Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Bill your polemic on the use of we sounds a lot like Solomon thousands of years ago as he said in his book Ecclesiastes that there is nothing new under the sun. Love your thoughts

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Bill, I have followed you for years. Sage commentary on life, politics, finance & economics. In the twilight of my life, every week I look forward to your musings. I’m a lover of Blues, Jazz, the English language & common sense. I loved this beautifully eloquent prose you used to explain your use of “we”. I do believe myself to be an intelligent, thinking, critical Aussie which has instilled in me a keenly developed bullsh*tometer. The best compliment I can give you is to say that never, in all the time I’ve been reading your polished writings, has that BSmeter ever red-lined…

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Bill I have enjoyed reading your columns for many years. I have also enjoyed your books. The greatest compliment I can give you is that you have had a great influence on getting me to think critically. Many thanks. Hipolito

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Why We, not I? Great answer, Bill!

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I knew you had to be an Aussie Joel .. just to darned funny but still accurate and precise in all your written work to just be another gaucho from the pampas .. as we sit here in the big wet of 2022 where the entire weather patterns that usually prevail in the tropics/latitudes have shifted south so now we get torrential 140mil rain as an afternoon shower in Canberra ! of all places but that is another story someday maybe we can share on a Sunday Sesh at the Shabby Attic .. love your work/words along with all others just keep it coming as it's the best value for $2 bucks a week compared to a cuppa which is now $5.50! times they are changing!

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Feb 5, 2022Liked by Joel Bowman

Among other things Boobus Americanus cannot imagine, I wonder if free market/black market “caves” might emerge here in the Home of the Free as the currency fails, and what might be exchanged? Cash for... bullion? Chickens? Bullets? Whiskey? A pass out of the Covid observatory for the unvaccinated? I have read accounts from Weimar and Argentina, but still struggle to imagine what may soon be our future here in the Land of the Brave

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All worthy subjects to be taken up in the Sunday Sesh. Cheers!

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Willie, We thinks you’re somewhat full of it, but we luv ya.

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My thanks for your justification of your use of the term “we” in your missives. I had long thought “we” referred to you and your tapeworm companion. Jack

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You really are in heaven Tom...a townhouse in Chiswick...and close to the city centre...When I used to go to London,I would go to Chiswick,and park...avoiding congestion charges and exhorbitant parking rates,by catching the Tube in...But,I would have a walk around Chiswick before arriving at the station entrance...lovely area...

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The "Common" We. Inspired. Humble. Thoughtful. Emotional and misty-eyed reading your article. Have been considering your thoughts for...........don't know how long, but a very long time. Guess when this old, time and memory often fail. Have never sent a response. Thank you so very much for your daily labors. No "I's" here either.

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Bill Bonner!! I am aghast at your statement: "Not one molecule in our body, thought in our brain, or feeling in our heart is of our own making. It would be vanity to use first-person singular; there is nothing singular about who we are or what we do."

Where is your individualism? Do you not understand that all people (most plants and animals, for that matter) are individuals, with clear differences between each other? Yes, our atoms have been around and in other life and non-life since before we were conceived, but we do make new molecules constantly and similarly we do have new feelings, thoughts and ideas constantly. Even if aspects of those ideas have been thought before by others, other aspects of them and relationships to current knowledge are completely new.

Please remember and report to everyone that the uniqueness of every individual human is the primary basis for all human liberty - and most certainly the basis for all truly free market capitalism. Humans are not BORG!! which is what you seem to be implying.

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Paul, I agree with you! Methinks the modesty doth protest too much. Bill's thinking is brilliant!

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Yes, I agree that Bill is generally a well reasoned thinker! But his over-modesty is simply going too far here and, by doing so, greatly harms his mostly great thinking and even greater writing.

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we're all made of the same materials but in different shapes and sizes that seldom expresses original thoughts in a different more intuitive way using the same 26 letters you have but expresses something that touches more than just intellect/brain cells eh?

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I'm sorry but I simply cannot understand from your reply just what you are trying to say, relative to what I wrote - particularly whether you agree with me or not and even which parts you agree with or disagree with. Note that I am a former professor highly knowledgeable about the physics of realtiiy and all aspects of the human body/brain/mind and its relationship to reality.

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