Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Bravo Bill!!! Yes, you can criticize Israel's Hamas response without being an Anti-Semite. Yes, you can criticize the Covid shot without being an anti-vaxxer. Yes, you can criticize the Patriot Act without being a promoter/sympathizer of terrorism. The truly intelligent Homo sapiens among us know when to peel away from the herd before they collectively head off the cliff. Bill, I know I don't need to tell you this, but never ever succumb to the madness of crowds :-)

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Bill should be an anti-vaxxer too. One good thing that came out of the scamdemic was all the research, by medical doctors themselves. I knew that allopathic medicine was itself worse than a scam; what I didn't know was that viruses have never been proven to exist. Do a search for Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Sam and Mark Bailey, and Stefan Lanka (a German virologist). You will NOT find their videos on youtube, they've been censored, to this day. I have found, when trying to explain this to people, that their programming makes it very difficult for them to see the truth, although it is self evident. After all, everyone "knows" you can "catch a cold," and that viruses cause disease.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

-Mark Twain (ascribed)

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Prior to the Plandemic a vaccine had to prevent both infection and transmission. Calling it for what it was; an experimental gene-modification therapy wouldn't fly with the masses. So change the definition of vaccine; problem solved. What would we do without our big beautiful government looking out for us :-)

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Live a happier, healthier life, I guess.

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Facts galore Mr. Alex. Well done!!

Sadly, the vast majority will scoff, shake their heads, consider you a nut job and move on...

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Thank you for the opportunity to unload all my 'insane' quotes:

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.

-Marcus Aurelius

A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.

-Kurt Vonnegut, Welcome to the Monkey House

In an insane world, a sane person looks crazy.

-Robert Chadwick

The purpose of the insane asylum was to protect the sane from the insane and the insane from themselves. A nation that normalizes and mainstreams mental illness is no longer a nation but a very large insane asylum with no refuge for the sane.

-T. Goode Charley

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What a really efficient use of money - 8 trillion dollars spent and 1 million people dead - By writing those numbers down - 8 Trillion - 8,000,000,000,000 and cencelling the deaths - 1 Million - 1,000,000 - you get 8,000,000 or 8 million dollars per death - I'm no math genius but those numbers make me weep when I think about the good that COULD have been done with that money

Roland Friestad

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the 'MONEY' .... your main focus ... not the lives (1 million is an extremely low [ZOG numbers] estimate).

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Can anything good come from printing money? That was rhetorical, BTW.)

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Hi Alex -

Hmmmm - maybe the Ink sellers and fancy Paper manufacturers can add an indoor swimming pool?

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80%+, is digital !! 😳😬

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Bill, it looks like Sean Ring beat you to the punch this morning:

"And if you thought the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, would sort things out, well, you’ve got another thing coming.

Speaker Johnson relayed the following points to Sean Hannity:

• "We can't allow Putin to prevail in Ukraine."

• US "boots on the ground" may be required to "stand with Israel"

• Supports Israel directly attacking Iran

• Russia, China, and Iran are "the new Axis of Evil."

Great, just what we needed: another nutjob neocon."

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Sadly, the only things that make big government necessary are things that suck up tons of money and bleed people's wallets and their time.

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Big government ... is NOT necessary !!!!

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

According to the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics as of October 6 there were 161.5 million people employed in the U.S. Joel's article the other day proffered that there are 24 million people employed by federal, state and local governments and he thinks that number doubles if those working for government contractors are counted.

That means 30 percent of all the people that work are paid either directly or indirectly by government and I'm not sure if Joel included primary, secondary and college/university public school teachers in his numbers which I would argue are government employees as well (making that overall percentage significantly higher). My point? When you look at polls about politicians' job approval numbers or the vote tallies after elections, keep in mind that about 35 percent of the population (and growing) firmly believes that big government is very necessary because their paychecks depend on it!

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How sad ... selling one's soul for mere shekels ... what gains a man ...??

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It's truly sad, and that 35 percent doesn't begin to include all those desperate souls that are on the government dole via SNAP, General Welfare, Disability, Medicaid, Social Security Insurance, and on and on. When those are added because they vote, big government gets to game-set-match for necessity.

Which is exactly what was intended starting with Woodrow Wilson, then greatly advanced by FDR and cemented into place by LBJ and his "Great Society" (which included the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 which is the bane of our plight today). Compared to this Marxist/Leftist/Democrat Big Three, everyone else (Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden) have been just running up the score because the game was already out of reach for free market principles, capitalism and small, responsible government. Though Republicans like Nixon and the Bush's didn't do us any favors by not rolling back any of the nonsense in any significant way(s).

