When I read the comments section, I think there should be more; however, Bill does such a complete task of explaining financial situations so simply, that I imagine most are nodding their heads in agreement.

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Bill, how is Elizabeth and the rest of the family?

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Elizabeth is Not well I’m sad to report ! Are you the former Maureen Cappeler(sp?) ?


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No to former name. Just have been an avid reader of Bill and Elizabeth’s travels for years. Very sorry to hear she is not doing well. Will keep her in our prayers.

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How's the doom index / crash flag looking?

Thanks, Brian C.

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"pandemic" is just another word for "collapse" in this case it's about humans who thought (falsely) that modern medicine has conquered all ill's, like economics was solved by Keynes.

nothing could be further from the truth of the moment which is that humanities dominance has always "hung by a thread" as the dinosaurs clearly showed us after surviving how many millennia compared to these puny two legged (dumb headed) folks who've imagined that they think they are the king of the species, as if 'thinking' ever made anything real ..? now we discover the failure of modern medicine that has been on the pedestal of professions way to long. Along with economists and most other professional 'thinkers' who never do anything but think as if that was a solution to anything .. not until you DO will anything change ever!

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the "crash in everything" started back in 1971 but for Fed manipulation we'd have had the correction we need but delaying the correction won't make it go away .. it just hypnotizes the masses into a false sense of 'its all ok' don't rock the boat or "greed is good" so enjoy the greed for now as the correction will come and it will be a big one! because it has to be!

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Is it possible one of elected officials would educate the people our whole economy is based on credit? i.e. 90% of stocks bought on margin.

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If you have bought stocks on margin (i.e. borrowed money) then when the stock price dumps, you get a margin call. You need to post cash to cover that. This is the liquidity squeeze... so you go from a situation where liquidity seems abundant (stock prices going up and plenty of borrowing available to buy more stocks) to a situation where you can't find the cash to pay the margin clerk.... is this what Bill means in his piece, please?

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Excellent article, as usual, Bill

There was a typo in your comments regarding the market-cap-to-GDP ratio adjustment. With GDP at $23.2 Trillion, a market cap of 86% of GDP would result in a cap of $20 Trillion, not $29 Trillion. You correctly noted in the next paragraph that this would result in a loss of $28.8 Trillion in market cap, so you calculated it correctly.

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Bill please comment on how your previous subscribers to Rogue Economics will have the remainder of their subscription $$ transferred to the new publisher if we so choose. All of your recent daily updates just offer a link to sign up for your new effort without any mention of how to transfer the remaining $$ of our existing subscription away from Rogue and with the new publisher. The Rogue phone staff can't even explain what is going on.

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