Nobody has ever accused Elizabeth Warren of having any brains.

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Elizabeth Warren, like Hillary Clinton, was a conservative Republican as a young woman. Both women suffered a LOBA (Loss of Brain Accident) causing them to become liberal Democrats. Very sad!

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There's a different kind anymore?

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My biggest concern at the moment is the status of the Ukrainian nuclear reactor facility. A major nuclear accident with a subsequent widespread release of radioactivity in Europe would have a huge impact on the world's economy and the health of millions. Someone needs to tell the idiots fighting in the vicinity to STOP IMMEDIATELY!

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It’s been reported in mainstream press....so there’s a 99.9% chance it’s not true.

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It would be nice if we could hear directly from the people who REALLY know what's going on, the Ukrainian plant operators who are being held hostage by the Russians, and not have to rely on the lamestream press and propaganda from Ukrainian/Russian officials. Things could be actually WORSE than what is being reported! I hope the visit from the UN nuclear people will provide a clearer picture of plant status.

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Be very skeptical of reports from UN folks, and again when rehashed on mainstream media. Scott Horton at antiwar.com would be a good guy to hear from about it all. He is well researched and versed on all the wars and geopolitics. Probably have to track down his podcast or listen to Part of The Problem podcast when he’s next on as a guest for his take on it all - if it’s even a genuine story.

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We all need to do our part to combat this terrible situation by embracing Mail-In Voting and unsecured Ballot Drop Boxes......

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Still laughing.

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You would have thought Warren would pipe down for a bit seeing as they've all agreed that poor people who do useful jobs will help pay for the useless degrees of wealthier people.

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How can the good people of Massachusetts sleep at night knowing they have such a dunce of a Senator in Elizabeth Warren representing them. Probably could say that about just about all of them but she is a moron and doesn't realize it or doesn't care.

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morons in high places never know they are useless idiots until its proved to them

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I have family up there only one of them voted for Trump. Liberal idiots.

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Hey, fellers, we need to remember that all potus had to do was nothing!! That started all this stuff. Roaring economy, low unemployment, selling energy to the world and this "poison pill" comes to the party and takes a dump. That stopped the party. When we change the leadership it can and will return. These states that are considering even looking at a democrat are a lost cause. People are saying they are coming for us to give us shots or pills or prison. I keep wondering who "they" are. I don't let my doctor give me shots i don't want. Let alone strangers. God is still in control, no matter what. We are "the people" mentioned in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Dayum, we need to start acting like it!!! Just sayin'. Don Harrell

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The two greatest motivators, greed and fear. Guess which one is the greatest ?

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The Fed's worst nightmare has already begun. Inflation is flowing into wages. Hard to turn that off as many are multi-year contracts. When interest rates are all you have to fight inflation, they need to go higher for longer.


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I have a headache, uh, I’ll take some Tylenol and it will go away. I have a flat tire, uh, I’ll put some air in it, and it will go away. Inflation is high, uh, I’ll raise interest rates and it will go away. Uh, uh, uh....Come on man! πŸ˜‚

Like it’s been said before, the wisdom of man is foolishness, so why don’t you make like a tree and get out of here! It’s leave you idiot! Leave! πŸ˜‚

Mr. Powell looks in the mirror and says, β€œLook at me, I’m sooo smart, slick possum sh*t, I got this pal, I got it.”

Hahaha, what a dunce, the house of cards is all coming down.

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Well, I’ll give him that, he is NOT stubborn, and a big plus is that he has likable looks, like you know, when you first see a person and they have a stupid annoying face and idiotic laugh, like Kamala Harris! πŸ˜‚ yeah, he does NOT have that, and that’s a big plus win, lose, or draw. πŸ˜ƒ

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deletedAug 29, 2022Β·edited Aug 29, 2022
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I believe you will be very fortunate to see only 4% inflation by January.

The damage was done by the $5 + Trillion printed during the Covid epidemic and that was on Powell's watch. One cannot increase the money supply by that much without inflation taking root and once it gets a hold is very hard to bring down with labor all clamouring for inflation matching increases.

Basic common sense dictates that if you increase the money supply by a large amount and what it is being spent on does not change the amount of money spent on each unit will increase accordingly.

It would be fantastic if I am wrong and inflation does drop to 4% but as stated above I think it is wishful thinking.

All reports indicate that Powell has a very pleasant personality but that does not make him necessarily good at his job.

The profuse money printing, the illusory 'transitory' inflation story and the long overdue increase in interest rates all diminish my opinion of how good he is at his job and I agree with Bill that he tends to be very inclined to Wall St's wishes.

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I thought this was timely,

The Theory Of Money And Credit:

"It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments. Ideologically it belongs in the same class with political constitutions and bill of rights."

Ludwig Von Mises

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End the Fed. No more boom and bust. Small recessions that happen alot. Let the market set rates. Sound money.

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Do you think the market should set the rate or a career bureaucrat? Maybe he has never run a worm farm. Government mostly never helps.

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How do you find out what Mr. Erian thinks? Podcast, website, Substack? Sounds like someone I should start listening to.

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deletedAug 29, 2022Β·edited Aug 29, 2022
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