‘To get poor is glorious,’ say our leaders. The Chinese leaders once said, 'To get rich is glorious.
Being poor sucks. It is stressful. Being rich has some drawbacks, too, of course. But I still prefer to have enough of what I need and some of what I want. (No need to be a glutton.)
Work hard, save your money only to watch it evaporate due to inflation caused by the rascals at the Fed and too much spending by the government.
The whole damned house of cards seems ready to fall. The poor will feel it most. Followed by the middle classes (if there still are any by then). The rich will lose big time in the markets. But they will be OK. The elite very rich will prosper and buy more properties and send the kids to good schools and they will have great medical care. They will might just move to one of their many off shore homes.
When things become really bad for Americans, will they rise up and demand change? Some will.
But most will adjust to the hardship as best they can...until they can't any longer.
Pensioners and the weak and disenfranchised and the poor will need to up their game if they hope to keep from eating out of dumpsters or at the back of restaurants. The very poorest will take what they need from where ever they can. Mobs storming D.C.? I doubt that will happen.
We the dispossessed will need to work together in groups like AARP to demand change. Old geezers unite! Burning down buildings and fighting the police are not going to make the change needed.. It will just create an excuse to step on the poor's necks with new curfews and laws.
Band together. That is the power that shakes the jerks in D.C. All the lobbyists and other parasites are no match for millions upon millions of voters screaming for change. Sitting back and hoping for change is not a plan and is not effective.
And if all our voices have no effect, then it is time for more direct action.
Agree 100%, excepting that if you think AARP is like-minded and on the side of Patriotic Americans, you need to do a bit of research about that organization.
What’s wrong with dumpsters? While in school, my roommates and I knew where all the best ones were, along with the proper timing. I guess I learned something of value while in college. Might come in handy!
And yet, the "old geezers" as you referred to them are one of only two demographic groups where our current Commander and Thief is above water with his approval rating.
I can't argue with the vast majority of what you're saying, but I think it's going to be the Millennials that are going to have to step up and change the course of this aircraft carrier beast that's being navigated into the rocks. That generation has the most people of any in American History and they are beginning to become productive and more engaged politically. (I have twin sons that will turn 31 next month and though it's anecdotal, I see very positive signs from them and a large number of their friends and associates.) They know how to read a pay stub (one is a tax attorney) and they won't put up with what the Democrats want to do.
Absolutely my experience with most Millennials I meet as well, but I AM in the free state of FLA.
There are reasons to be hopeful that the ship can be righted, the horses can be put back in the barn, the chickens will find a new roost and the genie goes back into the bottle…
Can somebody please hand Elizabeth a napkin so she can wipe the dripping mustard from her mustard mouth?
The crash is a few months away (3-6). Starts in Europe and domino’s to the USA. All of the global money funneled into the US markets bye bye.
HSBC Holdings plc bank is wobbling and leaning like Pisa. Tiiimber! Sets off a chain reaction like the likes we have never seen before. Then comes the dark cold winter we’ve all been talking about for years. 😃😂
It is all speculation. Nobody can predict the future. In all seriousness, in my opinion, the best and right thing to do morally and ethically, is to tell folks to follow the advice and recommendations of their personal financial planner. The person that you, as an individual entrust to manage your money, portfolio, and assets. For some, that person may be you, and in that case, that’s a decision that only you can make.
I truly enjoy this publication and take bits and pieces of information from it for my own personal gain, but in its entirety, I enjoy it for entertainment purposes, like back in the day when the “Weekly World News” was around and “Bat Boy” was making the headlines. 😂
Two million government workers is like continually, over 20 years, saying there are 12 million illegals. Most government workers are contract workers, hard to say how many millions there are; if you include them all, state and federal, could be close to 40% of the work force. Then there are those on transfer payments. We all suck at the trough and even if we earn money legitimately it comes from the spenders that get it at the trough.
