Bitcoin and Ethereum will be going away with the induction of FedNow. But who knows?
As long as China & Russia hold a ton of it. Absolutely nowhere!
If the world goes to hell you're supposed to use a piece of sandpaper to scrape some dust off you gold bar to purchase your next meal? I still don't understand the not so precious metals which did nothing forever in terms of return. Recently there are the inflation hedge. Gold has no particular industrial use and is actually losing favor as jewelry. Not seeing it's a bad investment obviously. I just prefer to own everything. And by the way if you need gold for any kind of real world transaction. You're going to need guns and first for protection. Pretty sure that won't happen.
Hi Bill. Would've upvoted you but for the last sentence...
LMAO Star, we both know it's equal parts gold/lead:)
Star. There will be blood.
Seems actually a conservative estimate, Bill.
I do understand that. I do not vote anymore because it is ALL corrupt.
Thanks. I was exhibiting some hyperbole in my short note I expect to be around for a long while.
“Like/Love❤️”is a really hard data point. “Accept🤔” and “Accept in Despair 😩“ might be better data points.
These “are-or could be” comments on the content/situation expressed , rather than the writer’s intentions or amazing insights.
Gotta be worth a conversation with the Substack Team....