Bonner continues to demonstrate why he is a smart person. I don't know who dreamed up the Federal Reserve. Our economy is best served by buyers (of goods and services) and suppliers of those goods and services negotiating with each other. And, that applies to interest rates.

The normal ups and downs of any economy should be like the gentle rhythms of the ocean, small swells. And we have those because the economic cycle is tied to inventory cycles and that is due to imperfect information. Business leaders make predictions about sales, which always are incorrect, leading to erroneous decisions about the hiring of labor and the purchase of inventory. But, it self- corrects when the government leaves businesses alone.

But the Fed continues to try to manage the economy, thereby producing huge swings upward and huge declines thereafter, demonstrating how citizens feel when in a storm at sea.

Our problems are due to the need of humans to feel important. That is why persons in government and quasi-government (such as the Fed) will never let go of their jobs. It is their reason for living.

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A study of the economy before the Fed, 1870's to 1910 when the US was on the Gold standard would argue against the idea of gentle cycles. There were many booms and busts and panics. Attempts to corner markets and schemes to defraud the public/government were quite rampant. None today who live and work in the United States have lived without the Federal Reserve affecting our economy, good or bad.

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Steve Porter. What you say is true. What you did not say was the booms and bust were very very short. Also during that time. Inflation was nonexistent. Any time your business was more productive you made more money. This is presently our third central bank in this country. They truly are a cancer on any country that has one. They are a criminal organization that exist to take from the middle class and give it to the rich. Thomas Jefferson said “if America allows a central bank in this country, they are citizens will end up in abject poverty in a country that their forefathers fought to make free“. End the fed . Andrew Jackson, one of our greatest presidents, said “I will have a central Bank in this country over my dead body“.

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Best wishes to the newest member of your family

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A neat trick...using the term "transfer payments" to refer to a list of outgoes that includes Social Security. This trick is kinda like the Feds having an inflation calculator without two key ingredients that eat up "transfer payments": gas and groceries!

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Congrats Bill 🎉🎉🎉

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Steve L.

Where there are people, there are choices. Communism and democracy didn't go so well during McCarthy era. Most Americans in their sixties still fear communism and the young have no clue what it represents but see a future in that utopia. There was a reporter at one time who took the assignment of asking people to vote for Karl Marx before elections. They were very happy to oblige. We have a democracy defined by idiots like Biden and its changes depending his mood as an old grumpy ass. As you can tell, I have a great deal of respect for an administration with a pea brain like his. What we are living is to be determined by our corporations. They write the music and congress and the so called president play it. They could care less about China and their political system because there was money in it. Now they are scared of their military capabilities and a lot of money will be made on new military technology. A lot to be said about American standards or the lack of it.

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So true my brother!

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Congratulations on the latest addition to the family. For me, the birth of my grandchildren has taken my love of life to a whole new level. They touch emotions I never realised I had. With the present state of the world I also truly worry for their future and what sort of society they will inherit. Sigh!

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Say what you want but capitalism was and is the source of socialism. It is very likely that the Russian revolution hated and feared so much in our country gave rise to many changes for the working class. The creation of beneficial labor laws, unions, social security, health care and others would not have happened here and abroad if not for the changes in Russia.

We would not have gone into space as early as we did if not for the Russian Sputnik and we would not dedicate funds to develop technologies if not for the fear of the opposing system.

Americas leadership has always expressed hate and fear of communism. The question is why when living standards here were much higher, people were content with the system and there was nothing to indicate any aggression coming from Russia.

Why does America understand the need for controlling monopolies but cannot I understand the benefits of a system that challenges us to improve life of those that create wealth, the working class. The source of wealth for the upper elite requires a separate discussion.

In the end, the conclusion of the shake up in the economy and the struggles of the middle class remind us where we are coming from. We are far from people lining up in the street for ua bowl of soup, demanding jobs and greater concern for their impoverished conditions. One has to wonder about what brought on the changes. I doubt it was a greater concern by the ruling class for the welfare of the common men and women and their families. Do not get me wrong. I am not a proponent of communism. Communism was a utopia and it does not exist in the country that started the system. Our relationship with China with their communist regime is something worth some thoughts. We hate their system but we love the benefits we receive from dealing with them. Is it possible that we are trying to help the oppressed and impoverished people of China?

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Unfortunately, socialism and communism have been very active in America for many decades, and we are living in the final days of capitalism. I guess we will see the final results of our collapse soon enough, but in the meantime, get busy stocking up on silver and bullets, or just silver bullets to keep the werewolf’s away. There’s millions of them in our streets 😳

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SL. I love you my brother, but this is not capitalism.

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Sorry brother, you are 100% correct! Crony Capitalism is what I meant! 🙏

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Congratulations to all Bill. Enjoy! (Been there , got the T-shirt as we say in my part of the world)....23 times...some of us don’t seem to be getting “the global message” do we? Ah well! When I get to the stage of needing nappies there’s plenty of willing hands to help so they’ve all promised.

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I doubt it. Their track record says they break everything they touch.

The beauty of bitcoin is that no one needs a bank account or money.

You earn, save and spend numbers on a spreadsheet.

Same as today except no physical money is needed.

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Paper money will probably go the same way as gold/silver money.

A valuable trinket like artwork or diamond jewelry.

One cannot print enough paper currency or mint enough gold coins to supply THE WORLD.

Digital Blockchain Technology & computers/telecommunications are the only way forward.

My suggestion is destroy all paper currency. Let people who want to transact in gold continue in their own little world.

Meanwhile the rest of us will buy & sell in Bitcoin. Here in Texas one can buy land with bitcoin.

Choice is yours?

Get on the stagecoach or board the jetliner!

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Hi Donald -

Meh. You may be under-valuing stagecoaches. If the horse has a heart attack and dies on the spot, it's unlikely that any passengers will also be killed...

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

I look at Bitcoin similarly to the way I view a CBDC. If a man designs it, there's another man that can find a way to defeat it. Can you imagine trying to recover your money from either one if hacked. If someone presents a fraudulent check to my bank, I have 48 hours to discover the problem and have the bank stop the transaction from clearing (this happened to me with over 70 checks from February 9 until April 10). I didn't lose a penny and given the size and scope of the bank account involved, I didn't even have to close the account. What are you going to do when transactions will process and close in a fraction of a second?

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Love or hate Bitcoin, you may want to buy one or two just for shits and giggles. We will be over 32,000,000,000,000 very soon, and will default sooner then later. Most of the world will be buying, as they sell the dollar, so continue buying your precious metals, and a little Bit and Ethereum may save you a few of those dead dollars in our future 🤔

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Right on Steve. I apologize if I gave the impression of being a BTC "Hater" - I'm far from that and maintain a small amount of my hard-earned in that particular casino. Even BPR recommends 1% in Crypto - or at least they used to.

Investing is maybe the ONLY area of life where diversity actually IS a strength...

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Agree bro, and BIll was always against Bit, until they decided that 1% is better then nothing. I bought in many years ago so still have a way to go down before a loss. I will start cost average if it goes below $15000 😊

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DW; Let's hope that the Fed doesn't destroy your Bitcoin. Who knows what their "end game" will be. But some news I have read is that they don't want Bitcoin to survive. So it's anyone's guess what will happen eventually. Good Luck!

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You're absolutely right, no government anywhere wants any type of decentralized cryptocurrency to exist. The competition it creates and will increasingly create if things unfold the way the elites want them to is simply going to be unacceptable to them and they'll use government to ban it.

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