Ah Joel, you have to be one the most enjoyable writers I have the pleasure of reading weekly. Keep up the good snark... I mean work! Information imbued with humor is my favorite way to learn!
Great turn of phrase: "There, in the rarefied air of smug and hubris, the planet’s moral exemplars gather to look down their long noses at the flailing peasants of the flatlands, mired as we are in the filth and disgrace of our own ignorance."
Lots of others too. Bill's High Altitude Malbec does wonders to your rich verbal loquaciousness
Interesting revelations about the Klauss family as well. If apples don't fall far from the tree, then what to make of Klauss fils?
In the middle of disaster as the s**t is falling all around you, there's nothing like some hard belly-laughs at the expense of this officious, elitist goon-squad. Well written, Joel!!!
Joel - if you think Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini’s interview of Bourla was something - I HIGHLY recommend you see their interview with Greta a couple of days later - absolutely astounding - it needs the same circulation and attention!!! It absolutely exposes her for what she is - a pampered vacuous rich kid who has been unleashed by a complicit global media
Saw that one, too. Kudos to them. One doesn’t have to agree with them, but these questions need to be asked and the answers (or lack thereof) published for the public to see.
Joel, I usually enjoy your well researched pieces. Nevertheless, I am a tad disappointed with an aspect of today's sesh. The interview with Pfizer's CEO starts from a wrong premise: a vaccine is not given to stop transmission—the main issue the reporters seem to ask over and over again—but to enhance your immune response once an infection happens to you. As such, I am not clear what the benefit of watching this interview would be or why you are mentioning it without this context...
So what exactly does this vaccine do? I don't expect to catch smallpox after a smallpox vaccine, I don't expect to catch polio after the polio vaccines, I don't expect to catch shingles after a shingles vaccine. I admit I need some boosters for other things, but not at the rate the mRNA vaccines are being boosted!
Nor do I expect that with all the data accruing, (certainly in the UK) from the largest vaccine trials in history that only retired Professors seem to take the time to demand (FOI requests in the UK) all the data, then analyse it and produce worrying reports of myocarditis in young males and reproductive system effects in young females. What has the organisation with all the data done with it? Not a lot it seems. Why is it that only 'retired' Professors and statisticians are speaking out? Could it be the case that those in jobs don't want to lose them?
Very early on when Norway reported a significant number of deaths following the Pfizer vaccine the following statements were made.
"Health authorities in Norway sought to allay safety concerns raised by the death of some elderly patients after they were vaccinated against COVID-19, saying there was no evidence of a direct link.
It comes after 33 people in the country aged 75 and over died following immunisation, according to the agency's latest figures. All were already seriously ill, it said.
Initial reports raised alarm as the world looks for early signs of potential side effects from the vaccines. Although doctors say it's possible that vaccine side effects could aggravate underlying illnesses, they were expecting nursing-home residents to die shortly after being vaccinated because deaths are more common among the frailest and sickest elderly patients.
"Clearly, COVID-19 is far more dangerous to most patients than vaccination," Steinar Madsen, medical director at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said, adding that a connection between the vaccine and the deaths was difficult to prove. "We are not alarmed."
"We can't say that people die from the vaccine. We can say that it may be coincidental. It is difficult to prove that it's the vaccine which is the direct cause."
"It is important to remember that about 45 people die every day in nursing homes in Norway, so it is not a given that this represents any excess mortality or that there is a causal connection," Camilla Stoltenberg, head of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, said at a press conference."
Here in the UK IF Covid was present, then none of the other co-morbidities appeared to matter, even though they included the 5 top killers pre-Covid. Any mention of Covid or even suspicion (many Doctors didn't attend to complete the Death certificates) the conclusion was 'It was Covid what dunnit'
That despite 90%+ of those dying 'with Covid' having at least one or more other co-morbidities, and as I mentioned, in the UK those 'other morbidities' included the 5 largest killers pre-Covid.
