In America we have a brand new misery index - Government. It has no single quantitative measure to size up the misery. The biggest measure of all is in fact unquantifiable, and that is the fact that half the country, plus or minus, feels for the first time in their lives that the US Government has been weaponized against them, from the FBI to the CIA to the IRS to the Justice Department, the EPA, Homeland Security - all of it really. It is, in a few words, the shredding of the US Constitution. It is surreal and unsettling. When you add the fact to all the other measures that go into the new Misery Index - the unimaginable financial profligacy, the deliberate dismantling of nationhood, the nonsensical foreign policy, the perversion of all innocence, it becomes a miserable Misery Index indeed. Inflation and Unemployment are but two of its’ manifestations.
Yes brother Brian, it’s now called the “China Syndrome”. It’s crazy how the elite work, but we have been living through the exact message they send us through their art( Hollywood). China is 100% behind everything that we are living through. Thank you all democrats/RINOS/communists for your total self destruction…Brilliance beyond belief…insanity beyond belief.
Trump did not tell say “... the nation that it could be great again if it would only stop allowing Mexicans to work in the US…”. He was opposed to border trespassers, illegal aliens. As ANY sane person should be.
You cheapen yourself and your message with misrepresentations like that, Bill. You’re better than that.
Yup. BB occasionally lets his elitism peek out. The longer you are here, the more you will notice. I don't have a problem with that - I do have a problem when he touts how "apolitical" he is, when it is abundantly clear he is not...
Yup. There’s enough blame on BOTH sides of the aisle for the economic jam the feds have put us in.
And if BB wants to call someone out, at least be honest about it. BB knew he was full of it with that “won’t let Mexicans work” horse puckey. Now, I’d have had no issue had BB said Trump didn’t want border trespassers, illegal entrants, illegals aliens to work. Only a partisan hack would be ok with border criminals being free to work in the USA.
Perhaps BB will cite another country that has no issue with illegal aliens free to work in said country. Hey BB: how about Ireland? Would the Irish government be ok with illegal entrants working freely in Ireland?
Lol sluggo! Bill is 100% a fake elitist, only worth below a hundred Million at best. The very bottom of the elitist barrel, but much more than me. Guess that is why I pay attention to these guys. 🤔 but get so much more from those who follow, as is natural. That being said, the Irish have always been a thorn in the side of America, as most are historically democrats. Almost understandably so considering our history in America, and the civil war. It’s almost art how the Irish payed the highest price in numbers to free the slaves, yet were denied work and housing over Blacks in the North. Bottom line, prepare yourself for the insanity that is coming 😊
Hey Steve. Not all the Irish. I remember my Irish grandparents on my dad side they hated Roosevelt!! You made great points, I have a sign in my office dated 1915. No Irish need apply.
The problem with that Sluggo, is that you would take out approximately 5% of the workforce, if you stopped "illegal" aliens from coming across the border to work.
Who's going to hand you your Starbucks at the drive thru or your Whopper at BK? Who's going to harvest your lettuce, spinach, <pick your vegetable of choice> and get it to the distributor so that you can have a salad or side with that steak?
Unfortunately, most migrant workers, be they legal or illegal are filling jobs that Americans don't want to fill. Sad fact. So take them out of the work force, and you have a problem.
We want our food for next to nothing, and we're willing to pay next to nada to those who do the harvesting, the picking, the distributing and the actual selling.
Taking them out would not be easy. Nor painless.
Easy to spew forth visions of grandeur. Yet I don't think Mr. Trump had a plan as to who was actually going to fill those 8 million jobs, once the borders were closed.
I have no problems with people who come to visit and take it upon themselves if willing, to live and work here(Canada) What I have a problem with, are all the handouts given to them as my personal tax rate goes up.
To make matters worse the never ending increase of people every year continue to take advantage of government handouts. Of course, they are "not"government handouts it cuts into my time ! If they can make it on their own, welcome. If not, too bad so sad see ya !
The problem is a hollowing out, on everyone who are struggling to make ends meet. And the people who arrive here comment; "Canada is a great country"
Yes of course, maybe if I take a trip into their homeland might I receive the same appreciation ?
