Dec 4, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel, I’m in PA, but not the state with the dubious distinction of birthing Old Braindead. Looking forward to reading your Sunday columns. Before enjoying another dose of your inimitable sarcasm, just glad you were not the object of a mob necktie party in BA, as revenge had the Aussie’s prevailed against the Argentine’s in the World Cup match. That Malbec later will taste even better. Dave

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We read that Florida gained 1.5 million residents in the past 2 years, part of the great Blue to Red migration. I migrated from the (then) Red state of Georgia to the (then) Red state of Washington in 1980. Yes, Washington State voted for Reagan in 1980. Now Washington is one of the bluest states in the country and has been for 30 years.

Probably because I arrived 42 years ago with an out of state license plate, I have had my head on a swivel for out of state license plates every since. I have kept a long running mental diary of both rare and oft seen plates as well as trends over the years. A rare license plate in Washington State, for 41 of the 42 years I have been here, is Florida. There were years that I didn’t see a single Florida tag here, and years when I would see 1 or more rarely 2. This year I have seen 7, most within a few miles of where I live. These are not vacationers.

This constitutes a Florida tsunami(in relative terms) in western Washington, specifically the Seattle area. I asked myself why, and why now?

You could say Jobs is one answer, but Florida has had an even better job market than Washington of late, although the tech sector is under strain here now.

I believe the answer is the reverse and unsung Red to Blue migration which only one state in the nation could produce at this juncture, in my opinion. Florida was a purple state just 3 years ago, and nearly 20 million people live there. That’s a lot of Democrats, a lot of leftists. Many simply cannot sleep at night under the mentally oppressive regime of Ron DeSantis. It’s their religion you know. But where to go? Not New York or Massachusetts. That’s where they came from and it’s too cold. Not California. Even Ray Charles, were he alive today, could see that California is asymptotically approaching Hell Hole status. Hey! Heard that Seattle is great, beautiful and has a mild climate. Viola!

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Nailed it Brien. And good riddance to every domestic enemy dim that flees TO a blue s-hole city or state.

In Florida on November 8 (yes, we counted all our votes on election day, even with 5x the population of, say, Arizona. Hmmmm), I was pleasantly relieved to see that the HUGE influx of new-resident California tags here in SFL over the last 3 years was actually the result of right-minded Cali residents fleeing the insanity vs. Lefties flocking here to duck out of State taxes...

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Lefties love paying taxes don't you know? The problem is that there's far too few of them that have income at levels where they owe them.

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I live 8 miles north of downtown Seattle in a community that has none of what you describe. Granted I would not go downtown or to certain other urban neighborhoods which have much of what you describe. My own view is that the greater Seattle area is still better than many other big cities in blue or red states. But the direction we seem to be headed, in Seattle and nationwide, is into a world of shrinking choices. Today my neighborhood is fine. Tomorrow it may not be.

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Right. I think when more suburbanites begin to directly experience more difficulty on the financial/jobs side, and crime starts bleeding into their communities, brought on by a declining economy, then they will backlash against the leftists. In the 1990s, when my father was alive, he used to call lots of suburbanites "contented dogs," who would vote for the incumbent as long as their finances/jobs were secure, and crime was not a problem. But when the economy and crime began to affect them more directly, they would be like dogs poked with a stick, and start yelping at the ballot box. At that time, my father couldn't imagine central bankers propping up these kind of people with trillions of dollars of debt during the first two decades of the 21st Century to keep them from yelping. There are finally chinks in the armor of this prop-up nonsense. But how long before the armor is destroyed? And what happens when conservatives take control again in such a tough environment with so many soft Americans?

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Great questions. My guess at the answer: It's not going to end well.

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You must not be looking in the right places. A short Clipper ride north of you I see Florida plates quite frequently. Most are tourists, or visiting family, and there were far fewer during the Covid scam and lockdowns.

One of my California friends could not tolerate Seattle because of the rain, and that was some decades ago, before the Climate Crisis scam. I bet that she wishes for a bit of evergreen precipitation now.

The entire west coast is ruled by WEF minions; although I am not absolutely sure of our new premier, his predecessor certainly was (and had his WEF page taken down.) Keep your eyes open. The good thing is that the US gov't. needs Boeing, and Bill Gates does not pull strings, he has a winch attached to the entire net.

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I have a Brother in-law that lives on one of the islands in the Sound (Polsboro I think the town is called). He's an architect and an insufferable Marxist, though he thinks he's a Democrat. Just out of curiosity, how much have Real Estate prices increased in your nice neighborhood since you purchased there (expressed in a percentage per square foot)?

My guess is that there aren't many that are able to liquidate their Florida Real Estate and move into your neighborhood there. You're Red to Blue theory is fascinating to me. As a Southern California native and transplant to Las Vegas, Nevada, the locals I encounter here make it really clear that if I've brought California thinking and voting habits here then I "need to go the F . . . back". What's funny about that is this is already a purple state that is trending blue.