Finally around a year or so ago, the UK published the figures of those who died only of covid - the numbers were ludicrously small given the response to the pandemic.
FOI Request Ref:FO1/2021/3249 - 'Deaths of Covid with NO other underlying cause.' - ie NO co-morbidities. For England and Wales.
Covid without co-morbidities (13/03/2020 - 7/1/2022): 17,371
65+: 13,957
under 65: 3,774
Not even half the deaths due to Flu in the UK in 2015 IIRC and no remotely equivalent response from our Government to the flu.
At the time of peak lockdown hysteria, I wondered if the global response was because Governments knew it got out of a Wuhan lab, and they believed it was a bio-weapon. Another 'conspiracy theory' I was told. Now we know the US was funding research in Wuhan into 'Gain-of- Functionality" and Dr Fauci knew of it.
The response, here in the UK at least, from our politicians (my own MP) is 'We believe the Vaccine is the best defence against covid." - Not one fact, no pointers to anything that disputed, much less disproved the links to evidence I provided to back my argument. So there we have it in the UK,
"They believe" so there is no need to follow up the terrifying conclusions of those 'retired professors'. If that is what passes for 'The Science' nowadays, science is in real trouble.
Yup, right on the money. Some people won't acknowledge the REALITY of the convid and "vaccine" scams, even when the facts and evidence punch them in the face. Sad indeed, and about to ge a WHOLE LOT sadder I fear.
Yes - "Science" is in real trouble, but it could be argued that it always has been. Consider Galileo and how his ideas and EVIDENCE were treated way back then. It seems, for at least the last 100 years or so, the "science" on so many issues will purport to show whatever the highest bidder wants it to show...
The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” mantra was repeated by every major world leader and filtered down from there. The “prevention of transmission”was used by all of them to justify vaccine mandates. It was the justification that caused untold thousands to lose their jobs, be prevented from seeing loved ones in care homes and stopped from travel. It was the primary justification that allowed the creation of an us versus them environment that is still in play today. Prevention of transmission by being vaccinated is a by product of not being infected as a result of being vaccinated. It is THE issue that needs to be addressed.
What happens is that your (muscle) cells start producing a SARS-CoV-2 specific protein after vaccination. The presence of these proteins induces an immune response, i.e. your immune system creates suitable antibodies. Once the injected mRNA is "eaten up", you are as before—except better equipped to fend off COVID-19...
Much of the research I have seen states emphatically that this never happens. The genome of those who took an mRNA "vaccine" is actually altered and Spike Proteins are continually produced, with no specific end date given for when this activity will cease. These individuals also shed these proteins in real time, so actually a "pure blood" would be wise to wear a mask when in close proximity to the "vaccinated." True? I don't pretend to know.
I'm not a doctor or researcher in this field, so obviously I can't say for certain. Just passing along the studies and evidence I have read - we all should be able to agree that the deception in almost every area of our Culture and Society is at all-time high levels, so there is that...
I have a hard time believing that the "genome is actually altered", since there is no interaction between the mRNA and your DNA (located inside the cell nucleus). Could you pass on the sources you have for the claim of continuous spike protein production?
Regarding the "danger" to a pure blood, if such shedding does actually happen via the lung, then you could get a "free vaccination" as a bystander without any concern about the mRNA aspects that seem to trip up so many folks! First time I hear about that notion of "free riding", though...
This community is definitely offering worthwhile points of view and I enjoy being part of it!
I mostly agree with your analysis, but would add that the body alteration is temporary,^1 and the protein in itself is not a "poison" but a benign^2 marker. Moreover, your definition of GMO is somewhat faulty, since "altering the body" is not really whats going on. One could make the same case for drinking alcohol, which "alters" your body such that (mostly cells in) your liver produce acetaldehyde (which is toxic and fortunately broken down further)... Of course, nothing is permanently altered there, you just fire up parts of the (incredible) chemical machinery that you call your body.
1 — as far as I know, the mRNA gets "metabolized", i.e. eventually loses its functionality and is shed. Nevertheless, I see how this (hopefully true) statement could be a reason for concern if not the case.
