"What shall a man profit if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Only saving faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is good for the long term investor.

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I once went to the Studebaker Museum in South Bend IN, and there I saw a quote from one of the Studebaker brothers about the Panic of 1897: "It was like all panics: caused by overextended credit and too much speculation." So what`s new?

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Where's the link to Vitaliy's book?

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I enjoyed your musings, however I would strongly disagree with your comment about most of us attending church on Sundays. On top of that many of those who do attend church have as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4 "itching ears with which they will accumulate for themselves teaching to suit their own passions." Many pastors failing miserably at teaching God's word.

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I am blessed in that my wife and I have a great pastor. They are hard to find.

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