After reading the Zillo tale, one has to wonder if there will ever be an AI that includes Common Sense.

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Just think fellows, they have AI creating AI, and i am sure nothing will go wrong with that. If it were not so serious, it would be laughable, but when I was a kid growing up and we went to Baton Rouge, LA to see my dad's folks, the whole country was lit up at night with gas being burned off the wells on the banks of the Mississippi River. There was, and still is, so much natural gas we could run the country on it for 300 years. And the gumps in DC say there will be shortages???!!! Ya gotta be kiddin' me!!! Just sayin'

Don Harrell

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I, for one, hope much of the AI world fails miserably. It would be fine if it could "stay clean", but with the creepy villains of technology and power in charge it seems more like a foe than friend. Even in new trucks and cars, the AI is a royal pain in the keister. Constant beeping, like a nagging spouse...put on your seat belt, your tires are too low, you are too close to the white line, oops the center line, facial recognition to start the car?...I think I'll slam on the brakes now...

China could sell their Treasuries and dollars near the top and buy gold, which is under-priced and would probably come out ahead in the next few years. While that would bolster their currency, they also need energy, so selling Treasuries and dollars and buying up energy assets around the world might be a favorable play for them as well. And NO, I am not rooting for them!

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Bill, I wonder what the dollar figure is that the fed ripped off of the middle class with their low interest rates.Negative interest on checking,savings,cds,treasuries over atleast 10 years plus.But its all okay,cause Helicopter Ben got the Nobel Peace Price

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That is a beautiful old time song verse, is there a tune to go with it?

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Back from a beautiful vacation, where money grows on trees and Jason Voorhees rules the night. 😂

Nothing heavenly crushing to add, the global financial markets clocking in the green is insignificant, no volume behind the boost.

Health premiums going through the roof, retirement savings account getting crushed if you are not conservative. Boring stocks making money, inflation here to stay, recession on the horizon, overall sentiment consensus is rock bottom. Good luck folks! 😂

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