2 — similarly, it would be worthwhile to have hard answers on whether free-floating marker proteins pose any trouble or not. I don't have them (answers) either way.
I'd love to see a bonafide source for your point #1. It would put a lot of people's minds at ease as this bone of contention is important and a pretty big deal going into the future...
Very happy to hear that the WEF may be losing its mojo and adherents, but not sure that is enough. It seems that we poor, suffering peasants would be well served if the guillotine was resurrected. It might give us a generation or two reprieve, if other would-be world betters saw their predecessor's heads being hauled away in baskets or used as bowling balls.
Nicely sarcastically written, but the impression I get is that Mr. Bowman would like to be one of those at Davos rather than be one of the flailing faltland peasants. History indicates we are probably stuck with just a few persons on high. We cannot all be there and run the show, so it is whether the davos crowd are any use to the flailing peasants?. On climate change we need to move beyond the current suicide pact as the davos crowd will be nominally ok, but they still need the peasants to provide a nice culture for the davos crowd to live in. So some ideas from Bowman on that would be helpful - eg just run through the numerous technical ideas out there for solving the climate energy issue. There are rather a lot but many lack the political and commerical will. Highlighting the political and commercial interests that stop new energies coming on line would be a useful article. It can be written with sarcasm
Not complicated. First, acknowledge that there is no proof for climate crisis. If the climate is changing, no proof it is caused by humans, and if so, no proof that our efforts will have an effect. Every dollar we spend to combat climate change is wasted.
As for energy, release the handcuffs from energy companies. Encourage digging for oil and natural gas. Stop the move to green energy, which is a great threat to civilization, and a waste of money.
My plumber just told me furnaces and boilers have a much shorter life because of mandates for high-efficiency. (The only way to meet unrealistic mandates for high-efficiency, they have to sacrifice the furnace's durability.)
I hear of these government mandates in many areas that make things more expensive and less durable. Do you remember the law that made incandescent light bulbs illegal to manufacture?
We are destroying our modern way of life and our economy.
You're exactly right and it's why I asked this pseudo-intellectual the question I did because his entire premise is wrong. Solving the energy issue is simple: drill baby drill and keep working to build nuclear plants.
The climate issue? There is no climate issue and as you said, "Every dollar we spend to combat climate change is wasted."
Maybe the issue is there were only 2 billion people world wide in 1920 now there are 8 billion. Might that contribute to changes the climate fanatics says is happening ?
And what brought the ice age to its end? How many cars were on the road?
It is not hard to find climatologists on youtube explaining the hoax of climate change and global warming. Keep an open mind and look it up for yourself.
You do know that the "scientists" and "researchers" that produce "studies" and "research" derive their incomes from government grants right? Think about that.
There might be four times as many people on the planet today, but technologies that mitigate emissions have progressed leaps and bounds as well. Ask the Chinese and the Indians how many of those mitigation techniques and strategies have they implemented?
I would guess - Zero. And I agree with your statement. it's just a waste of time to think we can control the weather . But to some young folks they think that is the most important thing in their lifetime-
Are you suggesting there is a technical solution(s) to the "climate energy issue"? (Whatever that is because you seem to be mixing an apple with an orange.)
Ah Joel, you have to be one the most enjoyable writers I have the pleasure of reading weekly. Keep up the good snark... I mean work! Information imbued with humor is my favorite way to learn!
What a great Sunday read & i do hope you’re right about the WEF.
Fingers crossed the whole covid house of cards is collapsing too with Jabcinda’s exit!
A superbly written and very welcome piece Joel. Thank you!
Great turn of phrase: "There, in the rarefied air of smug and hubris, the planet’s moral exemplars gather to look down their long noses at the flailing peasants of the flatlands, mired as we are in the filth and disgrace of our own ignorance."
Lots of others too. Bill's High Altitude Malbec does wonders to your rich verbal loquaciousness
Interesting revelations about the Klauss family as well. If apples don't fall far from the tree, then what to make of Klauss fils?
