I don't have a 'FED' account that pays for all the excluded basket items the Government uses to calculate their BS inflation rate. All the non-basket items must be paid from my normal cash account. Nobody is increasing my cash account for the real inflation rate or even the BS rate. If they are ignoring a large segment of the facts associated with the problem, how can they expect to solve the problem?

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Simple. They don’t expect to solve the problem. They seek only to create more problems they can pretend to solve.

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^^^THIS^^^ x 1000...

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Yes brother, Hegelian Dialectic, problem, reaction, solution...been around since man became king or ran for office.

The more things change, the more they remain the same...

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BT -- agreed, just that it is difficult to accept that news since normal follks solve their problems. I believe we all know the deep state folks aren't normal or in many cases even human.

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Hooray! What will millions of Americans DO with the democrats after they are broke & starving? It won’t be pretty!

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All the while they will do what they always do - project their evil as being the fault and perpetration of others and screech as to why white people, at root, are to blame for all their own shortcomings and stupidity.

Welcome to the modern Dimocrat Party...

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Biden speaking right now to unions in PA about the improvements to the economy since Bidenomics was implemented. Union members are applauding.

The level of stupidity and ignorance is astounding among democrats.

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Please include your wonderful Republicans in the stupid and ignorance category. They prove it every day.

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To be fair, white people are pretty stupid. They built the world's greatest civilization in modern times, and are now well on their way to losing it. Of course, it wasn't white people, but a variety of people, who mostly happened to be white, that were influenced by the principles of the Bible, which are enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We have lost or are losing those principles, and the rest will go when the last vestiges are gone.

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DW: The same as they will do with the Republicans. So far you are not doing so good. Your stupid remarks show that you don't care who gets in just as long as it's a Republican. Well, come up with a variable candidate. So far, none of them look smart enough to win. Dear Donald probably won't be eligible or available. I only want the best for America whether it's a Democrat or Republican. Too bad you don't feel the same way!

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Dorothy, how nice to hear from you. I guess my disdain for Democrats has ticked you off.

That can only mean that “you is one”.

But I did not go personal like you did. That method of personal character attack is true democrat fashion.

I belong to neither party. Both equally suck.

And right now the Democrats are destroying our money, livelihood and future.

If anyone in this thread should do something about the status quo. It is you and your fellow democrats.

I love this country and vote for candidates who actually make this country stronger and better.

Your democrat Joe Biden is a total moron. And you won’t admit it.

Instead you stay true to fashion and personally attack republicans, trump and all the other doofuses out there.

It’s time you and your democrat buds ELECT someone who can at complete a sentence.

Have a good day!

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DW: You mean that Trump can? So far I don't think that the Republicans have done such a wonderful job. All you do is make fun of Biden. At least he is doing a decent job so far. He may be older but he has a lot of experience. Trump didn't have a clue. He thought as President, he didn't need any approval but his own. Well, that didn't last long. None of you seem to condone Trump for anything he did wrong. Wake up..read his bio.

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Dorothy, my dear. You miss the point.

Which would you rather have?

Gasoline $1.50 under Trump.

Or gasoline $3.00 under Biden.

Admit it!

Biden sucks!

Everybody knows it!

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Hey Don. Stop wasting your time my friend. Any person who could defend the democratic party it stands now is either wildly stupid or evil. I truly don’t think she is evil.

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WFe: Not evil or stupid as you indicated. Being a Trumper will qualify you as being evil and stupid.

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DW: Ever hear of OPEC? Biden did get gas down for a short time until Opec decided to raise it again. A president has relatively few handles for influencing gasoline prices. And yes, Trump sucked! Admit it!

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Our national petroleum reserve, or whatever it's called, was tapped. That's how biden got gas prices down. They went up almost at the beginning of his presidency, as I and almost everyone here knew they would, directly because of biden's policies, i.e., his war against oil. It's almost as if it was planned, but that's just crazy talk by conspiracy theorists.

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We were Energy Independent under Trump. Now democrats want to rely on OPEC. Iran and Russia.

Are you nuts?

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Mr. Bonner, is that you posting as Dorothy? I know you like to jerk people's chains sometimes.

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Mr Bonner is an honorable man. Nope if he had something to say. He would say it and own it!

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Alex: Funny or clever you are Not.

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deletedJul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023
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Throw in Short Ropes and Lamp Post manufacturers and you got yourself a hell of a portfolio, Mr. Fishin'...

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Dorothy Trump sucked as well as Biden.


You and your lot are voting for morons!

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I didn't like Trump much, but he was relatively harmless (up until the scamdemic, anyway), he just wanted to build some stupid wall, only a few billion bucks, no big deal. And he at least seemed to care about the US.

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I couldn’t care less about Trump banging porn stars. I care that he got me cheap gasoline, 401K increases and affordable food. Not to mention no foreign wars wasting our precious blood & treasure.

