perhaps mr. putin should run for president here in the u.s. his thoughtful insight is refreshing compared to our own current leadership. what say you pg v?

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PG V well said even for an often emotional reactionary who's not solely driven by ego but his own intelligence!

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Really??? Please don't encourage this drivel.

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like Trumpet he often has a good point/insight but sadly he personalizes and concatenates idiotic concepts with out of context simplistic observation that lead him to nothing but aggravation and aggression which will ultimately lead towards ??? so how will you deal with the other 30 million Qanon idiots ? yep they will try to reelect Trumpet or find another newer model/version and then what ? trying to waken him out of his spiral by taking deep breaths and don't believe every THOUGHT that pops into your mind .. life gonna happen eh ..

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

On-shoring or Re-shoring shouldn't be necessary (more bad decisions made a few decades ago). You're spot on, it would be a silver lining if it happens at the right magnitude and at warp speed. Those are certainly concepts that the dementia-riddled fool in the White House can't possibly wrap his head around. Let's pray that private sector businesses figure it out and Biden and his handlers don't throw banana peels in their paths (which is really all they are good at).

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Bill tells it as is. I like that.

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The best part of Bill's missive was, "Indeed, if all these people were laid end to end… well… that would be nice."

What do you call 1000 attorneys(1) chained together and anchored to the bottom of the sea?

A good start.

(1) you can substitute your targeted group du jour for attorneys if you'd like.

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PGV much of what you say is historically correct (at the beginning of this dissertation) .. sadly you, like millions of others can not accept that the majority of voters did NOT support Trumpet .. you can rail and moan and conspritize all you want about the outcome but fact is he's off pimping his daughter and the rest of the gratuitous self promoting family BS based on nothing but your emotional disillusionment of so called 'perceived' actions that did NOT happen in the 'context' you have concatenated in your OWN BRAIN so stop harping about it as all you're doing is bringing more divisiveness into an already con-flagrant society where all these Qanon ravings can only lead to the eventual civil WAR that enforces YOUR views onto the majority. Trumpet and Ras-Puta-in are from the same Narcissistic stable and can only see if from their personal greedy perspective along with 30+ million selfish greedy hypnotised converts who, like you can't break out of their self induced hypnosis .. just read his sisters book or look at the pics of him PIMPING his daughter and her new Tits .. your mind is so full of HATE for all these folks you THINK have conspired to defraud you of your hero but its all for naught because you can't escape your own stupid prejudice about your fallen hero/EGO so please get over it and get out of your propaganda syndrome because otherwise we'll all end up terminating this commentary STREAM and you'll just be writing to yourself ! I hope you are smarter than that but I doubt you can stop taking OFFENSE so go ahead mate make my day you won't change anybody's mind EVER !! what the individual can not accept from his own volition can NEVER be forced upon others .. your hate will just cause the EXACT OPPOSITE !

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Bill, happy to see you taking the WEF to task. Klaus Schwab (WEF Executive Chairman) and his merry band of miscreants have been fairly transparent until late. Schwab's latest book, Covid-19: The Great Reset will make the average Joe and Jane's stomach turn, but its the best path to understanding your enemy. For the poor soul who's not in the Club, Putin's not your enemy its the WEF. If the WEF Plan gets implemented say goodbye to the middle class. Putin currently has his hands full in the Ukraine while simultaneously throwing a monkey wrench into the Globalist's (WEF) Plan. The only positive from this self-inflicted gunshot wound is that none of the miscreants are currently having their unadulterated way with us. It will be a better world if we can keep the miscreants miserable.

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Yes, a choice between a Putin (nationalist) or a Zelenski ( Mini Justin Trudeau, communist globalist) for president? Unfortunately it would be split because both choices suck as much as the morons backing them…that being said, Zelenski is a puppet of the true evil Liberal World Order. Joe Biden’s New World Disorder. All these globalist need to be exterminated like the vermin they are…

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Yes my brother, we can agree to disagree, and it’s a question of our perception, not facts, because most can’t handle the truth. America has more then enough horrible issues to address before sending any more of our most precious commodity to get slaughtered in a foreign land. The only place our service men should be at this time is on AMERICA’S borders. They may also be needed in Washington to help our lawfully elected and unlawfully elected swamp creatures follow our laws according to our AMERICAN Constitution. Focus on cleaning your own mess up, before the shithole next door…

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Bill,From the name "World Economic Forum" I would assume (makes an ass of u and me) it's mission would be for insight into how to better assist World economies as a whole. If that is true it would appear they have missed their mark. Richard

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

Putin demanding to be paid in rubles for his fossil fuels really upsets the apple cart. It puts a hole in the petrodollar balloon. It is a small but legitimate challenge to the dollar’s hegemony as the world’s fiat currency. What if the Chinese decide that from now on, they want to be paid for products/resources in Yuan? It could happen. Then what happens?

And on another note, the EU/NATO can talk tough to Putin and refuse to buy Russian oil/LNG because it’s springtime. But what happens when the Ukrainian puppet show drags out (it will) and autumn rolls around once again? Can we expect more posturing and denouncements from these nations when they’re freezing their buns off?

Oh yeah, don’t forget…China continues to trade with Russia and both nations will benefit indefinitely. Biden himself has been quoted recently as saying sanctions don’t work. Frankly, Biden’s been going off-script quite frequently lately. Listen carefully…

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Would like to subscribe need phone number to give information.thank you

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I think Vlad did graduate Kreepy Klaus's 'New Leaders' indoctrination school, but didn't make a good alum. Ivanka Trump is also an alum.

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"inflate the dollar", that can't be what you meant, deflating the dollar value would inflate the prices in the retail economy. That is achieved through currency printing. High interest and pulling currency out of circulation tanks the market and the economy, supposedly. Truth is either way it's still a flim flam. It's currency manipulation and it's where we've been since 1971.

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deletedMar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022
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I think you need to reread Eisenhower's speech about the MIC. Look on the bright side, now you get to tell me how confused I am.

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Did you actually read what you wrote, I did two or three times to try and make sure I wasn't missing something. I've not heard that inflating the dollar means increasing money supply. I would have guessed that inflating the dollar means increasing its value and dollar deflation would mean decreasing its value, maybe I have it backwards, regardless it's still monetary manipulation. As to the rest, if we go to war and get sh-t if we win then it's an investment, if we "win" and don't get sh-t then it's a massive drain on our economy, full stop! The last time we "won" and got sh-t was the Spanish war and we ended up with some Pacific Islands and P.R. and some part of Cuba? oh lucky us. Can we just not do this anymore, it really isn't worth the blood and treasure no matter how much you like to puff it up. We actually suck at war, even the first and second. Even the Civil War wasn't worth it, let them go, let them go now.

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I know you think I'm an idiot and that's fine, been called worse, I would have guessed that inflating the dollar increases its value, wrong again, LOL

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"the advances were adding to their paper gains." nice to see Bill "stirring the pot" the world will be in great hands when the Eurasian Nations mentioned form their own trading consortia BUT how long will that last amongst nations/people who's history is wrapped in conflict with each other ..?

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oh forgot to add Turkey UAE Burma Africa into the newer better world of countries above as they are al such great examples of expanding human rights easy to criticize what you have until it's gone ..

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