In the middle of disaster as the s**t is falling all around you, there's nothing like some hard belly-laughs at the expense of this officious, elitist goon-squad. Well written, Joel!!!
Joel - if you think Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini’s interview of Bourla was something - I HIGHLY recommend you see their interview with Greta a couple of days later - absolutely astounding - it needs the same circulation and attention!!! It absolutely exposes her for what she is - a pampered vacuous rich kid who has been unleashed by a complicit global media
Saw that one, too. Kudos to them. One doesn’t have to agree with them, but these questions need to be asked and the answers (or lack thereof) published for the public to see.
Joel, I usually enjoy your well researched pieces. Nevertheless, I am a tad disappointed with an aspect of today's sesh. The interview with Pfizer's CEO starts from a wrong premise: a vaccine is not given to stop transmission—the main issue the reporters seem to ask over and over again—but to enhance your immune response once an infection happens to you. As such, I am not clear what the benefit of watching this interview would be or why you are mentioning it without this context...
So what exactly does this vaccine do? I don't expect to catch smallpox after a smallpox vaccine, I don't expect to catch polio after the polio vaccines, I don't expect to catch shingles after a shingles vaccine. I admit I need some boosters for other things, but not at the rate the mRNA vaccines are being boosted!
Nor do I expect that with all the data accruing, (certainly in the UK) from the largest vaccine trials in history that only retired Professors seem to take the time to demand (FOI requests in the UK) all the data, then analyse it and produce worrying reports of myocarditis in young males and reproductive system effects in young females. What has the organisation with all the data done with it? Not a lot it seems. Why is it that only 'retired' Professors and statisticians are speaking out? Could it be the case that those in jobs don't want to lose them?
Very early on when Norway reported a significant number of deaths following the Pfizer vaccine the following statements were made.
"Health authorities in Norway sought to allay safety concerns raised by the death of some elderly patients after they were vaccinated against COVID-19, saying there was no evidence of a direct link.
It comes after 33 people in the country aged 75 and over died following immunisation, according to the agency's latest figures. All were already seriously ill, it said.
Initial reports raised alarm as the world looks for early signs of potential side effects from the vaccines. Although doctors say it's possible that vaccine side effects could aggravate underlying illnesses, they were expecting nursing-home residents to die shortly after being vaccinated because deaths are more common among the frailest and sickest elderly patients.
"Clearly, COVID-19 is far more dangerous to most patients than vaccination," Steinar Madsen, medical director at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said, adding that a connection between the vaccine and the deaths was difficult to prove. "We are not alarmed."
"We can't say that people die from the vaccine. We can say that it may be coincidental. It is difficult to prove that it's the vaccine which is the direct cause."
"It is important to remember that about 45 people die every day in nursing homes in Norway, so it is not a given that this represents any excess mortality or that there is a causal connection," Camilla Stoltenberg, head of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, said at a press conference."
Here in the UK IF Covid was present, then none of the other co-morbidities appeared to matter, even though they included the 5 top killers pre-Covid. Any mention of Covid or even suspicion (many Doctors didn't attend to complete the Death certificates) the conclusion was 'It was Covid what dunnit'
That despite 90%+ of those dying 'with Covid' having at least one or more other co-morbidities, and as I mentioned, in the UK those 'other morbidities' included the 5 largest killers pre-Covid.
Finally around a year or so ago, the UK published the figures of those who died only of covid - the numbers were ludicrously small given the response to the pandemic.
FOI Request Ref:FO1/2021/3249 - 'Deaths of Covid with NO other underlying cause.' - ie NO co-morbidities. For England and Wales.
Covid without co-morbidities (13/03/2020 - 7/1/2022): 17,371
65+: 13,957
under 65: 3,774
Not even half the deaths due to Flu in the UK in 2015 IIRC and no remotely equivalent response from our Government to the flu.