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the ''give me free stuff'/welfare demographic, are for the most part are not employed, there-fore not included in the MIC's 30%+ 'war making & clean-up' employment stats. !!

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I don't think Ring beat him to it; Mr. Bonner called Johnson a 'dope' right after he was voted in as Speaker of the House.

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You're right. Bill didn't tell us why he's a dope, but Sean delivered the goods this morning.

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Hey Craig. Very disappointing to hear.

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Yeah, looks like he leans Uniparty. In retrospect, that's the only way he could have been elected.

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You know, Craig I was actually slightly encouraged by him. Now I know why he was allowed to be elected speaker.

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I thought Jim Jordan would have been a solid pick, but the Uniparty wasn't having any of it.

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“I’ve taken thousands of votes during my time in Congress. No roll call has been as clarifying as the one for Jim Jordan as Speaker. Why isn’t his election easy here? Because his leadership represents a credible threat to the unchecked growth of our bloated federal government” - Thomas Massie.

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Apparently “Kill the Messenger” is a hardwired tribalist human response that just cannot be overcome by cold logic or the study of history. The “With Us or Against Us” mantra reigns supreme...The ability to look at events through a dispassionate eye is a trait sorely lacking...There is a video titled “All Wars Are Bankers Wars”. People owe it to themselves to find that video and carefully consider the content of that video - it will challenge the version history you think you know and show you how the elites create and benefit from war. The first step to being truly free is to know when you are being manipulated...There is a reason Goebbels and the Nazi’s embraced Bernays’ work on propaganda - it works! (his work virtually single-handedly set the stage for Americans to be manipulated into supporting the US entry into WWI). In the vernacular of “The Matrix” - it’s red pill or blue pill time...

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I'm comforted with the fact that Joe Biden is at the helm of our military response in the Middle East and his back up is Kamala Harris. Good Grief, as Charlie Brown use to say... The US. Is hosed...

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Hey Phil. That video was absolutely outstanding! I wish all Americans would view it.

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I will never forget your quote Bill; ‘ most empires are built on theft’ (us Brits were particularly adept at this) ‘ the US is the first built on fraud’. And what started out covert has become spectacularly overt with the default on Russian owned treasuries and bonds.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

And we deserve the Royal Screwing we are fixin' to get - due to many mistakes but primarily from TraitorJoe nailing the coffin lid shut with his moronic, backfiring, obviously disastrous "sanctions", while the seals and sheep on both sides clapped like retarded toddlers, which, for the most part, they are...

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Couldn't agree more with you, Bill.

I got out of the market in late 97. Felt pretty good about it and stayed out. But then I made 65,000 in one day in late 2008 shorting IWM. I thought the buying of mortgages by Fannie an Freddie was tantamount to the absurdity we see today, almost. Seems one can count on the gov to make any situation worse by far. It's really hard to tell what is going on when MSM is all lies and the political leaders of your country on lying about everything. It's time to let one's spidy sense take over. All the people I trust are saying everything is a lie, data, mantra, narratives, plus I was a practicing engineer/statistician and it doesn't make any sense to me. So why would one count on the Wall Street press, MSM to be honest? Right now it's all about not losing at my age. I appreciate your comments, Bill.

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Going to war with Iraq was the right thing to do. Going to war with Iraq with no intention of winning was what was wrong. Since WWII all we do is go kill a bunch of people with no intentions of winning. Eisenhower was right.

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Going to war with Iraq was the right thing, why, may I ask? Have you seen that place recently? Exactly how many weapons of mass destruction were found there? Name the Iraqi's who were on the planes on 9/11. Name some place (any will do) that's been invaded by the US since WW11and is better for it? I could go on but I'm probably wasting my time

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Read my original post again John only this time read it for content.

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Lee, I think you've drunk the Kool-Aid.

No matter how far you've gone down the wrong path - turn back.

-Old Indian Proverb (American, not slurpee)

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Dude. Dyin' heah...

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When I drink I drink good whiskey Alex. Kool-Aid is for old hippies who never grew up.

