Its almost unbelievable what is happening with the ultra rich. I didnt used to complain about the wealth divide because I was raised to believe that I had the same opportunity to become wealthy in America. That capitalism is good and hard work and brainpower yield results. I still believe that. Now in my 70’s, I am solidly middle class economically. Retired.

Still.....am I worse off because others are richer than I? I didnt know that money was a zero sum deal. That there is only so much pie to share and the rich guy got some of mine. I dont think thats the way it works. The issue as I see it is that a govt heavily in debt likes inflation because it pays off the debt with ever more worthless dollars. The other issue is that WE are no longer a nation of mostly entrepreneurs..... business owners, farmers, landowners, etc. Nowadays, most of us work for “the Man”. Get a wage. We hire out our productivity for a set wage. We are no longer risk takers. Those who do can get wealthy or hit a dry hole and lose everything.

I do not like the elites and the uber rich having power over us. They only think of themselves. Get more. Get more. Greed. Power. I am studying Spanish to be able to communicate with people when I head to S America to find a bolthole......if one exists. The Digital Dollar will be terrible

All I know is that in the end Jesus wins. And I am on His side.

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Bill and Joel. I'm glad addressed Alan Greenspan, the Golden Boy, and his speech..Educated idiot who did an excellant job of bringing down the Free enterprise system and the American Dream.

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Yes Bill & Joel...Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Powell are the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse...And their final act will be devastation for America...

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Not sure what you mean by "Ayn Rand's fallen pupil, Alan Greenspan". While Greenspan wrote three essays (out of 26) for Ayn Rand's book, "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal", published in 1967, it became apparent that he started compromising on Rand's free market philosophy by around 1970. He also went on to contradict his own words in those essays. Harry Binswanger, an associate of Ayn Rand, wrote an essay on this in November 2008.

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