As a Canadian follower of Bill Bonner for decades, I have been and am very unhappy about the size of U. S. debt and it's negative example to other Western nations. The U.S. will lose it's Sovereign currency status. With the U.S. being Canada's major trading country, the results could only be negative for us.

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Mr. Bonner it is you I believe stated in your book Win Win or Win Lose, all debts must be reconciled at some point. With current administration of mental midgets that reconciliation will be very soon. And it will be butt ugly. Forget stocks and bonds. Buy beans, bullets, butt wipe, gold and silver.

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Dear Mr. Bonner, Thank you for continuing your insights in this forum

I think it would be useful for new readers and a good refresher for veterans if you would revisit your analysis from your Diary from 3 or 4 years ago of the sequence of Fed errors. It might help prepare us for the next round of moves.

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