How very true considering the Mass shootings in Buffalo & Texas and the dozens prior
An eighteen year old can go into a gun shop and buy TWO assault rifles - for self defence no doubt - without any checks… but all your ardent Trump / Cruz / GOP supporters thoughts and prayers are with the victims families.. how very sweet and touching…
Gun control: over my dead body
PG V as you’ve always trumped your Trump support- for a certified liar/ fraudster / womaniser - what’s your stand on a Serious Gun Control in your so beloved country
Didn't Texass just pass a gun law? No background, no training, no license required. Isn't it an open carry state? An AR 15 isn't a "military style assault rifle" ?????? Would you like to see a picture?
And no, I don't need to see a picture. I own three ARs so I know what they look like. I also own an actual "assault rifle" so I know what one of those actually is.
What it meant was a magazine that can hold up to 30 bullets in their clips. Didn't think it was confusing. Point being why would anyone need that kind of fire power. You have 3 AR's and you don't think they're a "military style assault rifle" I would love to know what your definition is.
Of course you didn't think it was confusing, because you know NOTHING about guns or gun terminology. Ergo we get gibberish when you open your yap. Case in point: "a magazine that can hold up to 30 bullets in their clips." It's nonsensical crap like this that makes me crazy! Either do a little research, George, or just stop talking. You're making a fool of yourself.
Another case in point is calling an AR-15 a "military style assault rifle". That's just more nonsensical crap.
If you want a definition of "assault rifle" the definition used by the U.S. army is good enough. "A selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power."
AR-15s are NOT that, George. Despite being black (mostly) and scary looking (always) to gun-haters they operate fundamentally the same as any other semi-automatic rifle. They are NOT "assault rifles".
Calm down, PG. I wasn't suggesting that we actually scrap the 2A---I would be the first to fight to the death for it. I was simply pointing out that as long as the 2A exists, any debate about 18 year olds and guns is moot. The 9th and 4th circuit courts have made that clear.
Hey perfesser - just for kicks you should go try and LEGALLY purchase a firearm in the US. Your “media” has convinced you it’s a la-de-da affair, in and out, right?
That is laughable and completely opposite from the reality.
After your extensive background check, Valid Picture ID Requirement, 2-10 day waiting period and the requirement that the weapon only be delivered to a Federal Firearm License Holder (in the case of internet purchases), you will finally get your hands on your purchase.
Your post displays your COMPLETE ignorance of how the system CURRENTLY WORKS UNDER EXISTING (SUPERFLUOUS) LAW your team has incrementally foisted on the rest of us over the last 40 years.
But I know - you progtardes have a real problem with facts, so continue wallowing in your arrogant ignorance. You just might want to think twice before you post more idiocy and totally convince those around you that you are not very bright…
he's an idiot who does not understand that his own sociopathic delusions addicted to sucking the vapors out of Tumpets rear end trying to show us all he's smarter than Bill Joel or Dan and everyone on the planet .. that is exactly why he wants young 18yr olds to have weapons of war so he can rant on but never have to stick his own ass on the line ..
How about Serious Game Control? Many of these so called “games” are nothing more than battle simulators. One of several purposes of simulators is to desensitize the user to the stimuli.
Before I get accused, again, of pearl clutching, obviously 99.99% of gamers don’t go on to become mass murders, but I believe some do. Just like 99.99% of gun owners don’t go on to become murders.
Something has changed with our youth of today to make these formerly inconceivable actions so prevalent. The guns, even AR15’s (developed in the ‘50s) have been around for decades. What makes them now want to pick them up and use them on their fellow humans? Obviously, they have no empathy for the death and suffering they cause. And that brings me to the question “Where did it go? How did it go?” Was it bad parenting (duh)? Bad nutrition? Terrible school? Mean siblings? Hopelessness because the world is going to end anyway(climate change, nuclear war, famine, pandemic)?
With the possible exception of a pandemic, the youth of the past somehow dealt with those same obstacles without killing each other en masse. What is stripping the humanity from these particular adolescents and making them not care? I seriously doubt it’s “those guns”.
In 1962 and 1963, the Bible and prayer was significantly limited in US public schools by the supreme court. There's been a significant increase in the rate of anti-social behavior since the early 60's. Look up divorce rate by year and crime rate by year in the USA and you will see an obvious rate increase since 1963. Of course a correlation does not prove causation, however it seems rather obvious to me that society has gotten increasingly rude and crude. Our values have changed at an exponential rate in my lifetime. I could be wrong, but God knows.
“ Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, says that one(the state) cannot help everyone”.
The people who PAY THE BILLS are responsible. That’s why they can pay the bills. Their own and for others if they choose to do so.
But, and this is a big but.
They demand that the people who run guvmint for them be fiscally responsible as well.
It’s okay to say. For anyone, including politicians, to say that’s a great idea. How do pay for it? And, we don’t have enough to afford the idea. So, we can’t do it right now! Maybe next year!
perhaps after the next MASSACRE of INNOCENT little CHILDREN you might for once reflect on the whole and complete idiocy that any 18 year old schmuck can legally buy one ( or over time two ) Semi Automatic weapon : WHAT FOR ?????
Every time it happens your president of the day is literally crying and is pleading for common sense, apparently they all are also suffering from " arrogant ignorance"
But hey you've got a bright guy like Ted Cruz who's suggesting - seriously mind you - narrow the entrances to all elementary schools - makes you wonder what brilliant solution he has for the next supermarket massacres ....... no doubt your thoughts and prayers will be with the victims families
Oh, Christian, did someone hurt your feelz by calling out your ignorance...wonderful! Perhaps you could take some time to educate yourself before spouting off again. Just a thought.
As far as our president literally crying it's probably because his teleprompter failed and his Depends were full. That'll usually do it.
As for "common sense" it's always in the eye of the beholder, isn't it. What passes for common sense for one person is often nothing but bull**** for another. Every time I hear the words "common sense" and "guns" in the same sentence I can almost guarantee it will be bull****.
Since when does a constitutional right require an answer to "what for?"
And answer me this. Hundreds of thousands of people (perhaps millions) worldwide die every single year due directly or indirectly to alcoholic beverages. Would you be cool with banning them? I mean really, why does anyone NEED alcoholic beverages? WHAT FOR ?????
Bill stop kwetching you got more than enough to see you and in good style and those you are writing to if they've been listening should also be fine .. so who's gonna suffer ? yep everybody that hasn't been listening to you .. so just enjoy the ride to the bottom as you always said nothing goes up forever .. so the entire last 75 years of human activity needs to be reversed .. so enjoy the ride down as much as you ave the ride up! and open another bottle of that great Argo Malbec and let the slaughter begin where it's most needed eh ..
I've been reading Bill for nearly a decade now, and agreeing with almost everything he says. I have to admit that Bill is the first masochist I've ever admired, as he kept preaching the same message for the entire time even though the world kept ignoring it, and running, full speed, down into the abyss. I wish I had his stamina. My own reaction to the multitude of stupid people and their stupidities, is to retire to a tiny private island off the coast of British Columbia, where I can be the highest fruit on the tree when the fruit-pickers come. I'm sure the world can go to hell without any assistance from me.
As an optimist (not), I prefer to think of the shelves as half full.
If your making that much you should subscribe to Bonner private research, they will help you preserve your wealth.
‘To get poor is glorious,’ say our leaders. The Chinese leaders once said, 'To get rich is glorious.
Being poor sucks. It is stressful. Being rich has some drawbacks, too, of course. But I still prefer to have enough of what I need and some of what I want. (No need to be a glutton.)
Work hard, save your money only to watch it evaporate due to inflation caused by the rascals at the Fed and too much spending by the government.
The whole damned house of cards seems ready to fall. The poor will feel it most. Followed by the middle classes (if there still are any by then). The rich will lose big time in the markets. But they will be OK. The elite very rich will prosper and buy more properties and send the kids to good schools and they will have great medical care. They will might just move to one of their many off shore homes.
When things become really bad for Americans, will they rise up and demand change? Some will.
But most will adjust to the hardship as best they can...until they can't any longer.
Pensioners and the weak and disenfranchised and the poor will need to up their game if they hope to keep from eating out of dumpsters or at the back of restaurants. The very poorest will take what they need from where ever they can. Mobs storming D.C.? I doubt that will happen.
