
I invariably find myself in violent agreement with your historical perspective. The Vietnam War marked the beginning of the end for the U.S., (thanks, LBJ and friends) and we compounded that evil, wretched mistake with more evil and hubris in Iraq and Afghanistan, (thanks, Bush Jr and friends). It's hard to see a way to avoid the reckoning that appears to await us.

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Hi Mr. Smith -

I don't believe there IS a way to "avoid the reckoning." It is inevitable and well deserved.

Embrace the Suck...

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Sadly, I can’t disagree with you.

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There is one man that can destroy and rebuild “the empire’s agenda”. He makes every liberal and world leader quake in their boots. He stands like Russia, strong, steadfast, and true. That man is President Donald Trump. No matter how hard the liberal media and liberal funded networks try to smear his campaign, he will prevail and come out ahead in the end.

RFK Jr is too busy watching The X-Files and Out of Shadows in search of new ideas to conjure his next quack pot broadcast.

Just like NATO sponsored Ukrainian news stories, Russia is supposedly weakening and losing its grip, yet another 400 million aid package is on the way, how many is that? 10-20 packages thus far? 😂

NATO tankers, planes, drones, guns and ammo are being stockpiled in Ukraine to help them survive. The NATO Warmongering Clan is watering at the mouth and looking for any excuse to jump in and save the day.

Russia remains unfazed and silent, unwaveringly accomplishing its mission while the Liberal Media funded horse dung movement tries to tarnish Russia’s credibility, power, and progress.

Russia is losing they say, Donald Trump is losing they say, hahaha, “C’mon Man” Wake Up and smell the stench of nursing home dementia Sleepy Joe! 😂

“Silence is golden

But my eyes still see

Silence is golden, golden

But my eyes still see

Talking is cheap people follow like sheep

Even though there is no where to go

How could she tell he deceived her so well

Pity she'll be the last one to know”

(The Tremeloes)

Silence is golden, and The Golden Trumpet will sound to the tune of victory! Oh yeah!

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ES: I really don't think Trump has a real chance of winning, as much as you would like. He has ruined his own reputation by the things he has done while President. I don't think Biden will win again either. Whoever wins has a big job ahead of him/her. God bless America!

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Though I may disagree with you on the reasons why Trump won't win, I do agree that he doesn't have much of a chance. There are simply too many Independents and squishy Republicans that don't appreciate his act and won't ever vote for him. It's sad really because it should be all about results and "personality and style" should not be factors at all.

I've hitched my wagon to Ron DeSantis whom I've dubbed Ron DeSanity. His "favorable/unfavorable" numbers are the best in the field, though they've taken a hit recently as the media is and will continue to do what they do to those with "R's" after their names (except for those where the "R" stands for RINO).

I also agree that Biden won't win because it's becoming increasingly clear that he won't even be running. The Marxists/Leftists/Democrats that run that party know that he's one fall away from being incapacitated physically and mentally well . . . the polls show that the registered D voters really want to see primary debates. I don't think that would go too well for The Demented One unless they fire up an AI machine to play him.

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Hola Brother Dave -

RdS is my Governor, and I LOVE him in that capacity, he's done many good, even some great, things. However, still nursing my reservations about supporting him as POTUS - I have a severe, ahem, disdain for his merry band of establishment (Lo, even Traitorous?) RINO backers, advisors and cheerleaders (K. Rove, B. Crystal, P. Ryan, JEB!, etc.) As these criticisms mount, RdS seemingly embraces the swampy scum even more, versus trying to at least pay lip service to building a spot of daylight between him and them.

Tambien, no bueno on his "Election Police Force" with a dismal Conviction rate, his "you can't criticize Israel at any educational institute in the great state of FLA (not even a teensy bit) law (signing ceremony in Israel no less) and finally, the much-trumpeted farce of "sticking it" to the Disney Corp. While Reedy Creek has sorta been "abolished", the Rat simultaneously lost precisely ZERO of the old tax breaks (estimated at $385+ million annually) - the leaders in CA are surely laughing through their "tears of defeat."

Obviously my friend, we are 𝘄𝗮𝘆 on the same team - a brother from another mother. While I'm still kinda pining for the Orange dude, RdS gets my vote over ANY domestic enemy dim of course - just not ready to join his parade. But that's why they make vanilla, chocolate and strawberry while everybody loves ice cream...

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Have to be careful brother, of those who will deceive. Much fake news coming out against Ron, and he has no control over the RINOs who will support him.

I admire his actions/life as a true American Conservative, supporting and walking the walk, over Trumps talking the talk.