We just had over 5 million come over our borders in the last couple of years, and they can’t pass the I9 to get legit work, even though we are all screaming for help while paying for those illegals to take up space and commit crimes. You can’t make this shit up, except in the mind of a deranged democrat. It’s considered normal thinking 🤔
It isn't just Democrats benefiting from illegal immigrants. A lot of private enterprise do whatever it takes to keep the doors open. Including hiring cheap labor.
We all know that whether it is a Democrat or a Republican politician, they are going to do what is best for them. Not the poor or middle class. Themselves and those that fund their campaigns.
While Trump was sounding the alarm, he was also feeding contracts to his "supporters" to build walls between Mexico and USA.
I am fully in agreement with you Luke, that Trump, who was a typical NY liberal his entire life, is 100% part of the RINO species of inhuman trash. A very important lesson in life is always judge a man on his actions and not his words. With Trump, you can judge him on both, because they truly explain what he is, and it certainly is no American patriot! Just another mentally disturbed liberal in disguise. Yes Luke, it’s not just the democrats. 60% RINOS and 95% democrats are on Xi's payroll and are the lowest form of scum to ever come to power in our great history. Of course bought and paid by their Chinese handlers, and voted in by a severely ignorant, deranged or evil constituency🤔
Bill, Trump did not say or insinuate that we shouldn’t let Mexicans work in America. Only that we shouldn’t allow illegal immigration from any country. You don’t need to exaggerate to make your points!
Tom, this type of exaggeration is the evidence of TDS. The question is, does anyone showing evidence of TDS can have impartial judgement in any subject; I hope yes.
Bill undoubtedly has, at the least, a "mild" case of TDS (if such a thing is possible.) His bias is most definitely there and he often lets it slip out. Not as much lately - though I expect if we can manage a FAIR and CLEAN election in '24 we will begin to see BB's Trump Disdain much more...
If only people that try to run for power read more BPR. They wouldn't continue making the same silly mistakes as millions of politicians have made before them.
IMHO, the "silly mistakes" of some politicians are not mistakes but deliberate actions. Some people think they are anointed to tell the rest of us how ( or FORCE us) to conduct our lives in accordance with their dumb ideas. Agree that if folks read more BPR and practice the four items you list, the world would be a much better place!
I remember reading an interview with the Irish finance minister where he said that it was a good thing that Ireland didn’t have its own currency during the 2008 financial crisis as they would have inflated the pound and made things even worse.
Tom, this type of exaggeration is the evidence of TDS. The question is, does anyone showing evidence of TDS can have impartial judgement in any subject; I hope yes.
Mexican laborers have a saying that goes back as far as I can remember: “Que chinga dijo la gringa!” Translates: “What a bitch!” But the double entendre is that American men can’t handle the hard work.
The benefit to living in West Baltimore residents, there's no need to drop bombs it's already in ruins. Blame this on the greedy landlords or white supremacists anybody but the politicians and their lousy school system.
Dennis T. When I got to greedy landlords, I found myself getting annoyed. Then I remembered you were a landlord as well. When things get tough, everyone expects the landlord to forgo their money. This does not happen to the butcher, the baker or the candlestick maker. They are honest we are not lol what a pile of crap!
So Milei is proposing to put Argentina on the US dollar. I live in Ecuador where they made the same move back in 2000, after blowing up their own currency, the sucre. It has been a good move for Ecuador, although politicians certainly complain about not having monetary "flexibility". The people are firmly against leaving the dollar. Despite its problems, it is far better than what they suffered before.
However, I have a question. Assuming the US adopts a CBDC and abandons cash, how might this play in other countries that use the US$? I know that Ecuador is still largely a cash economy. Assuming you have the money in your account, you can walk into the bank and withdraw $5-10,000 in cash with no questions asked. Trying to force everyone to go digital would not go over well.
Forcing people into digital currencies will not go over "well" anywhere. And that will do exactly nothing to stop or even slow it's authoritarian implementation.
What forced digital money will do is accelerate the use of the currently-fledgling alternate economies. Get your PMs, skills and barter items dusted off. They are all that will allow you to partially escape the financial component of the coming global tyranny. At least for the first few years...