We the dispossessed will need to work together in groups like AARP to demand change. Old geezers unite! Burning down buildings and fighting the police are not going to make the change needed.. It will just create an excuse to step on the poor's necks with new curfews and laws.
Band together. That is the power that shakes the jerks in D.C. All the lobbyists and other parasites are no match for millions upon millions of voters screaming for change. Sitting back and hoping for change is not a plan and is not effective.
And if all our voices have no effect, then it is time for more direct action.
Agree 100%, excepting that if you think AARP is like-minded and on the side of Patriotic Americans, you need to do a bit of research about that organization.
It would be an eye-opener…
I agree that AARP is all 3rd party I dropped them years ago. No trust there
What’s wrong with dumpsters? While in school, my roommates and I knew where all the best ones were, along with the proper timing. I guess I learned something of value while in college. Might come in handy!
Were you a certified dumpster diver?
And yet, the "old geezers" as you referred to them are one of only two demographic groups where our current Commander and Thief is above water with his approval rating.
I can't argue with the vast majority of what you're saying, but I think it's going to be the Millennials that are going to have to step up and change the course of this aircraft carrier beast that's being navigated into the rocks. That generation has the most people of any in American History and they are beginning to become productive and more engaged politically. (I have twin sons that will turn 31 next month and though it's anecdotal, I see very positive signs from them and a large number of their friends and associates.) They know how to read a pay stub (one is a tax attorney) and they won't put up with what the Democrats want to do.
Absolutely my experience with most Millennials I meet as well, but I AM in the free state of FLA.
There are reasons to be hopeful that the ship can be righted, the horses can be put back in the barn, the chickens will find a new roost and the genie goes back into the bottle…
well written...Right on!
Can somebody please hand Elizabeth a napkin so she can wipe the dripping mustard from her mustard mouth?
The crash is a few months away (3-6). Starts in Europe and domino’s to the USA. All of the global money funneled into the US markets bye bye.
HSBC Holdings plc bank is wobbling and leaning like Pisa. Tiiimber! Sets off a chain reaction like the likes we have never seen before. Then comes the dark cold winter we’ve all been talking about for years. 😃😂
I love Elizabeth. I want her to have her mustard 🧡
Lmao! 🤣
I am wondering if we should take our money out of the bank, (think face)
It is all speculation. Nobody can predict the future. In all seriousness, in my opinion, the best and right thing to do morally and ethically, is to tell folks to follow the advice and recommendations of their personal financial planner. The person that you, as an individual entrust to manage your money, portfolio, and assets. For some, that person may be you, and in that case, that’s a decision that only you can make.
I truly enjoy this publication and take bits and pieces of information from it for my own personal gain, but in its entirety, I enjoy it for entertainment purposes, like back in the day when the “Weekly World News” was around and “Bat Boy” was making the headlines. 😂
I think Tom and Dan are doing a good job of predicting the future
The govt here in the U.K. are handing out cash in response to the energy crisis, first step to UBI.
It’s by design.
Yep, get 'em addicted and then own 'em. They're creating job security for the politicians, bureaucrats and less obviously, the do-gooder elites.
The government there has become socialist, like most governments in the world now.
Yeah Sunak the chancellor has now proven himself a socialist, as there’s no excuse of a so called health emergency for spraying cash around this time.
Two million government workers is like continually, over 20 years, saying there are 12 million illegals. Most government workers are contract workers, hard to say how many millions there are; if you include them all, state and federal, could be close to 40% of the work force. Then there are those on transfer payments. We all suck at the trough and even if we earn money legitimately it comes from the spenders that get it at the trough.
God save America
How very true considering the Mass shootings in Buffalo & Texas and the dozens prior
An eighteen year old can go into a gun shop and buy TWO assault rifles - for self defence no doubt - without any checks… but all your ardent Trump / Cruz / GOP supporters thoughts and prayers are with the victims families.. how very sweet and touching…
Gun control: over my dead body
PG V as you’ve always trumped your Trump support- for a certified liar/ fraudster / womaniser - what’s your stand on a Serious Gun Control in your so beloved country
"An eighteen year old can go into a gun shop and buy TWO assault rifles - for self defence no doubt - without any checks…"
And another gun ignorant boob pontificates on something he knows nothing about.