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Yes, you are right about Florida real estate versus western Washington. I own a beach condo on the panhandle and the price per square foot is a fraction of the Seattle suburbs. But there is a lot of money in the state of Florida, even on the panhandle. And Washington’s lack of a state income tax is surely appealing to Floridians, although they would soon discover that the State has ways, as all States do, of getting their money anyway(like property and sales tax). I don’t see much Red to Blue migration happening nationwide(as most Red states are governed like Blue states and have RINO governors), but Florida is an exception. I can just imagine how those NY transplants of the 20th century are writhing and foaming at the mouth over Ron DeSantis. And unlike us long suffering conservatives who live in all the Red-Blue States and Blue cities, they are the types that simply won’t put up with a politically hostile environment for long, not if they have money and the lifestyle flexibility to enable an exit.

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My wife and spent a week on the panhandle last month the week before Thanksgiving in Santa Rosa Beach which isn't far from Destin. We stayed with friends that own a plantation style home on the water of the bay. I'm thinking about a beach condo there myself.

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It’s a great area and a very good vacation rental market if you are thinking about going that route. If you are check out RealJoy Vacations. They manage the vacation rentals for my unit(about 16 miles east of Santa Rosa Beach) and do a great job. They are located in Destin.

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Another very readable epistle that lays bare the dribbling nonsense that gummints around the world use to beat their breasts as the proclaim that Nirvana is round the corner - if only you vote for them.

You have to wonder why the ancient civilisations invented numbers only to have them trashed by this latest technological generation that believes everything it is told by officials but would not be able to give the right change in a cash transaction, even with help from some device or other.

Could you please indicate which way is forward because it is certainly not the way we are headed.

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My pleasure Mr. Orchard -

Gold, Guns, Ammo, Food, Water.

You're welcome...

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You didn't mention how glad you are at Argentina beating Australia 2-1. You can now live a more open life, and speak true Aussie. Oi, Oi, Oi/bonza/mate/sheila etc.

From another Aussie!

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I imagine Bill Gates is working on that ‘wonder’ pill or similar. It won’t be at cost though.

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Bill Gates doing ANYTHING to benefit Humanity?

That ship seems to have sailed my friend. Beside financing, engineering and commanding the convid scam, he is currently busy buying up fertile Ag land (268,000+ acres and counting) here in the good 'ol USA, then progressively leaving it fallow.

For the future benefit of us all, no doubt...

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Hi PG V ,

Oops he may copy the first 5 word of your first line 😂

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deletedDec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022
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Same to you PG V , have a blessing time with your loved one in this période so special . My spouse and me spending 4 months down under ( she is australien ) 1 in Queensland ( Rockhampton) and 3 in Perth .

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The reality behind which is unseen - the naive belief of a populace living in a shell

Accusations that plunge the dagger to the hilt - your perspective implies my guilt; however, you have not lived my on my personal trail - I’ve been fired, I’ve been wrongly accused of serious charges that might bring jail! I’ve been on the front line most never have seen, fighting against the corruption will make your thoughts keen; therefore, unless you have walked in another’s shoes - you cannot phantom the methods they might choose. The freedom you express is purely mythical - the underlying currents contradict the practical!

R T Poet - “Poet in our Midst”

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Bottomline is Biden is doing a hellofa job getting the country back on course after the pandemic.

Say what you will but he just avoided a devastating railroad strike and now gas is down to $2.85 in my town. No collapse after the fed hikes and home prices getting a much needed correction.

2 more years with the infrastructure projects taking off, chip factories being built and America will be in great shape.

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Biden part in getting the gas price down was by depleting the reserves.

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I realize you are a leftist troll, but many of us are tired, very tired of seeing and hearing folks like you ruin our once-great country. The plandemic was a joke, you know...no masks, no, wear masks, No wait, 3 is better than one!...Stay inside so your germs can too, instead of breathing fresh air (depending on where you live, of course). Take this fake vax or you are going to be outlawed from the life you've become so accustomed to...no wait, take it again, and again and again, until your immune system is so dysfunctional you won't know what hit you...The railroad strike was a phony story. They planned it to look like President Braindead is actually doing something besides eating ice cream and soiling his pants. The Dems and Unions are all one in the same...As for gas prices, your boy wonder caused the damn problem, only to solve it? That is such leftist spin...Are these the same infrastructure projects that were "shovel ready" when he was VP?

No collapse? Hmm, the worst start to the year for stocks and bonds...the housing market is about to get even more crushed as rates aren't high enough to solve the inflation problem. Folks are having trouble buying gas, heating their homes and affording food...Personal credit is way up and savings are being depleted rapidly...You think things are fine because your mom can keep paying the mortgage and buying your food, while you live in her basement. Remember, rate hikes take some time to filter through the economy. It is just beginning, so sit tight big boy, (girl, it, they, whatever), in your jammies, grab another soy latte and watch the show.

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You are correct. To believe all is well is really stupid.

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Where ya been, A?

Didn't really miss you, and you're still wrong on all counts by attributing results to someone who either had nothing to do with achieving them, or actively worked against the outcomes you mention.

But thanks for playing...

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