Thanks for your reply, and I agree, but I was thinking more about the idea that each US citizen might have an account at the Fed, by which control would be exercised. However, I can't really imagine the Fed setting up accounts for citizens of Ecuador, Argentina, or other such countries. Nor do I see the Fed willing to delegate to foreign governments or banks control over the CBDC of their citizens.
If the result is that countries turn away from the dollar because the CBDC really doesn't work outside the US, where does that lead? I can imagine a lot of possibilities, but have no basis to prefer one over another.
Hasn't peggimg the peso to the USD been tried already and then dropped with an overnight hefty peso devaluation? Both USA and Argentins elites have a similar problem: a huge and quite justifiable deficit of trust by the non-elite residents. Trust is the lifeblood of any polity. Let trust bleed out and the polity quickly rots away, to be repllaced by another polity or polities, or by a desolate vacant space like the scene at the end of Shellley's poem OZYMONDIAS.
Hell to the Yeah. I just came back to this spot to edit in a comment to you on that very subject. Don't wanna get greedy or singed, so jumping back off in the a.m. with a pile....
In America we have a brand new misery index - Government. It has no single quantitative measure to size up the misery. The biggest measure of all is in fact unquantifiable, and that is the fact that half the country, plus or minus, feels for the first time in their lives that the US Government has been weaponized against them, from the FBI to the CIA to the IRS to the Justice Department, the EPA, Homeland Security - all of it really. It is, in a few words, the shredding of the US Constitution. It is surreal and unsettling. When you add the fact to all the other measures that go into the new Misery Index - the unimaginable financial profligacy, the deliberate dismantling of nationhood, the nonsensical foreign policy, the perversion of all innocence, it becomes a miserable Misery Index indeed. Inflation and Unemployment are but two of its’ manifestations.
Yes brother Brian, it’s now called the “China Syndrome”. It’s crazy how the elite work, but we have been living through the exact message they send us through their art( Hollywood). China is 100% behind everything that we are living through. Thank you all democrats/RINOS/communists for your total self destruction…Brilliance beyond belief…insanity beyond belief.
Hey Brian. Yeah, but half the country thinks this is fine. Of course they pay no taxes so they literally have no skin in the game. Must be nice.
Trump did not tell say “... the nation that it could be great again if it would only stop allowing Mexicans to work in the US…”. He was opposed to border trespassers, illegal aliens. As ANY sane person should be.
You cheapen yourself and your message with misrepresentations like that, Bill. You’re better than that.
Hey Sluggo -
Yup. BB occasionally lets his elitism peek out. The longer you are here, the more you will notice. I don't have a problem with that - I do have a problem when he touts how "apolitical" he is, when it is abundantly clear he is not...
Yup. There’s enough blame on BOTH sides of the aisle for the economic jam the feds have put us in.
And if BB wants to call someone out, at least be honest about it. BB knew he was full of it with that “won’t let Mexicans work” horse puckey. Now, I’d have had no issue had BB said Trump didn’t want border trespassers, illegal entrants, illegals aliens to work. Only a partisan hack would be ok with border criminals being free to work in the USA.
Perhaps BB will cite another country that has no issue with illegal aliens free to work in said country. Hey BB: how about Ireland? Would the Irish government be ok with illegal entrants working freely in Ireland?
Lol sluggo! Bill is 100% a fake elitist, only worth below a hundred Million at best. The very bottom of the elitist barrel, but much more than me. Guess that is why I pay attention to these guys. 🤔 but get so much more from those who follow, as is natural. That being said, the Irish have always been a thorn in the side of America, as most are historically democrats. Almost understandably so considering our history in America, and the civil war. It’s almost art how the Irish payed the highest price in numbers to free the slaves, yet were denied work and housing over Blacks in the North. Bottom line, prepare yourself for the insanity that is coming 😊
Hey Steve. Not all the Irish. I remember my Irish grandparents on my dad side they hated Roosevelt!! You made great points, I have a sign in my office dated 1915. No Irish need apply.
The problem with that Sluggo, is that you would take out approximately 5% of the workforce, if you stopped "illegal" aliens from coming across the border to work.