A. The kid would have had to pass a background check in order to buy the two rifles.
B. AR-15s are NOT "assault" rifles any more than a transgender man is actually a man.
Didn't Texass just pass a gun law? No background, no training, no license required. Isn't it an open carry state? An AR 15 isn't a "military style assault rifle" ?????? Would you like to see a picture?
And another gun ignorant boob chimes in.
Why don't you fill us all in on that law, George.
And no, I don't need to see a picture. I own three ARs so I know what they look like. I also own an actual "assault rifle" so I know what one of those actually is.
You know zilch.
Does anyone really need a 30 clip mag?
LMAO!!! What exactly is a "30 clip mag"??? You gun ignorant boobs are hilarious if nothing else.
What it meant was a magazine that can hold up to 30 bullets in their clips. Didn't think it was confusing. Point being why would anyone need that kind of fire power. You have 3 AR's and you don't think they're a "military style assault rifle" I would love to know what your definition is.
Of course you didn't think it was confusing, because you know NOTHING about guns or gun terminology. Ergo we get gibberish when you open your yap. Case in point: "a magazine that can hold up to 30 bullets in their clips." It's nonsensical crap like this that makes me crazy! Either do a little research, George, or just stop talking. You're making a fool of yourself.
Another case in point is calling an AR-15 a "military style assault rifle". That's just more nonsensical crap.
If you want a definition of "assault rifle" the definition used by the U.S. army is good enough. "A selective-fire rifle chambered for a cartridge of intermediate power."
AR-15s are NOT that, George. Despite being black (mostly) and scary looking (always) to gun-haters they operate fundamentally the same as any other semi-automatic rifle. They are NOT "assault rifles".
Scrap the 2nd amendment and we can have that debate. Until then....
Calm down, PG. I wasn't suggesting that we actually scrap the 2A---I would be the first to fight to the death for it. I was simply pointing out that as long as the 2A exists, any debate about 18 year olds and guns is moot. The 9th and 4th circuit courts have made that clear.
You hair on fire republicans are hilarious..
Agreed, that's the right debate to have. But, not right now.
Thanks for that heads up. I have that Report, but haven't read it yet. Now I'll change that.
Hey perfesser - just for kicks you should go try and LEGALLY purchase a firearm in the US. Your “media” has convinced you it’s a la-de-da affair, in and out, right?
That is laughable and completely opposite from the reality.
After your extensive background check, Valid Picture ID Requirement, 2-10 day waiting period and the requirement that the weapon only be delivered to a Federal Firearm License Holder (in the case of internet purchases), you will finally get your hands on your purchase.
Your post displays your COMPLETE ignorance of how the system CURRENTLY WORKS UNDER EXISTING (SUPERFLUOUS) LAW your team has incrementally foisted on the rest of us over the last 40 years.
But I know - you progtardes have a real problem with facts, so continue wallowing in your arrogant ignorance. You just might want to think twice before you post more idiocy and totally convince those around you that you are not very bright…
he's an idiot who does not understand that his own sociopathic delusions addicted to sucking the vapors out of Tumpets rear end trying to show us all he's smarter than Bill Joel or Dan and everyone on the planet .. that is exactly why he wants young 18yr olds to have weapons of war so he can rant on but never have to stick his own ass on the line ..
How about Serious Game Control? Many of these so called “games” are nothing more than battle simulators. One of several purposes of simulators is to desensitize the user to the stimuli.
Before I get accused, again, of pearl clutching, obviously 99.99% of gamers don’t go on to become mass murders, but I believe some do. Just like 99.99% of gun owners don’t go on to become murders.
Something has changed with our youth of today to make these formerly inconceivable actions so prevalent. The guns, even AR15’s (developed in the ‘50s) have been around for decades. What makes them now want to pick them up and use them on their fellow humans? Obviously, they have no empathy for the death and suffering they cause. And that brings me to the question “Where did it go? How did it go?” Was it bad parenting (duh)? Bad nutrition? Terrible school? Mean siblings? Hopelessness because the world is going to end anyway(climate change, nuclear war, famine, pandemic)?
