The problem is Bill, that the MSM & big tech keep them dosed up on propaganda. Just as they were terrified into staying at home & wearing pointless face masks for 2 years, so too will they be nudged into accepting blackouts to defeat Putin or save the planet, or some other such absurdity.

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It's up to you which propaganda you choose to believe, I seem to recall you also believed the propaganda for the experimental mRNA shots. You might be right about Russia, demonstrably wrong about the shots.

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Glad we agree on some things, & I mean you no disrespect when I say you’re wrong. I’m no antivaxxer, I’m ex British Army & was constantly jabbed. Take the time to watch the video with an open mind.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Dan Denning

The official name for the new Substack app for android phones is "Substack Reader". If you search the Google Play Store for "substack app for android", the search result is a program from another vendor with a review rating of 2.0 (in other words, garbage).

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When looking who gets the blame, I look to see what I would do. I would blow up the pipeline and blame my greatest adversary. Dems do it all the time. It will be interesting to see if Biden stands up to Putin. Vlad is ex KGB. He will stare down whoever. It will come to who blinks first. Not looking for more war or escalating the one going on. Just know Who is in control and how long it will take to play out. Or it could be a smaller conflict with limited (?) destruction. Lots of questions for such a time as this. Just sayin' (Germany has already played the fool!!)

Don Harrell

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Today we leave it to you two guys !

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Both morons

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I live in Baja Mexico. When it gets cold we just make room for another dog. Oh wait, dog food is already more expensive than people food.

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Frank “Daddy” Rose makes announcement, Russia launches a boogy, UK looks like the stone age, US stock market crumbles, DOW dips below 10,000, N Korea sends military aid to Russia, China embraces both, and Gold hits the Dow 5 ratio, but there’s nothing left to buy, painless stacks of green paper worth spit! Hahahaha!

J/K, makes for a great twisted suspense novel! 😂

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You are going to get fudged either way.

The Nile is not just another river in Egypt.

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Bark and bugs! That’s funny!

Can global civilization survive without Russia? Its land and people, regardless of our opinions?

It sounds like the answer is a very elementary “Yes”, but I beg to differ, I do not think global civilization can survive without Russia, so the point is that Russia is already to deep in the game to turn back, regardless of what the media is showing in America, about how the UK forces are crushing the Russian army and all. Most people know that’s a bunch of horse sh*t propaganda.

Putin is like the CEO of a company that has vested billions into a project/idea, and it is not showing profit, but refuses to accept failure, and continues pumping billions to a project/idea that is dead in the water.

He has no choice now but to go all the way until death parts the raven from the stone henge. Similar to the company Volkswagen and its CEO many years ago with their failed merger! 😂

Why? Why can civilization not exist without Russia, well if you believe in the bible, there’s the answer, and it is obviously open for interpretation. Are there any absolutes in our realty?

If you are an atheist, the carnal rampage of a genocide general (Putin) would mathematically result in a confrontation that would destroy the fabrics civilization.

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Lolol, your a moron PIGV

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deletedOct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022
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PG V, I like most of your comments and opinions, like "All dogs go to Heaven", but I must disagree with your rationale that Russians did it to themselves in regard to Nordstream pipelines.

It makes no sense to kill their best bargaining chip. Why would they kill the best means of keeping Western Europe from helping Ukraine? The message Russia gave was clear: stop helping Ukraine and we will start the gas again. And Western Europe was undecided what to do. There was a risk some countries could change their stance winter coming.

Thus bombing the pipelines sealed the deal. There's no reason for Western Europe now to not support Ukraine. They'll have a hard winter anyway, so any sort of deal is off.

As to who did it, it's hard to say, but certainly Western EU and Russia weren't the actors.

Just my opinion on the matter

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"A truth is not hard to kill and a lie well told is immortal."

Mark Twain

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Mark Twain would have been an outstanding drinking buddy.

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deletedOct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022
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Thanks for the link, very entertaining. I'd go pour one for myself, but it's only 2:00 p.m. here lol.

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I agree that if Putin is an insane madman then he would blow up a billion dollar asset to look good to his enemies as he freezes them. But if he isn't an insane madman, then it makes no sense that he would destroy his best bargaining chip.

Putin was recently rated as the most respected European politician by Europeans. Maybe they are all madmen in Europe I suppose..

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022

Hi PG. I too have a TON of respect for Ms. McFarland (she is a TRUE American Patriot), but still am not able to connect the dots that Russia/Putin blew up their own pipelines. However, I really like delving into other thinking people's perspectives. Please keep posting with passion.

Moving on, your reasoning that includes statements like "Putin used Biden's stupid remarks before the Anschluss Attempt by Putin in Ukraine in February and sees an opportunity to BLAME the West and the media is picking up on that (and you) and he can sabotage it and NOT be blamed for turning off the spigots." and "Putin wants to get the USA and NATO into a fight with Russia..." (as well as other points you have made) seem to all boil down into a rather weak sauce when it comes to sealing the deal that Russia blew the pipelines. Yes - I also see you hold out the possibility that you might be wrong, as I hold out the same possibility regarding my stance that the domestic enemies in our current "government" are responsible. It is most likely that neither of us will EVER be proven right or wrong, but so what? The pipelines are effectively kaput for the foreseeable future, so THAT is the dot that needs to be considered - whodunit, while important, is secondary.

On another note, I watched, in full, Putin's recent coherent and at-times-precise speech (given a scant FEW days ago) and I have to disagree that this person is "Mad. Barking mad." He presents himself as a confident, patriotic leader with his Country and her citizens at the top of his list. Is that his real sentiment? I don't know. What I do know is, while he may be physically on the ropes (or not - also looks pretty healthy in this speech), he DEFINITELY is not insane.

In fact, if you watch this speech, you will likely be dumbstruck (as was I) with regard to his statements about Sovereignty, Freedom, pride in Country/Citizens/History/Culture and a visceral disdain for the oppressive aims/actions of the globalists and Western Governments. Many of these statements I am in complete AGREEMENT with, and you may be surprised to find yourself in agreement with much of what he said as well. Shocking I know, but true nevertheless.

See for yourself brother...


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Armchair warriors

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