Aug 17, 2023Liked by Joel Bowman

Guys, turn off the auto-correct! The famed Scot whom you cite is TYTLER, not Tyler, and the estate is the FOURTH, not the Forth, although I wish they'd go forth, alright, forth all the way to crossing the river Styx... Best always . PM

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The text BB has used, however as per erstwhile Wikipedia ...

More reading Tytler’s 2nd paragraph of ‘Go to WOE’ also, as it rings true to the cacophony from 21 century bellringers.

This time it will be different right, because we have social media, many wise commentators and debate.


‘The following quotation has been attributed to Tytler, although it has also been occasionally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville:

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.’


This text was popularized as part of a longer piece commenting on the 2000 U.S. presidential election, which began circulating on the Internet during or shortly after the election's controversial conclusion.’

For more info & clips of Tytler observances -


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You beat me to it...😂

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Auto-correct obviously dropped out of school early.

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"Celebrating in his election headquarters, Milei vowed to bring “an end to the parasitic, corrupt and useless political caste that exists in this country.” -- Bill Quoting Time Magazine today

To accomplish his ambitious goal, Milei will need to throw out of the country all the Marxists/Leftists/Argentinian Version of Democrats, which isn't likely. Today's piece is one of my all time favorites, primarily because of the Tyler Fraser quote at the open.

I laugh at the people in this country that ignorantly prattle on about "our democracy" not realizing that our Founding Fathers despised democracy and democracies. They knew the history of democracies and well understood that, "It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. "

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deletedAug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023
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A very cool article. I've read the question and Franklin quote several times, but wasn't aware of the circumstances around it. Thanks for that.

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Yes yes, Trump, Biden 🤔 are these two morons really the only choices we the people have to save us from ourselves? Argentina is looking pretty good now, and should be even better after the next communist is placed in office. Yes Bill, Milei does not stand a chance…

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That’s right Steve. A country of 340 Million, or whatever the number is, and Biden and Trump are the best we can do. If that doesn’t prove the failure of Democracy I don’t know what does.

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Yes my brother Brien, life is not in the numbers, as the powers that are promote, but in our God Given Common Sense... and true life experiences.

What we are witnessing, is not a failure of Democracy, but the failure of us, we the people. Once we take responsibility for our own demise, only then can we fix it...

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Candidates for public office are usually a reflection of the voters.

Besides, only Jesus saves. But we have to let Him.

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Yes brother Alex, I agree that only Jesus saves our souls, but that argument is for another day.

Our current dilemma is human created, and those who created it, despise our true God...and worship the darkness...

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Jesus saves us from hell.

Only we can save us from ourselves. I know many people who will not go to hell, but are sure unpleasant to be around...even around themselves.

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deletedAug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023
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🤣😂🤣😂 so true brother Mark! Great saying! Unfortunately since we have become a true banana republic, all bets are off the table, and we need to cleanse the filthy scum out of the arena before we can even consider doing the right thing once again 🤔

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Mark: Just as an aside comment: When I was in England a few years ago vacationing, I was able to visit churchill's grave. No Westminister Abbey for him. He was buried in his family's plot in St Martin's Churchyard at Bladon. I don't think they make them like him anymore!

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For the New World Order to be ushered in, voting had to go. The only real problem left to be solved, from the perspective of the elite overlords, is to extinguish once and for all the ability to ‘vote the bums out’. That they seem to have done. 2024 will provide confirmation

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Interesting to hear about Argentina from experienced observers. I was optimistic with Macri but that didn't last too long. I suppose there is always hope but I would think there is a powerful deep state in Argentina too hence difficulty.

I have many narrative adhering friends in the US who simply don't think for themselves or consider alternative opinions. Most read the NYTimes, thinking they are getting the Smart info, but missing the point of the constantly left wing narrative slant in virtually every statement. My suspicion is that they are baffled by financial lingo and never understand the simple logic of sound money. Most likely that is an extremely difficult task when one is too much in debt or has little savings.

I've been reading a lot more history of previous calamities, absurdities, marxist movements and have been surprised to find this isn't the first time the US has been confronted with these same issues. Maybe the people will see through this nonsense one more time and support a significant leader with the skills to lead in a positive direction, assuming such a leader presents himself or herself.

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The u s is not a democracy we are a democratic republic. Easier to pull the yoke back and avoid the crash. As unlikely as it seems if there were convention of states, the conservatives would win and perhaps by us another hundred or two hundred years.

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I missed "democratic republic" in the pledge of allegiance. Where did that term come from? Even the Atlantic (Nov 2, 2020) noted that "The founding generation was deeply skeptical of what it called “pure” democracy and defended the American experiment as “wholly republican.”

Republic is Latin for the Aristotle's Greek term Politeia - government by/for the whole polis, the whole nation. Democrateia is legitimized civil war, rich neighborhoods against poor, the perversion of elected governments.

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The problem with the US gov is that people were allowed to participate at all... 😂 Just kidding, I think. Sound promising in Argentina, but it is just a hope at this point. Readdress in a year?

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There are too many people in Argentina who prosper the way things are. The poor get largess from the government; the rich have perfected complex systems that protect their wealth.

If Melei gets elected and dissembles the way of life for the vast majority of Argentinians, then he better have the military on his side. His policies are literally revolutionary.

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Bill sadly you and the entire US population missed your greatest and LAST opportunity for change by a man who knew exactly how and where to fix/change the Washington Beltway Bastards that have destroyed the once worldwide hero's of Yanks and their honesty and power to make life better. Not for at least another generation will they replace the Honorable Dr Ron Paul the finest senator and human being I've ever had the pleasure to hear and speak with.. I still want to cry about the injustice of it but then America proved to me that they deserve every mass murder and all destructive forces of nature and their fellow criminals/leaders complimented by the weather that burns it all down and washes it clean again .. and RFKjr is definitely not the answer!

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Dude doesn't stand a chance of being elected if they have Electronic Voting Machines and Mail In Ballots in Argentina.

The global left has perfected the art of election fraud. If that stops working, they will start assassinating their opponents, or trying to jail them on bogus charges even a third-grader could see through.

Every. Single. Time...

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Spot on brother Starboard!

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Tytler was observing and repeating what Aristotle had observed millennia ago when he named Demo-cracy - "government by neighborhood", referred to it as the perversion of popularly elected government and unsustainable.

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I wonder if their history cycles are like ours? The Fourth Turning Is Here!

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Bill and Joel, thank you.

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The ONLY system where Tyler's prediction CANNOT happen, is Libertarianism, where the government is limited to protection only and can NOT control anything else like business, health, social programs etc.. Read “The Road from Dystopia to Utopia”.)

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