With the possible exception of a pandemic, the youth of the past somehow dealt with those same obstacles without killing each other en masse. What is stripping the humanity from these particular adolescents and making them not care? I seriously doubt it’s “those guns”.
In 1962 and 1963, the Bible and prayer was significantly limited in US public schools by the supreme court. There's been a significant increase in the rate of anti-social behavior since the early 60's. Look up divorce rate by year and crime rate by year in the USA and you will see an obvious rate increase since 1963. Of course a correlation does not prove causation, however it seems rather obvious to me that society has gotten increasingly rude and crude. Our values have changed at an exponential rate in my lifetime. I could be wrong, but God knows.
The thing is the poor are used to pain and suffering. It will be the upper class who will have to get used to making beans and rice.
This is completely unbelievable at what is happening! Dang!!
Sure could use a little good news today!
Don Harrell
The elite always, speak commie, lingo. (lingual)---Ralph Wood
“ Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, says that one(the state) cannot help everyone”.
The people who PAY THE BILLS are responsible. That’s why they can pay the bills. Their own and for others if they choose to do so.
But, and this is a big but.
They demand that the people who run guvmint for them be fiscally responsible as well.
It’s okay to say. For anyone, including politicians, to say that’s a great idea. How do pay for it? And, we don’t have enough to afford the idea. So, we can’t do it right now! Maybe next year!
Dear Bill we don't need any more sweaters, the landfills are overflowing with clothing.
As for savings, the average person is carryng a years worth of fat round their waist.
They don't, then need to eat, everyone has their own portable savings account
Elites fancy a return to the Feudal system.
Rich or poor it's nice to have money.
Did I step on some peoples big toes ... wonderful
perhaps after the next MASSACRE of INNOCENT little CHILDREN you might for once reflect on the whole and complete idiocy that any 18 year old schmuck can legally buy one ( or over time two ) Semi Automatic weapon : WHAT FOR ?????
Every time it happens your president of the day is literally crying and is pleading for common sense, apparently they all are also suffering from " arrogant ignorance"
But hey you've got a bright guy like Ted Cruz who's suggesting - seriously mind you - narrow the entrances to all elementary schools - makes you wonder what brilliant solution he has for the next supermarket massacres ....... no doubt your thoughts and prayers will be with the victims families
Oh, Christian, did someone hurt your feelz by calling out your ignorance...wonderful! Perhaps you could take some time to educate yourself before spouting off again. Just a thought.
As far as our president literally crying it's probably because his teleprompter failed and his Depends were full. That'll usually do it.
As for "common sense" it's always in the eye of the beholder, isn't it. What passes for common sense for one person is often nothing but bull**** for another. Every time I hear the words "common sense" and "guns" in the same sentence I can almost guarantee it will be bull****.
And one more thing.
You asked "WHAT FOR ?????"
Since when does a constitutional right require an answer to "what for?"
And answer me this. Hundreds of thousands of people (perhaps millions) worldwide die every single year due directly or indirectly to alcoholic beverages. Would you be cool with banning them? I mean really, why does anyone NEED alcoholic beverages? WHAT FOR ?????
Bill stop kwetching you got more than enough to see you and in good style and those you are writing to if they've been listening should also be fine .. so who's gonna suffer ? yep everybody that hasn't been listening to you .. so just enjoy the ride to the bottom as you always said nothing goes up forever .. so the entire last 75 years of human activity needs to be reversed .. so enjoy the ride down as much as you ave the ride up! and open another bottle of that great Argo Malbec and let the slaughter begin where it's most needed eh ..
I've been reading Bill for nearly a decade now, and agreeing with almost everything he says. I have to admit that Bill is the first masochist I've ever admired, as he kept preaching the same message for the entire time even though the world kept ignoring it, and running, full speed, down into the abyss. I wish I had his stamina. My own reaction to the multitude of stupid people and their stupidities, is to retire to a tiny private island off the coast of British Columbia, where I can be the highest fruit on the tree when the fruit-pickers come. I'm sure the world can go to hell without any assistance from me.
Al R.