The climate crisis is just another globalist scam.

Fishy Rishy the newly appointed WEF PM of the UK is agreeable to climate reparations, despite him & his CCP loving Chancelor claiming there is a fiscal blackhole in UK finances & taxes will need to be raised. All while thousands of migrants, mostly from not war-torn Albania land on the southern coast each day to then be housed in hotels paid for by the gov't; which the complicit media are now calling 'climate migrants'. Oh & of course they're going to need to implement digital ID now because of the migrant 'crisis'.

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Oh, climate migrants!

I think the article is right on the money when it mentions transfers from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. The transfer of funding, a lot of it driven/justified by guilt will be massive. A lot of it on grant basis, never to be repaid. In a way though, rich countries will see much of the revenue come back in the form of purchases of luxury goods and investments from individuals in the poor countries. It just doesn’t get documented accordingly so the poor people don’t wake up from their guilt-induced sleep.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

What? No more cheap energy, cheap labor, or easy credit? Maybe it’s best to start believing in “investment climate” change. Missed your missives, Bill. Welcome back!

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How much co2 do the bottlers of fizzy drinks put into the atmosphere each year? Just wondering.

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I demand dental reparations from coca-cola.

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What about beer, wine and spirits? The fermentation process produces lots of carbon dioxide along with the alcohol. When you drink an alcoholic beverage, you're not just killing your brain cells, you're killing the planet!

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There’s one thing that could put an end to the Climate nonsense. Governments will be broke, and so will most corporations. Hard to get countries and institutions to pony up billions when the free and easy money has all dried up.

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Oye’ Joel, is it a coincidence that today in AmeriKa, “democracy is on the ballot”? Plato’s Tyranny is taking the day off. Malbec anyone.

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I find all this talk about democracy in America disturbing. Our system of government is a republic and we need to keep it that way.

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Agreed! The democracy quote is election talking point CommieCrat mantra by all their useful idiots. And Bolshevik tyranny is their goal, whether their clueless minions are cognizant of it or not.

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I’m thinking you should substitute SHARKS for SKINFLINTS.

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Shouldn’t it be more appropriately reported to Powell et al, that there is a problem and there is ‘ Bear in the china shop’ and further more m, it’s not going to be nice to Goldilocks and her fan club, very very shortly?

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Missed his missives but Joel is giving him a run for his money

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I do despair when I see nicely dressed people gathering around troughs waiting for the next morsel or three. Half a trillion dollars to pay for reparations of what. One decent hurricane/typhoon could literally obliterate some island nations and anybody who couldn't get out of the way. A ten year drought could destroy farmland and the will to farm it. There are enough skeptics that refuse to recognise that the climate is changing but it is. Whether the change is driven by humans burning fossil fuels, Bolsonaro's idiotic rain forest destruction or Gaia simply turning over in bed or a combination of all can be a well contested moot point which can be argued until there are no cows left to come home. Nevertheless the climate is not what it used to be and regarless of your views it would be prudent to organise now before any SHTF.

I suspect that rather than throwing money at an almost certain lost cause we should be teaching the affected people English/Spanish/French/German/etc so if they become climate refugees they can do so on the front foot. Then sort out the Gordian knots of red tape that we laughingly call our immigration systems. To not do so is courting troubles that our current bunch of politicians/officials/globalists wouldn't be able to handle without resorting to force, violence and, dare I say it, identity cards.

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Finally! Someone else who knows that climate change is gearing up to destroy God's earth. I don't understand climate change deniers when the evidence is all around us.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

The best climate analysis I have seen is from William Happer and Richard Lindzen in a presentation to the SEC in June, 2022. It does not have a DOI, but can be found with a search.

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william happer richard lindzen june 2022 sec

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Thanks- Autophil got me again!

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Great post. You saved the best line for the ending...

"Transferring tax dollars from poor people in rich companies to rich people in poor countries"...

One of your best lines ever! Keep up the great work.

Ken W.

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taxpayer money is to be transferred from poor people in rich countries, to rich people in poor countries,

That is exactly how it works; I learned it, first hand, in 1969.

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When the bear has left the china shop, our current supply chain issues will be greatly multiplied.

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Canadian "Liberal" government are working on policy to ensure carbon tax remains in place for years to come. - Financial Post

A price on pollution where by, the government is moving forward with carbon contracts for differences, also known as the acrynom CCfd to help offset firms uncertainty sequestring carbon emmisions -

"Under this policy, a firm that invests in a project to reduce carbon emissions could sign a contract with the government that would make it eligible to receive compensation".

All based on pierre pollievre promise to scrap the carbon tax under the Conservative government.

Something came to mind as I was reading this piece of excrement, why cant we have CCfar

Carbon Contract for alliance removal.

This is all disturbing.

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Good to see to see you back Bill, writings as good as ever.

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Good points, especially about lack of potable water. Water scarcity will become a huge, growing problem for much of the world. Water is so cheap, almost free, that most of us think nothing about how much of it we use every day. End of cheap water?

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deletedNov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022
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That is so true. Desalination should be to potable water what nuclear energy should be to electricity production. When you have soviet style central planners running everything you get nothing but regulation and no innovation, none. They spend all their time figuring out excuses for why something can't happen than ways to make things happen. Your University professor was so right.

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