Interesting times to say the least. Who's on first. I read stories about elites building shelters, compounds and the like. What or who is coming? Don't see anything to get the jitters about. Our founders lived, fought and died in more harried times. Still raised families, stopped famine, and had time to smoke a pipe on occasion. The news, government and anyone who matters is always trying to instill fear in everyone who will listen. God said, I did not create man to live in a state of fear. Does anyone even listen anymore? Live your life like it is precious, cause it is! Given as a gift with a beautiful planet to go along with it. Man cannot destroy what God built. He alone holds the thermostat and controls the levels of the oceans. Green new deals, hah, just a jive shuckin' huckster from the liberal northeast. I will take my chances with the belief that I will be standing when the fighting is done. Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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“It’s a new week. So, let’s turn to the New World Order….Yes, it’s time to check in on one of the world’s daffiest, most corrupt, mismanaged and most entertaining economies – America 🇺🇸

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I remember being in BA in the late 1980s and the Austral was 7-1 with the USD. It subsequently went to infinity and was replaced by the New Peso. It was very cheap for Americans and expensive for the locals.

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Now all western countrie’s goverments are trying and saying exactly the same stupid things that I’ve been suffering here in Argentina during all my adult life. I can assure you that the end result will be exactly the same that here. No matter if the bureaucrat or the politician has blue eyes and speaks english, german o french . It’s imposible to spend more than you produce forever ... We have been trying it for the las 8 decades and the end result is not what the “elites” promised . Regards from Buenos Aires

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As I recall, Mr. Bonner narrowly escaped Argentina the last time he left - just ahead of the Federales. I can only relate what I gleaned from his own musings put to pen.

The charges were alleged to be spurious, but can one take a chance with rotting in a shithole country's prison system at this late stage of the game? Bill, are you ever going back??

PS - yes, I am still a bit miffed at BB's missive from yesterday and the broad-brush, insulting manner in which he mislabeled perhaps 70% of our Country. I will still read, enjoy and comment on your articles sir, but you have successfully removed the blush from the bloom for hundreds, if not thousands, of your loyal followers. And no, deep down I don't expect that you really give a rat's ass...

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Did I miss something about Mr. Bonner , Sir ?

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Hi Juan -

Nothing nefarious - I don't think BB has a criminal bone in his body.

He was having issues with what was essentially squatters on his property, and while he had tried to compromise and even appease them, they were having none of it. Erstwhile, they were also claiming to be part of a mythical and disappeared group of people whose ancestors allegedly lived on the land centuries ago.

They eventually got stinky-eyed and involved the government authorities in the situation. So our beloved Editor, deciding that discretion was the better part of valor (wisely in my estimation), decided to pull up stakes and flee before the lefties in the Argentinian power structure could file bogus charges and round him up.

Consider - white guy, expat millionaire versus dirt poor, impoverished, brown locals in a dispute over land. Who do you think would get the short end of the stick in that situation if it was happening in Argentina?

Is that about right Bill? I related the specifics to the best of my recollection, but you wrote about it a while ago. I have no intention of being defamatory or scandalous...

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Thank Sir

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You are welcome Juan...

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Yes, I think Argentina might be a harbinger of things to come for a fair chunk of the western world, before too much longer, unless.....?. One of the wealthiest countries in the world in the 20's - now, not so much

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