Who's going to hand you your Starbucks at the drive thru or your Whopper at BK? Who's going to harvest your lettuce, spinach, <pick your vegetable of choice> and get it to the distributor so that you can have a salad or side with that steak?
Unfortunately, most migrant workers, be they legal or illegal are filling jobs that Americans don't want to fill. Sad fact. So take them out of the work force, and you have a problem.,all%20workers%2C%20according%20to%20the%20Pew%20Research%20Center.
Who's to blame?
We all are.
We want our food for next to nothing, and we're willing to pay next to nada to those who do the harvesting, the picking, the distributing and the actual selling.
Taking them out would not be easy. Nor painless.
Easy to spew forth visions of grandeur. Yet I don't think Mr. Trump had a plan as to who was actually going to fill those 8 million jobs, once the borders were closed.
You perhaps?
A sensitive subject no doubt.
I have no problems with people who come to visit and take it upon themselves if willing, to live and work here(Canada) What I have a problem with, are all the handouts given to them as my personal tax rate goes up.
To make matters worse the never ending increase of people every year continue to take advantage of government handouts. Of course, they are "not"government handouts it cuts into my time ! If they can make it on their own, welcome. If not, too bad so sad see ya !
The problem is a hollowing out, on everyone who are struggling to make ends meet. And the people who arrive here comment; "Canada is a great country"
Yes of course, maybe if I take a trip into their homeland might I receive the same appreciation ?
Yeah! No ! Its godamn perverse.
We just had over 5 million come over our borders in the last couple of years, and they can’t pass the I9 to get legit work, even though we are all screaming for help while paying for those illegals to take up space and commit crimes. You can’t make this shit up, except in the mind of a deranged democrat. It’s considered normal thinking 🤔
It isn't just Democrats benefiting from illegal immigrants. A lot of private enterprise do whatever it takes to keep the doors open. Including hiring cheap labor.
We all know that whether it is a Democrat or a Republican politician, they are going to do what is best for them. Not the poor or middle class. Themselves and those that fund their campaigns.
While Trump was sounding the alarm, he was also feeding contracts to his "supporters" to build walls between Mexico and USA.
He ultimately knows which side his bread is buttered on, his beds made, his linens washed, and how to save a penny.
Unfortunately, politicians will do what suits them best. And try to make themselves look outstanding in the process.
I am fully in agreement with you Luke, that Trump, who was a typical NY liberal his entire life, is 100% part of the RINO species of inhuman trash. A very important lesson in life is always judge a man on his actions and not his words. With Trump, you can judge him on both, because they truly explain what he is, and it certainly is no American patriot! Just another mentally disturbed liberal in disguise. Yes Luke, it’s not just the democrats. 60% RINOS and 95% democrats are on Xi's payroll and are the lowest form of scum to ever come to power in our great history. Of course bought and paid by their Chinese handlers, and voted in by a severely ignorant, deranged or evil constituency🤔
Bill, Trump did not say or insinuate that we shouldn’t let Mexicans work in America. Only that we shouldn’t allow illegal immigration from any country. You don’t need to exaggerate to make your points!
Tom, this type of exaggeration is the evidence of TDS. The question is, does anyone showing evidence of TDS can have impartial judgement in any subject; I hope yes.
Hi Mr. Fridman -
Bill undoubtedly has, at the least, a "mild" case of TDS (if such a thing is possible.) His bias is most definitely there and he often lets it slip out. Not as much lately - though I expect if we can manage a FAIR and CLEAN election in '24 we will begin to see BB's Trump Disdain much more...
If only people that try to run for power read more BPR. They wouldn't continue making the same silly mistakes as millions of politicians have made before them.
Give government minimal.
Spend less than you take in.
Let the markets take care of themselves.
Keep your fingers out of the pie.
If only.
IMHO, the "silly mistakes" of some politicians are not mistakes but deliberate actions. Some people think they are anointed to tell the rest of us how ( or FORCE us) to conduct our lives in accordance with their dumb ideas. Agree that if folks read more BPR and practice the four items you list, the world would be a much better place!