As you know brother, America is at it's tipping point, and so many pounds of stupidity, insanity, ignorance and pure evil are tilting the scales in favor of the corrupt democratic cult.

We need to influence our true majority and reinforce the good in our candidates. The cult has shown what it's about, and the great majority are totally disgusted with it's mentally and morally corrupt leadership, or lack of.

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I'm not sure if you were responding to me or SE, but I agree with your assessments. I am heartened by the reaction to Bud Light and Target. It would be even better if Disney would get hit relatively as hard and I'm not finding that that is the case.

It will be interesting to see what impact, if any, the LA Dodgers will suffer. Like Disney, they've priced the average family out of the stadium and for them it's all about season ticket and luxury box sales. The vast majority of those are purchased by medium to large corporations that might be even more woke than having a "Pride Night" with cross-dressers mocking Catholic Nuns. How stupid do you have to be to do that when 60% of your fan base is Latino and Catholic?

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Was responding to brother Starboard, but you are definitely one of our family! I always agree with you and know you are with us. Now, how do we organize to fight this insanity 🤔…definitely local, but we need to fight it on a national scale, like the insane left fights us…thank you always brother for your post 🙏🇺🇸

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That's disappointing about the Reedy Creek tax breaks not going away. I haven't seen that reported anywhere, but I might not be reading the right stuff.

As for the Orange dude, I would be pulling hard for him if I thought he had a snowball's chance. However, if the RNC and the Republican Super-PAC's don't get off their asses and eliminate Mailed Out/Mailed In Ballots, Drop Boxes, Ballot Harvesting and ludicrously long "early voting periods" in as many places as possible, God himself couldn't get elected running as a Republican. (BTW, I would be honored to be your brother, even if by another Mother. As an only child, I missed that type of relationship entirely.)

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I agree with everything you wrote - 100%.


Maybe this has changed since April, but if so, I can't find it.

Ok, we are officially brothers. Be aware you are also joining my oldest brother whom I love dearly and visit at our inherited beach house almost every other weekend. BUT - you also are getting saddled with my libtarde, DC-dwelling, educated-beyond-his-intelligence middle brother. Fret not - you won't need to communicate with him much. I don't bother to and that's just the way he likes it. Sad, but keeps us both sane and unbloodied...

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I am humbled, thank you my brother.

It's interesting what you say about your middle brother. I lost my Mom last year after my Dad in 2019. Every one of my legal, tax and financial advisors pointed out how much easier and "cleaner" things were because my parents were savers and investors and had a substantial estate and I was the sole beneficiary. I told every one of them that having to part with a share of the wealth pales in comparison to what I missed out on.

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Yes Dorothy, I agree. God Bless America, lord knows we need some prayers.

"He has ruined his own reputation by the things he has done while President." On this line I totally disagree.

Our corrupt media ruined his reputation as President. Trump was always a typical, corrupt NY liberal, as his life and actions have shown, and I believe he is part of a much bigger reality tv show called America.

We will see where this freak show is taking it's following in the next couple of months, but one thing is for sure, it's not going to be a happy ending...

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The wise North African King speaketh the Truth...

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Let's assume that every Roman Emperor was a ruthless murdering bastard, to the extent they had the chance to be. And they debased their money all the way down too. US presidents are comparable, but some have been worse than others, their damage greater or yet unknown. I think Bill, in appearing to throw equal disparagement toward Trump versus the others is looking past the degree of damage done by the ones not named Trump. To me, it's not even close.

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Bill, no doubt the Neocons/MIC have been running the country since JFK. Only the willfully ignorant can't see this. After completely destroying the Republican Party with the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction lie, the Neocons moved on to destroy the Democratic Party. Again, only the willfully ignorant can't see the Uniparty. Back when he worked for the Neocon Channel (i.e. Fox), Tucker Carlson could have never aired his Twitter Episode 3. Kudos to him for getting this message out to the masses. Nothing will change until Americans wake up and realize that Neocons pose the single greatest threat to their life, liberty, and property. The Neocons are firmly entrenched and will never leave willingly. Just like vermin the only remedy for the Neocon miscreant is extermination. I don't see this happening in my lifetime, but I'd love to be proven wrong :-)

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Check out Tucker on Twitter today. WOW.

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This is off-topic, but it's something that I have been thinking on and can't find a definitive answer (unsurprisingly). It is my belief that we are living in a fascist state right now (I am Canadian and you are American, but I think that this changes things very little. In way of explanation I have copied a link down below defining a fascist state. I am curious about next steps. I am trying to determine what typically follows Fascism: Communism (which in many ways is the opposite of Fascism); Dictatorship (typically military. In the US I'm thinking military lead, either explicitly or clandestinely by the CIA); Something else. My vote is the second category. I'd be interested in your opinion on this.


