A few years ago John Mauldin was writing about a global "Year of Jubilee", when the central banks of the world just make half their debt (or so) disappear. Like magic.

I haven't kept up with Mauldin but I can see something like that happening this decade.

As far as "destitution or revolution", count me in on the revolution. It is really difficult for me to watch what the Biden admin and all the other woke, progressive idiots are doing to our country without wanting to pick up the musket.

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Not familiar with the term. But I’ve often thought that all it would take is refusal to honour their debt commitments and “voila!” The pressure from all this debt would disappear.

So would credibility. But then all it takes is for the wrong kind of government policy action and your sovereign savings (in USD) can be taken it seems.

So why not go fool retard, and refuse to pay the Saudis, Chinese, Iranians and anyone on the wrong side of a rubicon. Just on the basis that they backed the wrong team.

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deletedMar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023
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Excellent explanation of SVB fiasco in your link. Thanks!

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Thanks Mark. Appreciate the link, and I’ll take a look at Porter’s book.

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The Argentine government can get its overpaid, unemployed welfare recipients working again.

They just have to provide the authority to issue welfare funds to firms that need employees. And a tax break to the firms who dispense the funds on behalf of the government to welfare recipients.

The program is simple: To receive a welfare payment, the once idle recipient must first work for it.

The Argentine government can dress up this method of transfer payments by wrapping its flag around them. "Glory to the Worker" even "Make Argentina Great Again." Or help your neighbor, the firm down the street. Or, it can go Full Bold by declaring a national emergency.

In time, and as soon as some bright person can create a formula whereby the more profitable the firm, the more it uses its funds to displace monies it receives from the government, the once welfare recipient can become a full fledged tax payer and treated as a Hero of the Argentine.

Really. Give 'em medal or some recognition just like the US does for its welfare recipients who have graduated from receiving rent subsidies from the government to home owners

Eventually the No Work; No Benefit will take hold and the Argentine work ethic will be treated as once lost-now found. You're welcome

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I seem to remember we had a work requirement to receive welfare payments and a clown named Obama removed it. That is probably the most damaging thing he did amongst many damaging things.

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You assume the businesses don't just keep the money and don't hire anyone

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The idea is (a) the company establishes the need for employees to the satisfaction of the government which (b) then agrees to reimburse the company for wages paid to the welfare recipient who (c) is nominated by the government using company criteria for (d) the company to interview and hire from a pool of candidates proposed by the government (e) with the understanding that they will lose their government funded-company paid salary for the same reasons anyone else would be let go (e. g., lack of work, poor performance, absenteeism, etc.) and cannot go back on the dole for a TBD period of time (e. g., one year)

It works in every community in the US in the housing sector. So something like this should work in Argentina too. Might even be better to use landlords rather than factory managers as the vehicle to get more people gainfully employed. FYI: I am paid by our government to house people of modest means who lose their housing if they lose their job

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Are we on the road to Argentina? I don't know the answer, but the USA seems to me to be heading in an even WORST direction. There is a growing level of social distrust in politics between the right wing and the left wing and toward most institutions. As trust declines, I believe you reach a point where the whole system breaks down. If that happens, we will need more than wheelbarrows to survive. MY two cents...

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Yes Tim, we have been telling all for years to invest heavily in Gold, silver Bitcoin and Ethereum, and most important, Guns and lots of ammo to protect it all 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Churchill said; “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried."

Is Argentina showing this not to be true? Populism, appealing to the ignorant through promising freebies appears to be the easiest way to win the vote and stay in power until, as Maggie Thatcher said of socialist governments. they run out of spending other peoples' money,


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Democrats and Joe Biden SAY the Economy is doing great.

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Say otherwise too strongly and, who knows, they might have some reserved jail space for you.

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DW. 😂😂😂😂😂

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I seem to remember the leaders of the USSR, back in the day, saying much the same thing Donald - then, suddenly, it wasn't. I'm not sure that's the only comparison either btw

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Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius on Monday. “Banking is not just another sector of the economy because financial intermediation is vital to every sector. As a result, addressing stress in the banking system is the most immediate concern and must take priority over other less urgent goals for the moment.”. BARRONS

Let’s get our priorities right, Dudes !

Banks 1st, everyone else, JUST BACK OFF !

And by the way, Ol’ ‘JoeB-One-Cannot-B’

agreed over breakfast-

“Yes today the Sun has come up once more,

I am still alive, it will be another fine time to chat to Hunter about ... now, what was it again?”

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deletedMar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023
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Thanks bro, been explaining their many issues to my fellow employees for months and one reason I just left my position with BX 😊. Will definitely be one of the Woke corporations destroyed from within, much like the corporation of the United State of America. 🤔

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correction: the business KEEP the money

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FDIC should insure $250K. If you is dumb enough to put more in one bank you should lose anything over $250K.

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Vote out the democrats or nothing will change. They simply cannot effectively govern the country. Elect Trump in 2024 and give him a majority in Congress. That will fix it.

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"Vote out the democrats . . ." -- Donald Withrow

I think we have, by large numbers. Unfortunately, the Marxists/Leftists/Democrats are in control of counting the votes.

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Trump is just a reverse psychology play for the communist in control of America. Divide and control the republicans and continue the indoctrination of our youth and woke useful idiots, and bingo, you have the current third world banana republic of the United States of chaos…you can’t fix stupid😵‍💫

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DW. I’d love to have an opportunity to vote for Trump one more time. Still this bone crushing crash is coming no matter who is at office the piper must be paid for 60 years of financial mistakes

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Is that sarcasm? 2016 we had that and they squandered it - on purpose.

Americans had multiple chance to vote out the likes of McConnell and Ryan, but didn't do so.

And here we are.

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Not sarcasm, reality. The people in Kentucky were the only ones that could have voted McConnell out. There's no question that the feckless Republicans in the Senate should have voted Rick Scott in as the Minority Leader. McConnell needs to go. Ryan has been gone a while now.

I'm not sure I follow your point. Here we are thanks to decades of indoctrination in government schools and a zeitgeist where "you can get something for nothing" and there are "free lunches". Until there are no more mailed out/mailed in ballots, no drop boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ludicrously long "early voting periods", and now with the illegal immigration that has taken place, valid photo ID required to vote, no one should trust any election anywhere.

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You don't follow my point about Ryan?

He was voted in by 85% in the primary in 2016.

I don't live there but still sent money to his opponent, but our fellow Americans put back into office one of the prominent politicians in one of the most powerful positions to block everything you wish had been done. 85%!

The people still care more about the NFL and NBA than our future. Hard to blame the politicians when the people vote this way especially in a primary.

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

I don't disagree about Ryan, he was an idiot. But, he's long gone and relatively speaking our problems are far greater today then they were in 2017. I also agree that as citizens we have a duty to stay informed and vigilant. To your point, there are far too few in this country that are NOT doing their civic duty.

Incumbency has massive advantages, particularly in the House and no one really knows how a new representative will pan out after they are first elected. Ryan talked a good game right up until he got into leadership then he showed his true colors.

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He had shown his true colors prior to 2016, which is why I donated out of state to his primary opponent. My fellow Americans in that district didn't even have to donate. All they had to do was pull the lever for a better person but 85% couldn't be bothered.

You are expecting too much out of Americans today. This is not the 1776 crowd.

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There's no question that this is not the 1776 crowd. It's that indoctrination effect I referred to earlier. That, and the people that run for office nowadays lack virtue. I'm guessing the 2016 primary turnout in that District in Wisconsin was pretty low.

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