There's something else the increase in EV's is not being mentioned by any governments. Every liter or gallon of gas has a road tax tucked inside it. When everyone is driving EV's who's going to pay for the asphalt and road repairs? You can be sure that the savings you calculated when you bought your EV will evaporate quickly whence the powers that be realize they need to figure out how to pick your pocket. Mileage tax, sales tax, energy tax, who knows?? but they will definitely end with the word TAX.

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Thanks for generating a bunch of dots that can be connected. I find it difficult to believe that the "big thinkers" that are running this planet have thought processes that are so shallow that if you stood in them you would barely wet your toes. Germany, the country with some of the best and brightest engineers, seems headed for a catastrophe that may well have political ramifications that could destroy it's democracy. Then watch the dominoes.

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You forgot to mention that EV's will need electricity made from oil, coal or Atomic Energy , and they will probably double the amount of of electricity that is being used today !

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Here in Australia we have some great news re LNG new billion $ projects on the West Coast 3-4 year construct to be commenced. Aust Coal revenues 2021 were higher than ever. It’s comforting to have this advice to build into investing strategy. Green Hype around hydrogen drowning out Thorium and Nuclear for electric power generation is a big nonsense issue.

Just maybe 2022, Russia and “developing nation’ China and their respective ‘anti-democratic actions’, produce the global earthquake, that wakes up we naive Western countries.

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Thanks for providing the video and transcript. All three speakers provoked a lot of thinking of the near future in energy. While I was not able to attend the Zoom meeting (timing for those of us on the west coast), I would like to ask a question for your consideration:

I think we would all agree that energy is going to be a good investment and critical to prevention of social collapse. Prices will no doubt rise even in the face of a recession/depression. Investors and speculators stand to make money.

Question: Don't you think the left leaning central government will see this as opportunity to both scape goat those of us profiting ("getting rich on the backs of every day people") and use it as leverage to set up price controls and, outside worse case, nationalize the energy sector to "protect the American people"?

Thanks for all your good work.

George Orr

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Thank you. It is a great help to have thoughtful people logically confirming what what I have been taught and believe, when we are being bombarded by newspapers which grab any political statement by good or bad, to ensure the sale of their product.

Ron NZ

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Very good informative information. It is in conjunction to other financial authors and writers I have been reading. The comment about price vs value is especially relative to me. I come from the energy industry, power and chemical. Thank you for this discussion.

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Listened to the audio last evening and read the transcript today. I appreciate what you are doing.

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Very well done. All so true. I just laugh and scratch my head when I think about the current energy policies being peddled by the politicians. One can only hope that the CEO's of the Exxon's of the world aren't forced to continue down a path of destruction. Maybe, just maybe the current energy situation in Europe will wake people up to the reality that if carbon is an environmental problem, the answer is to find an economical way to neutralize it rather them eliminate the source.

Mike McGuire

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Aug 17, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022

I came back to review this after 7+ months. We have witnessed: war in Ukraine, sanctions on Russia, political deflection / blame / excuses ("Putin" price hikes, retail price gouging, producers not anticipating demand, producers withholding supply, refineries throttling capacity, producers sitting on oil exploration leases, producers failure to immediately increase supply, pleas to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, abuse of the strategic petroleum reserve, talk of price controls, recession redefined, "zero" inflation in the midst of 40 year high inflation, tax and spend will reduce inflation). Serious analysis from informed sources was out there to be found, but very infrequently in the corporate media. Many young people still generally still have poor knowledge about the depth to which fossil fuels drive production and distribution of across the board. BUT, the real problem is that none of the above is surprising these days.

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Excellent generalities....Hopefully down the road we will get more actionable specific's

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Thank you all for this opportunity to hear your thoughts!

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Thank you all.

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Thank you for the enlightening advice will keep powder dry for now

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I'm grateful to all of you for both your insights and wisdom, and for validating my decision to become a member. The new year might well be a wild ride!

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