I remember reading an interview with the Irish finance minister where he said that it was a good thing that Ireland didn’t have its own currency during the 2008 financial crisis as they would have inflated the pound and made things even worse.
Interest rates aren’t high, they have only returned to normal.
Your (Mr. Bonner's) last line was brilliant. Don't let your head swell up, though. :)
Happy Memorial Day my fellow Americans 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
“The brave die never, though they sleep in dust, their courage nerves a thousand living men.” 🇺🇸
Tom, this type of exaggeration is the evidence of TDS. The question is, does anyone showing evidence of TDS can have impartial judgement in any subject; I hope yes.
That $ thing has been played before. To hear Joel play it, the $ is the currency of Argentina.
One of the most satisfying jobs I had, for 8 months, was a carpenter. I helped build 20 houses when hammers and joists reigned.
I built my own house.
Today, with thousands of houses going up around me, in pleasant Venice, FL, I see no Americans.
I guess that is a good thing for the Mexicans.
In fact, I had, when Young, a Route 66 experience. Just couldn’t have that today, can’t compete with the Mexicans.
Mexican laborers have a saying that goes back as far as I can remember: “Que chinga dijo la gringa!” Translates: “What a bitch!” But the double entendre is that American men can’t handle the hard work.
The benefit to living in West Baltimore residents, there's no need to drop bombs it's already in ruins. Blame this on the greedy landlords or white supremacists anybody but the politicians and their lousy school system.
Dennis T. When I got to greedy landlords, I found myself getting annoyed. Then I remembered you were a landlord as well. When things get tough, everyone expects the landlord to forgo their money. This does not happen to the butcher, the baker or the candlestick maker. They are honest we are not lol what a pile of crap!
So Milei is proposing to put Argentina on the US dollar. I live in Ecuador where they made the same move back in 2000, after blowing up their own currency, the sucre. It has been a good move for Ecuador, although politicians certainly complain about not having monetary "flexibility". The people are firmly against leaving the dollar. Despite its problems, it is far better than what they suffered before.
However, I have a question. Assuming the US adopts a CBDC and abandons cash, how might this play in other countries that use the US$? I know that Ecuador is still largely a cash economy. Assuming you have the money in your account, you can walk into the bank and withdraw $5-10,000 in cash with no questions asked. Trying to force everyone to go digital would not go over well.
Hi Gordon -
Forcing people into digital currencies will not go over "well" anywhere. And that will do exactly nothing to stop or even slow it's authoritarian implementation.
What forced digital money will do is accelerate the use of the currently-fledgling alternate economies. Get your PMs, skills and barter items dusted off. They are all that will allow you to partially escape the financial component of the coming global tyranny. At least for the first few years...
Thanks for your reply, and I agree, but I was thinking more about the idea that each US citizen might have an account at the Fed, by which control would be exercised. However, I can't really imagine the Fed setting up accounts for citizens of Ecuador, Argentina, or other such countries. Nor do I see the Fed willing to delegate to foreign governments or banks control over the CBDC of their citizens.
If the result is that countries turn away from the dollar because the CBDC really doesn't work outside the US, where does that lead? I can imagine a lot of possibilities, but have no basis to prefer one over another.
Hasn't peggimg the peso to the USD been tried already and then dropped with an overnight hefty peso devaluation? Both USA and Argentins elites have a similar problem: a huge and quite justifiable deficit of trust by the non-elite residents. Trust is the lifeblood of any polity. Let trust bleed out and the polity quickly rots away, to be repllaced by another polity or polities, or by a desolate vacant space like the scene at the end of Shellley's poem OZYMONDIAS.
you are the best. Bonner for President .
A new arrival angling for the $100/Annual rate maybe? I dunno bro...
Hey brother, no problem if you are still in AI 😊👍
Hell to the Yeah. I just came back to this spot to edit in a comment to you on that very subject. Don't wanna get greedy or singed, so jumping back off in the a.m. with a pile....
Thanks again brother!!
Hey bro, out yesterday before closing at $42.28 😊 buy back at $20
Yup. Out this am at $41.25. Dry powder till about $22 for me, then CANNONBALLLLLL....