At the time of peak lockdown hysteria, I wondered if the global response was because Governments knew it got out of a Wuhan lab, and they believed it was a bio-weapon. Another 'conspiracy theory' I was told. Now we know the US was funding research in Wuhan into 'Gain-of- Functionality" and Dr Fauci knew of it.
The response, here in the UK at least, from our politicians (my own MP) is 'We believe the Vaccine is the best defence against covid." - Not one fact, no pointers to anything that disputed, much less disproved the links to evidence I provided to back my argument. So there we have it in the UK,
"They believe" so there is no need to follow up the terrifying conclusions of those 'retired professors'. If that is what passes for 'The Science' nowadays, science is in real trouble.
Hi Jo -
Yup, right on the money. Some people won't acknowledge the REALITY of the convid and "vaccine" scams, even when the facts and evidence punch them in the face. Sad indeed, and about to ge a WHOLE LOT sadder I fear.
Yes - "Science" is in real trouble, but it could be argued that it always has been. Consider Galileo and how his ideas and EVIDENCE were treated way back then. It seems, for at least the last 100 years or so, the "science" on so many issues will purport to show whatever the highest bidder wants it to show...
The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” mantra was repeated by every major world leader and filtered down from there. The “prevention of transmission”was used by all of them to justify vaccine mandates. It was the justification that caused untold thousands to lose their jobs, be prevented from seeing loved ones in care homes and stopped from travel. It was the primary justification that allowed the creation of an us versus them environment that is still in play today. Prevention of transmission by being vaccinated is a by product of not being infected as a result of being vaccinated. It is THE issue that needs to be addressed.
There are certainly some common threads running through the clientele at Whole Foods. Nevertheless, your statement that mRNA vaccination turns you into a "GMO" is factually wrong, see, e.g., https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/different-types-of-covid-19-vaccines/art-20506465
What happens is that your (muscle) cells start producing a SARS-CoV-2 specific protein after vaccination. The presence of these proteins induces an immune response, i.e. your immune system creates suitable antibodies. Once the injected mRNA is "eaten up", you are as before—except better equipped to fend off COVID-19...
Hi Philip -
"Once the injected mRNA is "eaten up"..."
Much of the research I have seen states emphatically that this never happens. The genome of those who took an mRNA "vaccine" is actually altered and Spike Proteins are continually produced, with no specific end date given for when this activity will cease. These individuals also shed these proteins in real time, so actually a "pure blood" would be wise to wear a mask when in close proximity to the "vaccinated." True? I don't pretend to know.
I'm not a doctor or researcher in this field, so obviously I can't say for certain. Just passing along the studies and evidence I have read - we all should be able to agree that the deception in almost every area of our Culture and Society is at all-time high levels, so there is that...
Hi StarboardEdge,
I have a hard time believing that the "genome is actually altered", since there is no interaction between the mRNA and your DNA (located inside the cell nucleus). Could you pass on the sources you have for the claim of continuous spike protein production?
Regarding the "danger" to a pure blood, if such shedding does actually happen via the lung, then you could get a "free vaccination" as a bystander without any concern about the mRNA aspects that seem to trip up so many folks! First time I hear about that notion of "free riding", though...
Hi Rick,
This community is definitely offering worthwhile points of view and I enjoy being part of it!
I mostly agree with your analysis, but would add that the body alteration is temporary,^1 and the protein in itself is not a "poison" but a benign^2 marker. Moreover, your definition of GMO is somewhat faulty, since "altering the body" is not really whats going on. One could make the same case for drinking alcohol, which "alters" your body such that (mostly cells in) your liver produce acetaldehyde (which is toxic and fortunately broken down further)... Of course, nothing is permanently altered there, you just fire up parts of the (incredible) chemical machinery that you call your body.
1 — as far as I know, the mRNA gets "metabolized", i.e. eventually loses its functionality and is shed. Nevertheless, I see how this (hopefully true) statement could be a reason for concern if not the case.
2 — similarly, it would be worthwhile to have hard answers on whether free-floating marker proteins pose any trouble or not. I don't have them (answers) either way.