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I can't disagree, but I wonder if it was even worth it to go to war with Iraq just to overthrow a two-bit dictator who was really no credible threat to us. Even back then, it was known that Iran was the real threat. I thought at the time, with my limited strategic knowledge, that Bush went into Iraq to surround Iran (Iraq being on one side, and Afghanistan on the other). As it turned out, we used up all our resources in those countries and Iran still stands funding terrorists. But as you say, if we had done it right, it might have worked. But because of all these failures and waste of money and resources, legitimate defense of countries that are being attacked, like Israel (and maybe Ukraine, but I'm not sure about that one) are called into question. We must pick our battles wisely, but it seems we never do.

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Why, was it even remotely any of our business to begin with, let alone to go to war over??

Every event in the M.E./N.A. is of our politico power's own doing, or that of the ZOG that bought and paid for them.

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9/11/01 made it our business.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

God, if you still believe that aviation fuel can bring down skyscrapers in a symmetric fall, you should go back to physics 101. If anything those buildings should have down asymmetrically. Like chopping down a tree. Timber!

Controlled Demolition companies are paid millions of dollars to make buildings fall down inside their own footprint. And still fail to do so. To think that an airliner could make it fall the way it did is childish. Not to mention building 7 which exhibited classic controlled demolition characteristics at 5:00pm later that same day.

The hole left by flight 77 in the Pentagon was originally on impact 13 feet in diameter. No plane debris. No bodies. Nada. Just some DNA samples found "later."

The hole left in Pennsylvania, by flight 93 was just that - a giant hole in the ground. No bodies. No plane parts. A black box was "found" later buried 13ft in the ground.

What about the rest of the plane?

For both flights, it was the first time in aviation history that the bodies of the passengers from both planes were "incinerated."

9/11 was made your business. By your own government's hands.

Then after seeing that the American people fell for the biggest false flag operation in their own history, they decided to try it again.

Weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. We have to invade. Its our duty.

To know that they lied about Iraq, one has to wonder what else they lied about?

Citing C ETI,

"It is easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled."

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I used to believe that too. Then, I came across a paper by Implosion World that showed the buildings could not have been imploded. Apparently, the Implosion World web site it now defunct, but you can find correspondence from one of the principle of the company here: https://911research.wtc7.net/letters/implosionworld/index.html. There is a link at the bottom where you can piece together the findings of engineers that actually imploded buildings for a living. Of course, I don't believe I will convince you. I have found that the implosion/government conspiracy theory to be a religion, and it makes no sense to argue with someone about religion. I can only present the evidence, what you do with it is your business. I don't like the US government any more than the next guy, but not everything is a conspiracy they are involved in.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

I remember doing a Top Ten reasons that 9/11 was an inside job presentation for our business club in 2010.

1. Who else has the resources to make NATO stand down,

2. to confiscate over 90 videos of the plane hitting the pentagon and release 4 still frames

3. pay for the operation (Donald Rumsfeld was on CSPAN the day before admitting to $2T in the defense budget unaccounted

4. divert 4 flights of actual people and replace them with drones

5. steal passports of living Saudi Arabians and make them out to be "the terrorists" that sacrificed themselves and then have their "indestructible" passports found on the streets of NYC after having been ejected from a burning, crashing airplane.

6. the pyroclastic dust that was found all over NYC containing evidence of thermate the substance used in controlled demolitions

7. Larry Silverstein taking out a 99 year lease on Towers 1 and 2 (which were white elephants coated in asbestos that would have cost in the hundreds of millions of dollars to abate) and then taking out a specific anti terrorist insurance rider on both buildings, collecting $4.5B years later

8. Molten (you read that right) steel burning for up to 6 months AFTER 9/11 underneath all that rubble - steel that would have needed thermate - not av gas - to generate enough heat to melt steel and keep it molten for 6 months.

9. Towers 1 and 2 falling at free fall speed, which is impossible unless all supports over the 70 floors had given out simultaneously (like in a controlled demolition)

10. Stop the FAA from rebuilding the planes from all the little pieces found at the scene of the 2 crashes (Flight 77 and 93 - first time in history of the FAA that both planes "incinerated themselves on impact") 

11. Taking down a 50 story building at 5:00pm that day (Building 7) and saying, "we really don't know why that one came down, but we're going to war anyways."

After the presentation, I looked about the room. Everyone was staring at me. Not a word spoken. Then one gentleman, a middle aged Jewish man spoke up.

"What are you saying?" he said.

"That the government pulled this one off. They needed a reason to go to war." I replied.

The gentleman shook his head while the room remained silent.

