Words of wisdom. The answer is secession from the empire. Not every part of the country is full of idiots, but the idiots in power hard to overcome. Here in Tennessee, for expample, we have a balanced budget, we went thru the shutdown without touching our 'rainy day fund,' and while we have a few not so bright politicians, we have laws which limit their ability to do much harm. This is the answer the Founding Fathers gave us, which was destroyed on a national level when the South was inaded and forced to become a part of the empire. Babylon-on-the-Potomac has done much damage since. The answer is to leave those who can't control their spending to their fate, and try to save a remnant of civilization.

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Hey Brett. Same here in West Virginia. I agree that is the only answer.

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Great! Have you checked out the Abbeville Institute? Like minded people. Also, Reckonin.com

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Keep going up, adding more debt. And keep raising Interest Rates. Lol.

Biden and Democrats say all is well. And the dumbasses who voted for them still believe it!

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Are the elites positioning themselves for the next "megapoliticical" transition by rolling out the "Carbon is bad" agenda?

Maybe I'm a tin foil hat guy, but I've been hearing more and reading more about zero-point energy. Nikoli Tesla was big into this. Deep state spooks gathered his research after his death. Interestingly, Donald Trump's uncle was one of the spooks involved in the data gathering. And "The Donald" has been bringing up his uncle often lately as sort of a way to remind the Deep State to stand down.

Are we on the verge of a new industrial revolution that the elites are hoping to control, leaving us as the poor, worthless eater class?

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Last two weeks we noticed a LARGE surge in gasoline prices. Hold on cause it’s about to get REAL UGLY!

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How long before Fitch, offices are raided.

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Well written as always. Thank you for the new word as well. Percheron. "Percherons are horses that are well muscled, and known for their intelligence and willingness to work." I love learning. This essay made me think of two things. 1. We spend way more on defense than any other country by a long shot. ~$870 billion per year for the USA and ~$850 Billion for next 10 countries combined.

Woke or Not Woke doesn't matter. That is a lot of technology, resources and human capital under the control of a very tiny collective of legislative, executive and judicial branches. Something is wrong with the distribution of power and control.


The second thing it made me think of is the coup going on in Niger. I didn't know until I listened to a non-mainstream news source that they are a big producer and exporter of Uranium. And that we have a military base there (1000 troops and a drone base) and that the current general in charge as interim leader was trained by our military. Who paid for training that guy and who is paying for the operation and upkeep of that base?


The world is a crazy and complex place. I appreciate you trying to make sense of it and sharing your thoughts. I think I need a second passport.

Take care of yourself and your family.

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Yes Joel…“In Fitch’s view, there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years […] Over the next decade, higher interest rates and the rising debt stock will increase the interest service burden, while an aging population and rising healthcare costs will raise spending on the elderly absent fiscal policy reforms.” Hmmmm 🤔 2009 Barack Hussein Obama gets placed into power by who? A fully corrupted democratic Congress and Senate pass a devastatingly destructive blow to our constitution/ Republic and Middle Class by shoving Obama’s Care on a bewildered and ignorant population(“we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it)🤔 Yep, our middle class deplorable’s found out what was in it…. So Fitch was off by three years, as the true deteriorating of America started on January 20th, 2009. The rest is history 🤔 as written, distorted and changed by the victors…

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S&P , Fitch , Moody’s .... make me laugh , they are like fireman ( no offenses guys I think you are great ) they always come after catastrophe!

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The dollar debts will be inflated away. Guaranteed.

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All of this printed money is going to pay for the new world order. The money shows up as phony bills with phony titles like Covid Relief, Infrastructure, Inflation Reduction.... as well as expanded budget bills. It eventually gets parsed out in phony line items. Some of it ends up where it appears to go. Most of it gets laundered to pay for the Great Reset, which is unimaginably expensive. Here is just a partial list of the expenses required to usher in our brave new world:

1. Development costs to complete the totalitarian technology set: AI, 5G, Surveillance and the New Digital Finance(and the integration of it all)

2. Second generation Corporatism, including permanent money streams that flow primarily from government to giant corporations to ensure both development of and compliance with new world order schemes. The list of examples is endless and the cost is eye popping. Included here is the answer to the question: How do you get multiple industries to commit suicide?((eg, Medical, Energy, Automobiles, Food, Airlines/Transportation, Housing.....) At the behest of governments and the billionaire oligarchs, all of these industries are committing a kind of assisted suicide. They are expected to rise from the dead as something completely new and different. Think of reincarnation, say of a human being into a worm. But the cost? Wow!