Hi again Philip -
I'd love to see a bonafide source for your point #1. It would put a lot of people's minds at ease as this bone of contention is important and a pretty big deal going into the future...
Thank you! I’ve been needing a post like this one! 😂👍🏻
❤️squillions! Amiright?
Love your work Joel! From a long suffering subject of Jacinda Ardern.....
Now that is some truly very fine writing! Thank you
Thank you Prof. Bowman for another great history lesson.
Jerry Crawford
Wow, great job Rebel News!
Very happy to hear that the WEF may be losing its mojo and adherents, but not sure that is enough. It seems that we poor, suffering peasants would be well served if the guillotine was resurrected. It might give us a generation or two reprieve, if other would-be world betters saw their predecessor's heads being hauled away in baskets or used as bowling balls.
Nicely sarcastically written, but the impression I get is that Mr. Bowman would like to be one of those at Davos rather than be one of the flailing faltland peasants. History indicates we are probably stuck with just a few persons on high. We cannot all be there and run the show, so it is whether the davos crowd are any use to the flailing peasants?. On climate change we need to move beyond the current suicide pact as the davos crowd will be nominally ok, but they still need the peasants to provide a nice culture for the davos crowd to live in. So some ideas from Bowman on that would be helpful - eg just run through the numerous technical ideas out there for solving the climate energy issue. There are rather a lot but many lack the political and commerical will. Highlighting the political and commercial interests that stop new energies coming on line would be a useful article. It can be written with sarcasm
Thanks for the suggestion! Look out for future posts. (As for spending time with the Davos crowd... not a chance.)
"Solving the climate energy issue?"
Not complicated. First, acknowledge that there is no proof for climate crisis. If the climate is changing, no proof it is caused by humans, and if so, no proof that our efforts will have an effect. Every dollar we spend to combat climate change is wasted.
As for energy, release the handcuffs from energy companies. Encourage digging for oil and natural gas. Stop the move to green energy, which is a great threat to civilization, and a waste of money.
My plumber just told me furnaces and boilers have a much shorter life because of mandates for high-efficiency. (The only way to meet unrealistic mandates for high-efficiency, they have to sacrifice the furnace's durability.)
I hear of these government mandates in many areas that make things more expensive and less durable. Do you remember the law that made incandescent light bulbs illegal to manufacture?
We are destroying our modern way of life and our economy.
You're exactly right and it's why I asked this pseudo-intellectual the question I did because his entire premise is wrong. Solving the energy issue is simple: drill baby drill and keep working to build nuclear plants.
The climate issue? There is no climate issue and as you said, "Every dollar we spend to combat climate change is wasted."
Maybe the issue is there were only 2 billion people world wide in 1920 now there are 8 billion. Might that contribute to changes the climate fanatics says is happening ?
And what brought the ice age to its end? How many cars were on the road?
It is not hard to find climatologists on youtube explaining the hoax of climate change and global warming. Keep an open mind and look it up for yourself.
Hey Trapped -
Do I know you from ZH?
Regardless - welcome aboard!
Probably not. I don't go there much, don't think I've ever posted there.
You do know that the "scientists" and "researchers" that produce "studies" and "research" derive their incomes from government grants right? Think about that.
There might be four times as many people on the planet today, but technologies that mitigate emissions have progressed leaps and bounds as well. Ask the Chinese and the Indians how many of those mitigation techniques and strategies have they implemented?
I would guess - Zero. And I agree with your statement. it's just a waste of time to think we can control the weather . But to some young folks they think that is the most important thing in their lifetime-
That's the young folks' first mistake: Thinking that their lifetimes are so damn important.
It has been hotter than now in MANY times in ancient history. Fraud.
Are you suggesting there is a technical solution(s) to the "climate energy issue"? (Whatever that is because you seem to be mixing an apple with an orange.)
Greta “in my experience...”. 🤣🤣🤣
One of, if not, the best. What fun!