Ed Labine

https://www.bremertonschools.org/cms/lib/WA01001541/Centricity/Domain/222/Fourteen Defining Characteristics of Fascism slides.pdf

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I like Dan Denning's definition of fascism: "But let me remind you that when Big Government collaborates with Big Corporations to destroy individual freedom and liberty, we call it fascism. Don’t let them tell you otherwise."

And it appears to me that the fascist state exists in U.S. third-world cities, not the suburbs surrounding them. At least not yet. The Globalist Elite have been careful to let radical leftists only get out of hand in U.S. cities, while ensuring they don't do so in the suburbs, where important elections are decided. So I'm not a doom-and-gloomer yet. Once the central bankers can no longer artificially prop up (pacify) suburbanites with phony money and easy credit, then I think we shall see where the U.S. is really headed.

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Thanks for your comment. I think perhaps the fact that anything happens at the will of an elite class is a bad sign period, but I don’t think it is simple to divide it up by region. The presumed CIA involvement in the electoral process supported by tech monolithic companies happens on a national level. As does the speedy investigation of Trump vs the lackadaisical investigation into the Biden family business. Trump gets OJ Simpson like coverage for having files, Biden barely is mentioned by most mainstream media outlets while under suspicion of collusion with foreign governments. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and I’m trying to follow my nose to see where it leads.

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If you listen to Tucker’s 3rd tweet you will conclude that Bonner’s conclusion in the last paragraph is wrong. Putting Bonner’s letter together with Tucker’s 3rd tweet leads me to a view of America I couldn’t have gotten to on my own. Eisenhower was correct.

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When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

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Hi Mr. Whitfield -

I can't believe that post went 48+ hours without an upvote, so here ya go. I imagine the BPR crowd has heard it so many times that Upvoting it is a given...

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Drug Dealers are employed as well. Is that any reason to make them off limits?

Your logic is stupid!

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It may not be correct to paint Kennedy as some noble person.

Kennedy knew we shouldn't be in Vietnam, but had made a point of doing nothing openly about it until after the upcoming 1964 election (referrence the book "Killing Kennedy.") He did not want to risk losing reelection.

He should have done the right thing instead of sacrificing any American youth for his political gain.

Spoiler: He didn't win the next election, either.

The same stance has been made by many I know on how Trump handled covid. He could not do what was right (ie follow the Constitution and defend our rights and freedoms) because he would have been "vilified and might lose the election."

Another spoiler: He didn't return to the presidency either.

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I think Trump wanted to do right, but he didn't know what he was doing. He hired swamp creatures to 'drain the swamp,' and most stabbed him in the back. And, since he, like most, doesn't understand the principles of health, he was taken in by Fauci. That cost him the election. By the time he saw what was going on, and sidelined Fauci, it was too late. All that said, he was relatively harmless, as his successor subsequently showed.

Edit: Just saw Tucker Carlson Ep. 3. Yep, he pretty much nailed it.

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Would you have take "two weeks to stop the spread" by Hillary?


Trillions of fiat from thin air to the states to more than make whole their government pensions and give their mismanged budgets surpluses.


"Operation Warpspeed" and the products it produced?


Vote by imail?

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That all happened after Fauci. I did mention that Trump didn't know what he was doing. The "US" et al could have somewhat recovered from these things, but you have to admit, sleepy Joe took it to a whole new level.

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Yes, the Mafia and OSS/CIA have worked hand in hand since WWII, helping with Operation Husky and the ending of Mussolini and freedom of Italy, to the past/current drug trade in America.

As Allies, if the CIA and Mafia were able to take over nations, taking out a standing president was as easy as getting a senile, corrupt Joe Biden placed in office...

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I’m sure trump will dominate the ether for the next two years but he had his chance and he will be hounded as before if he wins, accomplishing little. RFK jr represents one thing we truly need whether he is off here or there doesn’t matter. He is the anti party candidate shining a light on the depravity of his own party. He is the new fave of resistance and rebellion we desperately need. Pair him with Tulsi and kick some ass!

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I hear you Mr. Taco. Jury is still out for me, but I'm holding the RFK Jr. door open a crack, whilst also holding my nose re. his position on the "climate change" scam...

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Listen to Tuckers 3rd tweet. If you say what Trump said about war & lies they will get you.

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No one will challenge the Military-Industrial complex.