3. Internment camps for millions of us. They are being constructed now. They are called FEMA camps.

4. Warfare of all kinds, both kinetic and 5th Generation. Think Ukraine and the BioWeapon/Starvation war being waged against mankind. Incredibly expensive, and more to come

5. Complete reset of the Civil Order, a completely new civilization. This is the “everything else” category, and boy is it expensive.

So you no longer need to ask where the $6 Trillion is going. Just know this: it’s not enough.

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Yes Brian, this all started with Bush senior and his "New World Order" promise. The rest is what we have been living through.

You are spot on in most of these current and past activities, but most have been happening for many decades now, including the old FEMA camps(still waiting for the Great Reset to be completed).

I have seen so many "democrats" get super wealthy over the past decades, and their offspring are even "wealthier" as they have all received America's Ivy League schooling, yet seem to do no work nor anything to make a living, other then being a democrat.

Yes Brian, there are thousands of Hunter Biden's on China's payroll, and are being paid with American dollars stolen from the sweat and blood of real American's.

That $6 trillion is another out dated number. The "Factual" number is much higher, just as the true cost will be...and it will never be Enough!

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When is Bill going to start signing off with his pronouns I/We ?

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Aug 8, 2023·edited Aug 8, 2023

A fellow Realestate investor I knew many years ago, had family high up in the Department of the Interior. He'd relate the gross waste this department produced. Each year the elites in the department would petition Congress for a budget increase. Each year they'd be granted the increase with absolutely no oversight to how they'd spent the money the previous year. It go so bad the executives literally worried about how they'd be able to exhaust their accounts.

The Department of the Interior has a wide ranging job, from purchasing all manner of things they don't need and would never use, to disposing of seized assets. One year at an auction this fellow related to our group a seized Lear Jet was on the block. It had been stored in various warehoused the Department rented from unnamed politicians. For ten years the jet had been trucked from the East Coast to the West Coast and back again. Finally it was time to sell: The presence of the jet was not advertised nor was it sold with other planes or jets, no it was sold with drums of paint, truck parts and various house goods. Terms of sale: Cash only at the time of the auction, 10 days to remove from the site.

The jet was the last item sold, sitting on a trailer covered in tarps with the wings removed. He stood there while no one made as single bid. He got the jet for $1000 cash. This was before the advent of cell phones, the next day a call to a local air field leading to a private airline the jet was sold sight unseen for $100,000. Yes, he could have gotten more, but the lesson he related was, don't hesitate at a good deal and don't get greedy.

The moral of the story for me was, USA is on a one way trip to the abyss. Our rulers didn't disappoint each year a new war, each year, more spending while both sides claimed to be opposed to the actions of the bad players.

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This country cannot survive stupid voters and shifty politicians so anyone with complaints and impossible solutions can forget it and face reality. Watch the debit markets and to hell with the stock market because all efforts should be on save yourself. We are being told to look over here when we should be looking over there.

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This country purchased Alaska because a country, Russia, needed money to finance a war debt. You recon us in the "Fly Over Country" could (or should) sell new New York and California and use the money at reduce the Trillions of Dollar Debt?

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So what if everyone at BPR is WRONG. I actually agree with everything they say, but you have to ask, what if they are WRONG? The doom and gloom is front and center in everything they publish but don't you owe it to yourself to consider a contrary position?

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OK I am a subscriber already so what can I do to sleep at night with BPR participation and how do I access?

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Upper right of the page should take you to the archives.

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could not locate anything on Bill's or BPR's current thinking. Great history tho but nothing current. Thx anyway Mark1

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The investment analysis comes from Dan Denning and Tom Dyson on Friday and Wednesday respectively. Tom’s last article was “The August Report” where he lists his recommendations. There are also interviews from time to time that I find informative. Hope that helps.

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