Sorry Bill, but the USA is not in a recession until The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Business Cycle Dating Committee says we are! It may look like a duck, waddle like a duck, and quack like a duck, but you have to wait until the duck experts tell you its a duck. Thinking for oneself is dangerous!

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She's not a woman until a biologist tells you she is.

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30 Year Bond - 2.92% Yield

10 Year Note - 2.57% Yield

2 Year Note - 2.87% Yield

Nothing to see here, says Jaypo and the Cabal :-) Just eat your bugs and STFU!

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Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Sans Make America Great Again and Build Back Better. Now it's Make America a Banana Republic. Take that Ben Franklin, we kept our Republic :-)

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One week ago, I received this attached offer, purportedly from you:

Bonner Private Research recommended The Big Secret on Wall Street (This Week)

with the invitation to subscribe to " Join Porter Stansberry and friends as they expose Wall Street's biggest secrets and most lucrative opportunities. "

The subscription is a fairly hefty enrollment fee, but there is no description of what we get for the subscription ????

What is this offer.... ????

Thanks, John Rempel ( a subscriber to Bonner Private Reseach )

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Bill, I watched the video you did"America's Nightmare Winter" and was impressed with all the information you gave to back your feelings of whats going to happen not to far down the road.I forwarded it to my Brother and Sister and friend.Odds are they won't watch it ,but it was so good I had to send it anyways.Thanks

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"Everyone knows 3 consecutive quarters of declining GDP has never been considered a recession."

-Jaypo (Head Economic Apparatchik)

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Breaking News

The indices may loose up to 38 % in the next two months . Watch the DAX

You have been told 😉

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The Govt. and media must think we're stupid or very naive. I heard that duck awhile ago! And it usually means only one thing: our economy is in the toilet and about to be flushed.

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Talk about spin from the Suits. To downplay the R word, you have the "Living Brain donors" telling us the deficit has dropped 1.5 trillion (via Ms. Yellen). Did she mentioned the Fed did not print 2 trillion in 2 days as they did last fiscal yr? Don't think so.

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You need a lot of hubris to think you can centrally plan an economy the size of America's. You need a bunch of useful idiots to empower you to do so. After watching what happened to the USSR you would think we Americans would have sent the Apparatchiks packing. No way baby, we doubled down. This is going to be one spectacular explosion. After the explosion maybe we'll get lucky and be treated to systematic Climate Lockdowns. Can't spend your money if you're locked down. The Apparatchiks solution to the inflation crisis :-) Thoroughly enjoying this era of Peak Stupidity!

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Fed rate will top 4% before taking a breather, Amazon will replace Intel in the DOW and will start paying dividends, the economy will report growth in the last quarter, and a Merry Christmas it will be. 🎅

Wake up Charlie! Wake the fudge up! Hahaha! 😂

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No recession equates to Bidenites hoping and praying for a miracle between now and November. Until then it's full steam ahead, and denial mode is on! Problem is that's only one front he faces.

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For me it s quiet easy to follow the Fed , they are very perfectible... they will rise rate as far as the stock market stay around here or goes down gradually , they will stay put if unemployment stay below 5-6 percent . They will do a U turn if the market loose 30 % plus in one or two months . They do so for the last 40 years what do you expect to change ? They will only stop the QT ans cut rate and start a QE if a 2008 or 2020 crash come back ... till then business as usual... till the clock ring and the party is over and that is anybody guess ... by the way in 1980 the ration Dow/gold stay around 1 for enough time to unload gold and load stocks . From there it went to 45 .

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