"I can't believe that the government would do that to their own people."

I replied, "You mean like Nazi Germany couldn't do that to your people in the 1930's?"

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not to mention radiation readings, and mandated asbestos removal costs (estimated,and bid @ more than the combined value of the entire real estate) They don't call him 'Lucky Larry' (double indemnity insurance policies, for terrorism) and 'Right to Rebuild' !!! Larry & asso. must be a psychic !?!?

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I hear both of you, but I lean more to Luke's view.

Just too many coincidental or outright implausible specifics with 9/11, then couple that with a "government" that has been outed as a basic enemy to the traditional American Way of Life, having no desire to seek the betterment of life for the Citizens in ANY area or facet of Society, then consider all of the completely positively evil things the "government" gained from the 9/11 narrative ("Patriot" Act, TSA BS, TWO wars, and on and on and on.)

Nah - I gotta stick with the conspiracy side on this one...

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

Hi Alex. That webpage is actually someone debunking, the debunkers. Follow the link at the bottom of that page to go to the full debunking of the debunkers page. This is a pro-demolition website.

It is a messy world we live in. For sure.

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What did Iraq do to us? or do to you?

Did we ever declare war?

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It would seem we are embarking on one of those holy wars akin to the crusades. Only this time I think demographics has us outnumbered both short and long term. With Africans and mid east populations at their most fertile and a good decade younger than all us good guys, and with such porous and pious borders, we are guaranteed to be overwhelmed by vengeful blood lust for all these ridiculous transgressions of ours. At least our kids and grandkids will. God help them.

As soon as we enter this one hot, we will be scorching our descendants like the tribes we are arming. Biblical tribalism knows no time.

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How dare you think differently than me! I'm cancelling my subscription, and turning you in to the ADL!

(Did I get that right?)

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"see something, say something" ... raises the questio;; to whom ?

you can always call Johnathan zio-Greenblatt direct.

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Awesome description of millions made/lost dabbling in warfare and welfare business.

Meanwhile we have two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (no carbon-fuel needed) parked off Israel’s coast. Plus untold submarines ( nuke powered also) lurking nearby.

Some country is going to “get smacked” very soon. My money is on the dome of the rock and damascas. Both would take the regional conflict global likely-split.

Gold/Silver & BC will skyrocket.

But you will find no hospitable climate to spend it. Will be difficult going through radiation poisoned areas around the globe.

The guy who knows where this hoopla is headed is the one we need advice from!

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Hi Donald -

The guy(s and gals) who know where this is heading are busy painting a half-assed, made-in-the-USA Nuke the colors of Iran's flag, for use on one of the referenced locations in the very near future. Low and behold - amid the wreckage, destruction and fallout, our "crack" federal "investigators" will find a piece of that Iran-colored rocket casing...

Pristine Saudi Passport (with a few ash smudges) anyone?

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IN GOD we trust. All others we track!

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Bill, Just keep writing,cause it gives us another opinion,that at times is off the tracks,so what.I read other newsletters which are only promotions for their strategies.Its nice to come back to BPR cause its well rounded,like your team.In these times of total chaos,its nice to know I'm not all alone.thanks

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Better to be captain with a few passengers on board, than manning an over loaded boat


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For what it’s worth, (not much really), I had saved some of your Daily Reckonings on floppies. Was with you then and so I remain. Thank you.

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Good synopsis. Looking forward to the next installment. The question is, what happens after the great implosion we're facing now? Will we go fascist or socialist? Will we be more conservative or more liberal? Could we even determine that ahead of time?

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Hi Ellen,

Sadly, the answer to your questions depend, almost SOLELY, on how many leftists, sh*tlibs, college professors, RINOs and other "politicians" end up twitching at the end of a short rope.

My guess is that, in any circumstance, it won't be nearly enough for a long-term fix...

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you are a freaking duffus if you believe any of the 'official 9/11 narrative'.

An in side job ... a new Pearl Harbor ... to initiate zio-neoCON's, PNAC traitorous agenda of Balkanization op. What happened to Bulding #7 ... fdid it just all over in sympathy??

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Sadam was only a threat to Isn'real's zionists. Thus why he had to go. Remember the US & assos. armed him (with poison gas WMDs) for a decade in his clash with the Iranian Mullahs. Got his gold too !! Just like Ghadaffi's 'Golden Dinar' and Sarkosy didn't want to pay back his borrowed campaign funds from Mohamar.

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