And we just keep re-electing old doofus! Same character-different name!

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True. But the Military-Industrial Complex, as well as the Healthcare-Industrial Complex, employ many millions of Americans in good-paying jobs. Remember that the federal government employs most of these folks indirectly via contracts. They might technically be private-sector workers, but without the federal money, their jobs would not exist. And most of these folks are voters.

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Nailed it Mr. Westmoreland.

To paint with a broad brush: "And most of these folks are voters."

Not necessarily competent, worthy, collecting a paycheck based on merit, deserving or necessary. Their saving Grace - they are Voters...

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I just read your comment to me involving your family, "nowhere man", the beach house, etc. (the View Comment feature in the email isn't finding it in the thread so I'm responding to it here).

I guess we're all given the challenges that God knows we can handle. My wife has seven siblings (I tell people she balances me out) and so you can imagine the level of complexity with those "family dynamics". She grew up on a farm and still has her Mom who has sold most of the acreage to have a comfortable retirement. Her younger brother bought a parcel with the house they all grew up in and he and his family live in it.

There really won't be much to squabble over when the dreaded time comes, but this is a story you can appreciate like few others: Her Dad farmed, then worked at the John Deere factory and then went into business with an equipment repair shop that was located right behind their house. He did well enough that they didn't starve and he loved tractors. As the kids grew up and moved out, he started collecting them. When he passed, each kid was offered at least one with the twin boys (they're the youngest) getting two each (he had 10 total). One of the twins offered to pay FMV to any of us that didn't want a tractor.

As you can imagine, we declined and he sent us a check. He ended up with 8 of the 10 and was crowing about that on Facebook. That's when his older sister posted this: "What would I do with another tractor? I already have 21". That brought the house down-LOL.

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Ha! Love it!!

Thanks for sharing Dave.

PS - I deleted the post. After reading it later I didn't feel so good. I decided that brother had never had any control over me or how I felt, so I shouldn't cede him anything in that area at this late stage...

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I understand, but thank you for sharing as it gives me even more perspective. One of these days we should coordinate a way to get off "this grid" and be able to communicate privately.

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Totally agree. By chance are you attending the Brouhahaha in Boca(TM) in July? I'm not going but I am just up the road...

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Same thing happened in Kalifornia when Schwarzenegger was governor. He put three issues on the ballot to rein in the state workers and their unions. All three failed. There are too many state workers, and they, and their families, vote.

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Having lived through the history Bill describes, I remember it well, especially the Kennedy murders. I went into law enforcement early in my life because, for one of many reasons, I felt the Kennedy murders’ investigations were bogus. Having been a competitive shooter, I knew Oswald’ capability to hit his target from the perspective he chose when he fired [waiting until the limo turned the corner and was moving away from him] was beyond Lee’s skill level. Oswald barely qualified as a Marine and showed no interest in ever improving his shooting skills. I, also, never bought the “fact” that Kennedy’s head moving backwards from a bullet coming from the rear was correct. That bullet came from the front of the limo and I won’t ever be convinced differently. Oswald was a patsy and his murder was predictable. Ruby seemed to be too coincidental. Why he came out of no where to murder Oswald before Oswald could be interrogated, and maybe have things come out that would have ID’d the organizers of the assassination, was a coincidence. NOT! One question I always had was Ruby’s family suddenly wealthy even while Jack was diagnosed with terminal cancer shortly afterwards?

Bobby Kennedy’s murder seemed initially like a coincidence as well. A lone Arab shooter? Frankly I have no other theory for a planned and organized hit, but there was several claims by witnesses that another shooter was part of the murder. Kennedy was shot 4 times and Sirhan Sirhan clearly pulled the trigger on the pistol he possessed. Could a second shooter with a silenced pistol have been shooting at the same time? Some witnesses said there was another shooter. No matter now unless one wants to think about the mob’s hatred of RFK and their “knowledge” that a hit was coming. Sirhan had spoken many times of killing RFK, so setting him up to be a fall guy would seem easily done.

All of my musings matter not. However, Bill’s comments on how these two men’s deaths may have enabled the modern day “swamp” to start their journey to control may not be so far fetched. We will never know. One last question: Why has the government refused to release all the files regarding the Kennedy assassination after all these years?

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No, my days of attending Brouhaha's are over. I will be on an Alaskan cruise in July (can't get much further away from you there and still be in North America)-lol. We try to travel as much as possible in July and August given the weather here in Vegas.

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Superb commentary. I'm now in the all-consuming process of putting together a course on the assassination of the Kennedys; truly, the hit on JFK was a pivotal moment.

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