Excellent. Democracy is ok when the people are educated, exercise wisdom and have just leadership. Democracy is horrible when people are misinformed, fearful and the leadership is corrupt. Bill should have an outdoor movie night on his ranch in Argentina. Let's all watch Network and debate the statement: "You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today."

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Huh. I thought that was a George Carlin quote.

Coulda been, coulda been...

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Thank You Joel for connecting the historical dots from a different perspective. AUTSTANDIG!

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If we could outlaw all "Public Relations " firms from our so called expectant politicians would not mendacity be cut by 90%?.

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Sorry, but they would just rename it something else. The better solution is not to try to keep the politicians from lying, but to help the citizens become more able to recognize their lies. I say "better" but in truth I am pretty sure the politicians are going to keep lying, and too many citizens/consumers are going to keep believing their lies, whether called propaganda, PR, or "follow the science."

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Probably so, forgot how many sheep in the herd.

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The public schools are giving everyone a degree whether they can read and write or not. All the kids must pass. No critical thinking skills. I am married to a guidance counselor.

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Greetings all and, Joel thanks for making me smile - your intro for Homo Credulus noted this was "this week's Sunday Sesh". In this world of befuddlement, dark and sour, having a little levity - even if simply your Australian modded title for Sunday's missives- is refreshing.

regarding your essay... well done as most here noted. However, I'll remind one and all (sorry for being so simplistic in this), our successful execution as a country was (and could be again) due to being a Representative Republic. The Marxist/socialist/American Democrat of today is winning the propaganda war describing some horrible risk to our democracy.

As a youth, it was simplified to "2 fellows and an attractive lady vote: the boys want to have their way with the woman, their vote wins..." obvious, if a silly example, yet like Socrates being put to death, democracy is not what made our country great (in deference to MAGA, someone mentioned before me...)

Blessings to one and all, remember that direct, chartable ratio: Less God = more of where we are headed...


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I think HL Mencken said Democracy was two wolves and a sheep deciding dinner.

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One might argue an oligarchy made our country great. But not this oligarchy.

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Love your writings and appreciate the reference books for further information. We are living in difficult times and its hard to know where to turn when we are deluged with lies it seems from everywhere.

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It took me a few minutes to adjust to your rich and vivid writing style, I am sure I will enjoy reading you whether or not you make me some money though I am not sure I will enjoy spending $395 a year for you if you don't make me some money. Hint. Hint. I have to point out one spelling error: "No Ode to a Grecian Urn flowed from our pen. No Eureka! moments sprang from our cranium. No complex machines, statues of David or unfinished symphonies emanated from our hallowed being. " You misspelled haggard.

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I don't think anyone cares. He is entertaining!

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Your enlightening entertaining essays just get better and better Joel. Thanks for sharing.

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