Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Joel's comment about Benjamin Franklin's reported statement just shows how far our fact-driven press has fallen. It was actually Alexander Hamilton's quote.

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There I go again, mixing up my Australian statesmen...

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I see what you did there...

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You Two Enlightened Reprobates!!!!

You always make me smile and giggle like a little kid, despite everything that is so screwed up in the World.

Your respective abilities to take what is soul-destroying present day prevarications and precipices and tease out some witty and insightful perspectives is just off-the-charts Fantastic!

I feel so lucky to be part of your journeys,insights and Honest Guidance.

Supporting “Team Bonner” is an Honour.

Thanks Kids!!!


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Joel, good morning and in regards to reporting real important news, thanks for a great Sunday interview with Byron King.

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Thank you for giving it a listen! Always fun and informative having Byron on the show. Cheers!

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Good article but I'm always perplexed by the quotes Bill chooses - either lyrics from some rock band or someone like Gore Vidal. It would be interesting to know when Vidal said/wrote this since it doesn't apply today. The mainstream media predominately denigrates America and its semi-free market system. The Democrat Party sees socialism/communism as an ideal. And having choices of products is not good? Although it does not pertain to the press, here's an important quote. It's from the "Money Speech" in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, a speech made in response to a comment made that "money is the root of all evil". It's approximately five pages long, but here's an excerpt:

“Then you will see the rise of the men of the double standard – the men who live by force yet count on those who live by trade to create the value of their looted money – the men who are the hitchhikers of virtue. In a moral society, these are the criminals, and the statutes are written to protect you against them. But when a society establishes criminals-by-right and looters-by-law – men who use force to seize the wealth of disarmed victims – then money becomes its creators’ avenger. Such looters believe it safe to rob defenseless men, once they’ve passed a law to disarm them. But their loot becomes the magnet for other looters, who get it from them as they got it. Then the race goes, not to the ablest at production, but to those most ruthless at brutality. When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pickpocket. And then that society vanishes, in a spread of ruins and slaughter.

“Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that it does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot."

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she was a MIND that was so far ahead of it's time but like All people of vision she was ignored and maligned by academia and the entire political establishment of her generation.

If only we had even one woman or man today who could utter such profound logic ...

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

The BS has gotten so deep that I’ve had to go from muck boots to waders. And yet there are those who willingly wallow in it and I can’t figure out why. PS, I really enjoyed Sunday’s interview.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman


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As written (or paraphrased) "first, kill all the lawyers" should immediately followed by "then, kill all the journalists"

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That was a good laugh, thanks I needed that.

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Happy Labor Day all 🙏 in this once mighty nation called America 🇺🇸…. Where us laborers, labor our lives away to support those who don’t 🤔 and those who don’t, whine and rob and riot due to not taking enough from us who do 😊…. Anyway, as I scroll down the MSM, and read about the coming collapse in one article, the next explains how we are coming into an economic boom cycle 🤔 not sure who is right, but one fact is that the numbers don’t lie, but what if the numbers are made up 🤔 guess we will just have to live our lives and try to hold on to what those who don’t want to take…. Enjoy your day 🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Mostly a good review. You must understand JOURNALISM, has not been taught at the University

for 50yrs. Schools have the name "School of Journalism", but teach communication, which has no

ethics, Journalism had a bit. The DUMBING-DOWN of America, has worked. Recovery for the U.S.A.

is not in the cards, only after total implosion is a restart possible.

Ralph W.

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Ralph I am 100% with you. When this completely bankrupt country rolls over, the welfare and warfare state will have to end. I believe this will be chaotic in the extreme. We will see.

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Bill old son, you are getting very cynical in your old age and Joel is obviously learning from the master. It wouldn't matter but it does have more than a hint of truth in what you say. If only we had the appropriate app to discern where the truth lies.

Here in NZ we are going through an election where the combatants would like to throw rotten tomatoes and eggs at each other but they can't afford them. Cost of living and all that. So they have resorted to writing lies and throwing insults at one another which are duly reported by the press, pushing any real news that may be left to page 7 or 8. My voting choices, which were already slimmer than I would like, are near nonexistent now and the campaign is only a few days old.

Keep up the good work. Your team are rather talented writers and furnish me with something worthwhile and usualy witty to read each day.

Thanks a trillion (A million seems to have lost its meaning)


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Hi Dorothy. You are correct. Those are bad places for the people. What I’m trying to say is that if we do not stop our government from controlling education, media, pharmaceutical/ medical, borders, energy, regulations upon regulation, ripping the constitution and bill of rights to shreds, I believe we are headed for that same or similar life as the countries you mentioned. I love America, despise our government!

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What I find difficult about journalists is they are so clever you can't tell what they are talking about. I guess cleverness scored big in journalistic classes. Of course there is always some difficult prose but I find it amazing how often I can't understand what they are saying even in a second reading.

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If you find their writings difficult to understand ,then maybe it is all a load of waffle. They are paid by the word, so they will write any amount of illogical twaddle.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

In quantum physic research, the more recent discoveries are as a result of imputing mass gain or loss as indicating a new type of element. One can't see these quark particles, only a gain or loss of atomic weight gives away their existence.

In similar fashion, the best measure of the existence of actual truth can be gauged by the absence of lawsuits when the most startling accusations are made in association with public figures. Particularly when a great deal of granular detail is forthcoming. and the logic demonstrated doesn't set off your "BS alarms".

Thus, I find that books written by authors who seem never to be sued, yet enjoy a degree of popular notoriety, are a very good source of information. More so than newspapers and certainly more so than the internet.

It turns out that publishers require circulating book galleys to all who are mentioned, in order to avoid any potential for costly lawsuits. Only then do they go to press.

I learned this years ago when a close friend was publishing her biography and was made to remove all references to a certain "Beatle", under the direct threat of suit, when the galleys were reviewed. Seems he took exception to one of her more titillating accounts. A good thing to know when tasked with wading through mountains of media manure.

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You should always assume that public figures are degenerates of one type or another. Non-degenerates are too boring to be in the public eye.

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11th time was the charm! Geesh!

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Journalism is a clown show. American politicians are terrorists. We live in the most corrupt country in the world (because we once had a constitution) , so some sort of revolution is inevitable! Sheepal stand aside with your masks on!

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JB: You forgot Somalia, Syria and South Sudan which are the worst countries. The U.S. isn't even close. If you don't like America...move.

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