Don’t believe the published numbers. They bragged tha over a million jobs were created then the Philly Fed re- calculated and it was 10,500. CPI is now being changed to look at cost over twelve months instead of 24 months. That will lower inflation. Another fraud that will not end well. CNBC is the last source I would trust.

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Amen about CNBC, ABC, NBC and especially FOX. Just saying! FJ.

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I am elated to hear about the trip to SA. News from the Ranch is heartening. I am not a Market investor. Keep up the good work you do. I wish I could write like you. Regardless of what you write about, itis good Prose. I always look forward to reading it. Even though I do not always agree with it. Just saying! Florida Jimmy.

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Yea, I always look forward to Argentina.

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“Don’t fight the Fed” is a quote from Marty Zweig not Marty Weiss.

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"Meanwhile, real wages have been sagging (lower than inflation) for nearly 2 years straight…productivity is falling…GDP growth is anemic and soon will be negative (in recession)…the money supply is falling…savings rates are near record lows…consumer debt is at a record high…business debt too is at record levels…" -- Bill Bonner in today's missive

Other than those things everything is just swell. Joe Biden told us earlier this week that "the economy is in great shape and we've got the numbers to prove it!" Any of you Biden sycophants err fans out there want to weigh in?

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Bill nice to hear that you've made it back to the safety of of the motherland .. not sure I'd be heading back down under to the pampas but then maybe it's worth another shot at being a productive rancher and there's always the Malbec to keep ya going .. like Joel said " don't fight the currents" or RIP as we call it here .. in other place's it means 'rest in peace' but either definition applies ..

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Feb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023

Meh - if it were me (not that this matters), I would skip the risk of unlawful, arbitrary imprisonment and have the wine shipped to wherever I decided to hang out.

As the J6 prisoners are proving in spades - once they got ya, they got ya...

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Hard to believe that inflation can be quashed without a Fed induced recession.

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" . . . 161 million Americans are WORKING...a record high . . ." I'm assuming you've done the homework and that is an accurate statement. The question is: How many able bodied, employment aged people AREN'T WORKING? (I'd bet heavily that that number is at a record setting high as well.)

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And many retired baby boomers shelling out lots of their wealth to their adult offspring and in-laws, making the U.S. and first-world nations' financial situation seem rosier than it is. And it's not just adult children living at home, but so-called independent offspring who receive outright cash or even vehicles from their parents. (I have a cousin and his wife in that situation with their son and daughter-in-law.) At least millions of baby boomers are "debt-free"; i.e., they own their home(s), vehicles, and furniture outright. They have no debt and are thus pay-as-you-go folks each month. Many responsible baby boomers are criticized for taking Social Security, but so much of it ends up going to their kids or grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. And I have to admire Doug Casey, a good friend of the Bonner Private Research Fearsome Foursome, recently on a YouTube program begging young people to get out debt and learn a marketable skill (not always from college), and they will have more freedom, especially as this digital money nonsense continues being pushed by globalist bankers.

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Don't get me started. I'm not retired yet (by choice) and I've got family I don't even really know coming at me from all angles thinking I owe them something. I've tried to instill the work ethic and personal responsibility values in my twin sons that my father hammered into me (sometimes quite literally, if I did meet his rather impossible standards).

I think the most important thing to convince a young person of is to stay out of debt. Our society makes it so easy to get credit and pile it up. I feel like I have won the lottery because my twins are 31, renting the house they grew up in from me and their Mom, and they have no debt (not even a car payment).

I feel slightly conflicted about Social Security. I'm 30 months away from "full retirement" and won't need it. My guess is they're going to restructure it such that they won't give people like me much of a choice. They'll "means test" it down to almost nothing in my case. But, I say for those that paid into for 30-40 years (like me), take it because it is and should be yours!

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deletedFeb 4, 2023·edited Feb 4, 2023
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Government freebies (like free food) for as far as the eye can see. What fascinates me (in a really exasperating way) is where are they putting all of these illegals, what do they do all day, how are they sheltered, fed, etc. etc. etc.??????

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This question has been bugging me too Mr. Dave.

Where the HELL are they all going? I see a marked increase of what seem to be illegal FAMILIES on the streets of SFL, but nowhere near representative numbers for even a fraction of the MILLIONS that have crossed since TraitorJoe was illegally installed...

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