Yes, very similar world experiences to those pre WWll. I would say we are witnessing the repeat of history, as it is written, so shall it be done. Shame we simple mortals continue to bicker over such trivial matters. The important things in life are in your face, but you still sweat the small stuff….not a bad thing to prepare now for things that may or may not arrive, it’s better to be prepared. Some need toilet paper to survive. For many it may become part of their diets when the SHTF…so please work together, support those who do the right thing, avoid those who don’t, and always keep your faith in our one true God 🙏

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Joel another great summation of the weeks thoughts about A to Z and impacts on $money that makes social/economic life (exchange of goods & services) possible .. as I read the comments with great interest I'm always surprised how many express positive views and options yet the underlying sentiment seems apprehensive and concerned about immediate future which is why the VIX index is fluctuating so dramatically .. the world's corporate body is so bloated with excess blood/capital/assets at any price that the unfortunate 99% below are all struggling harder to maintain their current conditions of survival especially as the lower masses of humans (79%) suffering the cost of life's increases/inflation by over 100k thousand people per day .. who will eventually take to the streets and demand more/better from their corrupt kleptocracy's who inhabit EVERY SOCIETY on earth and NOT just the biggest Russian mafia because Bureaucracy and Kleptocracy are synonymous across the entire planet NOT one single country is exempt and those that were (TIBET) where destroyed/absorbed long ago and nobody cared .. only now when the tyrants are knocking at the doors of every nation does the worlds population recognise that the THREAT to humans is not just VIRUSES/germs manipulated or otherwise but our own species is our greatest enemy .. we just LOVE to hate other humans who don't think/speak/eat or live like we do but we pretend tolerance as long as it's not next door .. like have racial tolerance rather without the underlying resentment. Ultimately humanity will have to find new ways of cooperation between ALL the nations and tribes of planet earth and that can only come when humans accept that they are creations and inhabitants of planet earth and NOT the designers/manipulators/controllers of ANYTHING especially the laws of Physics/Entropy/Biology etc just because humans have become aware of the magnificence of our Cosmic place in the universe does not imply we are its masters .. only when humans become thankful recipients will they begin to understand .. should we survive that long.. No wealth without work/effort, no pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle, and all of these are why families (Bonner Denning Bowman and BPR subscribers) enjoy the fruits of their labor/efforts regardless of our individual beliefs yet with an underlying ethical/moral belief in that now arcane dystopian belief in the "Golden Rule" which is why gold will always dominate in the end! C u at the Sesh!

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Why don't you get to the underlying cause of what's gone wrong these past few years.

1. World governments completely over-reacted to Covid and went into total "Communism like control" in exercising Power over their citizens, coupled with money splashing solutions brought about by that first tragic decision. Academics shouldn't be advising pollies who by and large have no skills for the positions they hold. What are the credentials for being a politician. There aren't any, yet they are running the biggest business with the greatest impact on the society they are governing.

2. Had Ukraine - a profitable and democratic society been accepted at the time they sought admission into the European Block, the war and its carnage in my view would never have arisen.

Citizens of the world need to come to understand the motives of those who they elect to power and who at the the end of the day, citizens turn to, to fix the carnage whether it be economic or war. The world should be led for the greater good of mankind and not for those who manipulate power for their own ends or for the extremely wealthy few.

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It’s all been foretold to happen in our time “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another FOOD SHORTAGES and PESTILENCES….” Every prophecy in the Bible has come true 100% I’ve studied it for nigh on 60yrs now so not surprised at all.

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Thanks for your response. I take on board and totally agree with your views on trade as to trade with the likes of Russia/China leaves you where the world is today. Belatedly the World, Europe in particular, is recognizing its foley. We in Australia became one dimensional towards trading with China. However, we don't have the bargaining stick of the USA market. Despite the history of American Presidents outlined and their shortcomings you arrive at Trump and see him in a different light to me and most of the free world. Trump aligned himself as a friend of Russia, China and North Korea. One wonders how he would be reacting if he was President for a second term. During his first term Trump alienated many of his allies, some who were prepared to speak out but many groaned and said nothing. The free world wanted a new President of the USA and as it turned out so did enough sensible people in the USA. Biden may not be perfect but who is when history judges them, nevertheless, the free world believes the USA is in safer hands than Trump.

The world needs to take on Climate Change as its biggest danger and install a governing body which has the power to rid us of leaders like Putin - a war criminal. There have been a number of instances in my life time and I am sure there are clear minded folks who know those I am referring to.

We should wish for a better world governing body and demand leadership who have the best interest of all citizens. Name the countries which have ??????? Yet, there are times I have witnessed leadership which is true to this cause but not installed long enough to make lasting impacts.

An example of co-operation should be universal world tax policies (strip out tax havens) and put the world on some form of equal footing. I am not advocating countries have identical tax outcomes but above all they should be sane.

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Yup. it sure does seem like it just might be a conspiracy hidden beneath the floor boards.And when the heads of state take off in their helicoptors whats their destination ,the Moon.I don't think they take American dollars there.

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