Reading your missives is among the great pleasures of being on this side of the line. Thank you.

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God never intended for death to happen. He intended for His creation to exist forever. But He didn't create automatons, they had a choice. It's a mystery that so many of His creation rejected the life of God, which is the only life there is. We were in Adam when he chose to die with his wife - a noble act.

But in doing so, he also rejected his Creator's life. Fortunately, his Creator covered them, so we, Adam's offspring, still have a choice. Choose wisely.

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Yes Bill, It's not how long our journey on earth may be, it's the good we do with that time, and the positive difference we can make for other lives.

Thank you Bill, you have lived your time wisely, wasting little, and assisted many thousands with your wisdom:)

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Your life timeline can be thought of as a rope several hundred feet long. Your time on earth is the first inch, the remainder represents eternity. You will keep nothing tangible of this earth leaving this world naked just as you entered. Jesus Christ who is God said lay up treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt and thieves don’t break in and steal. He said whoever loses his life will find it and who clings to his life ( lives life only for himself )will lose it. It has been said ‘’he is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.’’

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One of my favorite quotes. It is attributed to the diary of a young missionary man, I believe he was serving in Africa. He was killed by the "natives" shortly after writing those words...

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If those kittens were named after nations, what nation would the one that did not make it be named? It died being loved and cared for. So many creatures miss out on that. a cheer for loving and caring.....even for nations. .....JJ

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Remember this-The first hundred years are the worst!

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feeling old it seems, well probably the case for a sizable fraction of your readers too. But try the Clint Eastwood line, "get up in the morning and don't let the old man in". Of course it does help to have some of the luckier genes and the less destructive vices. I am hoping to shoot my age once in golf, but being a poor golfer who took it up late in life, I am going to have to live into my 90's to pull that off.

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I like these interludes as much or better than your market letters...slices of life from different places,

All so interesting...stories about life and people trying to get through it. Just like kittens, some do better than others.

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Getting old is hard work, painful and you have to want to do it. Along the way you may get the privaledge to love. Makes it worth it!

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Death and taxes! What’s to complain about! Just do it (life). Enjoy while you can!

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

I know people here value their hard work. I have to say that we all must continue to invest in our health so we can enjoy our time here on this earth. The mainstream media tends to make things more difficult and complicated than they need to be. I would be happy to chat with more detailed plans but to keep it simple, we would all be able to enjoy our lives more into the future if we kept our body composition muscular with low body fat. Now everyone has that goal of course but the simple building blocks are:

- A consistently high protein diet that includes very few processed foods and processed oils (corn, soybean, sunflower, peanut, canola, palm). Look into "seed oils" and you can see the harm they do your body.

- Resistance training two times a week even as we grow older

- Time outdoors - walking and being in nature

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What a very nice change of pace. Enjoyed you story and hope the little kitten survives. My neighbor's cat, who thought I was her surrogate mother since I was babysitting her when my neighbors went on vacation (which was a lot ). she (Pebbles) just died. She was a great cat and very smart. I will miss her.

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In a "wait for it" anticipatory attitude, every now and then, Bill Bonner writes about something that truly matters, and it is wonderful, justifying my happy involvement with his enterprise in doing so. Living in a rural setting, auf dem Lande as the Germans would say, we have had similar experiences, and I have yet to regret having tried,. even succeeding sometimes. Hug someone you love today. Best always. PM

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Very fitting for the season and very appropriate for my mood as I am between having a biopsy to rule out malignancy and getting the results. The seasons come and go, the years pass, animals and people come into and out of our lives, making good and bad memories. When my father died at 95, his older brother said "I'm the only one left" and passed away a few months later. The circle of life continues. We expect spring to come again next year. And we just added the fifth great grandchild to the family, an adorable little boy who is my husband's namesake. Life is a rich tapestry with strands of many colors and I am grateful for all of it.

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Those kittens are very fortunate that Elizabeth has a big heart.

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