Everyone likes to blame someone else when things go bad.Inflation is caused by the people.The people are the ones who elect politicians promising them "something for nothing".Of course,a bankrupt government can't give you something for nothing.Either you pay now,in direct taxes or later,through the inflation tax.I bet,most ignorant Americans don't know they are now paying back for those "free" covid checks and other gifts from government.I doubt most Americans will ever get a clue.Just blame whichever politician is in office today.

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I agree with most of Jon's comments; however, calling people ignorant is too strong of a word. Maybe uninformed is more accurate. Also, I don't think most people are clueless..it's

just desperate times for them and they will take what they get.

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"Ignorant" and "uninformed" mean the same thing. Ignorant does not mean stupid, it just means uninformed (unaware).

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Your country, the USA, deserves your respect not your continued attack/criticism. The West would be in disarray but for the USA playing the role it has from the 1940's. None of us are perfect, thankfully the USA didn't throw in the towell because the final result wasn't perfect. The free world is free for this very reason but freedom comes at a cost - the greatest number of lives lost by the "free world" since the second WW are US citizens prepared to sacrifice for the greater good. Picture a world without them - Australia would have been at the mercy of the Japanese and the atrocities that were meted out to our POW's. Europe would be Communist controlled and China wouldn't hesitate but for the USA's influence.

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Indeed. And Vietnam would be run by communists, Afghanistan by Muslim fanatics, Iran would be a theocracy from the middle-ages, Iraq would be a hotbed of anarchy and terrorism etc. Thank God for Americans.

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In my humble opinion, and I might be over simplifying it, most people need to experience hardship before they begin to adapt. Didn't Plato say necessity is the mother of invention? Most average parents don't want their children to struggle but the enlightened do actually know there is value in the struggle. These trials are surely going to produce the next Elon Musk. Unless of cource our political oligarchs seduce all of them into idleness.

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Your observation is right on. Similarly, the moonbeamers who say we must eliminate poverty don't realize that if there were no poverty, how would anyone know they're NOT poor?

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When President Biden began his term, someone told him that he needed to continue applying pressure on China. He replied: "The Chinese is eating our lunch ? You must be kidding.". The political class in the US believes that they have the strongest economy, the smartest people, the greatest universities, the best tech companies etc. This is because most of them have rarely been out of the country, can only speak English (why would you ever want to learn any foreign language ? They should learn English.), and have zero knowledge of other cultures. They believe everyone should think like them. Try to explain to them that a country that has been spending more than it earns for two decades cannot have a healthy economy. It is impossible. They also believe that the world has no choice but to use dollars, which means they can confiscate anybody's money whenever they want to. And of course, they are never the problem, it is always someone else. Ernest Hemingway once wrote, someone goes bankrupt first slowly, and then all at once. I believe the slowly phase is about to end.......

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It's definitely the Russians, they started inflation going up 2 years ago. I knew they had some sort of time bending tech.

Or the Chinese, if it wasn't the Russians.


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I Have mostly Silver my late husband bought will it be worth any thing

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