Biden has screwed up this economy. The guy is a total moron.

Democrats need to at least bring a normal person up for vote.

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DW: You mean another one like Trump? Also, how did Biden screw up this economy? Talk about losers, Biden had to deal with what was left when he became President. Well, I am also hoping that we get more candidates to run for President. There are certainly plenty on the Rep. side.

P.S. I also don't care if Trump bangs porn stars. Other Presidents seemed to have had the same problem except the women were not necessarily porn stars.

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No, of course not. But a President who helps “We the People” and keeps his nose clean!

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DW: Hopefully they still exist.

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There aren't any, they're all insane. The only difference is full on bat shit crazy, or less so.

Selfishness is insanity.

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Bidenomics = lying with statistics.

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Democrats & Republicans comprise approx. 30% each of all voters. Independent’s (me) comprise 40%. We are the swing voters while Democrats & Republicans are locked in a death struggle. We decide elections.

And I feel most independents will vote for Kennedy. But we all know how the deep state feels about Kennedy’s.

God help us in 2024.

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DW: Yes, indeed. I don't think most ( or enough) Independents will vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I listen to him speak yesterday and he kept reversing some his prior views. But I have not heard all his prior remarks so it's probably too early to say. He currently has a favorability rating of 19 points. He was viewed unfavorably by 30%. The interviewer could have been wrong in his assessment, but too early to tell.

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Yep, Dems are planning something to lockdown the vote. I fully expect another lockdown.

It may be when credit “seizes up” and the economy stalls.

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Coupled with another massive dose of mail-in "ballots."

Cheaters suck...

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Hey Dan, it’s me again. I just read this morning that they are planning on rolling out a climate lock down. That way no election 24. We will see.

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Anyway, Dorothy

Next time you get together with fellow democrats

Please tell them that they killing us Americans out here.

Take care!

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Dear DW and Dorothy

Both of you are very représentatif of what is USA Today very divided and hatred as never before .

Who can tell which party did more arm to the USA citizens, I believe both parties ... it s been a while since the USA has not be able to find a true leader ... unfortunately for you guys and the world .

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Juan, thank you for your comment. The only mistake I think you made in your comment is "hatred". Divided, yes; "hatred" no.

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No hatred between you and DW

But I can see on the news how much bitterness and hatred there is now and took root those last years

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Juan: Yes, it's very sad. I feel we all are entitled to our opinions. DW is entitled to his opinion whether right or wrong; as am I. No hatred on my part and I assume none on his.

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The issue of division has gone FAR beyond an extemporal exercise. The current policies of the left, along with their treasonous, bought-and-paid-for "president" are DIRECTLY HARMING our livelihoods and pursuit of Happiness, not to mention the Societal damage being done by their Quest for Maximum Degeneracy. Deplorable, indeed.

Just own it Dottie - quit deflecting...

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No one remembers the Crash of 1921. Yes, in 1921, the stock market crashed. The Fed/government did nothing. Well, they did; they cut back on spending, leading to a balanced budget. Some states even had a surplus!

In 1929, the government, as Mr. Bonner points out, intervened. They tried to fix it, and fix it, and fix it. Of course, you know what happens when government tries to fix something; they just make it worse.

We were still in an economic depression in our entry into WWII. History does rhyme a lot.


Even wikipedia has an article on it, but I don't like them, and the fee article is way better.

(Edited for date, I originally put 1922)

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Interesting Bill mentioned the crash of 29. If you are a little older and can take a dose of reality, read JK Galbraith's The Crash of 1939. A Liberal through and through ok, but the brutal message contained in the book is that NOBODY WHO WAS ANYBODY KNEW ANYTHING! Humans have not changed much, I think, and particularly "Experts". That's why I read Bonner and contemplate.

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I really just don’t care anymore. You all take care!

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The Federal government put in the Smoot-Hawley tariffs in 1930. which also hurt the economy. Money printing in a recession will just create stagflation.

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Thank you very much for your quick response. I look forward to hearing from someone.

Vincent Castell

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Matthew 12:25

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Your same democrat losers in congress that complained to President Lincoln that General Grant drinks too much

Lincoln replied, he’s the only General winning battles. Tell me whiskey he is drinking. And I will buy a barrel for all the other Generals!

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Think you will live long enough to see the other side --true side--of the bottom? Best prepare to educate the new borns.

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I need to reach Billing. Please advise how I can communicate with someone to discuss my subscription. Vincent Castell

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Hi Vincent. We've updated our email address. You can reach us at bpr@bonnerprivateresearch.com and someone will look into your subscription for you ASAP.

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email your matter to "bonnerprivateresearch@gmail.com". I too had some subscription related matter and got super fast response from BPR. Hope your matter gets resolved ..

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